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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Okay. We've already been over this in the other thread. You don't know what any of these movies' "profits" are. Neither does the guy who put that chart together. And profits to whom, exactly? The studios? The talent? The theatres ? The various territtories the film are released in? Does it even matter where or to whom the profits go, or how it is divided up ? Of course not. Money is money and everybody made more of it because Homecoming made more of it. A lot more of it. A whole lot more of it. $60MM more of it. In less time. With more competition. You and your friend Boscoe (who, incidentally disavowed the numbers on this made up chart as it pertains to Justice League, and has pointed out twice how the numbers are wrong as to at least GOTG, yet uses it in this thread as if it were authoritative) using this chart to make yourselves feel better about this movie's likely fourth place finish on the superhero list by the end of the year is literally the very definition of grasping at straws. You and he are both about nothing but "spin". How do we make this movie look like it was the best thing since sliced bread? How do we spin the numbers ? How do we spin its shortfalls and shortcomings ? How do we spin this into the "number one movie of the year"? How do we spin that it somehow made more money even though it didn't? How do we spin this into the most successful hero movie of the year, even though it isn't? How, oh how? Have fun polishing that participation trophy. -J.
  2. You're joking right ? Making $60MM more is "losing" now. Nice try sport. Better keep your fingers crossed that Thor doesn't pass it too. -J.
  3. My god let's make this really simple- Posting about upcoming books by Dell'otto is very much within the scope and purview of the thread. Plenty of people have said they appreciate the info so I would hope that Polirer will be able to continue to post the info and ignore the noise. As to print run number into, to reiterate, in the absence of first hand information of fraud and deceit, there is no reason to badger him on the point, thus indirectly accusing him of being a liar. Show a little class people. To those of you who aren't interested in the info, or are bothered by the posting of such, I shall politely remind you that no one is forcing you to visit this thread. Happy Thanksgiving all! -Jay
  4. +3 Sharing here is fine, this is the Dell'otto appreciation thread and getting a heads up on his upcoming books from you is no different then the folks talking about JSC's upcoming books put up on his website. -J.
  5. Is making thinly veiled suggestions of duplicity/dishonesty against an individual in a public forum based on nothing more than "Spidey senses" supposed to be taking the high road? -J.
  6. Yes the vast general consensus is $300MM. Let's at least pretend to keep the conversation and analytics honest. -J.
  7. You're right. And that was pretty bad azz. -J.
  8. I think he said he passed on that one because his LCS had it for too much.... -J.
  9. Sometimes it's just a matter of right time, right place and the luck of the draw. I live in a large, metropolitan city and none of the LCS in the area didn't even know about the 667. It took me eight months to find to track down a copy from a small LCS owner in Newfoundland (Canada) . You had some great books there I see it looks like you even had most (or all) of the 666's as well. Some of those have only 500 copies. That was a heck of a collection you had there. Lots of really great stuff. But definitely don't have any regrets about selling, you did very, very well. -J.
  10. That I have no idea. There's a lot of scenarios that could have lead to that I would only be speculating. -J.
  11. There are no "extras" printed. You order what you think you need up to a case pack and allocate accordingly, or you get rid of your remaindered case pack(s) through some other means as is possibly what's going on in the advert above. I understand Polier seems to be saying something different, or may seem uncertain in how he explains the point, but that's how it works. There aren't loose copies of books taped to the tops of case packs for "damages and creator copies", that doesn't even make any sense. You get what you get inside of your case packs and distribute them however you want. And going back to press to print more ain't happenin'. If you do it's called a "second printing". -J.
  12. So I have to ask.... did you really sell ALL of your late ASM variants, or do you have any left? -J.
  13. As much as I know a couple of people posting in here love a good pile on, what Polirer is stating is, in reality, factually plausible, so in the absence of firsthand knowledge of actual fraud, maybe people should back off a little. Some of us do appreciate the first hand looks and previews that he provides of the upcoming covers, and I for one would like it to continue. And just to clear up things a little, here's what I believe Polirer is saying, based on my own knowledge of how it works: Bulletproof purchases or commissions a piece from Dell'otto, and the image is sent to DC for approval. Upon approval Bulletproof orders the minimum amount of copies, say four case packs of 250 from DC. From those 1000, Bulletproof scraps all un-sellable damaged copies, anything that appears less than a guaranteed grade, and earmarks how ever many others for the creators, courtesy copies, copies for their own PC's, etc. If, after that, there is a shortfall, Bulletproof needs to go back to the publisher and order another case pack of 250. HOWEVER.... there is no guarantee the publisher will provide this. I have seen occasions where the publisher has told stores that whatever they first order is all they will ever get, regardless of damages, etc. The only real question someone could reasonably have is what happens if they get four case packs of pristine books that exceed the promised amount of availability. But we have seen what sometimes happens in that scenario- a second offering is provided. That usually upsets the first round of buyers. So stores stopped doing that. Now we here that they destroy them. We obviously don't know whether or not that is true for sure, but until someone releases an undercover hidden camera exposé, or we suddenly see a ridiculous glut of a supposedly print limited book somewhere, it is unreasonable and unfair to either directly or indirectly accuse them of lying. At the end of the day, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I don't know about destroying comics but even if there are some left overs, by the way these stores work, and how much spoilage there is in a typical shipment, I highly doubt there are many, if any 9.8 candidates either getting thrown down a sewer, or being stored under somebody's desk for secret sales after the fact on eBay. So please, keep the great covers and the insider info coming Polirer. -J.
  14. That's just crazy. I'll just let this be a reminder to me for why I never sell my books. -J.
  15. I appreciate you fighting the good fight Boscoe. My personal position is that WB just spent way, way too much money on this movie, like a drunken sailor on leave at a strip club. It was just too much and it didn't need to happen. This conversation and the headlines this morning would be a lot different if WB spent a far more reasonable $180MM-$190MM on this, instead of the moronic $300MM that they did spend. That's just incompetent movie making, and I'm not even talking about the content or the finished product on the screen. A $279MM worldwide first weekend on a $180MM budget just "looks" better. And even if people would have still said the movie "under performed" (which they no doubt would have), at least there wouldn't be so many industry wonks now questioning the entire superhero genre and movie theater stocks tanking. There would at least be a counter talking point that the movie is already in the black. To wit, the simplest solution for the WB (outside of simply making subjectively "better" movies) is to dial down the budgets, maybe plug into the FOX model of less is more. Aquaman and its also very dumb budget of $160MM is already in the can. Like another boardie said earlier in this thread, hopefully this experience with JL will finally force a little soul searching with what they are doing here. -J.
  16. Don't DC movies typically have 65-70% weekend drops (with the exception of WW)? The holiday might help offset that a bit. Also, final weekend numbers are in and it looks like the film actually made $94MM (not $96MM). http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/11/20/justice-league-box-office-opening-weekend/ -J.
  17. One does not need to see a movie to assess, interpret and/or discuss its box office performance, be it good or bad and doing so hardly rises anywhere near to the level of "bashing". -J.
  18. +1 But the name calling was uncalled for. I would hope that is something we can all agree. On with the show! -J.
  19. Several people did refer to some people questioning the quality of this movie as "trolls". And that's just dumb. Name calling automatically short circuits honest debate, and I suspect that was the point. And the absence of your chart was telling. The general consensus is the movie's production budget was $300MM. WB has not confirmed this and likely never will. All of your charts are approximations anyway best as I can tell. I'm not telling you to post the chart. The fact that you take the time to do it at all in so many threads is remarkable IMO. I'm just noticing that you did not do it for this film. You've now said the reason why, and that's fine. Frankly, you did not even have to give an explanation, so thank you. -J.