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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Loved, not beat, and definitely a beauty all the same. -J.
  2. That's impressive. Clearly the market approves of the latest news about the movie, Eddie Brock getting the symbiote back in the comics, and Venom mania is upon us once again. As I pointed out in the Venom Movie thread, it seems Sony is planning an entire Venom-verse of movies, so that is probably sparking things off as well. -J.
  3. If by "backing out of a deal", you mean not agreeing to pay another one of his gouge prices, and terminating negotiations, then yeah, that's what happened. As far as the book in question, he already owned it and had sent it out for a press. He's lying about that part. And yeah, I have the emails to prove it. Wanna see them ? Or should I just keep going here? A professional would simply move on. But evidently Roulette44 likes to throw temper tantrums and try to intimidate people in front of big crowds. If I was a dealer that's not the light I would be wanting to portray myself under. But hey, like I said. To each his own. -J.
  4. Very nice pick up congrats! (Good job re-railing the thread, by the way ). -J.
  5. I don't see a single CGC 9.8 on eBay at the moment either. And I'll never sell mine, never could even be tempted. Just love the book and character too much, and feel fortunate to have pulled a 9.8 out of the raw copy I bought back in 2013. -J.
  6. Yes that would probably be the second time he mentioned his purchase. The first was in May, 2016 shortly after he bought it, in the link I already posted earlier. That's when he bought it. Right when the first CC 6.5 copy was being run up (shortly after the 9.4 sale). We know this because this is when he first started taking about AF 15's so frequently. "I" know this because I was watching the book and PM'd him a "congrats" shortly after he announced he bought it and even counseled him then that he shouldn't run around advertising what he paid for his books all the time. -J.
  7. I just linked when it sold and when SC22 announced it. It was in May, 2016. Right as the first CC 6.5 looked like it was being run up. I know this because I also have a 6.5 and follow those sales very closely. So Kudos to SC22 to for being more astute than dealers in this instance Look it up. (And I purchased my copy raw in early 2014 I believe from a reputable boardie and slabbed it myself.) -J.
  8. They're worth the same now. But I would keep the ASM 300. Looks like Sony is planning an entire Venom-verse of movies. -J.
  9. Then maybe you shouldn't publicize every major comic book purchase you make : Though I stand corrected, you actually bought your copy in May, 2016 (right before that first $50k ish sale on comic connect in June). And looking back at that thread only further proves my point about the 9.4 causing the spike. I even forgot about the big pedigree sale of a 9.2 for $400k shortly after it, and the $33k for a 5.5 on eBay after that. This book has been spiking for well over a year now, and it's not even close. -J.
  10. You're right. Overstreet was a wonderful tool for dealers to screw ignorant and unsuspecting prospective sellers for years ("I'll give you 33% of 'Guide'!"). The market moves light years faster than Overstreet and it has been largely ceremonial and mostly irrelevant for years. Though I hope it continues to be published forever, I thank god every day for the internet and the access to real time sales that it provides. -J.
  11. No worries on that. Venom is already confirmed as a horror-themed hard R. -J.
  12. I'm assuming by this you are also including useless comments from the peanut gallery. -J.
  13. Looks like it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-300-CGC-9-8-WHITE-PAGES-NM-MT-First-VENOM-Eddie-Brock-/252935277452?hash=item3ae41e0b8c:g:PuwAAOSw0hlZFf1l -J.
  14. Looks like you're only relying on GPA. After the 9.4 sold on Heritage Forrest blockbuster price, and right BEFORE the first 6.5 sold on CC for $50k, a 6.5 quietly sold on comic link for $35k after being there for about a month with little fanfare. It was actually SC22's copy and he purchased it when he saw that the 6.5 on CC was like going to break records (which it later did, by the aforementioned 20k as reported by GPA in 2013, and by 15k that SC22 paid for his in a shrewd move just a few weeks earlier, those price sales of a 6.0 notwithstanding. All this does is continue to support my assertion that the market spike was in fact triggered by the 9.4 offering, perhaps building to a crescendo with the 8.5 sale and then Ghostown's sale, further consummated by the CC auction, and still ongoing now (6.5 now at $60k+, 8.5 on C link may break $180k, etc., mere months after setting other recent highs). As to the 8.5 sale I knew exactly why the sale raised eyebrows. If I wasn't clear with my explanation then I apologise. But there's no need to re write history when you you actually know the whole story. -J.
  15. Dem has already stated that he knows the buyer of the two mid grade copies at the CC auction that sold and has directly disputed all of your assumptions about those two lonesome sales. Also, how would you then explain the multiple sales of 6.5 copies that happened a year before the CC auction for $50k+, that were more than 20 grand higher than any prior sale in that grade ? -J.
  16. The fact that the 8.5 sold for so much more than it did in the Voldy holder did raise a lot of eyebrows. I think Ghosttown's big sale took a lot of people by surprise, and I agree that the CC sale after his affirmed the price point, but I don't agree that the CC auction "started" anything. The panic buying perhaps started with the CC auction, but I am more interested in what triggered the panic buying as a means for discerning future market trends. -J.
  17. I appreciate the greater detail in the post. But the 8.5 for $150k still came before the CC auction. As did Ghostown's sale. Apart from you trying to get in the heads of buyers, taking things at face value, the CC auction results were simply a continuation of escalating prices that began with that 9.4, travelling down to more mid grade 6.5's way before the CC auction, etc. -J.
  18. I am just curious why you think two mid grade sales from a couple months ago caused the price spike in most all grades across the board, when it was in fact the 9.4 sale that precipitated the 6.5 sales in the $50k range which preceded the 8.5 sale for $150k and Ghostown's copy for $400k which all happened before the CC auction. THOSE sales (and a couple others) caused the feeding frenzy and panic buying in the CC auction that has been ongoing since. -J.
  19. The only resource you have cited is your own incorrect opinion. And you've been wrong every time you have repeated it. -J.
  20. You don't even know what you're agreeing with. Unsupported conclusory statements that have no basis in either reality nor comport with common sense. No, two low to mid grade sales from a a couple months ago had anything to do with this. I'm genuinely surprised two such seemingly seasoned comic book vets would actually espouse something so obviously misguided as this. -J.
  21. Way to move the goal posts. That's not what Vintagecomics has said. And no, that's not what happened. The price surge IN ALL GRADES began more than a year ago with the $450k+ sale more than a year ago. This isn't a popularity contest either. Try doing some research and bringing some facts. -J.
  22. There was never any possibility it was going to be a Flash Thompson Agent Venom movie. Never. Ever. I'm actually okay with this casting. So far so good ! -J.