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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Maybe I was just excited for the guy? That's considered a huge haul here nowadays. But OK - "congrats on your less than $6000 haul" Now STILL go back and buy everything else (whoever it was)
  2. Where was this dealer who had a TOD #10, FF #52 and ASM #41 in a box?? Just the City will do. That literally is like Rocking Horse Poo as these books were never sold here,so had to be imported at a later date.(maybe TOD #10 was sold at the news-stand) A collector I could see, but a dealer? There really aren't many stores in Australia, and they deal 98% in moderns.In Melbourne (5,500,000 people - there are exactly 5) There are 1 or two comic cons per year, which are geared mostly for autographs and cosplay, although Harley Yee used to make the trip from USA. There actually aren't many garage sales either. Some Auction houses are now selling comics via house clearances, although I wouldn't class them as dealers. You really fell onto some unbelievably good fortune. Like $6-7,000 AUD worth of good fortune. Or Australia's worst dealer! Go back, for the love of god and buy EVERYTHING!
  3. This is more a learning exercise for me as I really struggle with this sort of book to grade. Cover and centrefold fully attached, but 9mm tear at bottom of spine. I had it at 4.0 All opinions welcome (and thoughts behind grade) - the 4.0 - 6.0 is where I really get stuck! Thanks all!
  4. Worst characters in Titans. And that's saying something. Besides Gal Gadot, Heath Ledger and Christian Bale, DC has royally screwed up 95% of its offerings. The whole Doom Patrol episode on Titans was appalling.
  5. I disagree - there's room for everyone. Private Gabe, meet Private Pyle (he's the one with clean nails)
  6. Could you post a pic of your fingernails Swami? And are you good at washing dishes?
  7. Yeah, thanks anyway, but I have all that. Treatment Codes: 521, 921 GST Exemption Code: 421 By-law Numbers: 1304161, 1304168 Above Is the info but there are no forms for anyone in America to add this to, or any info on how to fill out a form if they existed! The form is 3 pages long with 'tariff' codes, import fed numbers - impossible for anyone but a shipping broker to do ($200 ph here in Australia). The phone number gets over 15,000 calls a day, and is currently only handling business and taxation enquiries - not GST. It's a joke - hundreds of postal trucks full to the brim sitting outside full-up customs hangars at the airports. In it's wisdom all Customs GST requests are sent 'snail mail' - people are getting letters with 60c postage franking asking for 11c in GST!! People getting unwanted gifts are just leaving them to be sent back or disposed of (after 30 days) by customs. Plus they are charging $25 per day for each item being 'stored' waiting for GST payment. All because they lowered the GST threshold from $1000 to $10 If they just reduced it to say $750, then no issue. Plus when ebay take 10% on sales - they don't pay customs direct, but the federal Govt instead - so, yes, customs still demand ANOTHER 10% before they release the parcel and then YOU have to claim the 10% back either by a form (not available in Post Offices etc) or via end of year tax returns. The only GST I have to pay is for the slabbing and return postage - not the value of the books as they were already mine here in Australia. However without codes, I'm looking at GST on the book values - which are actually exempt from GST! Thats why I was hoping someone had already done this to give me a pointer... Thanks anyway though!
  8. Sent some of my own books (bought raw years ago) to be slabbed. There is a GST exemption code for your own items being returned. Anyone got their own books back from a presser/dealer/cgc to Australia and what happened with GST? Its a complete shambles as there is nowhere to get forms etc. No phone number, nothing, just snail mail to Australian Customs. If anyone has gone through this process - what happened when your slabs arrived in Australia (besides sitting in a 4 month long queue...) Thanks
  9. I wonder if Gabe has a long lost twin brother?
  10. Mods - just lock this thread. Maybe with the extra few hours he will then have, Gabriel can seek mental health assistance. Because mate, you need it. You are ill. Quite seriously unwell in fact - to a point where reality and the internet have merged. You have no fixed point. Register to see your GP today.
  11. And this is why I love these boards - a guys first find! You can see the passion and pride in each post. Congrats Speedcake - hope you find many more.
  12. Binge watched and enjoyed. Very,very loose adaptation of Locke and Key - in fact a haunted house is one of very few similarities tbh. Forget it's supposedly based on the comic and just enjoy it foe what it is - a ripping horror series. And yes, I jumped a mile more than once - scares are far apart - but damn good when they hit!
  13. Usual story - we have comics in Australia and decide to have some slabbed. Now these are our comics to begin with - I'm not talking about ebay purchases, or dealer purchases, but slabbing our own books. Now with GST in Australia on everything, I was hoping that this exemption would cover GST payments. https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2013L01120 Has anyone used this when getting your slabs back from CGC or CFP etc? 3. For the purposes of item 17 of Schedule 4 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995, goods that: (a) are produced in Australia; or (b) duties of the Commonwealth were paid when first imported into Australia; that have been exported from Australia and returned in an unaltered condition, being goods that have not been subject to treatment, repair, renovation, alteration or any other process, are prescribed. 4. For the purposes of paragraph 3, “repair” does not include repairs undertaken for the preservation or maintenance of the goods. I'd say that this should cover sending books out for slabbing. I cannot see how it would be legal to charge me GST on my own possession which I choose to send away to be protected against age and damage. Any Aussies want to chime in? Thanks!
  14. Mixed bag in Country Victoria Indie stuff - Complete works of Crumb, The Big Books , Freak Bros,Hup #1 Id #1 Aussie alternative - Cartoon Cavalcade, couple of crime specials Loads of English Kids comic specials, and a 23 issue lot of Asterix Books. Couple of Disney,Harvey etc. Worth the drive to the snow fields.
  15. Funny old week - had 2 or 3 deals just fall over as other peeps offered more $$ (like really waaaaay over the top $$$) - it is getting harder and harder to find collections in Australia - especially as USA comics were banned here for quite some time. There are a lot of USA reprints though, and they are nice to get. UK comics, no issue. So delighted to buy 148 issues of TV Century 21 from the 1960's Fireball XL-5, Daleks, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Joe 90 et al - classic Gerry Anderson and co stuff! Early issues were, frankly terrible. But - 100% "complete" page wise, even if chunks were missing off the back page - damage was 95% to the spine. Tape had to be used to keep them presentable. Issues after 110 just got better - then the comic joined 'Joe 90' and started from #1 - and I was lucky enough to get #1 - #43 complete, in really good condition. Icing followed the cake with boxes and boxes of sealed and unopened Marvel Universe Jigsaws - these 3 designs: Total cost for whole kit and caboodle - $520 AUD
  16. Well - I'm pretty sure we saw the 'climax' At least issue gets a bump!
  17. 3 yrs old now but never seen them - Michael Rooker et al do a walking Dead series of webisodes for safe driving. Sponsored by Illinois Dept of Transportation. Seriously cool and clever thing to do! I'm sure most knew about these before me,but if not, here ya go...
  18. Yeah It's great isn't it. Funnily the Prison season seems worse in binge mode! Season #1 was great as well - totally agree. Hey, have you checked out the web mini-eps? There are quite a few - one that I really enjoyed was the backstory of 'The Crawling Walker' - the woman in the grass (in half) who's bike Rick steals in S1 Ep 1 Few others - the Mexican Gang who look after the old people (forget their name) etc They seem to keep adding them on and off - some are great!
  19. They did do some - but it was just so poor.... The kid raiding his school kitchen - and then leaving without his food because the Mom character found he had a knife on him.... Seeing Kids eaten at the Birthday Party across the road and still staying in the house, despite having no soldiers yet and a fully stocked car! Torturing the only source of safe passage - the soldier, just to show us the El-Salvadorian barber was a hardarse ex-govt agent. It was all drivel! And don't get me started on just surrendering a fully stocked luxury high speed sea going vessel to the last 3 maritime cops in Mexico... 100% agree about The Walking Dead - the first seasons were wonderful. I watched Season 2 again on binge, and it is so much better. Sophia was even more gut-wrenching coming out the barn. Lori's duplicity to Rick increased, poor Dale - and Rick v Shane. Season 2, whilst panned for being too slow at the time, is simply awesome in binge mode. Now look at both shows. Repetitive garbage. What a shame. I honestly feel the only way forward is to combine the shows - bring FTWD armour to Alexandria, kill bloody Negan, and change tact. Remember Zombies are the menace that made the show. Train people to operate in a military fashion and start to reclaim towns. Make it a restoration story. It's what 7 years later now? They have food, Eugene can make (and teach others) how to make bullets. There are weapons and armoured vehicles everywhere. Take the fight to the Zombies. Oh, and explain that bloody Helicopter. It's been flying around for 3 years with only the dumpster chick noticing it!
  20. Send me a PM when you get around to it please. Thanks for your help!
  21. #32 I'm after 'Korath The Pursuer' for my GOTG 1 1st app collection - this is proving by far the hardest to find tbh. Thanks anyway!
  22. So I'm in this stinking hot garage where a guy is setting up for a sale next weekend. Usual stuff, I, or my wife email any carboot/garage sales within 30kms and ask "got any comics" - this guy goes for a change, "yeah, $30 for all 20 - they are pretty bad" (most advertise online in advance here) He was right - they were pretty bad, some were almost in 1000 pieces. But what a nice slice of original Australian 1950's comics, and some Aus/USA reprints @AJD I'll add some to your thread later! Avian Tempest (sounds like some crazy bird flu!) - BAD condition, but mostly there! Some better books.. Some Aussie romance and a reprint.. Some GGA reprints Nyoka is falling apart but still... And a beat but complete Archie teen Comics #1 - which I'm guessing isn't too common regardless where it's printed There were a few more (common like Tom and Jerry, Billy The Kid etc) but hopefully some of you will find these of some interest!
  23. Just watched Black Panther on Foxtel. Christ, that was bad. Thank the lord I didn't shell out $20 to see that in the cinema. What a waste of talented actors!