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Everything posted by divad

  1. You're forgiven Btw, I don't even think you realize you were talking to two different people.
  2. Not really, for anyone over 40. It's called humility. I disagree with you entirely. Hubris knows no age limits, or any other limits. Nearly every religion on earth calls pride the ultimate problem of humanity, and rightfully so...age may teach one to mask it, but hardly resolve it. All it really takes for this is to have a family. I will politely agree to disagree. Let me guess-you've never been married or had kids. My wife and daughter are my "reality check." They can humble me like no others. When I screw up, they let me know in no uncertain terms that I messed up. I find that people who live alone often do not have anybody to give them an honest opinion of how they're doing. Or maybe they don't care because they think they are right and everybody else is wrong. To boil it down to simply "being married and having kids" is a gross, broad oversimplification. You've made several broad assumptions that are easily disproved. There are multitudes of people who are married with children who think they are the center of the universe, despite that spouse and child(ren). And I don't mean in the sense of criminality, though there certainly is that. There are, for example, "stage moms", who force their children to do things they either failed at themselves, or were not allowed to do, or simply because they miss their own glory days. There are people who have children merely as accessories, to brighten up their holiday cards. There are people who have children so that they, themselves, will have someone to care for them in their old age. There are people who get married because they, themselves, don't want to be lonely. There are people who get married because they are horny. There are people who get married so they can be secure. All of these things, and many, many more, aren't all necessarily bad things, but they ARE self-serving. You give to get. They are selfish, because humanity is selfish. And of course, there's a difference between being humiliated and being humbled. But both are useless if they don't lead to correction. There are, on the other hand, people...very, very few....(and probably none on this entire board) who "live alone", whose very lives are a shining example of giving, and genuine giving, not giving to receive, which is what nearly everyone else does, whether they know it or not. They give without fanfare, without trumpets, without even letting their left hand know what their right hand is doing. That is real humility. And very, very, VERY few people possess it. And it certainly has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with being married and having kids. When I said it takes a power outside of themselves, I do not mean "other people", whether they are your wife, your children, your parents, or anyone else. So you're not married, and have no children. Answering a question without obfuscation is impossible for you.
  3. Well, there certainly is no shortage of that around here. But, it is truly a sign of immaturity. I agree, but not in the sense you mean. Age only teaches one to mask it, not resolve it. There's even a phrase to describe that: false humility. It's just theatre. It is self-seeking and self-serving. In that respect, nearly everyone lacks that maturity. Genuine humility, that is, seeking and doing good for others with no expectation of anything in return, or more, to one's personal detriment, is exceedingly rare, and impossible to achieve on one's own. Those who think they possess genuine humility almost without fail do not. And those who appear to BE the most humble are usually the most prideful of all. The genuinely humble are almost always overlooked in this world. Wow, given every chance to be humble, and all you can do is pontificate. Your evangelism is what knows no bounds - you will never be "overlooked". Instead of insulting me, why not tell me where you disagree...? Or, do you insult because you can find no fault with the position? I didn't invent any of this. I only say what I have been taught. There was no insult there, just an observation. Is being a victim your fall back position? I've already expressed my opinion (and many agreed). Now, let's get back to books.
  4. Well, there certainly is no shortage of that around here. But, it is truly a sign of immaturity. I agree, but not in the sense you mean. Age only teaches one to mask it, not resolve it. There's even a phrase to describe that: false humility. It's just theatre. It is self-seeking and self-serving. In that respect, nearly everyone lacks that maturity. Genuine humility, that is, seeking and doing good for others with no expectation of anything in return, or more, to one's personal detriment, is exceedingly rare, and impossible to achieve on one's own. Those who think they possess genuine humility almost without fail do not. And those who appear to BE the most humble are usually the most prideful of all. The genuinely humble are almost always overlooked in this world. Wow, given every chance to be humble, and all you can do is pontificate. Your evangelism is what knows no bounds - you will never be "overlooked".
  5. Well, there certainly is no shortage of that around here. But, it is truly a sign of immaturity.
  6. Yeah, when I looked at your other post, I immediately thought of the David/Medina run, and wondered if there was a big time gap. I have the Malibu Bravura series by David and Colon from '94 or so, too. And all this time I thought it was a one-off.
  7. But Frankie, you need to change the thread title with this post . . .
  8. Not really, for anyone over 40. It's called humility. All it really takes for this is to have a family.
  9. In fairness, you did actually say a tad more . . .
  10. Actually, THIS is what you said. Perhaps your shortest post ever.
  11. Yeah, I'm on the fence about slabbing my copy or selling it raw. $200 may be sufficient motivation to include it.
  12. Very. Well. Put. And, of course, there's always "irrational exhuberance".
  13. And, let's not forget . . . It's a big world out there
  14. Please don't post about me. Thanks. Yeah, it's not like he needs the press.
  15. Wrong. It's not even that way now. Try checking the sale prices for ASM 300 with UPC vs. direct edition. Try checking the sale prices for MOS 18 with UPC vs. direct edition. Try checking the sale prices for Spawn 1 with UPC vs. direct edition. Generally, copper age comics are worthless, so it doesn't matter... therefore there is no difference when we're talking about $2 or less. When a comic has value, though, there is a difference... not to everyone... but enough people know that newsstand copies were badly handled and often returned to know that you can't find them in top shape as often as direct editions. Those people do know the difference... and, yes, some people don't know the difference or don't care. The market reflects the activities of both the people who know and the people who don't. When you average "no difference" with "some difference", you still get "some difference". If someone is willing to drink the dealer Kool Aid that there should be a "premium" for newsstand versions, more power to them. But for every person who will pay a premium there are far more who won't, thus no real price differences ever actually develop. It really is just a way for somebody to feel like they have something that is more "rare" or "special" than someone else. If they are willing to pay more to get that feeling, great. But the market doesn't consistently support the alleged price difference in any of the books that you just mentioned. -J. Actually Jay, check again. I think it does. (And all because WE discussed it HERE).
  16. Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue. We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get. Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though. Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? Thought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too? You don't need to bust your brain box thinking, when I flat out told you above that observations of timing and correlations are the best you'd get. I don't doubt for a minute that this site generates ideas that ultimately shift the market, though. The Internet facilitates the spread of ideas pretty quickly, from site to site, and this impacts buying and bidding patterns. As an example of what this site can do, look at the Bill Sienkiewicz commission that ended up looking like a . Discussion and outrage here led to bigger publicity, which led to amends on BS's part. Granted, it's not an example of a price effect, but it does illustrate the fact that this site is followed, and has influence. I don't disagree entirely, just not as fervently as RMA's supposition.
  17. Sure crazyman, you just let me know when you find any verifiable FACTS 100% linking the CGC Forums to the rapid price jump in a given issue. We do have the Hulk 377 3rd print as an example, with a price run up after discussion here. Your challenge, and what qualifies as facts, is pretty nebulous, though. Observation of timing and correlations is probably the best you'll get. Perhaps you'll offer some "FACTS" to refute the Hulk 377 price escalation, though. Can you offer any facts that support we were the only ones discussing or thinking about this? Thought not. I suppose Foom #2 was all our doing too?
  18. Yes. You're wrong, AND it was Nov 20. We are but a flea on a dog's butt . . . A mightily self-important flea, though.
  19. I think you should start a new thread about it to discuss it.
  20. It will be difficult to make a "good" Venom movie . . . but I don't disagree.
  21. That is a total scream. And scary, when you think of how many of these may be actually out there for any post-1975 issue. We all know there are many copies of the first printing of this book out there, and I would venture to say that this applies to all of the Death of Superman x-over issues (MOS 19, Superman 74,75 & Action 684 and JLA 69 to name a few). This eBAY sale is merely confirmation of that fact and I hope that the buyer has enough sense to avoid flooding the market with CGC 9.8 copies. That being said, I don't see why MOS 18 first printing is any more than a $100 book in CGC 9.8 due to plentiful supply, unless demand really spikes due to the Superman/Batman movie. There are a LOT of CGC 9.8 copies for sale right now on eBAY and most are NOT going to sell at their current listed prices. So how many 9.8s do you suppose are in an uncirculated box of 300? 100? How many 9.9s? A couple? It all depends on how much it's been handled and traveled. Could easily be zero. Hey Homer, grab that forklift over there . . .