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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Fox trying to save face. Plus it's part of a larger franchise, and they want to launch a second X show next year (hopefully NOT by Noah Hawley). It would look really bad if Fox acknowledged defeat with its first attempt at this sort of thing. It's the same reason why Disney keeps renewing MAOS despite its own bad ratings (although at least that show "tries" to be enjoyable and advance an actual plot line). -J.
  2. That's awesome! Yes I do know that's his sig on your book. But he dies have different versions. You'll notice how he signs in his artwork. Then he has another version that I've seen on some of his commissions and his coffee table book that has his last name stacked on itself in a kind of neat way. Either way you definitely have a keeper there. -J.
  3. Very nice that is a really nice piece. It's interesting because there does seem to be a few different variations on his signature. I guess it just depends on how much coffee he's had that day. -J.
  4. Well that escalated quickly.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/BATMAN-608-RRP-9-8-CGC-DIAMOND-RETAILER-VARIANT-NO-RESERVE-/282392947211?hash=item41bfee6a0b:g:WcwAAOSwTM5YxbCL -J.
  5. While I agree with what you're saying for the most part, I also personally subscribe to the notion that public sales (or at least sales that were publicized) trump all. My understanding is that the second sale of the AF 15 9.6 was neither public nor publicized so I give it about as much weight as it deserves as such as a strictly "private" transaction. Also, by the time the public sale of the first AF 15 9.6 did occur, CGC had been around for what, 10 or 11 years ? By then people were well acquainted with the perils of over paying for a book based solely on it being the "one highest graded" copy. Truth is, whether there is just one or four copies , a 9.6 copy of AF 15 is still a top of the census copy, that basically never comes available, and will probably always be one of the single most desired books in all of the hobby. Do I think the next 9.6 copy to come up for sale publicly will fetch $2M though? Nah. But certainly something in the $1.3-$1.5MM range for sure. -J.
  6. Yes I'm not surprised. I've seen at least one before. There's no way books like ASM 129 and Hulk 181 would have them and not this book. -J.
  7. I have actually seen at least one other copy of this book with the insert so it is possible. The star stamp means it was most likely purchased from an offshore military base. Quite the find, especially in any kind of decent shape when you think about some of the possible places that book has seen in its lifetime. -J.
  8. Very cool. Finding the bigger books with the inserts is always a treat. Those first dethlock and first punisher up above are super. To date my single best insert book is my 9.2 Iron Man #55. I doubt I'll ever top that at this point. -J.
  9. That book would either be a green or purple label if the staples were replaced. -J.
  10. No chance. That is just a really clean looking 4.5. It will also do well. -J.
  11. Wow great result. Assuming the sale went through (is there any reason to believe it didn't?), it's easy to see why that book would sell for a premium. Presents very well for the grade. -J.
  12. It is indeed. Purchased from a boardie a few years ago. Thank you for the nice words. -J.
  13. Thanks Kevin! Fortunately there are many different ways to collect and enjoy this hobby, none being "better" or "more important" than the other. It's all just a matter of what floats your boat. As for this issue, Eddie getting back the symbiote and a return to legacy numbering is kind of a big deal. Will have to see the actual art before I decide whether or not it's something I would ever consider chasing though. -J.
  14. I'll never understand how so many people in this hobby seem utterly oblivious to the fact that collectors have collected comics based on cover art/artist alone for decades. -J.
  15. Did I just stumble into an eBay stockholders meeting ? I thought this was a pretty good price for a NM-ish looking copy last week, especially since the seller refused to even ballpark a grade in his listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spider-Man-678-US-Variant-Mary-Jane-Venom-1st-print-Rare-Spider-Man-/122369517291?hash=item1c7dcaa6eb%3Ag%3AXdoAAOSwB-1YpkTU&nma=true&si=iFZRySQ5y%2FIXXG0HfR%2Fz791DLhQ%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 -J.
  16. I wouldn't worry about the "eBay end user agreement violator police" . Thank you for sharing the information and congrats again on the sale. -J.
  17. Very nice man. And yes I think everybody gets why you'd rather take it off ebay.Looks like that last sale of a 9.8 of $3500 back in Dec. '15 Will have to remain the most "recent" sale for awhile longer. It does sound like you have a lot of the biggie ASM variants. Does this include the Dell'otto 667 by any chance ? -J.
  18. Nice. It barely lasted 48 hours. I can't say I blame you for going off ebay. I suspect that is how the majority of these high dollar variants will be sold. Congratulations man. I know you've had your OO copy for a long time and watched the book explode from the beginning. Hopefully a fellow boardie snagged it and will post the copy in the thread so I can officially update the Club list. -J.
  19. A 9.2 just sold for $1250. A GPA high. http://www.ebay.com/itm/332139640952?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J.
  20. It's definitely iconic at this point. Here's yet another homage, this one an OA on a blank by Finch that I'm kind of sorry I missed out on. http://www.ebay.com/itm/282367757520?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT A cool little piece that went for a decent amount of change. -J.
  21. People are still trying to float that submariner movie rumour ? Who's making it? Because Marvel still does not have the rights. -J.
  22. Well you don't see one of these on eBay everyday... http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Amazing-Spider-Man-678-CGC-9-8-Mary-Jane-Venom-Variant-/232260624235?hash=item3613cfdf6b:g:MZcAAOSwhlZYuyfh -J.
  23. Thank you sir. The Italian (pannini) version is a bit harder to find than the Mexican version. But both are usually available on eBay at any given time. The print, I've only seen the one on eBay. I don't even know where to find that otherwise. Compared to the original the print seems as about as hard to find as the actual original comic book for some reason. Though it is obviously nowhere near the cost. -J.