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Everything posted by Beige

  1. https://comics.gpanalysis.com I wouldn't presume to advise you on what to do with your book.
  2. I think you might need to get GPA. #19 hasn't broken $700 for over 3 years and is a $500 - $550 book at the moment. It has 3 sales in the 400's this year. Michonne is leaving. The book will fall. The bottom is subjective, but yes, I'd say in 3 or 4 yrs time it will settle at a $150 ish book.
  3. Yeah, Fear continues to be quite watchable. Love John Dorie and June - Dwight got a bit preachy in his intro - the long speeches were driving me nuts on Fear (along with the terrible plot/-script) in the early series. But Travis? - he was good, especially his Bear Pit ending. Maddy changed for the better as did Nick as the show went on.And they died at the right time (Kim Dickens isn't ever coming back - shooting new show on Showtime - maybe a flashback but not 'as alive') Strand was always good. Alicia has been well fleshed out into a 'Carol' type killer. Daniel is a ridiculous character and needs to go - he serves no purpose at all, and Luciana needs to find a 'character role' - she's just too inconsistent, weak one minute, then surviving a plane crash and a car crash and soldiering on the next.I'm more than happy for her to be killed off. I have no idea what the hell the brewer guy, the disabled truckie and his female friend bought to the show (besides beer).And truck driving.I guess they needed 'numbers' to have a viable group to 'help' people. Hopefully new survivors will replace the weaker actors and a solid 'core' will form. Kind of like the Original Walking Dead crew seasons 1-4. I like Al's attempt to record stuff and the fact they use that as a resource. I like he fact they save when they can and kill when they have to. I like the fact they aren't going back to Alexandria. I do worry Maggie Grace is such a good and in-demand actress that 'Fear' may lose her. I hate it when they just leave a fully armoured, heavily armed SWAT vehicle unattended every week! And lose a plane! For me, this is the key season - get this right and this over takes the original show. With so many departures I can actually see TWD ending and any remaining cast crossing into 'Fear' - Michonne, Maggie,Rick et al leaving means the show really hangs on Carol and Daryl - both of whom are in their 50's now in real life, and really can't be expected to perform action roles much longer. Maybe this is the plan for the 3rd show - the actors who survive this season of TWD join 'Fear'. I'd like to see only a few - Aaron,Yumiko,Alden,Eugene and Rosita - that's a nice cross-section of characters from Pre-Alexandria (Rosita,Eugene), Alexandria (Aaron), The Saviours (Alden) and the time-jump (Yumiko) joining another Saviour (Dwight) and the only original Left (MORGAN - also in #1 of the comic). Perfect symmetry. TWD finishes with the 3 Andrew Lincoln led movies A new series takes its place. Kinda makes sense. However if this season of 'Fear' reverts to previous form.....then the future is quite bleak. BUT - 'Fear' is by far the best it's been since the beginning and I'm actually finding myself looking forward to it. So hopefully that's the plan - wrap up TWD, amalgamate with 'Fear', show the movies, start new show.
  4. https://www.instagram.com/ashleywoodart @Saleen333 Ask him yourself - he usually responds. (some pics NSFW) Try not to mention Zombies vs Robots - he nearly topped himself when the movie deal was cancelled..... (someone bought out a horrifically bad Dolph Lungren film so similar to Z Vs R that Ash's movie "Inherit The Earth" was canned) Nice guy the few times I have chatted to him (a while ago though) Very talented artist, and I love his style - Z Vs R would have been a ripping film. Netflix have just released one of their 'original movies' - "I am Mother" - which has a more than passing resemblance to Ash's Comic. He's probably pizzed about that as well! Again, nice guy, very talented, due a break (so's Chris Ryall too)
  5. Oh, and absolutely no chance of making any money off this book - but read it Daytripper 1 x 8.5 and 1 x 9.8 (MINE!) on census. A great series, which with some love would make a wonderful mini-series on HBO or similar. Only book to make me laugh out loud and sob like a baby (for a while too) Wonderful Book, deserves some love.
  6. Stormwatch #37, Planetary #1, Transmetropolitan #1 are classics 1st apps that everyone should own - in 9.8, it's hard. Been after Stormwatch for 5 yrs now...no joy. Luckily got the other 2 I'd like to throw in Alias #1 as a cheap pick-up now. I loved Jessica Jones (I'm in a minority I know!) but it was a $500 book in 9.8 more than once, and is sold for as low as $105 this year (Blue 9.8) - I think there may be a rise if the series gained some free-to-air exposure down the track. Good time to buy if you are a fan (yes I bought one for more than $105! - it's a keeper as I loved the show.) Any of the first 3 books in 9.8 are a great buy. Good Luck with Stormwatch - only 4 9.8's out there (I think boardies own all 4)
  7. Once the Guv died the price declined as a result - once a solid $300 book is now a $200 book, you get the drift. Just re-inforces Ryans points above really. Nice book to own for your own collection, but if you were keeping it for $$ reasons, not such a good idea. Same as 1st Abe, Jesus etc I agree, it's a really cool cover!
  8. No,no it does not Buzz. Ebay will side with the buyer every time unless you can PROVE their claim is fraudulent. You can list 'I don't accept returns' all day - and ebay will open up a case regardless as soon as a buyer requests a return.
  9. Very fair points. I had 5 x 9.8 over the years - bought my first one for $60, and I remember fondly buying here in Australia #1 - #48 for $1000 AUD. I sold off all 5 around the $1200 - $1800 mark each - and very much like you, kept an eye on the market. I do agree that #1 will always have legs - and I also agree that your long term prognosis is spot on. I think there will be a period of panic sales (because 2K is a lot of money to most people) if this downward trend continues - and then slow climb back which will continue long after the show/comic has finished. I'm probably more bullish and see this as a $3000 book down the line - it's an iconic book which spawned at least 3 TV shows, 3 movies, web-series etc. That history will be remembered later I think. I also think #2 and #3 will keep $1000+ values later, plus possibly #19 - the amount of 1st apps in #2 (CARL, GLENN, LORI) and #3 ( CAROL,ANDREA AND DALE plus some minors Sophia,Amy etc) are astounding, and for me are as important, if not moreso than #1 (RICK+MORGAN) #3 being a $400 book ($330 low sale this year) is absurd considering the characters that are still going in both the comic and TV show! Totally agree about #27, #61, #92 etc being footnotes (Gov Gabe and Jesus I think from memory) and I really wouldn't want to be holding a heap of slabbed books outside those 4 above unless it's a personal collection scenario. FYI - there have been at least 3 sales over $4000 blue 9.8 In short we both are on the same track. I can see #1 taking a bigger hit after the show/movies finish - then a gradual climb up to $3000 I see #2 and #3 taking a very slight hit (I actually still think they are undervalued), and then climbing. #19 I'm not sure. That could hit $150 and stay there. As a matter of interest how much longer does the original show have in your opinion? Fear is actually better this season (and thats saying something) than the original... And the comic? I genuinely am struggling to name characters in either medium outside the original band of heroes. And that's really sad to me.
  10. I don't understand. If you have 101,000,000 Amazon Prime subscribers over there - that's great for the show. Unless they just use it for shopping.
  11. So it's on Amazon Prime. Anyone got this? I read the blurb and prime seemed more about free shipping of Amazon drek plus this channel and some music. In Australia the only sport is NFL Thursday night games - tbc. It's movie and original show package seems awful - even for $6.99 pm. Is anyone actually going to be able to watch it on this channel - I don't know a single person in Australia who has it. I have Foxtel and Netflix. So who has Amazon prime in the USA?? They have thrown so much $$ at this, Karl Urban, Anthony Starr, Elizabeth Shue - but who's going to view this on an obscure channel? So: 1) How many people have this channel in the USA 2) Do Prime shows ever end up elsewhere like Netflix later on? Seems a shame, the trailers look great for a show on a channel no-one watches
  12. Jun-07-2019 $1,899 Cert# 1287888001 Jun-01-2019 $1,800 Cert# 0314416002 May-27-2019 $1,854 Cert# 0344674001 May-26-2019 $1,875 Cert# 2032235004 May-24-2019 $2,163 Cert# 1473140001 May-13-2019 $1,795 Cert# 203874900 CGC 9.8 Blue Labels feeling the pressure - always a drop in hiatus between series, but I can't remember such a low volume of sales, a lower 'high sale' - 2016,7 and 2018 had $4000+ sales - 2019 is $2750 and a consistent sub $2000 run. Not good signs
  13. Kav is actually right. I've had very few returns, probably 3 over 5-6 yrs. If you can agree something with the buyer - all well and good, case closed. If not, I have never seen ebay or Paypal side with the seller if the reason is 'I'm not happy' because of 'X,Y,Z'. Now if they are claiming damage, and you show clear proof thats a lie, then you will win. But yes, a simple 'I'm not happy' get the buyer a win 100% of the time. Take the book back, refund, block, move on. It's a buyers medium, and this all started with the ability to leave a buyer a neg being removed. I'm seeing more and more people attempting to claim for 'non-delivery' - so I use my own private courier account with it's own tracking. Which has knocked 2 'non-recieved' claims out the park. It's only going to get worse and worse until ebay get it through their thick heads that with no sellers, there will be no buyers. But at the moment, the buyer wins for 'not as described' 100% of the time - unless they claim specific damage which you can disprove with pics.
  14. As graphic movies and 'adult' entertainment are all around todays young 'uns via the net, some comics are making the step into R rated territory to 'keep up' with other media. Tijuana Bibles were around 60-80 odd yrs ago? Everyone forgotten "Crossed" - man , that's as bad as it can possibly get - but it was confined to the insides. 'Black Rose' was another - but way less pornographic than this Younger people are much less sanitised than the 30+ and older age group. Comics are just following the curve. Eventually we will see more and more of it. If it rocks your boat, then buy it, if not don't - but CGC not grading it is baffling. If they are making a stand - what against? The Robert Crumb book above shows they have already slabbed 'porn' type covers. maybe because this is more 'realistic' - dunno. There is way worse out there (Hell, The Boys is now a TV show, and that was pretty full-on) Seems very King Kanute like tbh. As someone pointed out - PGX will almost certainly slab it - because no-one else will!
  15. @Buzzetta - honest as the day is long - straight talker and very kind behind the scenes @kav - takes no garbage from the herd @ADAMANTIUM - seems an all-round top bloke @skypinkblu - does so much for everyone @AJD - so many pics, so much info, a great font of knowledge Can we split it
  16. Didn't know that. Thanks. So that's Rick, Michonne, Carl, Maggie, and a few B graders like Jesus and Enid in 12 months. Morgan and Dwayne have gone to 'FTWD' Hard to keep a show going when over half the main characters are 'dead' If Carol and Daryl leave - it's basically a bunch of unknowns left. Going to take some seriously good writing to save the show - unless we have another 'reset'. I still have no idea why the show-runners decided it was a good idea to kill Carl. Madness. I sold my WD #1's a couple of years back - hopefully down the track I can get a #1, #2, #3 and #19 at a better price. The early comics #1 - #48 and first 5 seasons of the show were, and still are incredibly good. I remember when monthly comic sales were over 100,000 - now I believe they are down to under 40,000? (Ricks death will bump it a bit for a while I guess) It's sad to see how poor both the show and comic have become, although 'Fear' Season 5 is much better. I'm genuinely sad to see the state of both now.
  17. Seven of the last 10 WD 9.8 sales under $2000 on GPA A couple under $1800 Killing Rick might not have been the best idea.............unless you are looking to buy.
  18. Why did they not even look at the Hulk #1 and TOS #39 in the same cabinet though - you could clearly see them. I just winced at the handling of that AF #15 - especially by the large 'comic expert guy' at his 'appraisal' Anyone know what grade it got? Thanks!
  19. So all the signs and stuff are bought to sell to chain restaurants and bars in pre-arranged contracts? That explains the neon music/radio/alcohol related signage - but they literally buy 1000's of Car/Bike/Motoring signs - where do they sell those? I always assumed they had an online store (pretty obvious as the blond woman in the Nashville store is a terrible actress who couldn't sell anything if she tried - was she even in the Store when you went?) and I knew the Colby lady was a burlesque dancer who used Frank and Mike to get her stuff for her shows and clothing range, but I (obviously wrongly) thought they would have a huge online auction every month or so. I know Mike wears those godawful jackets and shirts as they are his clothing line. Makes you wonder if they actually buy anything at all except stuff they are contracted to by chains like TGIF etc. Thanks for the info.
  20. Probably because the factory is where they stored the supplies they were giving away..... The factory was owned by L + C C being the guy who started the 'box drops' - L being Luthor who wanted his factory full of supplies back. No factory of goods - no helping boxes programme. Did you miss all the beds, medical bay etc set up in the factory? It was their 'home base' - but yeah, leaving it unguarded was stupid. If you laughed at this one, god knows what you thought of the hotel arc! Still - I'm quite happy for you to disagree!
  21. So...Fear The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 1 Was very bloody good. Much more like it used to be - no idiotic stuff, decent --script, sensible plot. Long may it continue.
  22. Yeah, they are a thing - and go for decent $$$ on the rare instance we are 'lucky' enough to find one. Which isn't very often. I can't recall seeing one for sale on the wild for at least 5 years. A VFN copy with an 'interesting' cover will easily fetch $50 - $100 each.
  23. Thanks all! It was awesome to see them - I guessed they were 'planted' - nice to get a backstory from @Timely as well. I agree - it is a cool show - shows us abroad your beautiful country and some brilliant car/motorcycle history and things. I'd have loved to have bought one!
  24. We get this show quite a bit after it airs in the USA but can anyone tell me of the 'comic expert' they use is a real person (not an actor)? The last show had the Bruce Minney collection 'find'. The guy appraised this O/A cover as a $1000 piece... And this at 2k Anyone know the 'real' story behind these covers? I know a lot ended up at the Grapefruit Moon Gallery in Minneapolis - all sold now of course. I would have thought the signed OA would have been worth much,much more than the quoted price - I know it's a 'reality show' but still........ So - was this a 'real' find, or was it all staged for TV? Thanks for any info!