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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Not applicable since Cap's first appearance is Captain America Comics #1, and not either book you have posted above. ("First SA Appearances" aren't "First Appearances" by any yardstick). The character, likeness and persona of Domino first appeared in NM 98. The character, likeness and persona of Captain America first appeared in Cap Comics #1. Apple's and Oranges. -J.
  2. Agreed. Regardless of who was calling themselves the name, the character, persona, and likeness of "Domino" first appears in NM 98, period. The rest is just pump and dump noise. -J.
  3. First, congratulations on picking up your 5.5 in the nick of time before the price spike (it would call it "recent", but as I've pointed out before, it actually started more than a year ago at this point). Second, as to assertion about new raw copies coming to market every week, well let's check the census to see what the vast majority of those copies have looked like since 2000 (when CGC started). Out of about 2300 copies submitted, 750 are restored (about 27.5%). And out of about 1650 graded blue label copies, the average grade is 3.62. Whatever else is left out there, odds are many are restored and most are very low grade (based on the sample size we have now). This, of course, isn't taking into account all of the multiple CPR's that have been done with this book that are skewing the census artificially higher. At the end of the day, this book us much rarer, even in decent mid grade condition, than many would have you believe, and I also believe the actual amount of decent, grade-able copies left in the wild is more myth than reality at this point (although I have no doubt there is certainly a palpable amount, but clearly not enough to negatively impact prices at this point, not even in low grade). -J.
  4. Forget about that 6.5 that sold for $36k. It sold for that because it was chipped to death and had glue on the cover. As with many of the books that have been selling strong recently the "PQ" on the label was obviously the least of anyone's concerns. Why that book wasn't in a purple (restored) holder is still a mystery to me. But the market clearly rejected it as either being over graded or hammered it as a quasi-restored book that was improperly put in a blue holder. -J.
  5. I would argue that a very large percentage of the copies graded by the other company have migrated from CGC holders, and then back again in many instances. The CGC census is most certainly bloated with unaccounted for re-subs when it comes to this particular book. What percentage exactly? Who knows. I'd guesstimate it's off by at least 15%. -J.
  6. Venom is NOT going to be Flash Thompson in the movie. Biggest hint is Brock just got the symbiote back in the comics (how convenient!) and the movie planned is going to be a hard R rating, horror/sci-fi (yes please!). Not much room for "Agent Venom" there. (Thank god! And. Yuck!). -J.
  7. Wow that 0.5 cap 1 that also had a full married cover AND resto with trimming went for nearly $7k more. -J.
  8. I think the 7.5 will stop at $95k and the 6.5 will stop at $65k. -J.
  9. I thought BA 12, Nyx 3, and Star Wars 1 would settle. Hell, I thought NM 98 would settle. Still waiting. Reality is, $1500, or thereabouts, is likely the new floor for this book. -J.
  10. Thank you for clearing that up. I never believed the buyer of those books had any intention of doing that either. -J.
  11. That, and Brock getting the symbiote back and a return to legacy numbering for his ssries also were a factor. -J.
  12. I think Vintagecomics (aka Roy) is very knowledgeable as well and brings a whole lot of value to the boards. I may not agree with some of his opinions or methods of delivery all the time, but he is definitely an asset, and I hope you two can bury the hatchet because these boards are supposed to be fun after all. -J.
  13. You really think that was intended to be a direct quote from somebody (as opposed to a paraphrase that I just so happen to put into quotes so that it would be clear that I wasn't speaking in the first person)? Come on man. Now you're just reaching. -J.
  14. Yes I agree I was speculating. You did not provide any specifics. I took what you did say and drew some conclusions. A far cry from "twisting" something. -J.
  15. I know what my own eyes tell me about the overall AF market, which encompasses a lot more than last weekend in Chicago. We are, after all, only talking about a comic book here. It's not as though you need some sort of advanced degree in finance to make an informed opinion. Dealer input is of course always valuable and appreciated, but the "I know better than you, so listen to and believe me and not your own eyes"-schtick is a little played out at this point. -J.
  16. As a matter of fact, that's what YOU do. I have absolutely no reason or motivation at all to "twist" anything into anything, whereas you, on the other hand, do, and I see you doing it, all the time, in this thread in particular. What's funny is that you actually seem to think that anything that you say here will actually influence the market one way or the other, as prices for this book continue to escalate in ALL grades and conditions, right before our very eyes, and for reasons that are only peripherally related to the reason that you continue to repeat over, and over, and over as if it was gospel handed down from the mountain tops. -J.
  17. Agreed. The market is where it is and will do what it does regardless of whether or not people agree. As for me personally, I prefer public sales data over some rando at a convention skulking around in a trench coat, supposedly calling dealers off to the side ("psst! c'mere, you lookin' to buy an AF 15? 55 grand, cash in hand, 10g's under market, once in a lifetime deal, get it while it's hot") and flashing his copy. -J.
  18. Super sharp copy! And congrats on being a 20 year owner of the same book! -J.
  19. Roy's comments about a 6.5 was only with regards to a dealer shopping the book privately to other dealers. That one dealer wasn't willing to sell a copy at a cut rate price to another dealer so that he can then turn around and sell it for retail doesn't tell me much of anything. As for whether or not a particular room full of people were looking for an AF 15 at that particular moment doesn't really tell me much either. Sure it's a snapshot of one particular collective at a moment in time, but that is hardly indicative of the market as a whole (as we have seen). I think someone else earlier said it best- it's all about right time, right buyer, right place when it comes to selling books at a con. Completely different animal than selling a book to an online audience with an exponentially larger pool of buyers. -J.
  20. Obviously dealers are a part of the market, but the fact that one dealer wasn't willing to sell privately to another dealer for some cut rate, low ball price doesn't tell us much of anything significant IMO. -J.
  21. Not everybody on here is a dealer (strange, but true). What should that tell us? -J.