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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. +1 Thank you for pointing this out (as obvious as it may seem). I am honestly at a loss to figure out why anyone on these boards would suggest that any publisher routinely prints "thousands" of copies of any particular variant with the intention of only "distributing" a few hundred to retailers. As you stated, changing the cover plate of a book at press is neither difficult nor expensive, and is in fact done all the time to create RI variants with these small print runs. There's a My Little Pony comic that the printer made only ONE copy of for crying out loud. While there is certainly a small additional amount of overages on any book's print run, to suggest that any one book in particular has significant quantities of undistributed back stock sitting in a "warehouse" or elsewhere is misleading, speculative, and irresponsible unless there is some direct evidence that exists to support such an assertion. -J.
  2. Throw the so-called "PQ" on the label out the window on a key of this caliber. People don't care. They just want the book. -J.
  3. The book looks to have dried up again. Just those same two overpriced mycomicshop listings that have been there forever with no "make offer" option. -J.
  4. I think the lack of context is what threw a lot of people when all of these first came out. The 678 benefits from being a creepy/sexy homage/swipe as well as being in Venom's home title and part of the ASM run so it hits all the tentpoles and easily explains why it would be chased by far more collectors. But as time goes on, and with all the hype around the 678 and it becoming cost prohibitive even raw to many collectors, it would be inevitable that some of the other cool covers would eventually draft off from it and garner some attention as well. -J.
  5. Speaking of ASM 678.... Looks like the last "NM 9.4" raw copy just went for another $1500: http://item.ebay.co.uk/171812244715?item_hash4=666877cf&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&LH_BO=1&_ipg=200&_pgn=1&rc=nt&rmvSB=true -J.
  6. There's already 16 graded. There's probably at least 50-100 of them out there. I just read on recalledcomics that some of the Miles sketch book were given out at conventions to fans so there's very likely more than 10 of those, but certainly less than 100 as well. I love these crazy variants. -J.
  7. Careful ....that kind of talk will rile up the self appointed "experts" into their boilerplate lecture about how there are really at least 2000 copies of it out there in a warehouse or under somebody's desk somewhere. Because that's evidently what publishers only like to do- needlessly print variants in the thousands only to store the vast bulk of them in super secret undisclosed locations until the time comes that they decide to essentially give them away years/decades later at pennies on the dollar. But seriously, cool book. Miles is not my thing but I dig the rarity of that book you have there. -J.
  8. You open to selling that Ultimate Comics #1 Sketch Variant? Jerome Hey Jerome the 8.5 sold for $2700 Only 5 out there three 9.8s, one 9.2 and a 8.5. Good luck hunting! What's the word on that book ? Definitely under 100 copies printed, right ? -J.
  9. He's playing the market hard because he knows he's offering the first blue label in like a year. But you're right he needs to be closer to the number you mention before a serious buyer is likely to bite. -J.
  10. That door swings your direction as well. You would be well served heeding some of your own posts once in awhile. -J. If I have been mistaken or inaccurate in anything I have said, please...for my sake, as well as everyone else's...feel free to correct me by demonstrating, with evidence, how I'm wrong, and I'll gladly accept it. Being correct is far, far better than being "right." That's the fundamental difference between us. Again, all you have (repeatedly) done is state your OPINION. Your OPINIONS are not facts, no matter how many times you repeat them. Furthermore, you have not actually cited any evidence, beyond your own prior posts (which also only state your OPINION) and those of a couple of your cheerleaders who only share your OPINION, in support of your OPINION. Until you realize that is what (and the only thing ) you are doing, I see no reason to maintain this dialogue publicly in this thread. -J. Right...so, the challenge laid before you, to show me where and how I am inaccurate is, once again, for the umpteenth time, ignored in favor of the campaign. When you actually do the hard work of research, data mining, and detailed analysis, then maybe these words of yours will carry some weight. Until then, it's just noise. You are a campaigner; nothing more, nothing less. Your focus isn't on the facts, accuracy, or anything that reasonable people do to arrive at evidence-based conclusions...your focus is on trying to convince everyone else why you're right, and they're wrong, by merely stating so, over and over and over again. When you focus on the data, the details, the research, the information, the evidence...as countless others have done, and continue to do...then you might have something valuable to offer. Practice what you preach brother. Practice what you preach. -J. And neither Larryscomics coming in here and repeating the pitifully trite, and hyperbolic-to-the-point-of-being-comical refrain that he has seen 1:X variants "piled to the ceiling in a warehouse" nor your alter ego "Lazyboy" blandly agreeing with your OPINION (but really more just insulting me) qualifies as "countless others" offering "data", "details", "research", or "evidence" of anything. But feel free to continue trying to derail yet another thread. You'll only be talking to yourself going forward. Good day sir.
  11. I get that they are "hard to find' but I don't really understand why given that Venom has a big fanbase. In terms of most valuable we know the following: 1. ASM 678 2. Uncanny Xforce #20 After those two, what is next? I haven't followed the sales of the other covers. From what I can see it's 1. ASM 678 Huge Drop 2. UXF #20/Hulk 4 Small Drop 3. Iron Man 512 Big Drop 4. The Rest I can easily see them all being sought after as a group at some point though, and becoming a fairly coveted set overall. As others have mentioned, none of them are exactly dollar bin fodder, and are actually pretty reliable wall books. -J.
  12. That door swings your direction as well. You would be well served heeding some of your own posts once in awhile. -J. If I have been mistaken or inaccurate in anything I have said, please...for my sake, as well as everyone else's...feel free to correct me by demonstrating, with evidence, how I'm wrong, and I'll gladly accept it. Being correct is far, far better than being "right." That's the fundamental difference between us. Again, all you have (repeatedly) done is state your OPINION. Your OPINIONS are not facts, no matter how many times you repeat them. Furthermore, you have not actually cited any evidence, beyond your own prior posts (which also only state your OPINION) and those of a couple of your cheerleaders who only share your OPINION, in support of your OPINION. Until you realize that is what (and the only thing ) you are doing, I see no reason to maintain this dialogue publicly in this thread. -J.
  13. Nobody said otherwise. You're still campaigning. You're entitled to your own opinions...you're not entitled to your own facts. If "speculation" is premised on misinformation, you should expect the "buzzkills" to correct it. That door swings your direction as well. You would be well served heeding some of your own posts once in awhile. -J.
  14. How could you compare Star Wars 1 to BA12? Its neither a Marvel or DC creation. You could compare SW to Rom, GI Joe or Tranformers, but not Harley Quinn. I'm just comparing it to every other alternative media hype book crash post speculative bubble which usually coincides with the release of said alternative media. See, also most recently, Alias 1 (even Daredevil 1 corrected somewhat, but has the benefit of a kind of silver age buffer that cushioned its fall a bit). -J. BA12 CGC 9.8 sold for $1000 before any rumor of a SS movie, it sucked back down below 800 and I even recall a BIN on ebay for $600 I stood and looked at and then the news broke and it went 1000 city and then proceeded north. SW was a 500-600 book in 9.8 before breaking news of a movie. I saw 2500 and right back down. Likely lower. Harley will unlikely break the SW box office record, but BA12 will always hold a higher spot over SW1 any day going forward. You may be right, but don't under estimate the similarities between the two books: Both started as alternative media, were then adapted to comic books, and then adapted back to an alternative media; both have a similar amount of graded 9.8 copies on the census (400+ now, each); both at least tripled in price almost overnight upon the speculation of a movie; both are HEAVILY speculated on; both have prior alternative media adaptations on television which did little to nothing for the values of their respective "first appearance books"; and of course last but not least neither is a true "first appearance" book. It ultimately does not matter to me what either book ends up doing, but I do notice the patterns and the parallels and it may offer an instruction of caution for those paying attention to such things. -J. DC owns Harley and I would venture to say they will use her and make her more successful. Margo signed up to be Harley for 10 years. She isnt locked into the Suicide Squad. Thats not even her main role in the DC universe. She's the Jokers gal and like him or not Leto is the Joker. Regardless of the outcome of the SS movie, expect to see more Margo and Leto. Madlove New trailer doesn't bode well for Margot in the HQ role. The jokes she told didn't land with me and she doesn't even have a Brooklyn accent. How can we have HQ without her occasionally saying "mistah J"? Realistcally, nobody talks like that except in cartoons. The important thing to be more concerned with is the Joker. Now that's drastic change. If it's the case, this won't be the first movie that DC has failed with. Ironically she sounded more like HQ in the Wolf of Wall Street. I actually thought that was why they went with her in the first place. -J.
  15. How could you compare Star Wars 1 to BA12? Its neither a Marvel or DC creation. You could compare SW to Rom, GI Joe or Tranformers, but not Harley Quinn. I'm just comparing it to every other alternative media hype book crash post speculative bubble which usually coincides with the release of said alternative media. See, also most recently, Alias 1 (even Daredevil 1 corrected somewhat, but has the benefit of a kind of silver age buffer that cushioned its fall a bit). -J. BA12 CGC 9.8 sold for $1000 before any rumor of a SS movie, it sucked back down below 800 and I even recall a BIN on ebay for $600 I stood and looked at and then the news broke and it went 1000 city and then proceeded north. SW was a 500-600 book in 9.8 before breaking news of a movie. I saw 2500 and right back down. Likely lower. Harley will unlikely break the SW box office record, but BA12 will always hold a higher spot over SW1 any day going forward. You may be right, but don't under estimate the similarities between the two books: Both started as alternative media, were then adapted to comic books, and then adapted back to an alternative media; both have a similar amount of graded 9.8 copies on the census (400+ now, each); both at least tripled in price almost overnight upon the speculation of a movie; both are HEAVILY speculated on; both have prior alternative media adaptations on television which did little to nothing for the values of their respective "first appearance books"; and of course last but not least neither is a true "first appearance" book. It ultimately does not matter to me what either book ends up doing, but I do notice the patterns and the parallels and it may offer an instruction of caution for those paying attention to such things. -J.
  16. Yeah. That's what happened. Unfortunately it looks like some boardies will never learn that there is nothing wrong with people ESTIMATING print runs of cool, valuable , super rare variants. It is fun and something interesting to speculate on without always having to listen to the same buzzkills spout the same boring talking points (read: "opinions") over and over and over again. -J.
  17. Some people indeed know when their opinions are just opinions (and do not confuse them as "facts") and are okay with acknowledging that. Just my opinion of course. -J.
  18. Do the hard work of research. It's not easy. Track down the information, and prove those "opinions" wrong. Otherwise, it's all just opinion. Emphatically agreed. -J.
  19. How could you compare Star Wars 1 to BA12? Its neither a Marvel or DC creation. You could compare SW to Rom, GI Joe or Tranformers, but not Harley Quinn. I'm just comparing it to every other alternative media hype book crash post speculative bubble which usually coincides with the release of said alternative media. See, also most recently, Alias 1 (even Daredevil 1 corrected somewhat, but has the benefit of a kind of silver age buffer that cushioned its fall a bit). -J.
  20. If Star Wars 1 (1977) can crash following the most successful movie of all time, HQ material can as well. -J.
  21. Fixed to match reality. ...according to one of the aforementioned know it all's. And kudos to you and your equally misguided brethren for derailing yet another thread. -J.
  22. Lots of know it all's who really believe their opinions are "facts" around here, and seem unable to see past their own pompous ideations. People will decide for themselves what they want to believe and what makes sense to them regardless of what anyone writes on these boards. -J.
  23. I understand that you are a long time comic dealer, and that you routinely commission "Phantom Variants". While the whole "it costs the same to run 500 copies as 2000" may apply to you and your special order variants, it absolutely DOES NOT necessarily apply to the direct publishers who can literally do whatever they want as a retailer incentive to spike sales. I don't understand why you (and a few others) constantly feel the need to attempt to undermine the retailer incentive program. You literally do it, based on what ?- that "sometimes" they show up in a five pack or in a "warehouse" somewhere or are handed out at a convention once in awhile ? Sure, sometimes the RI variants may get over printed. But to imply or state (as a fact ) that this is somehow the norm for ALL RI variants is patently absurd. -J.
  24. I don't understand why you feel the need to belabor your opinion on this point in every single thread that pertains to incentive variants. I doubt there is anyone who wonders what your thoughts are on this subject by now. I'm not even saying you are not technically correct, but come on. But FYI "print numbers" and "distribution numbers" are not mutually exclusive. If only 500 accounts qualify for an incentive Marvel isn't going to print 2000 copies just for shigs and gittles. Hence why they have an FOC ("Final Order Cut-off") date. -J. If only 500 accounts qualify for an incentive Marvel isn't going to print 2000 copies just for shigs and gittles You DO understand that to print 500 is more expensive to print 2-4k, right? That may or may not be true. However I also understand that even indie publishers run micro prints all the time. So there's no reason to believe a larger publisher would find it cost prohibitive to do the same thing. -J. That may or may not be true. You're just an ignorant guy, trolling. Believe whatever you like. From what I've read about you, you are a few things yourself. But we don't need to get into that, do we? Point being, you're just speculating as is Lonzilla. Differnce is, you hold out your blatant speculation as "fact" where as others acknowledge they are only speculating and are just trying to have a fun conversation about some books. So why dont you just go away "Larry". You're the only troll around here. -J.