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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Problem is, you are misconstruing many of what your opinions are as "facts". Your idea of what constitutes "proof" is in reality nothing more than a virtually UNPROVABLE hypothesis, since, as we have already discussed, there are rarely, if ever, "all things being equal" about two vintage books being sold, including, apparently, the timing of movie releases and the time of year a book is being auctioned (things that actually have NOTHING to do what the physical conditions or what their respective labels say of the books themselves). Therefore it would be practically IMPOSSIBLE to create the controlled environment, and in a public venue, that would be required to even attempt to prove this hypothesis once, let alone over and over again in perpetuity to even establish a baseline to begin your point of debate. All we have, on either side of the point, are the occasional data points (that clearly do not favour your perspective based on these auction results, at least), which means we have, at best, ANECDOTAL evidence to rely on either way. And that is sure a heck of a long way from the absolute terms and authority that you are attempting to use (again, bad timing my man) to speak under the authority of "fact". Whether or not you recognize it, your credibility on this issue is SEVERELY undermined by the fact that, OMG! here we have not one but TWO examples of books with "white pages!!!" on the label, taking a big dump in the same public auction where plenty of other books set all time sales record highs (severely impacting the "auction fatigue" and "auction time of year" excuse). Realizing that, you and the usual suspects have (as you always do when this comes up again and again and again), opted to take the low road and make thinly disguised low blows in your non-arguments as you flail hopelessly about attempting to explain, rationalize, minimize, and negotiate why, once again, your closely cherished OPINIONS have been severely undermined (yet again) by the REALITIES of the market. Made even worse by the fact that you seem unable (or unwilling) to acknowledge the subtleties of some of my points, as you fling your one-noted sledge hammer down as though you were Thor wielding the hammer of truth-points made to look that much more impotent given the time and place that you are attempting to make them, that frankly has more of a "what I like and collect rules, and what you like and collect sucks" kind of stink to it to be perfectly honest with you. Most of this, of course, would be forgivable if your ego would allow you, even for one moment, to couch your statements as the OPINIONS that they are (even if shared by many) instead of the "facts" that you obviously wish them to be. Rather than derailing this thread any further I will leave you with my one and only point on the matter since Day One: That whatever price differences you believe occur based on the so-called "PQ" on the label alone is simply uquantifiable (ie, impossible to be proven) and/or inconsistent ("if" it happens, you can't prove that it has always happened), rendering it nothing but mere anecdote, and ultimately, meaningless. -J.
  2. Straw man. Nobody said that and nobody would say that. Plus, since we have literally just discussed that "at least" four other factors are more important than the alleged "PQ" on the label (ie Marvel chipping, auction fatigue, fanned pages, timing of a movie release, etc)I honestly don't see how you are continuing this conversation with a straight face. -J.
  3. I didn't pick "one data point". Just the most recent one (along with the Hulk 1 from the same auction). Don't need to bend anything to prove my point. It's proven almost daily. Let me know when you're able to prove yours. Funny thing about that though is, even if you could (you can't) it would actually just prove mine again- that there is no consistent or quantifiable price differences in books based solely on the alleged "PQ" on the label. That always has been and remains my point. -J.
  4. The same exact thing can be said when a book with "white pages" on the label does sell for more. Your arguments and statements do not only work in the one direction that you want to believe they do. Who's the one doing the "framing" here? -J.
  5. Three episodes (and three and half show hours in) the plot has not moved or been advanced one iota. This show is way too talky and pretentious for its own good. They "think" they're being deep and meaningful but the show is simply boring and uneventful. I understand everything that is going on but I don't care. The "story" is not compelling the main character is weak, the source material itself is thin, you only have eight episodes and you can't even make those interesting? The fact that people are hoping (expecting) that there will be some big payoff at or near the end to justify all of this monotonous, repetitive, boring tedium is in itself a testament to the failure that this show is. "But it's trying to be different!". Yes, different is great. "Different" just for the sake of being so, and existing for the sole purpose of being "different" is not enough to sustain a show. What works for Fargo ain't gonna work for the X-Men. Maybe if the creators weren't so busy smelling their own they would have been able to produce something that was actually "worth" watching and wasn't hemmoraghing viewers from its already low starting point. I'll finish it because it's a relatively benign 8 episode commitment and it's well produced, even if the content of what they have produced sucks.
  6. Not to belabor the point, or to single out gadzukes, but if you look at his post just a few up in his exchange with sqeggs, you will see that, yes there is a perception that "white pages" on the label is the be-all and end-all. It was literally gadzukes only stated belief for why he believed this ST 110 "should" break $20k (again, not trying to single him out, this is just the most recent and convenient example). The qualifications and rationalizations for why it didn't hit $20k, or even come close to that didn't start coming out until after the fact. Which seems to be pretty typical with these kinds of discussions (again, see also the de facto explanations for why the Hulk 1 with "white pages" on the label didn't sell for any kind of "premium" either). While you may think my argument is a "red herring" the same could be said for your own additional qualification that "if all other qualities (of books) are equal...." people will take books with "white pages" on the label instead of the other book. Well....how often are all other qualities on books ever equal? And unless you are the prospective buyer, you just don't know what informs anybody's buying decision other than your own. This isn't rocket science and it cannot be quantified, so there's no point in trying. Most of the time it's more impulse and passion than anything else. One other thing (again, not to belabor the point) the "PQ" on the label has nothing to do with the "colour" of the paper, it is "Page 'QUALITY'". You cannot see page "quality" (ie the suppleness of the paper) through a slab. There are many examples of "white paged" beater books and I've seen books with dirty covers with "white pages" on the labels, etc. Conversely, I've seen books with bright white looking covers with "cream" , "tan" or whatever other arbitrary and virtually meaningless "PQ" designation put on the label by CGC that day. Bottom line is, in my opinion, using the "PQ" on the label as any kind of way to base a sales price is a perhaps convenient, but ultimately very flawed and dangerous way to assess (or predict) the value of any book. -J.
  7. The thrust of your reply is essentially what I have always said. There are MANY reasons why books sell for what they sell for and obviously the so-called "PQ" on the label is not "the" single make-all and be-all that people are paying for (*see also the Hulk 1 in this same auction with "white pages " on the label with Marvel chipping that also sold for a signicant discount to other copies with "lesser 'PQ'" on the label). Moral of the story is there is no consistent or provable "premium" for "white pages" (or by extension a "discount" for something without it, including books with "cream pages" or whatever on else) on the label, except for books with "brittle pages". But even then , depending on the rarity/desirability of the book, it might not matter much if at all. -J.
  8. A couple of nice looking raw copies of ASM 688 just sold for $450 and $500 respectively: http://item.ebay.co.uk/122361413588?item_hash4=48eedeb8&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&LH_BO=1&_ipg=200&_pgn=1&rc=nt&rmvSB=true http://item.ebay.co.uk/371867603814?item_hash4=dda67e46&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&LH_BO=1&_ipg=200&_pgn=1&rc=nt&rmvSB=true -J.
  9. The sale isn't on GPA yet. Maybe someone who is more familiar with Vince than I am can give him a call or email and ask. -J.
  10. Peter said a month ago that the 33 would go for $25k. He called it almost to the dollar. Still a lot of room in that book IMO. -J.
  11. Considering this so called "white paged" book just sold for 25% below the last copy with "ow" on the label, this is probably not the most opportune of times for you to grind your silly little ax. -J.
  12. Just another data point in my arsenal for why the so-called "PQ" on the label doesn't matter. -J.
  13. Out of curiosity, what did your 5.5 sell for ? -J.
  14. Probably so. I've seen a decent balance. He certainly has his muses. I hope he stays on ASM forever though. #24 is ridiculous and looks to be selling really well on ebay. For good reason. I had to have one. -J.
  15. Are you kidding ? He paints full on environments all the time as well. You must not have seen his ASM #24 that was just released today even. Beautiful cover. -J.
  16. Proof positive that he has no issues painting/drawing feet. -J.
  17. Whoops! You're right. Forgot to do the currency conversion. -J.
  18. Well we now have an idea of what the artwork will be for this... http://www.ebay.com/itm/142282050149?redirect=mobile -J.
  19. Best offer accepted for $2000 actually. Still a hell of a lot for that. -J.
  20. Eddie is getting the suit back and their returning to legacy numbering on the Venom series and like clockwork a 9.8 just popped on ebay for $1495. So yes, great pick up right there for the buyer. Congrats to the seller as well. -J.