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Everything posted by Jiminy_Cricket-migration

  1. As a seller you have fulfilled your part of the deal, or at least that's how I thought Paypal views it. Yeah, but I don't think he's lying. I'd like to make him whole. I filled out an insurance claim and theft report so far. I just don't understand how you can even have a "case" opened against you if the package was "delivered" according to tracking. Messed up stuff with ebay. We could be working this out via PMs instead of this "case" nonsense.
  2. DAWN OF JUSTICE?? Why could they not just go with World's Finest, and let it lead into the Justice League? No reason to play with a title to hint another movie is coming behind this one. ....not a fan but what's in a name? Is this that new movie about apes taking over the planet?
  3. I currently have a case opened against me because the buyer says even though the Priority Mail package tracking says delivered, he didn't get it. Says he waited 5 days after showing "delivered" to ask his mailman about it. He says his mailman doesn't remember anything. I told the buyer to ask the neighbors in his apartment complex if they took it in for him. We'll see how this goes.
  4. Marvel has taken over TV like they have dominated the movie theaters. I can't wait till Season 2.
  5. Many of us wish you were. Your posts would be easier to avoid that way. Okay. So then we weren't wrong to presume that you're still in your parent's basement. Well my idea has always been that you post nothing but BS which is why I'm ever so glad to just avoid your posts. But when you insist on going out of your way to draw my attention.... Tell me though, do you ever bother to actually discuss what you like about various comics on this board? 1) it's called the ignore function - you should use it! 2) my parents don't own a house with a basement 3) if you read my posts, you'd see that sometimes I do actually talk about comics - what about that "When Arch gets back..." thread you have, do you talk about comics there? I went through the first few pages and saw nothing of comics, yet it stinks up the CG board every few days. But I know that you are a mod and that thread will never get moved to the WC, where it belongs. -slym
  6. Why don't you man up and watch it from the beginning? Use the fast forward button that God invented for us.
  7. I caught some of Spider-Man 3 last night on the TV, and I didn`t realize how old Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst looked compared to Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone,plus Spider-Man 3 was made 7 years ago! I hate to think how Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst would look now playing youthful characters. Sony was wise making the reboot! Good call. "Spider-Man Reign"?
  8. I agree. The second time through, I enjoyed it more. The first time I saw it there was some teenager, maybe young adult, about 5 or 6 seats down from me that laughed loudly at nearly every line in the movie. It was to the point of distraction. Was it this guy??
  9. And he still hasn't even seen it yet, folks. You clearly fail to see the purpose of the movie rating system. ...why am I not surprised. I don't need to see ANY PG-13 (or R) movie to know that it isn't for kids. That's why the rating system exists. Such a sad way to go through life for someone that needs to be told what to think from a couple strangers that give a movie a rating. Because "that's why the rating system exists." Does it now? And then to go on message boards and claim a movie to be "bad" when you admit to not even having seen it yet? I don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you. I think I'll laugh. The normal people in the world go by all the kids we've seen at the movie theaters. You know, because we actually have seen the movie. Then there's the plot about a young guy that dresses up in a red and blue leotard and goes swinging around NY buildings by shooting webs from his wrists and battling bad guys known as The Rhino, Green Goblin, and Electro. I believe this character originally came from comic books and cartoons. You know, things made explicitly for children. Folks, just ignore people like this and take your kids to go see an awesome blockbuster, summer movie made just for them. It's worth it to see all the smiles on their faces.
  10. There are two threads for ASM2 comments? Allllrighty then. The children absolutely loved this new Spider-Man movie. It was a great feeling to see so many children having a good time at the theater. Thank you Sony for making an awesome blockbuster that the children can enjoy all summer long. (thumbs u Take your children. They'll love it! There was one "grown-up" man that seemed upset that an obvious childrens' character like Spider-Man, wasn't made into a "more mature" movie just for him. One got the feeling this "adult" actually thinks there is a difference between the target audience for Spider-Man and Dora The Explorer.
  11. Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past. Here's the full rating: PG-13 (for sequences of intense sci-fi violence and action, some suggestive material, nudity and language) What do you think the "nudity" refers to in the film?
  12. Shame my backside! That's precisely what it was, nothing but a business decision. But guess what? Some of us are fed up to here with those who treat comics as nothing but a business. Really?!? Do you BUY your comics? I wonder where from? Does your LCS treat comics as a business? Shame on them! It's a bit crass to cherry pick his statement in the out of context manner you did, and imply there's anything screwy about it. He's specifically talking about the crack, (with or without a press) and resubmit play, which you conveniently omitted. Regardless of whether you see the trend of hobby demand shrinking on anything outside the 10-15 books everyone wants as being problematic, it certainly is telling to see the voracious appetites of those trying to game the system, especially when you look at how the timeline of this situation began on Valentines Day with your post and ended with Paul's post three days ago, and how it's allowed the community to see the exact same book resubbed three times in the space of two months. If this were a drug, someone would have already intervened and warned of the addiction potential. Don't you think its a little crass to say "If you're going to play the crack and resubmit game, you better be prepared to lose some of the time. And don't you come crying to this board to get sympathy. Most of us will just snicker" (I did leave that part out) Im not looking for sympathy. I brought this to the attention of a community of people who I thought might want to know about it. While I appreciate you posting about the matter, the situation and result is too convoluted to really come out of this thinking anything was gained. As for your disagreement in Hep's comments, there will always be a baseline sentiment that thwarts any thought of looking at comics as a commodity or investment. I don't think anything will change this, even when it's a situation where it seems the little guy won. Overall, I'm glad you got the resolution you deserved, but the whole situation leaves my confidence more shaken learning this incident happened, especially knowing there was a need for this book to be graded multiple times to get it right. How can you be sure that it's now 'right'? I can't wait till the next person re-submits it.
  13. They showed Koenig's body. There is no doubt about Ward. He is Hydra. I don't know if you got to see more than me, but all I saw was a quick glimpse of his body through a grate. It was quick and it was dark showing nothing but a man lying still. No wounds. How can you say for sure he is not just unconscious? I do believe he is Hydra also, but I think they can change the plot in the future by not really showing us the dead bodies now. I'd like to see one or two in the morgue on a slab or something with characters showing real grief over their deaths. The only two killings that really stand out are the two agents on the plane that he shot in the forehead. I saw a quick hole in one forehead, but even that could be faked if they really wanted to. Advanced science and gizmos. LMDs?
  14. A universe full of advanced alien gizmos, but SHIELD can't put fake blood packets that explode when a blank bullet is fired, onto someone? I need to see the gaping wounds.
  15. We never actually see the "dead" bodies that Ward has "killed". Why is that? Everyone he has supposedly killed, we just see an angle of the body that doesn't show any real confirmation. We see blood trickling away from the bodies, but not the bodies themselves. I'm not saying he didn't really kill them, but it does leave the door open for Marvel to come up with a plot that this is all a ruse.
  16. Man, this show went from DVR ing it and watching 3 episodes at once with fast forward being used a lot.... to watching it live each week as it's become my most eagerly awaited show. With the way the show started out along with it's 8pm start time, I thought this was just going to be a show for 8 year old boys, but it's moved way past that. I kinda feel sorry for the wee ones.
  17. They are happy making mushy TV shows. No that's Marvel. You're just excited about Olly taking his shirt off again. And the prospect of Thea and Roy making up.