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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Because people want to know if someone is dumb enough to get stuck with a hot potato. I refer you to "Page 1" of this thread to be reminded what the other wrong people have said before you. (And to see how well the guy who paid $1000 for one four years ago would have done today if he kept his copy.) -J. Totally agree - that was a 'ground floor' or 'close' discussion. This isn't that discussion any longer. Really ? Because the conversation looks very similar to me , with some people crying about that sales price even then (kind of like how they cried about the Bats 608RRP 12 years ago). Except now, the book is nearly five years old and famous, having been homaged at least three times , reprinted and turned into a poster. It also doesn't hurt that Venom is a hot character (again) right now, and the book itself was a rare 1:50 when ASM was in a low sales period. Oh and that dark brown cover only yielding 29, 9.8's (just 21 blue) out of 123 submissions is probably a factor too. Now that I think about it, $7500 might be a bargain. -J.
  2. Because people want to know if someone is dumb enough to get stuck with a hot potato. I refer you to "Page 1" of this thread to be reminded what the other wrong people have said before you. (And to see how well the guy who paid $1000 for one four years ago would have done today if he kept his copy.) -J.
  3. Views and watches are because of the price. Far more likely than actual consideration. .. or because it's the first 9.8 offered for sale in months. -J. Yeah, I'm going to go with my first assumption. If someone buys it for that price they should have their head examined. This isn't a 'your collectibles suck' statement, just a rationale one. Great so we can cross you off the "potential buyers" list. Nothing more for you to see here then. -J.
  4. The $275 sale was from August. The book has "heated up" markedly since then. Hence its mention in this thread. Up 16% on average from that sale, in fact. Up 24% from that sale to a new GPA high this month. To claim that the book has not heated up is simply delusional. -J.
  5. Views and watches are because of the price. Far more likely than actual consideration. .. or because it's the first 9.8 offered for sale in months at any price. -J.
  6. The book has traded privately in 9.8 between $3100 and $4000 all year. So $7500 is obviously a reach (though it still looks to be amassing its fair share of views and watchers even at that price). -J.
  7. .....or, put in another context , since this is the "moderns heating up" thread (and you seem to be ignoring a few results), the sales from the last 30 days are as follows: 320, 300, 350, 300, 360, average of 326, or a 10-16% increase. That's just the 9.8's. The book is up in lower grades (hence all the green arrows on GPA) as well as raw. That would constitute "heating up". Sorry if you sold yours too soon. -J.
  8. nothing is one directional, and i didnt say it was going to go down. just that it isnt rising, and its already overpriced The sea of green arrows on GPA suggest otherwise. Not as many blue labels in a 9.8's on the census to go around as one might expect either (just 65). -J.
  9. There's a 9.6 sale showing on GPA for $8864. Anyone know what auction house that happened on ? (It wasn't ebay.) -J.
  10. I definitely dig it. Reminds me of the Heath Ledger iteration of the character. RIP -J.
  11. $1,525.01 thats a nice haul for your 9.4 buddy, congrats! Jerome Nice result! Congrats! *Edit: Looks like a GPA high for the grade. -J.
  12. To each their own I guess. I'm back in the club baby! Jerome No need to pay "extra" for anything if you're patient and vigilant (but of course someone will always take extra money from you if you insist on throwing it at them for no reason). Here's yet another "newsstand" that ended right at GPA. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-300-1988-CBCS-9-8-WP-1ST-VENOM-NICKEL-CITY-COLLECTION-/232120944925?hash=item360b7c891d:g:TngAAOSw4f5YCiW9 That $1600 sale was a bizarre outlier. Welcome back to the club Jerome ! -J. If that was in a CGC slab, is there not a strong possibility it would have ended over GPA? Maybe not $1600, but I'm just saying. Nah. ASM 300 is a far too easy and commonly graded book in either version for anyone to have to pay what would then amount to a "double premium". There have been both direct and newsstand copies in CGC slabs that have gone for outlier prices from time to time. -J.
  13. To each their own I guess. I'm back in the club baby! Jerome No need to pay "extra" for anything if you're patient and vigilant (but of course someone will always take extra money from you if you insist on throwing it at them for no reason). Here's yet another "newsstand" that ended right at GPA. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-300-1988-CBCS-9-8-WP-1ST-VENOM-NICKEL-CITY-COLLECTION-/232120944925?hash=item360b7c891d:g:TngAAOSw4f5YCiW9 That $1600 sale was a bizarre outlier. Welcome back to the club Jerome ! -J.
  14. Good for them. In my experience this was a tough book to get. I can usually find at least one copy of the new hot book and this one eluded me. I went ahead and put up my copies this week. That type of price appreciation that fast I am more then happy to take advantage off. I read it. While the art was very stunning the storyline didn't make me jump at the book like Saga did. It reminded me of some of the Image books from the 90s. I actually love the story. And am really enjoying Openas art. Don't get me wrong I like the art. And anything new he does I will look at. The story just didn't grab me. Ive been wrong before, but since I grabbed a few copies I will be happily wrong. Id love to see him do some books for DC or Marvel just to see how his flare would show up. I see him like a younger Marc Silverstri when he changed his art style from X-men to Cyberforce wouldn't you agree? Opena has done some nice covers for Marvel in the fairly recent past actually. Though it is good to see a guy who can put together a sweet cover also be able to crank out interiors like this. -J.
  15. Opena might be under rated. That guy has great pen and pencil work. -J.
  16. what is venom climbing out of? Isn't that a grave ? -J.
  17. a good point, and well said. Totally agree +1 Jerome +2 Can always count on jimbo to steady the ship. -J.
  18. Thanks you for the feedback. Not selling either, either way. -J. I may not agree with everything you say (though I actually agree with much of it), but if nothing else I respect and appreciate your general tendency to keep the debate civil and above the belt. -J.
  19. Your Cap 1 is safe, AF15 will correct hard Thanks you for the feedback. Not selling either, either way. -J.
  20. I think its a trend in the hobby. Some people after seeing the Campbell bubble start to expand, bought up a lot of Dell'Otto variants, and then helped to foment a Dell'Otto bubble to mirror the Campbell one. The Venom variant garbage again is an identical board creation. I collect Journey Into Mystery, as well from pull list, and absolutely head over heals LOVE young Loki story. Up there with Brubaker Captain America, and Old Man Logan, Planet Hulk, as a modern day classic. I have multiples of the variants from the run(and want more), there are many 1:50, all about evenly priced. Some a bit more than others, based on the quality of the cover. Then one day the board spec. pumpers decide that Venom Variants are a thing to hype.... Exactly like the Winter Soldier Dell'Otto variant, a small group of people after buying copies, caused a mania on Venom Variants via the boards, and suddenly its "sooooooooooooo hard to find" and absurdly expensive. Yet it remains no rarer, then the many other 1:50 variants from the same series, same print runs, some smaller, that are available, because they havent been board hyped. I've seen the other Venom covers for the new book. I'm assuming you have too. And yeah, it's the best one of the bunch by far. You give far more weight to the goings-on around here than it deserves IMO. These boards are not supposed to make you feel spiteful and bitter. Monetary considerations aside, they're supposed to be fun. But factoring in the monetary considerations, like Lethal_Collector said a few pages back, you win some, you lose some. But you should probably take a break from the hobby if you're no longer enjoying it, and cannot handle taking what you perceive as being bad with the good of what you feel does work. -J.
  21. You frequently bumping the various artist appreciation threads in the modern section has very little to do with just being an enthusiastic owner. When someone, this someone being you, feels the need to post every time one of these "rare" books is listed for sale while constantly talking about the value and denouncing opinions and facts that don't align with your narratives, its painfully obvious its not just about appreciation for the artist. Get real. Since you seem to butt heads with everyone in every thread across every subforum perhaps it is you who should look inside and ask yourself if you possess an understanding of this forum. Cue the condescending smiley usage. -D. Thanks for the input RMA but it's pretty much always the same small determined cast of characters that I "butt heads" with. You don't know me or my motivations, and no one is forcing you to enter and read any of these threads either, so again , please keep your personal swipes to yourself. -J. I believe RMA is currently banned. If I was RMA I would be banned for having a shill account. Your motivations are easily deduced though. You have a significant monetary investment in a bunch of modern incentive variants. It is in your best interest to continue to promote these books to help ensure they remain desirable. This is why most of your posts in these "artist appreciation" threads have very little to do with the artist or his work and instead very much to do with the value of the artist's work. You can't help but post a link whenever one of these books comes up for sale nor can you sit quietly when someone questions their actual rarity. Now this is just utterly insipid, and I know that is you RMA, the administrators of this site have no way of stopping someone from creating or detecting a duplicate account. Someone would have to be completely naive to not spot the near identical posting style , tone, comments and opinion set that this character has (as well as one or two others that you've created) to your primary account name. Again, you don't know me, my motivations, or what I paid for any of my books. But let me assure you that I can afford to buy and hold my book and never sell, not even to purchase other books, so if the price of every book in my collection (including my beloved Cap 1 or AF 15) dropped to "0" I would still relish owning them just as much. -J.
  22. right... I am participating because I want to. More than one perspective and opinion is allowed. Dell'Otto's books are grossly overpriced. That's not knocking him, or his art, or not "appreciating" it. I don't like when books I own and want to buy more of, get speculator bumps that over price them. It gets in the way of collecting. I don't think anybody likes it when a book (or any market based/supply and demand driven item) they wanted goes up in value and gets past the point of what they're willing to pay or can afford, regardless of Age. If you think Dell'otto costs too much don't buy him (even though there are really only two books that sell in the four figures on a regular basis). Lots of great artists out there. I personally don't mind paying a premium for what I feel is a premium product though. Even more so if it's numbers are scant and I really, really want it. Such is the mind of the OCD collector. -J.
  23. You frequently bumping the various artist appreciation threads in the modern section has very little to do with just being an enthusiastic owner. When someone, this someone being you, feels the need to post every time one of these "rare" books is listed for sale while constantly talking about the value and denouncing opinions and facts that don't align with your narratives, its painfully obvious its not just about appreciation for the artist. Get real. Since you seem to butt heads with everyone in every thread across every subforum perhaps it is you who should look inside and ask yourself if you possess an understanding of this forum. Cue the condescending smiley usage. -D. Thanks for the input RMA but it's pretty much always the same small determined cast of characters that I "butt heads" with. You don't know me or my motivations, and no one is forcing you to enter and read any of these threads either, so again , please keep your personal swipes to yourself. -J. And here, I thought it was the same small determined cast ("the usual suspects"), trying to pump up books they own.... ...and yet no one is forcing you to read or participate in any of the threads. -J.
  24. You frequently bumping the various artist appreciation threads in the modern section has very little to do with just being an enthusiastic owner. When someone, this someone being you, feels the need to post every time one of these "rare" books is listed for sale while constantly talking about the value and denouncing opinions and facts that don't align with your narratives, its painfully obvious its not just about appreciation for the artist. Get real. Since you seem to butt heads with everyone in every thread across every subforum perhaps it is you who should look inside and ask yourself if you possess an understanding of this forum. Cue the condescending smiley usage. -D. Thanks for the input RMA but it's pretty much always the same small determined cast of characters that I "butt heads" with. See this thread for a recap: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8842115#Post8842115 You don't know me or my motivations, and no one is forcing you to enter and read any of these threads either, so again , please keep your personal swipes to yourself. -J.