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Everything posted by jaybes

  1. No, not common. But I'm thankful for the additional printings, I picked some up to give away for people to read that I think would love this series. At my nearest LCS, you've got to be at the doors when they open to get an Image #1 First Print, a few local speculators usually buy them out (if they're not damaged in shipping) and the store doesn't care. Its still hilarious how some are using 2nd and 3rd printings as "proof" that the original (and quick) jump in eBay prices for this book are driven by readership People can still want to read a series that has experienced a price hike due to specualtion...in fact, you could argue that people may want to read it even more! (PS - Just got back from the LCS, huge stack of #1 reprints still there. I guess markets are different)
  2. I didn't take it that way Slym,I think 500club was just calling out the jab, that's all. it's all just fun banter to me,way better than watching tv (ie Agents of Spoon ) It's more entertaining when we all have opinions right? I think we can all agree that we want to see MD be successful, no matter what. That's what matters!
  3. +1. Slow witted boardie here Me really dum. Maybe beer help. Beer always helps
  4. Wow...feel like the point was missed completely. A book can rise in price by speculation, AND people can still want to read it. If the speculators bought a ton and dried up the market, wouldn't that trigger the same need for another printing? Either way the book appears popular to the publisher, right? Thus more printings? Like I said, I think they can coexist, but I personally believe this one is highly speculator driven (low-ish print run relative to other 2013 Image titles, and speculators knowing that Image books tend to be safer bets nowadays). Doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, just an opinion, and I already said I'll be happy to admit if I'm ever proven wrong with MD...time will tell (thumbs u Also, I was counting Image Firsts $1 as a third print for Peter Panzerfaust...my bad?
  5. No, im confused because I do think this book is speculator driven, but that doesn't have anything to do with people wanting to read it I think it's entirely possible those two notions can coexist...
  6. Peter Panzerfaust?!? Seems to be widely accepted on these boards that it was heavily speculator driven...yet it has a 3rd Print? I'm so confused
  7. Post of the Day! I think this is how we all felt...then the addiction set it.
  8. I'm not impressed with all the .99c auctions for #1s
  9. So freakin awesome! A YTLM page is also on my 2014 goals, SUPER jealous
  10. How did this go from one particular book being speculator driven to all?! Loving this thread
  11. now that's something I'd watch. Clint Eastwood too old ? Well you gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky... Does awesomeness even age?
  12. The problem is that they will never admit they were wrong. Ok, I'll bite: Since I've voiced my opinion that I think the recent success of MD is speculator driven, I will gladly admit I was wrong if I'm proved wrong. Any news of movie/TV adaptation voids this commitment, but if this title continues to grow in price simply because it's a great book, then I will post my apology in this thread. I have no pride. I WANT this book to do well because I still have a stack (). I didn't know it was such a no-no to voice a contrary opinion in the Modern section, I thought that's what makes these forums engaging and interesting, but apparently it's perceived as negative and abrasive. Let's see what time holds in store Cheers!
  13. Come on, I've been looking for a nice raw 266 for months. This sucks.
  14. Looks like it. Except for the Unity/Mind MGMT ads, those are already for sale ($350).
  15. +1. Not at all what I expected, but still loved it!
  16. Thanks Hekla! I know it's not that rare, but I don't have one yet and this seemed like a no brainer for me. I basically get another almost-full-run PLUS the variant...WIN.
  17. Yep.. looks like we are at a point where you are going to have people come of the the woodwork to mess on the book in an attempt to drive it down purely because they didn't buy any, or have sold through theirs. Now this always isn't the case, but it happens more than not. Conversely, you will have people pumping a book as well if they are heavily invested. I've made quite a bit off MD already and almost sold through everything I have. but I have no plans to trash the book once I have sold through my investment. And if this post upsets you, then thou doth protest too much. Again... I dont think anyone is "trashing" the book, the conversation was about why its hot. My opinion is that its "hottness" isnt because of its content, I think it's hot because speculators know how fast some Image titles can take off, so people are buying now at prices they think will end up being a bargain if the book becomes really successful. I don't think that the majority of sales are related to curious readers. This is my opinion, and it has nothing to do with "ting" on this book. I still have a stack of #1s, I really hope it does well. My opinion as to why its hot is not tied to my desire for it to do well. That said, looks like it's time for me to pour another bday cocktail and return to the Water Cooler Sorry gentlemen.