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Everything posted by vader2001

  1. I don't have a horse in this race and I am not sticking up for A-DONIS, but I can't count the times I have heard "buy the book not the label........" Nothing is guaranteed in life except for 2 things..... I do have a question though. If you have a sales thread and states that no hos, pl, or people on their list that they will not deal with. Let's say someone on that list puts up a and you pm them telling them that they do not get that book. Of course they are not going to be happy, but can they nominate you for the PL?
  2. Thanks I know I have at least 2 of the 4th and 5th printings, as for the rest 1st probably 10, 2nd's 5, 3rd also 5. For MOS 17 I have 6 more. 19's I have 3 of that one. Back when these issues first I worked for a comic/sports cards/mags/newspaper/p()rn store called Shinders in Blaine MN. I was one of the comic buyers for that store. Whenever a comic came out that had one of my favorite characters I would buy multiple issues. Well we never got in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th prints. But whenever I saw them. I would pick them up. I did buy a 1st print 9.8 of the 18 on the boards here. I have always loved the story, so I still buy them when I can get them for a great price.
  3. I got a few books back yesterday from CGC to help my collection of MOS 17 and 18's. Just a few more to go. I got MOS 17, MOS 18 2nd and 3rd printings back yesterday. I was a disappointed in my 2nd print and what it came back as. mos 18 1st printings and mos 17 by dghmwyatt, on Flickr 2nd print is a 9.0, 3rd 9.8, 4th 9.8, and 5th 9.4 mos 18 2nd thru 5 prtngs by dghmwyatt, on Flickr and I also received the Action Comics yesterday. mos set of 6 by dghmwyatt, on Flickr
  4. Got these back from CGC yesterday. Sorry for the bad pictures, I took them in before I left for the day with my phone. astrocomics full front by dghmwyatt, on Flickr astrocomics label by dghmwyatt, on Flickr strange tales 180 spiderwoman 1 by dghmwyatt, on Flickr And as if I don't have enough of these(I really don't) nova 1 8.5 by dghmwyatt, on Flickr
  5. Um, you know who that seller is, correct? How is it? How = Who = Divad Sorry worked late last night and I noticed it as soon as I reread my post. thanks
  6. Yes it was! Also the seller of that book is a member here.
  7. (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship) :O
  8. This, my friend, is insanity ... as well as this I saw a dealer at a con earlier this month with 2 of these raw for over $200 each and he did sell them.
  9. But Emily Bett Rickards was Smoaking hot it the episode!
  10. At the time I noticed he closed it, it had only been 45 minutes. I thought it was strange.
  11. By far the biggest surprise. I know - it's amazing how he grows on you. He's got the best "villain" part of the whole show, I like what they are doing with him. I don't know much about the Bat universe, but I like the potential behind the idea of the singer being Harley Quinn - not so much as being accurate, but I think that her presence on the show could be the "Joker" element. Gotham clearly plays fast and loose with the timline, so maybe... Any other suggestions who the singer might turn out to be? Or maybe she's just a creation of the show - Fish Mooney is exclusive to the show, right? She doesn't exist in the comics does she? I don't know, I have always thought of Harley as being younger.
  12. Gotta love the drama on the boards, taking away from a blast in NYC Good old drama. Taking someone's money for comics (to theoretically spend at NYCC) and not worry about shipping the books for over a month despite repeated inquiries. Drama. No mess. Customer service 101 brought to you by Columbia Comics. Hey everyone, feel free to send me any amount of money (large or small) that I will keep for months on end. At some point when there is enough "drama", I will send it back to you. You know, after I have used it to buy other things and potentially make some money. CGC sales forum=interest free loans. Um I'm not offering any sort of advice on customer service. Of course I can always count on you to continue to troll around my posts. Surprised your posse isn't here. You girls rarely travel alone Um by dismissing the complaints of several people who have not received merchandise or refunds or communication of any sort as drama, you made a crystal clear statement that you don't know what customer service is. Nobody is trolling you. You just have a habit of continually posting asinine statements and then whining when someone calls you out for it because you have no defense and don't have the capability to own it when you are wrong. Drama, trolling, posses and all your other comebacks that are based in Buzzword Fantasy Land are just cover for the fact that you can't actually have a conversation with anyone that disagrees with you. My "posse" is typically people that can think for themselves and don't molest logic on a daily basis. Your "posse" seems to be on Logic's Sex Offender list as well as the Irony Fairy's and Hyperbole Gnome's most wanted list. Park I am pretty sure you disposed of logic with that statement. I am not sure what's up with you, and that last sentence you post was very offensive! I can't believe any of you thought that CC was saying that A-Donis should be shirking his responsibility and not ship the comics and just be enjoying NYCC. And you all should think about how you respond to others posts and the way we see and perceive you. What you say and how you treat people even though you dislike them reflects badly on you. Especially with remarks like that Park. I am not sure how that could be offensive to well, anyone? It's a play on words usng the humping logic gif that is posted all the time on these boards that no one has ever voiced any offense over. Several people have commented that they took comments exactly as I did as it was pretty obvious and I actually backed it up with reasoning based on the written word in front of me as opposed to dismissing it as drama. How you perceive me is up to you. I am not going to change what I post because someone perceives me as a (insert colorful insult here). Dude I don't think of you as a smart , by any stretch of the imagination. I just keep waiting for you to say something that would be of value to the conversation, instead of bashing people. Maybe the smart thing for me to do is put you on ignore.
  13. Gotta love the drama on the boards, taking away from a blast in NYC Good old drama. Taking someone's money for comics (to theoretically spend at NYCC) and not worry about shipping the books for over a month despite repeated inquiries. Drama. No mess. Customer service 101 brought to you by Columbia Comics. Hey everyone, feel free to send me any amount of money (large or small) that I will keep for months on end. At some point when there is enough "drama", I will send it back to you. You know, after I have used it to buy other things and potentially make some money. CGC sales forum=interest free loans. Um I'm not offering any sort of advice on customer service. Of course I can always count on you to continue to troll around my posts. Surprised your posse isn't here. You girls rarely travel alone Um by dismissing the complaints of several people who have not received merchandise or refunds or communication of any sort as drama, you made a crystal clear statement that you don't know what customer service is. Nobody is trolling you. You just have a habit of continually posting asinine statements and then whining when someone calls you out for it because you have no defense and don't have the capability to own it when you are wrong. Drama, trolling, posses and all your other comebacks that are based in Buzzword Fantasy Land are just cover for the fact that you can't actually have a conversation with anyone that disagrees with you. My "posse" is typically people that can think for themselves and don't molest logic on a daily basis. Your "posse" seems to be on Logic's Sex Offender list as well as the Irony Fairy's and Hyperbole Gnome's most wanted list. Park I am pretty sure you disposed of logic with that statement. I am not sure what's up with you, and that last sentence you post was very offensive! I can't believe any of you thought that CC was saying that A-Donis should be shirking his responsibility and not ship the comics and just be enjoying NYCC. And you all should think about how you respond to others posts and the way we see and perceive you. What you say and how you treat people even though you dislike them reflects badly on you. Especially with remarks like that Park.
  14. You never invoiced me (weak sauce as a seller) and I contacted you to get your PP info and you wrote back once and then dissapeared. I wrote you twice after and no reply, so get your facts straight before you blame a buyer.
  15. Hey Brock! Just my opinion but I would say it is PL worthy, that boardie has had plenty of time to send you a PM with the payment details. I know life happens, but a little communication goes a long way.
  16. 3 Strikes for thread Krapping in sales threads and all the other drama he brings. What about listing a 9.6 as a 9.8 then trying to squeeze a record GPA price out the buyer? No drama here at all!
  17. I didn't mind it, I thought Ivy was interesting. I will give it more time, my wife fell asleep during the show.