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Everything posted by Jiminy_Cricket-migration

  1. It is the hardcover which retails at $99 and you get the Avengers 1 which also retails at $99. Both brand new. Plenty of good reading. Congrats Ryan. Thats an offering + 1
  2. Ya gotta love the 'Take it or Else I'll Let it Expire' ultimatums. God forbid someone actually putting some effort into it and changing it up every so often out of respect for all boardies, and keeping the thread/good karma rolling. Well, you were a horribly useless person in PIF. Don't know why I should expect different here Like I care what you expect. Yeah, I offered up a bunch of nice options in my one and only participation in that thread. It was taken in seconds. I called out the bottom feeders in that thread. I can definitely see how that thread wasn't for me. But why are you in this thread now? Hmmmmm? Nothing left but bottom feeders trying to push their drek in that thread? How much did you just profit off of CAHokie? Look forward to seeing the stuff up on ebay. Do me a favor and start the listings as 99 cent auctions so I can get a good deal.
  3. Ya gotta love the 'Take it or Else I'll Let it Expire' ultimatums. God forbid someone actually putting some effort into it and changing it up every so often out of respect for all boardies, and keeping the thread/good karma rolling.
  4. a friend will. + 1 They can act indignant all they want. We know who the bottom feeders are and how they operate. These same bottom feeders abandoned the PIF thread because all they had left participating were each other. So, now they are here to ruin another great idea. Ask "Big Daddy" how he left his latest offer in the PIF thread expire after 4 days. I'm with ya youmechooz. I'll take a strike too if it helps expose and get rid of the scammers. I am not saying to not hold the chronic offenders accountable, but Harvey's rules apply strikes to those that get their offers vetoed. Maybe it should be 2 strikes and you are out instead of 3....if someone will do it twice after a warning then my guess is you are just letting them do it a 3rd time, since they probably would. Why even give 2 strikes. Either you 'get it' or you don't. A friend ;) takes this offer and then we're down to an offer of a pack of X-Men trading cards.
  5. a friend will. + 1 They can act indignant all they want. We know who the bottom feeders are and how they operate. These same bottom feeders abandoned the PIF thread because all they had left participating were each other. So, now they are here to ruin another great idea. Ask "Big Daddy" how he left his latest offer in the PIF thread expire after 4 days. I'm with ya youmechooz. I'll take a strike too if it helps expose and get rid of the scammers.
  6. Please. Nobody's fooled and the situation is being watched.
  7. + 1 Harvey should be like Kenesaw Mountain Landis. (the first Commissioner of Baseball from 1920 until his death. He is remembered for his handling of the Black Sox scandal, in which he expelled eight members of the Chicago White Sox from organized baseball for conspiring to lose the 1919 World Series and repeatedly refused their reinstatement requests. His firm actions and iron rule over baseball in the near quarter-century of his commissionership are generally credited with restoring public confidence in the game) This would give Harvey the unilateral power to stop two potential bottom feeders from working together to game the thread.
  8. I don't agree with this. I think the rules are fine as Swick has them (for now) I don't think there is a large enough population of traders/givers/whatever to sustain this game with the rules as written. Once the regulars are locked out for a month offers are going to sit and people are going to get strikes that may be unwarranted. Problem #2 is, once someone's offer gets a strike, I was told previously that their offer comes down but the previous offer doesn't come back up, it's expected that someone/anyone can step in and post an offer. I know there are people on this board that would do that, but it's not exactly fair that someone has to jumpstart the thread with nothing in return. I was under the impression that no one ships their item till the next guy's offer gets taken so this wouldnt happen. Your Really Really need to READ the rules!!! The rules from PIF do not apply here. Just for the record, I am not saying we need to change the time limit rules right now. I am simply saying that in the future it is something we need to be aware of because it is possible that we run out of participants and someone gets dinged for it. To ignore the possibility would be naive but I agree with Justin and Hector that for now it is ok. I read the rules-they dont address this. Currently someone can snatch something, post something lame. if it goes unclaimed they get to keep the item, get a strike, and someone else steps in to post an offering-without receiving anything. There will be an uproar. I hope CAHokie hasn't shipped his items out yet. The current offerer has already stated that he's leaving his mystery box offer up because it's still in the rules till the next person has something to offer. A decent person would have just changed his offer up without waiting for the rule to take effect on the next person.
  9. You have to factor in the number of SS books being offered is probably going to come up a couple times in a month and while you wait the quick fingers grabbers may eclipse their month and grab the SS you wanted. As long as you see something that interested you I'd grab it and you will be back in the game in a month. I think the new rule to outlaw mystery boxes will keep things moving a lot quicker since people don't like a mystery when they are putting up a comparable book. So, for some people it's all about how much you can take and not at all what you can give. I see. I thought the intent was to post up equal or more than you take? People still want a really cool book so they can post up a even cooler book. I thought this was "The Giving Tree". I'm saddened to learn it's actually "The Taking Tree".
  10. You have to factor in the number of SS books being offered is probably going to come up a couple times in a month and while you wait the quick fingers grabbers may eclipse their month and grab the SS you wanted. As long as you see something that interested you I'd grab it and you will be back in the game in a month. I think the new rule to outlaw mystery boxes will keep things moving a lot quicker since people don't like a mystery when they are putting up a comparable book. So, for some people it's all about how much you can take and not at all what you can give. I see.
  11. I'm saddened that the current offerer jumped on an awesome offer as soon as it was posted. Yet waited 12 hours to post his offer. Then after it sitting there for several hours, with no takers, still hasn't bothered to change it up, in the hopes of moving this thread along. Please put as much effort into posting your offers as you do in continously refreshing this thread looking for a big score.
  12. Rule 3 - You have 24 hours. It is already there. I still think you should read that first post. I hope the clock starts ticking on your 3 day limit as soon as you take something, though. Or do I need to go back and read the 1st post also?
  13. Sure. But it's stalled now because of lack of interest in the current offer. Not because there aren't enough eligible members.
  14. It's not once a quarter, though. It's every 30 day which is just fine for now. Besides, it looks like the offers may be sitting there longer before being taken. I don't understand this need to take stuff so often. I have zero interest in taking another offer so soon. 30 days is just fine for now. Let's get back to the current offer, please.
  15. 15 hours and counting since the last offer was taken. At this rate we'll have no problem before our 30 days are up.
  16. This thread was moving along nicely. The mystery boxes are just gonna stall it. Why does the mystery or "bonuses" have to be considered at all? Let the real offers stand alone. If you want to send something extra, then great.
  17. I have honestly been thinking about this which is somewhat hypocritical since my first offer included a mystery box offering and that was the first thing taken. And I'm not even worried about Andre's themed mystery boxes because I know he is VERY generous and I like the fact that they are themed. But what worries me is, once again, mystery boxes leave room for participants to somewhat "hide" their offerings and in the interest of preventing butthurt - I'll add a rule eliminating mystery boxes AFTER the current offer. (thumbs u + 1 Although I'm sure many of us would prefer the mystery box to go away immediately. You were the first offerer so it's ok. I took it for the sole reason you were first and not getting anything in return. I figured you could then wait to see my offer and then you would know what you wanted to send me based on my offer. But the mystery box thing is a scam waiting to happen. Mystery boxes or bonuses should not be judged along with anyone's offer. The offers should stand alone and if someone wants to send something "extra", that's great. But it shouldn't carry any weight with whatever else someone is offereing.
  18. Are posts going poof here? I could've swore I left off on page 18 or 19.
  19. More stuff! Take it all. (1 of each item) Everything will ship in a Priority Mail box for free to the U.S. only. Item 1 I can take it out of the slab if this is a problem. Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Have a Happy Holiday, everyone.
  20. Take it all. (1 of each item) Everything will ship in a Priority Mail box for free to the U.S. only. If this is not claimed within 30 minutes, I will be more than happy to add to it. Item 1 I can take it out of the slab if this is a problem. Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5