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Everything posted by woowoo

  1. WOW you are hard as s They should have used you as Lex Luthor All the boardes would pay and it would smash box office records.
  2. A pretty fair review! I noticed you had no problems with Batman and Wonder Woman as well. So it does look like the Superman part of this movie was the part most critics were confused and didn`t like much. So the Superman mythos is causing this ruckus. If they did a solo Batman Ben Affleck movie next time it will beat Batman v. Superman box office by a mile! If I am DC I might just concentrate on Batman movies if these other DC superhero movie under-perform at the box office. Plus I doubt Superman will be getting a solo movie anytime soon now. Thoughts? I am NO expert and did not stay at Motel 6. I love superman/batman. They just got to violent with Sup and his fights just kill to many people. I did see Superman Quest for peace other day and it would never make the cut today but the story lines way more like the siegel and shuster the way us old people love him.
  3. DavidMerryweather please put away the I'm restricted to ale, but dark ale in honor of this thread! ...Gator has monopolized all the Coke Zero east of the Rockies. BTW, there's a kewl HT cover posted one page earlier... http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice.356063/page-32 I take Sub in speedo all day looooooooonng
  4. would you be surprised I like this movie AND I get Trump? I think David been drinking COKE ZERO HUGE POSTS.
  5. I dont like the new Superman Zack did but We had our time now thats over. I love Hard rock but my kids like all that Rap is cr_p . We are outnumbered to the new age. Dave wait intill you lose your hair :
  6. 100% He does not make Sup/Bat look like the heroes i grew up with. I might just have to coll Timely's thats not a bad thing
  7. I just went for the 2nd time and it was better the 2nd time. I found 1 easter egg that was cool. I am 99% sure that the guy with no legs when he's at his house useing the tape on his wall was a pic of the cover to Action 1 with Sup lifting the car. I did understand the movie better this time.
  8. Hey the movie was not a copy of Action 1 but it was under 100 and was ok. I now have something to look forword to next time.
  9. Its brittle and smells. I used that paper from Bill S 30 years ago he said it would be supple but no.I do love key books of all
  10. DC productions aren't getting much of my money these days. My time is too valuable to waste on tasteless/offensive films. I respect that you liked MoS, but we obviously have different standards for entertainment. Tell the truth your just not a DC guy. George Reeves in the first 26 episodes of the original television series caught the essence of Superman for me. Sophisticated by today's standards? ...Obviously not, but the charm, heroism and even danger of super powered being operating secretly in human society was done quite well. I'd love to see Batman done right, but it's like the Goldilocks bears on steroids. Either the character is done as pure camp like the 60's abomination or the 80's & 90's interpretations where Batman was overshadowed by star actor villains or Joel Shumaker's riske' interpretation of Batman and Robin that looked like a promo film for LAMBA. And finally, whe it looked like Batman couldn't be subject to worse treatment we got the darkest of the dark knight interpretations. A series that ended in Heath Ledger's spiral into darkness and the Joker idolized by a crazed cinema shooter lifting the dark horror to real world stature in an obscene reflection of just how dark our society has finally become. Maybe Goldilocks with CSI investigating her remains in the bear's cabin. Too hot, too cold, too nasty, too tasteless, but never just right. Yeah, I want my heroes to be heroic. I have no problem with scriptwriters developing characters that are conflicted and going through periods of darkness, but that only works if they come out on the other side better adjusted from the experience. Heck, adding the dimensionality of life's complexities enriches characters. Heroes need not be emotionless card-board cut outs, but the darkness requires balance. Establishing conflicted characters in a totally dystopian world isn't entertainment. Alas, we may be making our world a little more dystopian every day, but I'd like to think that there's room for optimism and hope. If our movies can't offer a hint of humanity, then I think our entertainment industry is in a truly sad state. Well, you asked. So, as in the Buckeroo Banzai universe, no matter where you go, there you are. I am reading my Red Raven 1 now so i will read your loooooooooong post when i am done.
  11. I do wish they would make Superman a Superman
  12. DC productions aren't getting much of my money these days. My time is too valuable to waste on tasteless/offensive films. I respect that you liked MoS, but we obviously have different standards for entertainment. Tell the truth your just not a DC guy.
  13. You do realize that BvS would probably have to close over 1.6 billion worldwide to make a 300 million PROFIT for WB. Theater cuts, more international expenses, marketing, etc. Theater makes less than 5 cents per ticket sold. They make there money on popcorn and stuff. I dont know whats what on the rest to get profit. I was throwing that out as a fast ball reply I dont think WB will lose since its out there that it cost 250 mill with everthing including international expenses marketing ect. Where did you get $0.05 per ticket sold? http://www.rogerebert.com/letters/how-your-ticket-price-is-divided The GM at my local 16 cinima goes to me for all her car needs. I have got free movies for 15 plus years she tells me its a fight sometimes to have the studio let them show movies like this and its around 3/4 cents per ticket sale thats all they get. True or not but she has 5 cinimas that she goes to for all there needs.
  14. You do realize that BvS would probably have to close over 1.6 billion worldwide to make a 300 million PROFIT for WB. Theater cuts, more international expenses, marketing, etc. Theater makes less than 5 cents per ticket sold. They make there money on popcorn and stuff. I dont know whats what on the rest to get profit. I was throwing that out as a fast ball reply I dont think WB will lose since its out there that it cost 250 mill with everthing including international expenses marketing ect.
  15. So when does a movie that makes 300 million plus profit a bad movie for WB?. I would be happy if i could make 5 million for my life let alone 2/3 years.
  16. I go to movies for free. I fix the managers car so free movies for life. I did take my 11 year old girl to see deadpool bad idea .
  17. Sounds like you cant see a movie just for fun. Take a kid or your wife for a good family time. I dont care what the movie made its more than they say but i thought it was ok. I will tell you its better the 2nd time go see it Mitch. 0000000000000000000000 dump your Action 1s they are down 78% VS Tec 27
  18. Nice i have a 7.0 white pg 23 and 25 that i would love to trade for something i coll.
  19. With Batman looking like to be the leader of the Justice League his popularity will continue to grow. I don't know what they can do to make Superman cool with modern audiences? He has had three chances this last decade. Superman Returns Man of Steel Batman vs. Superman I like Superman,but unfortunately the modern movie going audiences don't share my enthusiasm. For one thing the whole Lois Lane is in trouble and superman to the rescue theme is beyond redundant. Another issue is superman is too powerful. I think he would be more interesting if there was more than one way to beat him in a fight. They need to take away some of his powers and just have some movies where Lois doesn't factor in to the hero aspect of the plot for starters. Then they should change his uniform and have him say "shazam" everytime he wants to transform into his super self -Problem fixed WT Lets have a drink and talk abought this The last time the devil poured me a drink it got a little crazy... Ya but thats not a bad thing is it
  20. I really need a 7 Low Grade (poor, trimmed, heavily restored,, whatever).
  21. Hope its not the Actions 4 and 5 I want some of your doubles if you get them.