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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Yes! This guy compiled them all on his blog. http://www.mylatestdistraction.com/?p=11851 -J.
  2. I don't understand why you feel the need to belabor your opinion on this point in every single thread that pertains to incentive variants. I doubt there is anyone who wonders what your thoughts are on this subject by now. I'm not even saying you are not technically correct, but come on. But FYI "print numbers" and "distribution numbers" are not mutually exclusive. If only 500 accounts qualify for an incentive Marvel isn't going to print 2000 copies just for shigs and gittles. Hence why they have an FOC ("Final Order Cut-off") date. -J. If only 500 accounts qualify for an incentive Marvel isn't going to print 2000 copies just for shigs and gittles You DO understand that to print 500 is more expensive to print 2-4k, right? That may or may not be true. However I also understand that even indie publishers run micro prints all the time. So there's no reason to believe a larger publisher would find it cost prohibitive to do the same thing. -J.
  3. I think the sour pusses should let people discuss the subject of the thread. If they want to attempt to completely undermine publisher dealer incentive programs, and basically call the whole thing a total fraud, they should start a thread dedicated to that fun topic. -J.
  4. If you're referring to Comichron numbers with the "1:X" applied.... Comichron doesn't include Diamond UK #'s & publisher digression. They print whatever they feel like. So all the monkey's applying "1:X" to that number can forget it... ( I've bought publisher warehouses with "1:X"'s piled to the roof. ) Show me. -J.
  5. I don't understand why you feel the need to belabor your opinion on this point in every single thread that pertains to incentive variants. I doubt there is anyone who wonders what your thoughts are on this subject by now. I'm not even saying you are not technically correct, but come on. But FYI "print numbers" and "distribution numbers" are not mutually exclusive. If only 500 accounts qualify for an incentive Marvel isn't going to print 2000 copies just for shigs and gittles. Hence why they have an FOC ("Final Order Cut-off") date. -J.
  6. + 1 I was talking with some co-workers today about this movie because people see I have superhero posters around my desk. They wanted to know more about who Margot Robbie was playing, as they felt she was some nutty girl under another person's control acting the way she did. They did find the Joker-Harley Quinn relationship interesting. But not about breaking her down to reform her to his liking. Someone today did point out an article that noted where the movie may be referencing her origin (New 52's Suicide Squad #7, 2012). That's dumb. So they made her origin exactly the same as Joker's? Ugh. Her origin in the animated series was much better. +1 Harley Quinn's origin is the best and probably only really interesting (i.e. "good") story that has been penned for the character. -J.
  7. Like Guardians of the Galaxy? Not quite...... -J.
  8. You must be in the wrong thread, this ain't The Civil War thread, bro! Yes I could copy and paste the same comment in the BvS thread as well. Suicide Squad just has the additional misfortune of being the last one of its type to be released this year, and being (over) populated by characters that are largely unknown to the general movie going public. -J.
  9. The only thing this trailer confirmed is that the movie is an over-bloated mess with too many cosplaying actors who are trying way too hard. -J.
  10. ...meanwhile the Voldemort 3.0 went $2,700+ less than the last comparably graded copy on ebay. -J.
  11. .... only my opinion, but the continued popularity of the book could be due to more than just 1st Venom. It's got a decent cover, it's an anniversary ish, it's a McFarlane book from a famous run, and very nice copies can still be had for less than 500..... which is the glass ceiling for 98% of collectors. It also gets the ASM bump. GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) +1 -J.
  12. I totally agree. I sold my 9.8 Newsstand late in 2015. I was very pleased. I just couldn't bring myself to sell my Direct 9.8's for less. Good thing you didn't, since a "direct edition" also just one-bidded for $1000 on ebay (no price difference). -J.
  13. I see it was you who got it from the lot!! Gratz... I picked up his Wolverine 1 Guilty. Great pickup on the Wolvie tho for sure, that's a must have book too The seller is a helluva guy, I think I'll ask if he's a boardie or wants to be one, he'd fit right in. Jerome Great pick ups guys! -J.
  14. For the record , no one has actually demonstrated any quantifiable , consistent or verifiable "premium" for a "newsstand" copy. There are just as many closed listings on eBay where comparable direct copies went for the same price or more as a newsie. It's right there for any objective person to view for themselves. While anecdotal evidence can be evidence it loses its persuasiveness when there is just as much anecdotal evidence in existence that can cause someone to reach an exactly opposite conclusion. They essentially cancel each other out to a net zero. Sorry, but no one should expect to change anyone's mind with unsupported blanket statements. And that is not "misinformation". It's just facts. As inconvenient to the promulgated myth as they may be. Peace out. -J. PS: Any one wondering about any of the books in my sig line, feel free to PM me and I'll let you know which boardie/auction house it was acquired from.
  15. I don't think anyone else is thinking that. Classy guy. -J. I'm pretty sure you don't want to see a show of hands. Considering that I've bought from two of the boardies who have contributed to this conversation , I can assure you I'm not losing any sleep over it either way. -J.
  16. I don't think anyone else is thinking that. But thank you for the back handed compliment I think. Classy guy. -J.
  17. Irrelevant? It's 131 data points in a public segment of the market... eBay. That's statistically valid to 95% confidence, if that is supposedly what you're asking. (No one with "dog" and "rules" in their name has ever been taken serious as a statistician. Primarily because so few with "dog" and "rules" in their name have finished high school.) Has ANY part of the CGC market ever translated to any quantifiable, consistent, or verifiable anything? Carved in stone, take it to the bank, verify it, consistently. What would do that? Multiple data points? Got 'em. It's a market. Ups and downs. Things are sold too low, things are overpaid. Past results are no guarantee of future performance. Blah, blah, etc. Why are you requesting some level of proof here that isn't required anywhere else? Multiple guys have stated that there is A premium for newsstand ASM #300. The data shows that there are fewer in high grade... a fact. You said a premium for newsstand is a myth. Fewer in high grade equals a premium everywhere else. But not ASM #300, huh? "Irrelevant" is the correct word. Unfortunately, it applies more your opinion. You are taking this waaaaaay too seriously my man. If your point (?) is that a newsstand copy "sometimes" gets a marginal "premium" I don't disagree with that. My point is that it also "sometimes" (and in fact usually) does not. Not enough people care one way or another to establish any CONSISTENT "premium", in either amount and most assuredly with not any regularity You make far too many assumptions and leaps of logic in an attempt to rationalize a position that is easily debunked- that simply because there is -1 of something compared to something else that that something will automatically command a "premium". That is simply not the case, and again , this is easily borne out by a casual perusal of closed eBay listings (and not just the few that you cherry picked earlier). Not my "opinion". Fact. Any-who, hope you enjoy your newsies. -J.
  18. This is all well and good but none of it has (or has ever) translated in to any quantifiable, consistent, or verifiable "premium" realised in prices either way. While the data is certainly sound, it is, at least in this case, irrelevant. -J.
  19. Saying that there is no consistent, provable, or quantifiable "premium" observed in the market either way is not the same as "dismissing" people who care about a newsstand copy over a direct copy one way or another or vice versa. I don't know why you are choosing to use such inflammatory language, especially since you have heard other boardies say that even if they might "prefer" a newsstand copy, that they still will not go out of their way to pay "extra" for the bar code. The reality remains that if YOU decide to pay an infinitesimal "premium" for a copy one way or another, do not automatically expect to receive one if you should ever decide to sell the book yourself. Because if you do, your copy will probably sit. -J.
  20. No. Any alleged "premium" is completely unquantifiable, random, and unprovable. -J. Except where I quantified it in the post before yours. So if I also cherry pick a few data points where a newsstand went for the same price or less than a direct can we put this myth to bed again and once and for all ? -J. Let's see... There are multiple versions of an Amazing Spider-man key issue (#300), with one of them seen less often in the market at some kind of 1:X ratio. You don't like it. There are multiple versions of an Amazing Spider-man unimportant issue (#667), with one of them seen less often in the market at some kind of 1:X ratio. You love it. There are multiple versions of an Amazing Spider-man unimportant issue (#678), with one of them seen less often in the market at some kind of 1:X ratio. You love it. Seems like the only difference is that you only love unimportant ASM books. Actually I "love" ultra rare and sought after ASM variants with a quantifiable and demonstrative scarcity. Not sure what that has to do with this conversation though. This is a conversation about the promulgation of the myth that "newsstand" versions of this common as dirt, mass produced in the hundreds of thousands key book carry a premium to the direct versions, when they absolutely do not. Newsstands are common as dirt. Direct versions are as common as dirt. It is a common as dirt book in all versions (not that the "newsstand" constitutes a "variant" or alternate version the way, um..... actual variants do) To wit...is the "newsstand" version a "variant" of the direct version, or vice versa? Who knows? Who cares? They're both common as dirt. To purport a consistent or provable "premium" for either is a 100% falsehood and is easily debunked. You cherry picked an example that proved nothing. I can cherry pick an example that proves the exact opposite. So what does that mean? It means nothing. -J. PS: No "premium" for NM 98's in "newsstand" form either. Sorry.
  21. No. Any alleged "premium" is completely unquantifiable, random, and unprovable. -J. Except where I quantified it in the post before yours. So if I also cherry pick a few data points where a newsstand went for the same price or less than a direct can we put this myth to bed again and once and for all ? -J.
  22. No. Any alleged "premium" is completely unquantifiable, random, and unprovable. -J.
  23. Just get the SS and save yourself a couple of Gs. I have to admit I'm on the fence about the book. I just don't like the sig placement where it says Batman, it just kind of sours me on it. So I think I'll hold off. If that sig was just about anywhere else, it wouldn't still be on ebay. Jerome Somebody just snagged it for $3,450.... http://item.ebay.co.uk/161944152387?item_hash4=6086b774&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&LH_BO=1&_ipg=200&_pgn=1&rc=nt&rmvSB=true -J.