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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. I wonder if this entire museum is just some huge tax-incentive effort on his part using his personal collection he already paid for, writing off costs associated with running this organization.
  2. I cant believe Lucas didnt make a play at this. Whats the point of having this museum with a billion dollar endowment (assumed) if you arent gonna spend half a million for the single greatest piece of narrative art of the last 60 years?
  3. Fair enough, agree to disagree. Found his style and his ability morph to match his project over 40 years unmatched. Guess i wont have to worry about bidding against you :-)
  4. If you are saying Sal B is no more then Bob Brown, and had the same impact on the industry, I would strongly disagree. Kirby "turned in the work assigned, on time, every time" too. Being efficient and being mundane are not the same thing.
  5. Again to be fair, Sal Buscema was one of the most talented artists working at Marvel and a top 5 comic artist of all time. Its not overly fair IMO to put him with brown, Trimpe, Dillin, and Novick. You dont make it 40+ years of constant quality driven work in comics by being a journeyman.
  6. 1. Its fun work 2. It's Cheap when compared to contemporaries 3. He worked for years on Flagship titles from the 60's to early 80's non stop. 4. There was barely a month the man didn't have 2-3 books coming out. If you read/liked Bronze age and silver age DC, you knew Dillin well. You add that up, it strikes me as someone whose material probably should sell decently well and might have been undervalued for years. He was a good artist who turned on quality work at high volumes. Im not his biggest fan, but I totally get it.
  7. What was people general impression of Platinum Mid-afternoon? It seemed pretty balanced to me, for every Gulacy (yeah that was cheap when good panel pages can go 4-5k) it seems their were a "Master Race". I wasnt sure what I thought of the sale of the ASM Romita cover, seemed light or just on target?
  8. See I actually thought this was one of the best if not the best. Each their own.
  9. "At some point in the near or distant future, prices will be adversely effected to either a large, medium , or small degree. This will occur on all, some, or barely any fields of collecting for either a permanent or temporary amount of time." -Savy art collector, any point between 1982-2018
  10. I actually feel asleep in the theater watching MI:2, only time that ever happened to me. And im normally someone who can appreciate slower moving non-action films, but for some reason the expectations that I was going to be engaged and entertained, coming up with the reality of just how boring and grinding that film was, I just closed my eyes for a second and had to be woken up by my girlfriend (now wife lol). Sorta tangential I know, but since we were talking MI2 lol.
  11. Stamps are in a bad way, no doubt about that. There used to be philatelist shops and shows everywhere in the 80s. Now I dont know of anyone under the age of 50 collecting. i collect certain types of coins so i still go to coin shows, only the few old men in the corners even sell stamps anymore, and i never see anyone buy. Coin collecting also is suffering, but nothing like stamps.
  12. I was asking if the entire show was held in the room as shown in the picture, if we were seeing all the dealers who were at the show in this one photo shown.
  13. Was it just the one room? All dealers basically in this one photo?
  14. Do you remember the ad's back in the day from LB cole? He was willing to do ONE recreation of each size for each of his covers. You had to call/write him to see what commissions were available. It was like 300-500 a piece I think back in the early 80s. I ended up buying a Mask 2 Grease Pencil recreation years ago for a friend for like 300 bucks, I NEVER found any of the painted ones until a few years ago, and it went for NUTS prices. One of those commissions would be very VERY high on my list today.
  15. It's Funny you say that. I purchased a rather graphic preacher page back in the day for 30 bucks for a friend of mine I have since lost contact with. He didnt collect art just loved preacher...I wonder if he still has it, where he is. It was a pretty memorable page.
  16. My base of reference was actually metro Detroit in the 80s. I didn't go to NY until I was in my 30s. There were small shows 2x a month and a big show 2-3 times a year within travel distance. Every local show, i would see a few pages. Every Major show (Chicago, Motor City) i would see dozens from various dealers. Its possible metro Detroit was some hotbed of comic art activity, but its the only basis of reference I had.
  17. I hear ya, and no I think you know by now I'm not someone holding tons of material in the belief that this is a never ending gravy train of skyward elevating prices. Its odd, i remember art being everywhere in the 80s, i couldn't remember going to a show that DIDN'T have at least 5-6 dealers with good material on their stands to go with the comics. But, it was so cheap anyone could afford to have it. You could walk into shops and find pages in display cases and on shelves lol. Not in the quantities a dealer now might have, but 3-5 good known pages by good known guys. There was a market, and it had been somewhat established. But the price points were so low, so many more folks could play. It wasn't so life and death. I miss those times if I'm being honest. You could walk into a show and walk out with a page or two of Kane, or JRJR, and you could do it for like 20 bucks or less a page which almost anyone walking the show could spend without seriously impacting their show or personal budget. What was also so great is that the quality of pages was just always on point. Because good material wasn't so expensive there was no need to deal in anything but prime hero pages. The "one shot of the hero in the background in one panel" pages were still in the artists portfolios for 5-10 bucks a pop cause no one thought to spend the cash on them when so much better could be had for not that much more. It was fun times. But to your point, yeah its hard to compare those prices to today. I will say though it was more on collectors minds back then to have a page or two of art. It felt like everyone did it. Now when you talk to most comic book collectors, almost none of them have art unless the specialize in it like we all do. The price elevation made it so you could only play this game if you had seriously financial reserves. The positive i take from that however is that I know when all is said and done, most comic book collectors WANT to be comic art collectors too if they think about it. They just don't want to pay the prices the good material costs now, and they have little interest in the lower tier "meh" pages that float around online so frequently. Because of those factors, art is hardly present at shows anymore so it sort of gets overlooked by comic book collectors which wasn't the case before. If prices go down, this market will flood with new buyers I believe. It would probably be like the stock market, everyone is terrified when there are corrections but at some point the losses are so great people start realizing to look past their fear and understand this probably is a good buying opportunity to get back in at a discount. Anyway, my 2cents. Fun Topic.
  18. I dont know of any Marvel or DC super Hero art you could have bought in the 90s that you would not be killing it with today. Is there a single category of marvel/DC art that has gone down in resale value from 1998 to 2018? Or 2008 to 2018?
  19. See, I always thought about it the other way. When traditional market investments are tanking people would look to non-traditional market-less investments as a safe haven. No matter the rises and falls of stock markets, the comic art field is unaffected traditionally. If you are getting your teeth kicked in with stocks why not park some money into something beautiful you can enjoy having around while it appreciates?
  20. Thats a pretty low bar though, i cant remember the last movie i saw in the theater that wasn't better then TLJ...Maybe "Small Foot" or a Transformers movie.
  21. Yeah, so basically after TJL everything that isnt the final of the trilogy has been cancelled or has tanked in the box office? Only the Web Show is left? Seems like fall out to me.
  22. So word is KK confirmed the Boba Fett Movie is 100 percent dead now, and the internet show is all they are working on outside of the final installment of the trilogy? That about where we sit now?
  23. see I think of it like 300 or Sin City or Road to Perdition...Or heck even walking dead on some level. Not Superhero but still falls into the bin, just because comics have been so varied for so long. Might not quality though on some level fair point.