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Everything posted by Beige

  1. I have to say I would be peed off had I bought one full price and then seen this offer. I have been in a similar situation where I bought some OA only to see a 50% off sale a couple of months later. Yup - and when you add shipping to OZ - well that's BS. Maybe Image have taken them over. They always seemed to find 'extra' limited editions when it suited. Pizz poor really. I did send an email, to see what they have to say......
  2. Perrineau quit Z-Nation for Constantine - Z-Nation gets season 2 , Constantine is on life support. I hope the latest news on Constantine is a sign of a re-think.
  3. It's looking like only another channel can save the show - shame really, was enjoying it.
  4. I have no motive. I got strikes. Everyone knows that. I've been an azzhat. Everyone also knows that. What has that to do with quoting shilled GPA prices on a 'pseudo-hot' book? If I get a strike, fine. Pouring Krap on me will make no difference - people have already decided if they will deal with me or not. The issue here is you not reporting a false sale, and quoting a shilled sale. Pretty much ALL the high $$ sales for FF #46 are fake. Slam me as much as you want. The sales of FF #46 in high grade on GPA are totally skewed. You knew this. That's the issue here. I have no motive - I don't know you from a bar of soap- except for 1 sale we did. However, the more you carry-on, the more inclined I am to think I may have inadvertantly stumbled across something. I assume the board detectives are already hunting the sellers of the false "sales". Be interesting to see what happens. Facts are: You quoted false GPA prices You "sold" a book for $1500 - and 3 days later sold it again for under $1K (I was just told this) You are trying to deflect your failings onto me. YOU stuffed up. YOU quoted fake GPA info. YOU didn't check the sales. I'm not in the wrong here. Maybe I posted in the wrong place (I don't agree) - but I did it for the right reasons. You can bring my past up, quote threads with my strikes, get your cronies to post stuff. It doesn't change anything. Anyone who bought this book for the price you asked, and used GPA as support was using false info. Some of which was yours.
  5. Word. And thanks Alex. Are you well? If I get a strike - so be it. I had many, many PM's from boardies thanking me for the info. The sales were not completed. The GPA info was wrong. I get gsims is mad - but sending multitudes of PM's to me, increasing in venom, defending why he didn't alert GPA, or bother to check the other sales is neither here nor there. Most of the high $$ sales on ebay for FF #46 are false. End of. I mean, what are the odds of a Zero feedback buyer hitting up all the overpriced FF #46's in a week? And why would someone 'sell' their book for $1500, and then sell it for 33% off the next week. Oh, and keep throwing the insults out. I've been eviscerated by Seanfingh and Comix4fun. No-one rips chunks better than those two. Gotham, Aliens and a strike await. Be back in a week. Community - I'm doing my bit
  6. Is there a second season? I thought it had moved one hour, and the studio had cancelled the back 11 episodes? I read the sets have been dismantled, so its not looking good. That was a few weeks back, so if it has been changed, then I'll be delighted, as I love Constantine... *bollocks* *wanker* - British cursing at it's finest!
  7. How's the book coming on Ken? We need updates about Todd! Does that mean Mr perker is drawing again? If he's ok to be interviewed for a newspaper, is he ok to draw? Be great to see Todd where he belongs - on the shelves of Comic Book Shops!
  8. I know nothing about crypto currencies so....... Can someone explain how an icon made of pixels in a pretend wallet will get me $3,000,000 in cash? Who gives me this money? I genuinely have no idea!
  9. Yes, it does - because next time, it might not be someone so obviously suited to the HOS as Hustruck. Jimmy and I rarely agree on anything, but this time - it's a very good question. Anyhow - I'll leave it here - if anyone wants to chime in with any suggestions on how to answer this question , I'd be delighted to read them.
  10. There isn't a vote for PL. You don't complete a transaction, wronged person shows proof, you get nominated, and 3 days later you go on the list till you make it right. He turned it up to HoS level with his stream of lies, in my opinion. Other than when he admitted he never had the book, everything he told 4comics and the boards was pure BS. Of course, you are correct - there is no poll for the PL. And yes, everything he said was BS. I'm not denying these proven facts or defending HusBoy. No-one though is answering the actual question. Where is the cut-off between a PL offence being upgraded to a HOS offense when new 'info' comes to light? Again, if Hustruck had been put on the PL (which he was) and things had gone on its merry way with no further problems - 3 months later the cracked slab pic had been exposed - would their be all this clamour to go to HOS? I'm just asking a question, which no-one wants to address or answer. Actually its Jimmy L's question........
  11. I would say pl list is because he sold a book here, then decided to break the contract and lie about the reason The hos is based on the fact that he never owned the book to begin with. And that sounds fair enough... but what if this new 'evidence' had surfaced 3 months later, rather than 3 days? I'm really not trying to be argumentative, I genuinely want to know where the timeline is drawn.
  12. This is for Jaybuck/Sharon/Pov or whoever has an interest...... Did anyone answer Jimmy L's question about double jeopardy? This isn't an attempt to derail the Hustruck poll again - but I wish someone would actually look at this question and think about it. Hustruck Boy is currently on the probation list for this offence. Now, we want to retry him again for the HOS. Why did he not a) get a HOS poll in the first place or b) get the PL vote stopped and changed prior to him going on the list? Does this mean that in retrospect people can be pulled from the PL and then put up for a HOS vote? What is the cut-off date? 30 days after PL? 90 days? I am voting yes for HT for HOS - that's just for open disclosure so people don't think I have some sort of man-crush on the conqueror of cancer - but Jimmy raised a very pertinent question.... If you have been 'tried' for a 'board-crime' and gone on the PL, what are the triggering factors to suddenly make it a HOS offence? I think this is worth discussion.....
  13. I think just enough to be put to a vote. It certainly leaves enough doubt that I wouldn't actively push for his inclusion.
  14. No, that's not what I am saying - I imagine the other objectors aren't as well (although I won't go so far as to speak for them). Anyone can be nominated for the HOS if the nominator thinks they should be, and the offence is deemed serious enough. A lot of people think this is. In this case, the objection was to the content of the nomination post, as outlined previously. My other concern was wether HT could be put into the PL, then just taken out and thrown into the HOS for the same offence. Once that had been sorted, the poll could have continued. If he was voted in, so be it. I would not have been upset about it, and certainly wouldn't be starting a poll to get him out. If you want to rewrite the nomination Hector, and just include the Hulk #181 events, then I don't imagine anyone would object. Let the poll reflect the boards wishes.
  15. "I'll just say this - HT can go in the HOS - he's probably done just enough. "These examples of fraud, deception and sociopathic behaviors are also coupled with HusTruck's violent history as well as homophobic comments made on his eBay profile ( if you don't read this, you're a homosexual) prove that he is a character lacking any moral fiber and deserving of the Hall of Shame. " I'm not a fan of dragging the Internet to find actions/posts that have nothing to do with selling books on here. Or are people now going to go on the HOS because they got into a fight with 3 guys 10 years ago? On that basis - Kav will be close due to his assaulting a shopper in a supermarket checkout! His personal thoughts and actions - away from completing sales - probably shouldn't be dragged into this. Unless the criteria for engaging in the sales forums have to include a spotless personal history. I wish you would edit your post Justin, It just doesn't seem to be what we are talking about - which is the Probation List on an Internet comic forum. Am I the only one that feels uncomfortable about what Hustruck did at school being part of the HOS poll rationale? " The above is my original objection - it was some of the nomination content I objected to, not the nomination. That needed to be made clear, as it seems the line between objecting to the rationale of nomination has become confused with 'getting HusTruck off' - which wasn't my motivation, or, I would have imagined, other people who objected. No-one objected to Ron Theda's nomination and more importantly - it was for one specific transaction. Even though I didn't remember nominating him If the nomination for HT was amended to remove the non-board related content (school stuff - which has gone, and personality 'traits), then the poll should have remained. I asked if the poll should be stopped, whilst we sorted out wether HT could be put on the PL, and then upgraded to the HOS for the same incident. Once that was sorted out, the poll IMO could have carried on, but just outlining the actual facts of the transaction involving the cracked case. Hulk #181 I believe.
  16. Well I'll be damned - I didn't think I had. Well there you go.
  17. I just supplied some backstory - unless I go and look (and I really can't be bothered to read a massive thread again) then I can't even tell you who nominated him. As for proof - the book was only for sale here, and as Ron Thedas name and address was published very early on (again not by me) then absolutely anyone browsing the CGC forum could have contacted him. I was told by someone (who I won't name , but was actively helping me up in Oregan find this guy through his professional connections) that he had received an offer for more money, hence him deciding a few days after receiving full payment, to then turn around and refuse to send it. I only have this gentlemans word, but I believe him. Hector is correct - I was repaid about a week later with staggered payments over 3/4 days - so 9 days approx. in total.
  18. There was more to it than that. I was the purchaser of that Superman #1. Red Rocks took my money, refused to send the book (or give it to another boardie who was going to fly to Oregan for me and pick up) - delayed on the refund for a week, and then sold it to someone else - I am assuming someone who saw the book for sale here - for a much higher price. $20,000 is a hell of a lot of cash to be sitting in some guys bank account who was looking more and more unhinged by the second. Then his wife came on and threatened to sue everyone! He was put on for a combination of all 3 events. Did you have proof of this? Based on what POV wrote earlier These aren't HOS worthy "Then his wife came on and threatened to sue everyone" If he didn't complete the transaction, then it was PL just like HusTruck I didn't vote to put him in the HOS. I didn't nominate him either. Perhaps you should ask the people that did?
  19. There was more to it than that. I was the purchaser of that Superman #1. Red Rocks took my money, refused to send the book (or give it to another boardie who was going to fly to Oregan for me and pick up) - delayed on the refund for a week, and then sold it to someone else - I am assuming someone who saw the book for sale here - for a much higher price. $20,000 is a hell of a lot of cash to be sitting in some guys bank account who was looking more and more unhinged by the second. Then his wife came on and threatened to sue everyone! He was put on for a combination of all 3 events.
  20. Then I stand corrected. My apologies. I still stand by the rest of my post - though I note you have now edited out some parts of the nomination, which I believe was the correct and proper thing to do - so thankyou for listening to the concerns of others. (thumbs u However Jimmy is correct, punishment has been handed down for this offence, thus making HusTrucks offence ineligible for HOS nomination. Should the poll be stopped in this case?
  21. As regards this particular nomination, it would appear so. Deaf and blind to the idea that HOS nomination details should be confined to actual transgressions - yes, absolutely. That nomination started reading like Morton Downey Junior. Incapable of independent thought? Apparently so in this case, although I am not the only one to comment on this particular nomination. That would be me I guess - and I would reiterate again my point that I tried to make. HusTruck being nominated wasn't a concern per se, the nomination containing irrelevant information about alleged actions at school, and a possibly homophobic post was. These 'incidents' have nothing to do with the CGC boards or a comic transaction. I believe I am correct in saying HusTruck has never been on the probation list? So this is quite a move, putting a boardie (and believe me, I thought the 'cracked case' picture was poor form) direct to HOS. He may well belong with the Neeleys, but don't put him there because of a possible incident at school. That has no place in this discussion. I'd also agree with Pov and Jeff - there are a couple of people, wether well intentioned or not, who seem to thrive on whipping people up into a mob - which is wholly inappropriate for a HOS nomination.
  22. Hmmm.... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8287843&gonew=1#UNREAD
  23. I wouldn't have included it (and don't really care what he did outside here). I think his multiple, continued failures here speak loud enough. But, I wouldn't say I'm uncomfortable with it. Oh, agreed - the cracked slab that wasn't his - that was the end. Fair enough on the other stuff.
  24. I'll just say this - HS can go in the HOS - he's probably done just enough. "These examples of fraud, deception and sociopathic behaviors are also coupled with HusTruck's violent history as well as homophobic comments made on his eBay profile ( if you don't read this, you're a homosexual) prove that he is a character lacking any moral fiber and deserving of the Hall of Shame. " I'm not a fan of dragging the Internet to find actions/posts that have nothing to do with selling books on here. Or are people now going to go on the HOS because they got into a fight with 3 guys 10 years ago? On that basis - Kav will be close due to his assaulting a shopper in a supermarket checkout! His personal thoughts and actions - away from completing sales - probably shouldn't be dragged into this. Unless the criteria for engaging in the sales forums have to include a spotless personal history. I wish you would edit your post Justin, It just doesn't seem to be what we are talking about - which is the Probation List on an Internet comic forum. Am I the only one that feels uncomfortable about what Hustruck did at school being part of the HOS poll rationale?