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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. People on PQ, but I/m telling you it matters. No MC, high PQ is the key. Had that book been OW/W that's an 80k book. As it stands, its still a record price per GPA for a 6.5, but only by like 5k. I think the "I GOTTA HAVE ONE" bug is subsiding and prices are stabilizing on quality mid-range books (4.0-7.0). http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FCGCALLSUB.ASP%3FFocused%3D1%26Graded%3DCGC%26id%3D4552%26FROM%3D%26TO%3D%23Item_1211877&id=1211877&itemType=0 The 5.0 with horrific chipping went 33k, low end of target I think. http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FCGCALLSUB.ASP%3FFocused%3D1%26Graded%3DCGC%26id%3D4552%26FROM%3D%26TO%3D%23Item_1203278&id=1203278&itemType=0
  2. Yeah, I cant view any images on CAF from work. I can only see heritage and ebay listings from research. The 3rd party dealer sites links dont show up either. It really has hurt my desire to look at stuff.
  3. And chances are if you aren't looking to sell just show off, you would be happy to not get the message. ALSO how about if you pay for premium you have ability to turn messages off and on? That wouldn't be that hard I would assume programing wise. Can even have a note on your gallery"This user has elected to turn messages off". Its sort of like how people now make a gallery then delete everything from it. They can send messages out but you cant really contact them otherwise (far as I can tell).
  4. 10 items , no comments allowed on your posts, no PM's for free account. Unlimited items, unlimited comments, PM's allowed on for 10 dollars a year. Rest stays same.
  5. I was just going by the quote, didnt think that was one of the versions.
  6. I don't think that was one of the iterations. I think it was "Known Known", "Unknown Unknown" and "Known Unknown" was the 3 versions from his quote.
  7. Ah...so the answer is "42"....it all makes sense now.
  8. Honestly this might not be a popular view but I have one rule: a deal isn't a deal until cash hit hand. I've had so many guys ghost on me in both buys and sells I just dont even consider a deal as done until cash hits hand. I don't consider a buy done either til I get a tracking number. To many guys back out and disappear that you can't take it personal, just know that until that happens, anything is possible.
  9. Winner! ok So piece one is the final design art for the Teeshirt. Now i gotta find the Surfer, could be the same stuff. Thanks for that!
  10. I've seen the Spider-man page , looked it up i think it was issue 2. That wasn't hard to find, it was a majority stat page but its still 2 pages from a comic book so I'm good on that. I think the Idea of a Marvel Teeshirt or Poster makes most sense. Something Black and white on the Byrne because it appears the Surfer image has also had zipatone added along with the signature and the additional extension and background details. I just cant for the life of me find it what definitively either was used for. Some Marvel Tee or poster is best i got unless someone here knows better.
  11. I think there is some validity to that, but they wont all be buyers of the comics. I sometimes wonder if you added up all the online comics, independents/alternative work, specialty, and mainstream comic makers would it be close to say the mid 90s comic book market? I don't see it collapsing and being worth 10cents on the dollar anytime in any of our lifetimes. But I do see it slowing down and regressing price wise in say 10-15 years. With the new fan bases being born, I can see the high end boutique books like AF15 and high quality original art holding value and maybe growing as opposed to commons and low grades semi-keys. There will be more of a class of collectors just wanting the museum grade material driving that up, but runs and low grades will lose willing buyers and so their price will fall. Its funny, stratification seems to be the key to our culture and economy.
  12. Howdy computer-pals! Long and short, picked up 4 odd "pages" of art in a deal today. I need help identifying two of them. The stuff i do recognize are these Marvel age pages (or saga, one of two) and could look up. Partial drawn majority stat reprints from AF15. What i dont recognize are two odd pieces. The first is a redo of the end page to the Byrne Surfer special. Additional art has been drawn on it and its backgrounds modified (with a printed BYRNE signature stat added). its odd sized, but its also on "Marvel Books" paper. Likely someone like Trimpe or some bullpen guy extended it out using the Byrne center. Oddly, Zipatone work was added to it to. Its actually decently done for what it is, but id like to know what this goofy hybrid piece is from. Last is this all stat (also on marvel books printed copywrite paper) wolverine image. Was this from like a teeshirt or add? Anyone recognize this or the Surfer? Any thoughts on this appreciated!
  13. Twice up silver age Swan with Superman flying into Lois Lanes bedroom, and some random kitschy tiny super-hero in a box doing goofy ....On every level that hits the requirements for people buying Lois Lane pages, exceptional quality gets exceptional prices IMO.
  14. Ill give you Spiderman 2, that was hands down the best spider-man film of all time. But i honestly put homecoming number 2 all time. It just felt right, it felt like Spider-man. I think it was a smart move not getting tied down to an uncle ben angle and really just go into the story and the world. I'm sure the sequel will be the origin "issue", but i felt this was great for what it was.
  15. "Mid grade"? A 7.0 is in the top 8% of all graded blue label copies. -J. But again to be fair, 7.0 is normally a mid grade range for silverage and bronze age books. Really its 8.0 (I feel) to call something upper range or high grade. But again its all just personal preference.
  16. and today a 2nd copy sold for 125 on CL marked today 10/18. Both of them had lesser PQ as well but no MC. Wow thats a lot of money for a mid grade copy, that it can happen multiple times in a week is eye opening.
  17. It will be interesting to see how the CL and HA copies without MC's sell. For all the talk about there being so many copies available, yeah there are but it seems all of them are priced well over market/record prices and most are also heavily chipped. I'd love to see what open competition true market value is on the superior copies everyone is chasing. I think that tells me more about what this book is worth than all the "Or Best Offer" copies floating around. There are 2 in CL and 3 in HA due to sell this November without MC's that present pretty well and all 4.0 and above, as well as like 7 more copies with chipping. I would imagine that's gonna really tell a lot about where this market is.
  18. You know though, on paper yeah there are a lot of copies being "offered" on CL, but when you really look at here and ebay it tells a very different story. On Comiclink: There are indeed 14 copies for sale unrestored 11 of them have significant MC's (which its clear are the least desirable yet the only ones people want to unload). 3 Remaining are a an 8.0 for 275k, a 5.0 for 115k , and a 4.5 for 45k. Each of these is significantly over previous sale prices. An 8.5 sold earlier this year for 177k which likely is about what an 8.0 would go for now in average for grade condition. A 5.0 without Marvel Chipping should sell around 45-50k with good PQ and no other major defects, basically less then 1/2 of the asking price. A 4.5 without MC's and good PQ should sell around 30k ,which is STILL higher then any copy recorded in grade on GPA but still well below the current for sale price. Of the three copies without MC's (where the battle is waging) , 2 of the 3 are mid to lower PQ for the grade further pushing the sale price potentially down. Some books are repeats of whats on other sites. On Ebay: There are 24 copies for sale unrestored at this time 16 have significant significant MC's (again, last to sell and whats not as desirable) Every single copy being offered is between 25% to 150% over last known sale in grade. Additionally most of the MC which don't command the premium of no MC are being offered for well over the record prices paid for clean copies. Some books are repeats of whats on other sites. On ComicConnect: 7 Copies for sale unrestored 5 Copies have significant MC's Every single copy being offered is between 25% to 150% over last known sale in grade. Additionally most of the MC which don't command the premium of no MC are being offered for well over the record prices paid for clean copies. Some books are repeats of whats on other sites. On Heritage: No copies for sale restored or otherwise. When you really look at whats out there, its really not a whole lot. Lot of desirable books coming up for auction but non actually for sale right now for anything even remotely close to market price. If a book is in the range of market, its already been sold or pulled for an auction. What is being offered for sale are not the clean desirable copies but lessers folks are trying to unload for well over market, to get themselves into the MC's free decent PQ copies.
  19. +1 A much sounder and more thorough analysis and one which I would certainly have no problem agreeing with once you take into account the International box office receipts. Thank you. To be honest its really just the same analysis as before I just went into borderline painful detail (what I sometimes feel when i read some of my writing lol) instead of the previous broad strokes on the 2nd pass. I forget sometimes you can't always short hand RCA's to executive bullet points so I tend to just high level stuff. If you want to get your point across sometimes online sometimes you need to straddle that fine line between being too short where you leave a lot of gaps cause you're in the clouds, but not to long to be pedantic. Not trying to bring up an old topic, but I just was going over reported Box Office for all For/Dom theater and I think its clear Spider-Man not only beat out WW but he also beat out GoTG to be the biggest comic book movie of the year (to date). People kept crapping on SM like it was suffering from "one-too-many" reboots, but that's just to narrow of a view on box office that's very regional in its thinking. The US is the single best market by a mile, no doubt. But a lot of times we think in terms of US sensibilities play everywhere in terms of entertainment. In general yes if it works here it works elsewhere, but its the nuances of how it translates that really tell the story. WW just didn't have quite the appeal SM did. People like Parker, they want to see his stories both in print and on the screen. WW doesn't enjoy the same appeal. I think in terms of sequel all things being equal, SM probably our performs WW again, and by a wider margin.
  20. Correct. Worth pondering. If shown to be different, how different? Oh I was implying "they are two different people cause the guy selling it is Matt Stock on eBay and EE on CAF."