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Everything posted by Darkowl

  1. This is where I just ignore everything you say about Logan.
  2. I think the only thing Tatum has going for him is that he was born and raised in the south, so he should already have an advantage with pulling off the accent. I'm still skeptical though.
  3. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong in this particular situation, but Tatum doesn't resemble Gambit in any way shape or form. We'll see how things turn out though.
  4. I was really hoping this project would have been completely cancelled due to the Disney/FOX deal, or at least a different actor hired to play Gambit. I don't have a problem with Channing Tatum, but I have a problem with him playing Gambit. I'm not going to be able to get past the thought that it's just Tatum in a Gambit costume.
  5. Wow! Talk about trying to take away the gold trophy from the winning team.
  6. Sorry for misquoting you. My mistake! A lot of people are getting kinda tripped up about the Disney and R rating "conundrum", but honestly, we only have Deadpool going strong at the moment, and Im not sure If anything will be done about Logan. Point being, people seem to be treating the situation as If Disney has to handle R rated movies on a grand scale, when they are really just a dent in the grand scheme of things. Regardless, Disney is smart. They will figure it out. Btw, The problem with Foxes sweet spot is that it was so short lived, we really have no idea how long they could have sustained it. When it comes to a good thing, Its much easier to be enchanted by perpetuation than termination.
  7. I agree. If FOX and Sony were generally as good as Disney when it came to making superhero films, then I would have to agree with Bosco, but I honestly could not be happier about Disney taking ownership of X-Men, FF, and the rest.
  8. It's interesting that Disney has already been going in that direction. I've always wanted to see a well done Silver Surfer movie. I finally have hope that it's going to happen.
  9. I think James Gunn was given the freedom to execute a fantastic vision, which is one big reason why Guardians was way more successful than what we all thought it was going to be. I would be fooling myself If I thought that GOTG was not in my top 5 favorites, and yes, it is a "truly great" film. I realize that this is my own opinion. When it comes down to it, Disney has won my faith and trust when it comes to superhero films. I have faith that they will be making some groundbreaking films within the next 10 years. Now that they have rights to some of our favorite characters, It seems like the possibilities are endless.
  10. It's really simple. Just compare Disney's track record to Fox's track record when it comes to superhero films. FOX got really lucky with Logan and Deadpool, and if it was up them them, those movies never would have been made in the first place. Disney is at least smart enough to know what sells.
  11. Could you imagine what that would do to the value of Hulk 181?!
  12. To me, GOTG sticks out like a sore thumb (in a good way) from the rest of the superhero movies. Rocket has easily become one of my all time favorite characters because of it. Btw, Disney doesn't make theme park rides based off characters, movies, or themes that aren't memorable. "There are no stakes or drama, you KNOW the hero will prevail and be back for a sequel." This is true for just about every single superhero movie ever made. It's THE superhero formula.
  13. Saw it last night. If they keep making them like this, I'll never get comic book movie fatigue.
  14. I agree that some of the scares in the film werent that scary, but the opening scene and projector scene are some of the most original and scariest scenes in any horror movie I've ever watched.
  15. Just saw IT for the second time tonight. It was just as enjoyable the second time around, and is easily in my top 5 favorite horror films.
  16. Isn't that different than a Tim Curry cameo? I mean, hes not really in it. That's my favorite scene, btw!
  17. Tim Curry has a cameo? When? Are you referring to the Pennywise clown doll?
  18. Saw IT last night. Let's just say I want nothing to do with anyone who didnt like it. Seriously though, this movie was everything I wanted it to be. That very rarely happens. It gets a 10/10 from me.
  19. Well, I stopped watching the show after episode 7. I felt like it got stale and repetitive. Archie himself is the least interesting character (Jughead was way more interesting), yet somehow everything revolves around him. I really do think this show would have been better If it was more along the lines of horror/paranormal, instead of soap opera drama. I will say this though, they did an awesome job with selecting the music. So many good bands are featured in the show's soundtrack! Anyone else think that Betty kinda looks like Kaley Cuoco?
  20. If they're going to deduct points, they need to explain why.