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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. There's a bubble in most BA, C and D lister first appearances. Last time the market crashed, common BA books (in all conditions ) got hammered the worst. I wouldn't buy any of the books mentioned at any of these current prices (with the POSSIBLE exception of 181, as that still has not recovered its peak 9.8 pricing nearly 10 years after the fact, AND Wolverine is actually a transcendent character very close in the vein of a Spider-Man or Batman, if not a half tick below those guys). Almost the entirety of this ludicrous run up in most of these BA, C and D lister first appearance books is movie/TV hype speculation based, which means it's doomed for a(nother) painful correction at some point. Save your money and buy then. -J.
  2. Superior Spider-Man #20, Campbell. A 9.8 copy hit $500 and two raw copies have sold for $310 and $315 in the last week. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Superior-Spider-Man-20-J-Scott-Campbell-Variant-CGC-9-8-NM-Signed-By-STAN-LEE-/152357262219?hash=item237933538b:g:x4sAAOSwr2RYKM~L -J.
  3. Yeah that is nice. He rarely does those too.... -J.
  4. The MJI's are sort of like having a backing board built into the centerfold which gave the comic additional support depending on how they were stored. Hope the ASM #129 comes back to your liking. It depends on which ones are in there though. The earliest versions of the inserts (NDS) were more like detachable books within the comic that were printed on glossy paper. It made the comic thicker, but did not provide any additional support. Many, if not most of those were circulated at overseas bases, so those tend to actually be much harder to find in higher grade condition. -J.
  5. Awesome story and sick book man. -J.
  6. I agree with the gist of what you're saying, however, other than a brief blip in 2011, ASM 300 has not been a regular "$500" book since 2002, when GPA first started collecting records. It was going for $400 when NM 98 was going for $70. With its more organic and moderate price increases, TMNT 1 being out of most young collectors' price ranges and NM 98 and BA 12 receding from their artificial movie hype highs, it is looking more and more like "the" Copper Age book, and might be as about as "blue chip" as one could ever hope to get from that era -J.
  7. Don't think I ever saw that even when it dropped, or since even. I was buying a lot of 2nd print Marvels over the years with the nifty covers; often times they were better than the 1st prints. Isn't that particular cover just a reprint of an interior panel ? If it is, it's nothing I'd ever be interested in at any price. -J.
  8. I agree with this. There will be an audience for the 8.5 and an audience for the 9.0. That's my point exactly. You will now have 2 separate audiences for both of these books. If there was only one of these books up for auction, you would tend to get overlapping interest from both audiences as the 2 grades are actually quite close. A larger audience usually means a greater number of potential bids which usually also results in a higher end result which would favor both the consignor and the auction house. +1 However if the market can absorb the six mid grade Hulk 1 dumps CC just did at once (thanks guys!) during the holiday season , these two comparable higher grade AF 15's will do just fine as well. At least the 9.0 will. What really might imperil the 8.5 is that most of the big players will recognize it from the CBCS holder and will know what was paid for it recently. That's the calculated risk the current seller of it has taken, along with the original seller who opted for CBCS to begin with. (Though the book has obviously been prettied up since it lived in the other holder.) -J.
  9. I want, I want, I want!! Sweet ! I have never seen that image by him. -J.
  10. That's the only sale in three and a half years. The only other sale before that from Jan. 2013 was for $525. -J.
  11. Again, this question is a non-sequitir, since the "variants" as we know them from the modern era began, for the most part, with Batman 608RRP, so obviously the others that have demonstrated staying power since then will be newer. -J.
  12. no question, I'd take the 2.5 with better eye appeal. It's more affordable and will have a more sizable market to sell to being low grade. Colors on a cap 1 are always hard to get nice and bright. As cool as it would be to own such a high grade copy, at the end I'm inclined to agree with you. -J.
  13. A regular 8.0 went for $288k a year ago in April, so that will be the closest thing to a litmus. The seller of the 2.5 on Comiclink is sticking to his guns (why not, when you have the only blue label copy for sale on the open market). Maybe he's holding out for $66k- $67k to account for the Clink vig. If so, he's close. The question is, which is the more desirable copy or gives you more bang for the buck? The 2.5 with nice eye appeal or the much higher graded copy with a printing defect ? -J.
  14. So a book that has always sold for as much as it did the day it came out? I don't think that exists. Or is that a statement of books that have always remained constant or increased? Don't think that exists either. This is probably as close as you are going to get and it's mainly due to lack of supply vs. demand. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9589044#Post9589044 If variants are the only moderns worth talking about then I don't have much confidence in the staying power of any modern books. As for the original question, I don't know that any moderns have enough age for a test of their staying power. We're getting a sense of which Copper books have remained relevant for 30 years, but this took time. Saying that a particular "modern" isn't old enough to demonstrate "staying power" is a bit of a non-sequitir. And FYI, all of the books in the link above are anywhere from 3+ to 14 years old, a near eternity in the fast moving variant market (hence why they're on the list). -J.
  15. Happy Holidays All! Has anyone actually seen this 8.0 copy coming up a few months from now in the CC auction? http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=700976 -J.
  16. 90 day GPA average: $6233 Post Netflix show hype, barely cracking $4k now though. That's still a great return from 2010 and way more than what it's really "worth" IMO. -J.
  17. Damn man. That's a real nice pick up. -J.
  18. That top Wolverine looks amazing. Did you get an original (signed) print with it too? -J
  19. The best purchase of the year for me!!! Super stoked when I saw the parcel today. I finally got around to surgical opening it and spent a good 2 1/2 hours and have yet to get through half the book. Im blown away by this guy's amazing talent. Now I truly have found something I can dwell into to escape this crazy world. Nice ! That's an awesome early Christmas present. -J.
  20. Only if you feel compelled to buy everything they put out at top dollar. If you're okay with possibly missing out and are willing to wait, most can probably be had from ebay after a few months or years for $20 or under. Well that's the thing, I don't buy every variant but I've passed on so many variants that I wanted thinking they'd eventually cool off, to just find out they are either way out of my price range now or still climbing. One good example is the JSC variant of Amazing spider-man 688. I could of had that for $50 a couple of years ago but thought it'd eventually lower in price and be more affordable.....but unfortunately I was wrong and now it's a few hundred dollar book now. I would like to know where you guys are seeing these prices. I got an ASM 688 JSC for $100, three years ago, and had to haggle for that price. I have never seen the book for "cheap" anywhere. -J.
  21. There are plenty of JSC books that are not worth more than cover. I figured this would be one of them since it is a fugly Lizard....... A high ratio variant in the core ASM run? Yeah, that's not a tough call there bud . Also, it's probably one of his last actually good and clever covers. His very last might be Superior Spiderman #20. Mostly everything from him the last couple years since has been -J. I had no idea what the ratio on it was since I did not collect ASM at all. The LCS had a couple of other copies that noone else had snagged, and since I did not follow the JSC variant market closely at that time I passed. Even though I am paying more attention now, I am sure I have passed on other JSC variants at the LCSs the past year that I should have snagged. I did cringe when I checked out the pricing for #688 on eBay a couple of days after passing on it, but you win some and you lose some I guess. I missed another chance at #688 for $5 at a different LCS this summer. They had an ASM run come in and all of the 1:25s leading up to it and after it were sitting there at $5. Someone had snagged it already. This is the same store I nabbed a couple of BA #12s at for $4 apiece..................... Dear lord man , where are you shopping ?? -J.
  22. There are plenty of JSC books that are not worth more than cover. I figured this would be one of them since it is a fugly Lizard....... A high ratio variant in the core ASM run? Yeah, that's not a tough call there bud . Also, it's probably one of his last actually good and clever covers. His very last might be Superior Spiderman #20. Mostly everything from him the last couple years since has been -J.