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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Seems like the biggest social tear in communities in this thread is between the Marvel Americans vs the DC Americans
  2. Are you serious?? Any black person I met in my life knew who Black Panther was waaaay before any movie was in discussion. BP is a STAPLE super hero within communities of color. That's the reason why they came out in droves to support the movie. No other reason. the only real argument you have here is whether the demographic edge of BP will not surpass the popularity of MK. Surely it will
  3. BP is more popular and recognized than MK will ever be. The reason why that is, is because of the characters history and demographic edge. Ask any black person who black panther is and they'll tell you (even prior to the movie) but they wouldn't know who moon knight is unless they're into comic books. Heck I don't even think most aa knew who Luke Cage was prior to the show
  4. As I said in the Black Panther movie thread... Imagine if that new blood of BP fans will get caught in the comic collecting bug
  5. Yup I'm aware of that, but this movie is actually a hit. Which usually translates to bigger numbers when the movie drops
  6. Not to divert from the heated debate, but I actually find it shocking that such a successful movie, had not affected the price of the original FF52.. Isnt that usually the trend with successful movies that are based on books/comics?
  7. Saw it yesterday. Well done Marvel. Well done. Im really impressed and proud that Marvel took this movie to that level. Thats the kinda thinking we need more of in comic related movies/shows nowadays. For awhile Marvel was blamed for meddling with their classic characters (ie black Cap, Female Thor etc etc). The whole time they had a classic African character (named Black Panther nonetheless) just WAITING to be embraced by older and newer fans. What took them so damn long?? I have to admit that I never read any Black Panther storylines, with the exception of owning some random Bronze Black Panther books (sold my FF52 awhile back sigh), so I dont know if the movie's story is faithful to original source material or was created specifically for this movie featuring known characters from the Black Panther books. I suspect the story was made for the movie? While I was stunned from the reception of the movie prior to watching it, I did expect it to have some harsh political statements and preach to its viewers, as some here mentioned. But I felt like it preached more to the African American community than it did to other races. Sure there were jabs about how African people were colonized by other races, but that sentiment dwarfed in comparison to the true challenge that African Americans face nowadays WITHING THEIR OWN COMMUNITY. Which is where the brilliant storyline takes a turn. 2 different cultures within one race fighting to crown their king - The humble country men vs the rebel modern thinking african. WOW, what a concept. This movie is not about black ideology vs white ideology. its a movie about an ideology crisis within one people. Clearly, the villain in the movie was Erik Killmonger, although he may have had reasons to turn his anger against his own people he chose evil over good to achieve those goals. That is what the viewer is taking home after watching this movie. That negative thoughts never pay off no matter how right they may feel to a person bearing them. Also, what was so pure about this movie is the showcase of African people as proud people and a proud nation, there was no emphasis on the all too often decadent urban lifestyle portrayed in 99% of the movies featuring African American themes. What a shock! This movie was a solid production. From the self contained storyline, Brilliant cinematography (that one long shot/no pauses fight scene in the casino -wow!), CGI, excellent acting, to the amazing percussive soundtrack. Everything was spot on. I enjoyed all of it. I was thinking to myself, does Marvel need to do a 2nd Black Panther? I mean, Im sure they will, but to me this movie was a brilliant crossover between Avatar and Boys n Da Hood. Not like an Iron Man or GOTG where youre expecting a sequel. I would be worried that a bad sequel ala IM3, will take away from the prestige of this movie. Great acting by Danai Gurira, Michael B Jordan, Chadwik Boseman, Andy Serkis.. I went with my friend and she thought they all played well. We both agreed that this movie had no ONE favorite character... They were all excellent, fun and good. Im sure Marvel is happy with the results, and are probably kicking themselves in the head that they didnt release it anytime earlier last year. As I suspect that this movie wouldve earned many academy awards this year, who knows it still may next year. Wouldve been kinda fun to see Stan up there at the podium A&L, a very happy viewer
  8. May be bcs seller didnt specify this was a reprint, even tho he mentioned the year of the book https://www.ebay.com/itm/Marvel-039-s-Greatest-Comics-Fantastic-Four-52-First-Appearance-of-Black-Panther-/323082729211?hash=item4b393b36fb%3Ag%3ATd0AAOSwsZJaf4nf&nma=true&si=lTXMGUDS16fXqTPti37KB7acKt8%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  9. Actual link on fb https://www.facebook.com/worldofafricatv/videos/1697154320399424/
  10. Imagine if that passion will cross over to the comic? If those celebrities were aware of the importance of the book in pop culture I'm willing to bet you'd see an incredible demand with some of BP books as well as increased sales with current runs
  11. 10:30 pm auditorium 13 its my favorite imax theater, and while a tad overpriced I refuse to watch movies anywhere else after sitting in that theater also Sunday night is perfect since theres plenty of parking in the area and great eats
  12. Going to see it tonight at IMAX AMC Loews Lincoln Sq.
  13. So first of all I didn't see the movie so I can't really relate. But what I have seen all throughout this weekend is a lot of posts and a lot of positive vibe coming from communities of color who have been very excited for this movie. I know I mentioned it yesterday but folks, I truly suspect that Marvel hit a home run with this movie in that regard. The buzz online around this movie is insane, and as was said earlier, among black females as much as males. I just received a txt from a friend of mine who sent me a picture of hers dressed in traditional African grab which she wore for that movie. Many others have done the same. This is an AMAZING thing for our hobby. It brings people who have never held a comic in their lives and that somehow with that movie found an inspiration. There is no greater accomplishment than that.
  14. Omega men 3 had its 1st price hike when the Lobo mini took off with issue 1. That cover was crazy. The art was crazy. Bisley came out of nowhere (to mainstream comics) and championed that cover. Of course Lobo had his new look prior to that book but that's not what made him take off the way he did. And I LOVED that dematis/McGuire run more than life back than. But the point we're trying to make is that there's a whole click of Bisley+Lobo fans that are on a league of their own (no pun intended) and that would be a great miss if the movie doesn't cater to them
  15. Yeah well he got 15x more than what its worth raw, thats just insane.. Sparkle city auctions are kinda like that also, but they usually grade them as "9.8" and take tons of sexy pics of their books
  16. How the heck does that happen when perfectly normal copies are sitting at BIN for 10$
  17. I have a feeling that this movie did exceptionally well within AA, I have seen alot. and I mean ALOT of talk among aa communities about this movie. I think that this is the first real big superhero hit among them and the proof is in the numbers