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Everything posted by Moondog

  1. Has anyone attempted to reach him offline?
  2. Does anyone know him offline? I thing Bob Beerbhom may...
  3. you never need an excuse to post books like that We could, however, put out a reward for information or his capture. I hope these items help find BZ and he is alive and well. (thumbs u
  4. Perhaps BangZoom is traveling. I bet he's leisurely vacationing in Europe traveling by train. Around the world voyage maybe?
  5. Perhaps BangZoom is traveling. I bet he's leisurely vacationing in Europe traveling by train.
  6. It's been a week since a post in this thread. I hope BZ is just on vacation and not ill again...
  7. The first time I saw photos of BZ's collection I had a similar dream that night. It has happened more than once since why would gary's wife be in your dream likely for the same reason bridg is in so many of mine. You guys crack me up. My original post was quite serious - I actually dreamed that BZ sent me a box of comics. In the dream (very vividly) my wife says in a somewhat dismissing way, that it was "cute". I don't remember anything else about the dream. In the morning I mention the dream to my wife and she looks at me (like she has hundreds of times in the past) like I'm nuts. I mention to her that in the dream she said it was "cute." She replied that it was "still weird."
  8. The first time I saw photos of BZ's collection I had a similar dream that night. It has happened more than once since why would gary's wife be in your dream likely for the same reason bridg is in so many of mine. You guys crack me up.
  9. I had a dream last night that Bang Zoom sent me a box of comics. Really. My wife (in the dream) thought it was "cute." When I told her this morning she just thought it was weird. Has anyone else ever had a similar experience?
  10. Wow! Now that is F'ing cool. Very nice.
  11. Here's a non-Centaur pic for you Jon. You probably noticed them peeking out of the right shelf - could not help but notice that you are missing Pocket Comics 4. Let me help...... SWEET!!!!
  12. Here are the Larson equivalents....This reflects how I got into 'Larsons". My search for Centaurs wound up with early Larsons..... Sweet, JB!
  13. It was really strange how I picked up this small cache of early Centaurs. I get a call from a guy with a Silver Age Marvel collection. He says they're pristine copies. I go there and they're water-damaged and dog-eared. But... It turns out that he's the nephew of Tony Yuknis, a rather obscure artist who worked at Centaur in the early days. He had 15 comics that were his uncle's personal copies. FP 1/3 FP 1/5 FP 1/7 (3 copies - he did the cover) FP 1/11 (2 copies) FPS 1/3 DPS1/3 (2 copies) LGDF 1 (3 coverless copies) LGC 3 (2 coverless copies) Of course I asked him if he had any of his uncle's personal papers, original art, etc. He said it was all tossed 20 years ago, except for these books. What a weird - but totally cool - buy!
  14. I see an Archie 1 peeking out of the bottom row I see...everything! I had a dream that looked alot like that picture once. How many of those do you still have? These were all sold in the 1986/87. The photo was taken a few months before I saw them at Ben Stothart's home. I didn't know that he had taken a boatload of photos of the collection until 3 years ago or so. I went to interview him again to get some background for the Windy City listing in Matt's pedigree book. We were chatting in his living room and he casually asks me if I'd like to see photos he took of the books. Wow! I scanned all the photos and sent them to Matt. I haven't posted any as to not steal his thunder, but a few can't hurt. There were 50+ group shots. Here are a couple more.
  15. Thanks, Gary. I've been sick for several weeks and haven't been up to posting lately. No worries, BZ. It's our job to fill in when you're out. I just get a bit nervous when no one posts for 6-7 days... I hope you're feeling a whole let better!
  16. Just doing my job of keeping the greatest thread in the history of the Internet alive.