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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Considering that star wars 1 alone had 100+ different variant covers (and most of the books going up for sale look to be non-RI, star wars related overstock) I don't think this is as significant as a few would like to think that it is. -J. Sure it is. Because your point of contention is that incentive variants are printed to the case size, when clearly this shows they are not. There are 1:25's and 1:50's in here, but even outside of that, Marvel knows for ALL variants EXACTLY how many they need before they go to press, so ANY overages of ANY variants are OVERPRINTS. Since they make no claim to the print size of any variant, despite what you've lied about and can show no proof of, it's evident that they print whatever it is they choose to print, for whatever reasons they choose to print them. There IS controversy surrounding this, but ONLY because Marvel makes no claim as to what those print runs are. They could easily put everyone's mind at ease by stating beyond any doubt what those print runs are, but they DON'T - and the reasons why they don't are pretty easy to figure out. Pay attention, slick, cause here it is in a nutshell: They sell more copies of A covers by using incentive variants that are more valuable to retailers because CUSTOMERS think they're more valuable (because of perceived rarity). If they LOSE this perceived rarity, they lose the power of incentives to get retailers to buy more A covers. It's as we've told you. The proof is all there. The same way as you were schooled in the 'are variants counted in the overall print run' discussion, you've been schooled here. I'm not one to spike the ball and dance around, but you make such an easy to root against villain in all of it, I can't help it. People can believe whatever they choose, but my goal is always the truth. The "proof" that you're saying is "there" is still only constituted of your opinions Chuckie boy. Although it is telling how you are gleefully attempting to use this rather benign bleedingcool article, of all things, to advance your relentless hate-campaign against variants. According to this bleedingcool article , Marvel is burning off mostly star wars over stock and some other variants (most not RI based) from the last six months or so from its all new all different event launch (and not books from 3, 5, 10 years ago as you and your ilk have stated "happens all the time". Well, not this time. ) While this might be a good opportunity for small retailers such as yourself to pick up the un-ordered star wars over stock from 5 months ago, it does not in any way shape or form "disprove" anything I have said or "prove" anything that you have said, especially considering the lack of any specifics in the article . If anything it might offer further support for what I have said- Considering that star wars 1 alone had over 100 variants , even 700 variants (most not even RI based) is a very tiny tiny percentage of the publishers output in that time frame. But keep trying Chuckie boy this is kind of fun. -J. Wrong. Very little Star Wars in it. TONS of ANAD. Plenty of 1:25's, 1:50's.... It's yet another marvel purge of variants. Sorry Jay, but you're wrong. I don't know how to quantify "tons" and "plenty" and "very little", but 700 is still an infinitesimal fraction of what Marvel has produced in the 6 month time frame these books were printed in and I would be surprised if any of it would be more than a $10 wall book based on the context of that article (which is quite clear that most of the variants are in fact non RI based star wars over stock, but feel free to post the list of variants to disprove this ) ) -J. Ask your local retailer to show it to you, I'm not going to post it on a public message board. You've lost this battle. You can try and save face by breaking it down however you wish, but the fact is Marvel has over 700 individual variant titles that were OVERPRINTED over the last few months. And that's just what we see here. How many more are earmarked for future Five Below multi packs? How many will be given out at SDCC for retailer lunch and BCC for the retailer summit? Why not ? You've posted it before. But you won't now post what all of these hundreds of awesome rare RI variants (not just "variants", RI variants ) that you're supposedly able to pick up on the cheap yet you say "I've lost the battle". I may very well ask my LCS, even though I don't really have to since the article was pretty clear that it is mostly non RI based Star Wars over stock being offered. Of course you would like to keep things vague publicly because it advances your perverse and inexplicable hate-campaign against variants. You really are in your own twilight zone dude. -J.
  2. Considering that star wars 1 alone had 100+ different variant covers (and most of the books going up for sale look to be non-RI, star wars related overstock) I don't think this is as significant as a few would like to think that it is. -J. J-, based on your "math" I just bought obnoxious quantities of 1:200 , 1:100, & 1:50 & 1:25 variants, can you now please Decipher the print runs of those titles with your "Comichron Algorithm." Chump. So, two retailers (on these boards) are now adamant that they print far more than the ratios of the variant books. I suppose there's a website in the far reaches of the internet somewhere that would contradict that. I'll go ahead and trust the retailers that have NOTHING to gain by saying this. Give up the ghost Seriously. Chuck and Larry are probably the least credible retailers that post on these boards. Larry (his past public controversial remarks aside) because he was the first and main guy to hype up the rarity and ultra low print run of Vader down #1 right before he proceeded to auction off a copy three or four times on ebay, as well as the rarity and alleged desirability of his own phantom variants and Chuck because of his well documented and non-stop hatred and disdain for RI variants that he wishes didn't exist at all for anyone so he wouldn't feel pressure to up his orders to compete with the larger retailers. -J.
  3. Considering that star wars 1 alone had 100+ different variant covers (and most of the books going up for sale look to be non-RI, star wars related overstock) I don't think this is as significant as a few would like to think that it is. -J. Sure it is. Because your point of contention is that incentive variants are printed to the case size, when clearly this shows they are not. There are 1:25's and 1:50's in here, but even outside of that, Marvel knows for ALL variants EXACTLY how many they need before they go to press, so ANY overages of ANY variants are OVERPRINTS. Since they make no claim to the print size of any variant, despite what you've lied about and can show no proof of, it's evident that they print whatever it is they choose to print, for whatever reasons they choose to print them. There IS controversy surrounding this, but ONLY because Marvel makes no claim as to what those print runs are. They could easily put everyone's mind at ease by stating beyond any doubt what those print runs are, but they DON'T - and the reasons why they don't are pretty easy to figure out. Pay attention, slick, cause here it is in a nutshell: They sell more copies of A covers by using incentive variants that are more valuable to retailers because CUSTOMERS think they're more valuable (because of perceived rarity). If they LOSE this perceived rarity, they lose the power of incentives to get retailers to buy more A covers. It's as we've told you. The proof is all there. The same way as you were schooled in the 'are variants counted in the overall print run' discussion, you've been schooled here. I'm not one to spike the ball and dance around, but you make such an easy to root against villain in all of it, I can't help it. People can believe whatever they choose, but my goal is always the truth. The "proof" that you're saying is "there" is still only constituted of your opinions Chuckie boy. Although it is telling how you are gleefully attempting to use this rather benign bleedingcool article, of all things, to advance your relentless hate-campaign against variants. According to this bleedingcool article , Marvel is burning off mostly star wars over stock and some other variants (most not RI based) from the last six months or so from its all new all different event launch (and not books from 3, 5, 10 years ago as you and your ilk have stated "happens all the time". Well, not this time. ) While this might be a good opportunity for small retailers such as yourself to pick up the un-ordered star wars over stock from 5 months ago, it does not in any way shape or form "disprove" anything I have said or "prove" anything that you have said, especially considering the lack of any specifics in the article . If anything it might offer further support for what I have said- Considering that star wars 1 alone had over 100 variants , even 700 variants (most not even RI based) is a very tiny tiny percentage of the publishers output in that time frame. But keep trying Chuckie boy this is kind of fun. -J. Wrong. Very little Star Wars in it. TONS of ANAD. Plenty of 1:25's, 1:50's.... It's yet another marvel purge of variants. Sorry Jay, but you're wrong. I don't know how to quantify "tons" and "plenty" and "very little", but 700 is still an infinitesimal fraction of what Marvel has produced in the 6 month time frame these books were printed in and I would be surprised if any of it would be more than a $10 wall book based on the context of that article (which is quite clear that most of the variants are in fact non RI based star wars over stock, but feel free to post the list of variants made available to disprove this ) ) -J.
  4. Considering that star wars 1 alone had 100+ different variant covers (and most of the books going up for sale look to be non-RI, star wars related overstock) I don't think this is as significant as a few would like to think that it is. -J. Sure it is. Because your point of contention is that incentive variants are printed to the case size, when clearly this shows they are not. There are 1:25's and 1:50's in here, but even outside of that, Marvel knows for ALL variants EXACTLY how many they need before they go to press, so ANY overages of ANY variants are OVERPRINTS. Since they make no claim to the print size of any variant, despite what you've lied about and can show no proof of, it's evident that they print whatever it is they choose to print, for whatever reasons they choose to print them. There IS controversy surrounding this, but ONLY because Marvel makes no claim as to what those print runs are. They could easily put everyone's mind at ease by stating beyond any doubt what those print runs are, but they DON'T - and the reasons why they don't are pretty easy to figure out. Pay attention, slick, cause here it is in a nutshell: They sell more copies of A covers by using incentive variants that are more valuable to retailers because CUSTOMERS think they're more valuable (because of perceived rarity). If they LOSE this perceived rarity, they lose the power of incentives to get retailers to buy more A covers. It's as we've told you. The proof is all there. The same way as you were schooled in the 'are variants counted in the overall print run' discussion, you've been schooled here. I'm not one to spike the ball and dance around, but you make such an easy to root against villain in all of it, I can't help it. People can believe whatever they choose, but my goal is always the truth. The "proof" that you're saying is "there" is still only constituted of your opinions Chuckie boy. Although it is telling how you are gleefully attempting to use this rather benign bleedingcool article, of all things, to advance your relentless hate-campaign against variants. According to this bleedingcool article , Marvel is burning off mostly star wars over stock and some other variants (most not RI based) from the last six months or so from its all new all different event launch (and not books from 3, 5, 10 years ago as you and your ilk have stated "happens all the time". Well, not this time. ) While this might be a good opportunity for small retailers such as yourself to pick up the un-ordered star wars over stock from 5 months ago, it does not in any way shape or form "disprove" anything I have said or "prove" anything that you have said, especially considering the lack of any specifics in the article . If anything it might offer further support for what I have said- Considering that star wars 1 alone had over 100 variants , even 700 variants (most not even RI based) is a very tiny tiny percentage of the publishers output in that time frame. But keep trying Chuckie boy this is kind of fun. -J.
  5. Considering that star wars 1 alone had 100+ different variant covers (and most of the books going up for sale look to be non-RI, star wars related overstock) I don't think this is as significant as a few would like to think that it is. -J.
  6. Nice ! Is that a Freddy Krueger hat in the far right ? -J.
  7. Why didn't you bid on the raw copy on MCS? -J.
  8. I know who that copy belongs to. Can't blame him for shooting for the moon. -J.
  9. I have no idea what a couple of these dudes are talking about, but here's a couple of my own recent Dell'Otto pick ups: Original Sin #2 (courtesy of Lonzilla!), 1:50, and Original Sin #7, 1:50 Both 9.8 minty fresh. -J.
  10. See the link above. See Chuck's posts in this thread over the last couple of days. Here's an example: you claimed that Marvel had "...actually gone on the record confirming via Diamond how they produce their retailer variants." If that is so, produce this record. If that is so, it should be...you know....on the record. I'll wait. Oh okay. So I'm supposed to take as gospel the other guy who posts on here who also mistakes his own opinions as facts. Gotcha. Carry on. -J.
  11. If you say so. The line of deception is pretty easy: is it true? If it's not, or you don't know, you have no business saying it as if it is. "OMG!!! This is the COOLEST BOOK EVER, you HAVE TO HAVE IT, it's like TOTALLY HARD TO GET!!!" - hype "This Dell-Otto ASM #667 was LIMITED TO ONLY 200 copies WORLDWIDE, and you HAVE TO GET IT! You'll NEVER FIND ANOTHER!!!" - deception You really are an arrogant tool do you know that ? If you cannot make your points without being derogatory and insulting, your points aren't worth making at all. That comment had nothing to do with you. It was simply an example. If you want to internalize and make personal a general comment, the problem is entirely yours. How you have not gotten a strike is beyond me. Proof...? Anything? Any evidence of any kind? As Chuck said, even your supporters see through you by now. Enough already. Speak for yourself darkstar. I mean lazyboy. I mean I mean, hmmmm....wait which one of your handles an I responding to today? Again with the wholly unfounded accusations of shilling. How you have not gotten a strike is beyond me. Do you have any idea how these boards are moderated? I have...twice....signed on to my account using computers belonging to other board members, and it is akin to trying to break in to the Louvre at midnight. A red alert goes out, addressed to everyone at the Certified Collectibles Group, that you have logged on from another member's computer, and you had better have a convincing reason why, or you will face summary banning, as well as the account whose computer you used. So, if you think that myself, Darkstar, and Lazyboy are going to go to the trouble of carefully logging on through separate IP addresses each and every time we post, just to maintain a charade that we're "three different people", you've not got a handle on how things work, to put it very mildly. Yes, and I'm the prince of Moldova. It's easy to say something, anything. But actually doing the hard work of proving your case...? Much harder. And the test is simple: provide a link to a post wherein you have provided evidence in support of your theories. And meticulously researched, and logically analyzed, with much data and evidence presented, with a clear, precise delineation between what is actual fact, and what is only opinion. The amazing thing about you, Jay, is that you constantly, neverendingly, accuse others of precisely that which you are doing. You mean like here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=402242&Number=9193972#Post9193972 Where you presented "new evidence" that turned out to be a summary of the same information that had already been posted, re-packaged to dress it up? That statement, of course, is one of about a million attempts by you to mischaracterize what people say, to paint them in a light that doesn't exist, and to frame the conversation in a way that doesn't exist. No one in debate with you has said that anyone isn't free to "buy what they like." And everyone is free to "enjoy these threads and this hobby" in any way they see fit. Just because you don't enjoy these discussions, doesn't mean others don't. Many people appreciate the willingness to "make waves" in challenging those who post inaccurate things, because they're interested in getting to the truth of a matter. However...if you're going to insist on spreading misinformation, after being corrected about it by multiple people, in multiple threads, for going on multiple years...misinformation that has the potential to be very costly to the people listening and heeding such information...then you WILL continue to be corrected about it, by many people. If you don't like that, the answer is simple: stop spreading misinformation. If you don't like being corrected, stop posting things which need correcting, starting with your mischaracterizations of what others say. Pretty simple. ...Still waiting for you to post any evidence whatsoever that demonstrates that any of the supported theories that I have meticulously set forth prior as being "misinformation" that I have "spread". Because all that in your last post was still just more of your unsupported opinions ridiculously characterised by you as lessons. I'm seriously starting to believe that you do not actually know the difference. -J.
  12. If you say so. The line of deception is pretty easy: is it true? If it's not, or you don't know, you have no business saying it as if it is. "OMG!!! This is the COOLEST BOOK EVER, you HAVE TO HAVE IT, it's like TOTALLY HARD TO GET!!!" - hype "This Dell-Otto ASM #667 was LIMITED TO ONLY 200 copies WORLDWIDE, and you HAVE TO GET IT! You'll NEVER FIND ANOTHER!!!" - deception You really are an arrogant tool do you know that ? If you cannot make your points without being derogatory and insulting, your points aren't worth making at all. That comment had nothing to do with you. It was simply an example. If you want to internalize and make personal a general comment, the problem is entirely yours. How you have not gotten a strike is beyond me. Proof...? Anything? Any evidence of any kind? As Chuck said, even your supporters see through you by now. Enough already. Speak for yourself darkstar. I mean lazyboy. I mean I mean, hmmmm....wait which one of your handles an I responding to today? I have provided more than an ample amount of evidence in support of my theories. All you have done is offer more of the same junk that you always offer around here- unsupported opinions disguised as "facts" and "information". So how about we make this really easy for you: If you ever come up with any of your own evidence (that door swings both ways, bud) that even suggests that I have been "deceitful" about whatever it is you think I'm being deceitful about, please feel more than free to post it. I await with bated breath. In the meantime, here's a bright idea- how about you let people buy what they like and enjoy these threads and this hobby for a change. -J.
  13. If you say so. The line of deception is pretty easy: is it true? If it's not, or you don't know, you have no business saying it as if it is. "OMG!!! This is the COOLEST BOOK EVER, you HAVE TO HAVE IT, it's like TOTALLY HARD TO GET!!!" - hype "This Dell-Otto ASM #667 was LIMITED TO ONLY 200 copies WORLDWIDE, and you HAVE TO GET IT! You'll NEVER FIND ANOTHER!!!" - deception You really are an arrogant tool do you know that ? And yes, there are only 200-225 copies of the 667. It was a one case print run. You should probably stick to talking about Maxx books, because you look silly every time you try to talk about things that you obviously know nothing about. -J.
  14. That would seem to be the obvious thing to do. Actually some dealers have done just that. A few of them have been nice enough to PM me what they know. Sorry for the continued threadkrap guys. -J.
  15. Maybe, just maybe, they're trying to maintain or increase the value of the books that they already own to ensure that long term they prove to be profitable and remain sought after. Kind of like when someone creates an artist appreciation thread and the first thing they mention is rarity and how such and such is impossible to find. Kind of like when someone feels it necessary to make a post with a link to an available copy every time one gets listed on eBay. But nah, value has nothing to do with it. They're just collectors. Yes, Yoda do please make sure you continue to read minds and offer unsolicited clinics on how, where and what type of posts boardies should be making that meet with your approval. You're trolling again. -J.
  16. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J. You've been caught in a lie. You said previously you got this information from a 'retailer' you knew. Marvel NEVER released any specific information on how they print variants. There's nothing for you to look up. If there WAS, those of us who just want the truth would be aware of it. Those trying to manipulate the market (YOU) would have posted it everywhere. You've been caught in a lie. Nice try. Grow up man. I didn't "lie" about anything. And what market am I trying to "manipulate". Your hatred for variants is well documented at this point as is your disdain for the fact that you feel "pressured" to order enough books to keep up with the big boy retailers and qualify for incentives. So if anyone is trying to "manipulate" anything it is you my man. I'm just a collector I've never sold a book in my life. Maybe you should consider a new line of work yourself. -J. That's a lie. You're not telling the truth. It's misinformation. It's unprovable. You're saying it simply to try and make it seem as if you know. You don't. J- seems to agree with Mile High's Chuck, sort of http://www.milehighcomics.com/tales/cbg03.html and Mark Waid has something to say about distribution and print run, sort of http://markwaid.com/digital/print-math/ but the biggest lesson is that most internet articles mentioning print run COMMONLY use distribution #'s and print run interchangeably. And that's too bad, because its not accurate. On the other hand, they're mostly internet bloggers rather than WSJ journalists. Thanks for digging these up. I guess Mile High Chuck is "lying" too. Apologies for the threadkrap gents. -J. He wrote that in 2001. And?? You're saying that the market has improved markedly since then to the point that publishers now over print books that were not ordered and that they have no intention of selling , be they variants or otherwise ? Because you do know that is essentially what you are saying when you pop off with your tired drivel, don't you ? And do you realize how you sound when saying things such as that ? Evidently not. -J.
  17. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J. You've been caught in a lie. You said previously you got this information from a 'retailer' you knew. Marvel NEVER released any specific information on how they print variants. There's nothing for you to look up. If there WAS, those of us who just want the truth would be aware of it. Those trying to manipulate the market (YOU) would have posted it everywhere. You've been caught in a lie. Nice try. Grow up man. I didn't "lie" about anything. And what market am I trying to "manipulate". Your hatred for variants is well documented at this point as is your disdain for the fact that you feel "pressured" to order enough books to keep up with the big boy retailers and qualify for incentives. So if anyone is trying to "manipulate" anything it is you my man. I'm just a collector I've never sold a book in my life. Maybe you should consider a new line of work yourself. -J. That's a lie. You're not telling the truth. It's misinformation. It's unprovable. You're saying it simply to try and make it seem as if you know. You don't. J- seems to agree with Mile High's Chuck, sort of http://www.milehighcomics.com/tales/cbg03.html and Mark Waid has something to say about distribution and print run, sort of http://markwaid.com/digital/print-math/ but the biggest lesson is that most internet articles mentioning print run COMMONLY use distribution #'s and print run interchangeably. And that's too bad, because its not accurate. On the other hand, they're mostly internet bloggers rather than WSJ journalists. Thanks for digging these up. I guess Mile High Chuck is "lying" too. Apologies for the threadkrap gents. -J.
  18. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J. You've been caught in a lie. You said previously you got this information from a 'retailer' you knew. Marvel NEVER released any specific information on how they print variants. There's nothing for you to look up. If there WAS, those of us who just want the truth would be aware of it. Those trying to manipulate the market (YOU) would have posted it everywhere. You've been caught in a lie. Nice try. Grow up man. I didn't "lie" about anything. And what market am I trying to "manipulate". Your hatred for variants is well documented at this point as is your disdain for the fact that you feel "pressured" to order enough books to keep up with the big boy retailers and qualify for incentives. So if anyone is trying to "manipulate" anything it is you my man. I'm just a collector I've never sold a book in my life. Maybe you should consider a new line of work yourself. -J. If a collector is buying books for their own personal collection and does not sell books. I don't see how that person can be accused of trying to "manipulate" the market. Nobody wants to buy a $2000 'rare' book and find out it's not. So now you know what people pay for their books too ? Chuck I used to respect your opinion. Now I see that you have probably been in this business too long and you and your shop are obviously too small time to compete with larger retailers to order enough of the variants that their customers demand. So you come here with an obvious and one sided agenda disguised as information that you seem to believe will change wha people like and want to collect. News flash chuck. You've failed. Might I suggest you change the station and find something else to talk about now? -J. Complaining about the opinions of another using personal attacks really doesn't help your argument at all. Just saying. Just giving him a little taste of his own medicine. -J.
  19. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J. You've been caught in a lie. You said previously you got this information from a 'retailer' you knew. Marvel NEVER released any specific information on how they print variants. There's nothing for you to look up. If there WAS, those of us who just want the truth would be aware of it. Those trying to manipulate the market (YOU) would have posted it everywhere. You've been caught in a lie. Nice try. Grow up man. I didn't "lie" about anything. And what market am I trying to "manipulate". Your hatred for variants is well documented at this point as is your disdain for the fact that you feel "pressured" to order enough books to keep up with the big boy retailers and qualify for incentives. So if anyone is trying to "manipulate" anything it is you my man. I'm just a collector I've never sold a book in my life. Maybe you should consider a new line of work yourself. -J. If a collector is buying books for their own personal collection and does not sell books. I don't see how that person can be accused of trying to "manipulate" the market. Nobody wants to buy a $2000 'rare' book and find out it's not. So now you know what people pay for their books too ? Chuck I used to respect your opinion. Now I see that you have probably been in this business too long and you and your shop are obviously too small time to compete with larger retailers to order enough of the variants that their customers demand. So you come here with an obvious and one sided agenda disguised as" information" that you seem to believe will change what people like and want to collect. News flash chuck. You've failed. Might I suggest you change the station and find something else to talk about now? -J.
  20. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J. You've been caught in a lie. You said previously you got this information from a 'retailer' you knew. Marvel NEVER released any specific information on how they print variants. There's nothing for you to look up. If there WAS, those of us who just want the truth would be aware of it. Those trying to manipulate the market (YOU) would have posted it everywhere. You've been caught in a lie. Nice try. Grow up man. I didn't "lie" about anything. And what market am I trying to "manipulate". Your hatred for variants is well documented at this point as is your disdain for the fact that you feel "pressured" to order enough books to keep up with the big boy retailers and qualify for incentives. So if anyone is trying to "manipulate" anything it is you my man. I'm just a collector I've never sold a book in my life. Maybe you should consider a new line of work yourself. -J.
  21. Where was this? Yeah maybe I'll take the time to find where I read that and maybe I won't. In the meantime feel free to tell us where you have read all the things which you constantly go on about. Wait, I'm pretty sure you actually agreed with me already a while back that marvel prints up to the nearest case. Or are you now disagreeing just for the sake of doing so? -J.
  22. You're still posting. Ain't nobody reading. I'll assume you're speaking for yourself. Does that mean I can expect you to stop trolling me now ? -J. Only if you stop making asinine statements. Of course refuting these isn't trolling anyway. But outside of asinine statements and the posting of eBay listings for "rare" books you seem incapable of providing anything else. Perhaps make another "artist appreciation" thread, which oddly enough is nothing more than a discussion regarding rarity of said artist's covers. And yet, ironically, you haven't disproven anything I've said. For someone who isn't trolling you sure do seem to have a strong opinion about how and where I post. Shouldn't you be making up another username to be posting under right about now or something ? -J. What is the more likely scenario? That I bother making up multiple accounts to "troll" you or that more than one person here likes to point out when you are wrong? RMA and myself must be the same person too. And yes I think everyone here has figured out that your formula for approximating an incentive variant print run is one gigantic cluster of suck. It would be one thing if you actually did point out where I was "wrong " and how in a rational and cogent manner. And since when do you speak for "everyone"? If anything I would gather that most of the people on here guesstimate print runs the way I do...by examining comichron slaes numbers and market trends. If anyone on here other than you or the other shill accounts that you post under know how the hell you come up with your information, I would certainly invite them to share because it is a mystery to me. From where I sit all you do is spout opinion as "fact" while hypocritically calling others to task who do the exact same thing yet date to reach a different conclusion than you do. All you do is summarily proclaim that I am "wrong", which is simply your unsupported opinion which you make believe is "fact" and that is what makes you a troll. Unlike you I actually back up what I say. But if you disagree so vociferously nonetheless, please feel free to relentlessly troll someone else's posts and kindly ignore all of mine. -J.
  23. You're still posting. Ain't nobody reading. I'll assume you're speaking for yourself. Does that mean I can expect you to stop trolling me now ? -J. Only if you stop making asinine statements. Of course refuting these isn't trolling anyway. But outside of asinine statements and the posting of eBay listings for "rare" books you seem incapable of providing anything else. Perhaps make another "artist appreciation" thread, which oddly enough is nothing more than a discussion regarding rarity of said artist's covers. And yet, ironically, you haven't disproven anything I've said. For someone who isn't trolling you sure do seem to have a strong opinion about how and where I post. Shouldn't you be making up another username to be posting under right about now or something ? -J.