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Everything posted by gino2paulus2

  1. Thanks Everyone!!! Its actually pretty funny you guys mentioned just waking up and no socks!! That is because I quite literally had just WOKEN UP!! As some of you know I work night shifts so had worked from 7p Thurs night until 8am Friday morning. I then stayed up to take my son to preschool and pick him up at 1130am. This period is when I opened up the books. When he got home we all ate lunch, talked, and played, "Super heroes" for about 2 hours. We took out my wife's sewing kit and strung up a whole room like spiderwebs and swung some Spiderman toys around catching Venom, Doc Ock, and the Lizard who were trying to taking over the kids play room haha!! Then I finally went to bed and slept from 2p-430p (this is the best way I have figured to readjust my biological clock over the years so I can sleep at night as well. The reason I mentioned the wife thing is because she actually suggested the picture since she said I had the biggest grin on my face and you all are VERY lucky I even had on shorts and a tee shirt because those came along with her suggestion as well as Daddy likes to sleep in his undies (tmi) Finally the kids ate dinner while I had some cereal, I made my post to share with you all how excited I was then we all went bowling down the street and what a great time!! What a great day all around actually!! When my wife suggested we go bowling and this was the first thing that crossed my mind...
  2. Thanks Corey!! Yeah I needed that Prize #43 and got outbid on the beautiful 3.5 so I just couldn't let this one pass me by!! Some very cool art in this book I have a french bulldog so seeing the bulldog splash in Airmale's "Canines of Crime" story made me smile and I have to say I love the Frankenstein splash as well!! Very moving stuff!! Telling the kids to read the comics then to turn them back in/recycle them when they were done to be reconverted to cardboard for the War efforts!! As far as the Adventure I would like to hoard it but I don't think I will in the end so you will probably see my old copy for sale here in the near future. I took the downgraded # in the top left from a 3.0 to a 2.0 for an upgrade in PQ as my old copy has SB pages and the 2.0 presents just as nicely imo. Enjoy a few interior pics from the Prize my friends...
  3. Well I would say the mailman was VERY nice to me this week!!! Thanks to a boardie for the Adventure!!! So we as Men should all know the very important life lesson that HAPPY WIFE = HAPPY LIFE!! I have a new one for the ladies. Happy Hobbyist = Happy Husband hahaha!! Yeah I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with Husband
  4. I wish this book flew under the radar but I think the cat is out of the bag because it is so AWESOME!!!! Great copy Rick!!!
  5. Never even seen it before!!! That is absolutely SPECTACULAR Corey!!!!
  6. This is one of the neatest sales threads I have ever seen and there have been some doozies!! What a bunch of cool books!!
  7. I actually or fer the better wrap personally and would like to add that I pay PREMIUMS for the lowest graded copies on the census I just enjoy a GA book with several spine ticks more for some odd reason ? but I really only practice this to make your guys high grade books worth more price/point wise (# @GAtor ©️™️) so...your welcome!!! ?
  8. I love me some Large LOGO DCs!! Star Spangled Comics #5 Crippen
  9. Jeff really does offer the coolest books no doubt about it!!
  10. Thanks Bro you know how I like em’!!! I actually already own a 3.0 with pretty decent eye appeal as well but it has SB pages. Im willing to take the downgrade in “technical” grade for the upgrade in PQ. Lookin forward to snapping some pics side by side!! I mean who wouldn’t want 2 copies of this book even if only for a short time?!! ? That AS33 has fantastic eye appeal as well I am SUPER suprised it is still here. I figured it would be gone by now!!
  11. hehehe!! you da man!! You have a few books in that collection of yours that may just make me consider that hahahaha!!
  12. Hey brother!! Just so it doesn’t get get yanked I’m fairly certain we aren’t allowed to ask for friends and family at least in the post On with the show from a boardie who has a plethora of awesome books!!
  13. Welcome back my friend!!!! So glad to hear this went well brother!!
  14. Man what sad and shocking news. I never had the pleasure of meeting John personally but I know from just being part of this community for a few years how monumental he was in and for the hobby. Seeing pics and hearing stories throughout the years was always a pleasure. John seemed like such a kind and gentle soul with a heart made of Gold. While I never got to shake his hand I will mourn his loss because as fellow comic collectors even if we don’t know each other we share a bond and I would be proud to call him my friend. My prayers go out to his family and friends during this difficult time.
  15. Thanks brother and nice pickup yourself!!
  16. I second that notion Rick THANKS for the heads up T!!! I used it to buy this...not GA but been have been gradually looking to upgrade my copy. Gladiator has always been one of my favorite characters. Last sale in grade was $142 according to our friends at GPA. Got this for less than a Hundo with free shipping!! little foxing but nice pages and cool date stamp. Thanks pal!!
  17. We have a second vote for the Blue Beetle!! My reasoning is similar but I am admittedly not a long time BB collector I only got into him once i discovered him as an adult plus he is represented on SOOOOO many cool GA covers My son digs him too which is cool!! When i gave him the new BB1 he held it up like Link getting his hands on the triforce and so couldnt help by grin ear to ear ?
  18. Sweet books and nails as always Sha!! That Sensation 3 is super neat!!
  19. I would kind of like to bring this full circle and back to what the OP was saying. He stated he guessed one book would have sold for more if the other sale was published data. This was the point I was getting at especially for tough books like this. This book is tough in that it is relatively hard to find in grade (compared to the abundance of SA keys we see so frequently and love at least) so the fact that the one book wasn’t affected by the others value as much isn’t always a bad thing right? And isn’t it more indicative of true fair market value at least at that exact point in time with that particular audience? It was a good point and I get that always buying below GPA would indicate prices downturning but that more applies to books that are more heavily traded and share more similarities (grade/PQ/presentation etc). I personally enjoy that there are still books rare enough and that don’t change hands publically enough that there aren’t multiple people who are gonna throw in a set price bid in case the book is selling too low because no one really knows exactly what it’s worth until all the cards are on the table. Makes it fun!!!