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Everything posted by NinjaSealed

  1. Jeez, one thing I don't think anyone can argue about is you are building the best Court Of Owls collection around.
  2. EOBARD THAWNE: Eobard Thawne is described in the breakdown as Central City’s Bill Gates. The smartest man in the room and he suffers from advanced degenerative disease like Stephen Hawking. Thawne is confined to a chair. So the plot to the movie is going to be directly copied pretty much from the TV show. Thawne pretending he is in a wheelchair.
  3. Has there ever been a Tim Sale appreciation thread on the board? If I could choose a previous Artist/writer combo to produce another story Sale/Loeb would be in the top 3.
  4. Yes, yes it would. $5k plus easily. Is it yours? I was actually just admiring it on CAF.
  5. I think LH and DV at this point are neck and neck for sure and as Malvin said even the earlier Halloween stuff is closing the gaps. For me personally I value LH/DV equal and see the earlier stuff as slightly less desirable but still great.
  6. Good for him. A nice panel or splash for LH/DV is in the top 3 on my list of acquisitions at this point.
  7. An A level splash? If so I think that would be a pretty great price to get one at. I think $5k is about the going rate nowadays for a B level DV/LH. At any rate I think we are all anxious too see a piece from the run hit auction to see what Mr. Market thinks.
  8. When thinking of comparisons I like to think of all the modern(post 1990) Batman material and then rank the desirability. Hush is #1 for me and I think most others but Capullo/Snyder Batman is right up there in the 2/3 spot I think. I think it is superior to Tim Sale DV/TLH and look how much those pages go for nowadays. I wouldn't be buying these pages thinking I am going to have a huge return on them, but the pricing is not completely crazy(well maybe in some cases it is ala Clayface barf) when you compare what a lot of other popular modern Batman works fetch in the marketplace. Tim Sale is a classic example of an organically grown market and Long Halloween / Dark Victory are great examples of stories that were not only popular upon release but have stood up to the test of time (20 years now for long halloween). Sale's storytelling and overall style meshed perfectly with the thematic elements to create two classic stories. Appreciation for that work has only grown over time. Good pages were in the $200 range at one time. They can be 20 times that now. The entirety of the growth was demand and appreciation. Anything with a Bat symbol on it from Capullo's latest update has a far higher asking price than a corresponding Tim Sale LH/DV page is getting in real world competition/bidding at auction. In the last ten years we've entered an era of "price reset" in modern comic art. By that I mean, the highest prices some pieces sell for is when they sell from the artist themselves. The pieces go into private collections, then they move to someone else, either by trade or sale. When they appear again, at auction or elsewhere, the price is reset and reset lower. The market for that artist or particular story arc distances itself from the original sale and builds its own actual market value outside of whatever it was originally priced. It's certainly not a new phenomenon, but it's happening more often recently. My mind blew up when I realized The Long Halloween is now 20 years old. Wow I feel old(and I am probably younger than most here.) I wish that FMV for Tim Sale DV/TLH was far below the asking prices on Capullo's list but I don't think that is the case. (I wish it was and if anyone wants to sell me a similar level page far below those prices let me know!) I think there is just such an insanely high demand in the market right now for the top works that SOME of his prices are not that out of whack. I feel at auction/real world the prices on many of these pieces would not be far off what he is asking.
  9. When thinking of comparisons I like to think of all the modern(post 1990) Batman material and then rank the desirability. Hush is #1 for me and I think most others but Capullo/Snyder Batman is right up there in the 2/3 spot I think. I think it is superior to Tim Sale DV/TLH and look how much those pages go for nowadays. I wouldn't be buying these pages thinking I am going to have a huge return on them, but the pricing is not completely crazy(well maybe in some cases it is ala Clayface barf) when you compare what a lot of other popular modern Batman works fetch in the marketplace.
  10. May I ask which one? Issue 24 P. 33 Issue #24 P. 39 was my favorite page but way too much for me at $11.5k Both pages still show "In Stock" on the website ? Only tried to buy the first one, sent the purchase request and was emailed it was already sold. I'm Waiting for payment I would assume. I think yesterday they started off with 42 batman pages available and are now at 38 so it looks like at least 4 have sold
  11. May I ask which one? Issue 24 P. 33 Issue #24 P. 39 was my favorite page but way too much for me at $11.5k Nice - sorry you didn't get it - that is a beautiful page - love the red hood too. I'm pretty sure more pages are coming so I will have to get out my run and ice tidy the pages I like the most. I Wonder why he decided to sell the art right at the end of the run.
  12. May I ask which one? Issue 24 P. 33 Issue #24 P. 39 was my favorite page but way too much for me at $11.5k
  13. Have you seen any sales by Capullo of his Batman stuff? I ask because I haven't. The couple of pieces that have popped up on CAF seem to have come from the inker. He's had the same asking price on his Batman 1 cover for several years now. Of course if a decent Batman page went to auction it would have to sell for 10-15 times the top of the three figure range to meet his asking price. The first page that caught my eye was a page with no Batman on it and some character vomiting up what I guess is a little clayface....for $2600. I'm not an expert, but I believe he has sold a handful of pieces directly. This is the first "mass" offering of material from the run. That Clayface barf page is what I mean when it seems like his prices are all over the place. That page is IMO grossly overpriced for what it is. I can guarantee at least 1 page sold, I tried to pick up the one I liked the most after a bit of internal debate and it was already gone. I bet roughly a quarter of the pages listed sell today at the asking prices. While I would not value it as highly as something like Jim Lee Hush, I have a feeling there are fans who covet these pages the same if not more than something like Hush.
  14. I think a few people here will be surprised at how many of these pages sell today at these prices. If these panel pages with decent Batman images went to auction there is no way they would sell in the 3 figure range.
  15. First off people are allowed to price at whatever prices they want. That being said the prices are pretty much on par with Hush pricing levels, and I think most would prefer to own a page from Hush than Capullo/Snyder Batman. One interesting thing to me is that the pricing seems to be a bit all over the place. A few things actually look fairly reasonable to me and a few seem crazy high. I am actually interested in 2 pages. These are all inks/pencils on separate boards correct? (The lack of overall info on the sight probably irritates me more than the prices.)
  16. It's amazing how long it's been since a book higher than 6.0 has come to market.
  17. They did give away a lot of information in the trailer. Looks Like Darkseid will be the big bad for the JL movies. The interesting thing is those Parademons looked to show up in the "dream: sequence. So it must be some sort of alternate reality/future where Superman rules over the Earth backed by Darkseid? Maybe Darkseid has him under mind control? Not thrilled with the way Doomsday looked. CGI looked pretty bad, hopefully it will be better in the actual movie.
  18. Bought a few books from Kelly. Shipped super quick and I thought grading was accurate. Thanks!
  19. This show is so good and so bad at the same time. Either way I think it is the comic show I look forward to seeing every week at this point. Great scene followed by laugh out loud stupid scene after the commercial break.
  20. The sale is on GPA and is inline with several of the recent sales. This book is absolutely on fire. I think it has surpassed Hulk #1 now and is right on the heels of AF15. The book is finally getting its due.
  21. I am in the Jerome was horrible camp. Just came off to me as a kid trying to imitate Heath Ledger and Mark Hamill. The fact that they are going to make the joker essentially a "copycat" of Jerome is a huge insult to the character.
  22. Finally got to watch the episode. In season 1 they took some "aggressive" liberties with the Batman mythos. In season 2 they have apparently started to absolutely mess on it. I am kind of shocked, with Batman being DC's golden goose, and with one of the most fleshed out and well known backstories with a fairly solid continuity(compared to many others anyways) that they have allowed the show to go so far away from the source material. It is so far removed at this point it is ridiculous. I like show all in all and will continue to watch it, but I will just have to imagine this occurred on Earth 21982449 because this certainly isn't anything remotely close to Earth 1 Batman's backstory. With the way DC has protected the character in the past I really can't believe they OKed the -script of this show.
  23. I have been think about just how much I like this book and I think I may go for a 9.4-9.6 copy.