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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. So true. But it also speaks to the power and longevity of his original creation that, over 50 years later, people are still ripping it off. -J.
  2. Whew. Thank goodness we'll never have to see that. -J.
  3. There's probably been dozens of different iterations of spider characters over the years, all of whom are derived from Peter Parker (who will always be the only real Spider-man in the end). Neither the concept nor execution of Miles Morales is anything new or ground breaking. This thread and the blogosphere are making the character seem far more important, relevant and popular than he actually is. -J.
  4. And how does trimming a book "conserve" it? How is that colouring book looking front cover considered "professional"? How do you know the book doesn't have new staples simply because the original ones were missing? Herein lies the problem when you try to parse the word "conserved" from what is in reality, restored (and in the case of this book, poorly restored, regardless of what is claimed on the label). The issue here isn't the grade, it is the buffoon-ish label. -J.
  5. "Conserved"? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Captain-America-Comics-1-TIMELY-1941-CBCS-0-1-1st-App-ORIGIN-Cap-America-/231595447327?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35ec2a141f -J.
  6. Great father's day present. Congrats! -J.
  7. They are originals with a variant price on them. No different than a $0.30 / $0.35 price variant or a $0.10 / $0.15 price variant (and these do exist). Yes, they are different. 30-35 cent price variants are still American comics. Pence copies are not. Pence are also usually missing the month of publication on the cover that is present on the original American copies, since it could never be known for sure exactly when they made it overseas to their foreign market. I've also read that their indicia is different as well. -J.
  8. Yup Perhaps, if the big comic book auction houses had some HG slabbed key pence copies and did their research and provided thorough descriptions about their history, low print runs/rarity and than the controversy that surrounds them. Than advertised and marketed the you know what out of them, as the next undervalued and or rare "variant" that has collectors talking, received some decent bidding and a new, way higher GPA or two....I think awareness, knowledge => acceptance will grow. I think people know. I also think that what has driven pence copies to the level they are at even now has more to do with the regular American cents copies becoming increasingly cost prohibitive and the pence copies being perceived as a more affordable alternative. They aren't "variants" in the 35-cent-price-variant sense. They are foreign versions of American comic books (regardless of where or when then they were actually printed). And me pointing this out should not be construed as "dissing" the niche market for such copies. -J.
  9. I just picked up my SC22 CGC 2.5 - been looking for awhile and was afraid it would spike, so I am stoked to have a copy finally! You should post it in the SC 22 thread I the SA sub-forum. -J.
  10. +1 And not only that, but there are numerous other (and better) versions/interpretations of Spider-man that would be a greater departure from the original character/more interesting than Miles Morales, which is essentially just a brown-skinned Peter Parker, ie, the same character, except for his race. Venom Lethal protector- the Movie, anyone? Scarlet Spider, anyone? Spider-man 2099, anyone? There's a line of Spider-men a mile long that would likely (and rightfully) see the light of day on the big screen before Miles Morales. And even then, it would still undoubtedly circle back around to Peter Parker. -J.
  11. Is that just for the title characters or the supporting cast a well? I'm looking forward to what they do with Adam Warlock / Magus No more origin story movies. I would imagine that applies to the second bananas as well. -J.
  12. I generally agree with you. But the rub lies with the fact that that this is now the *second* time Marvel is dissing Peter Parker in order to force this character into the mainstream. First they killed him in the Ultimate title (only to bring him back when sales subsequently tanked), and now they are needlessly canceling his top selling book so that Spider fans will essentially be forced to buy the Morales title. I don't like that. -J. Marvel are also forcing Peter Parker back with a third reboot of the movies because they want him in their MCU. People are sick of it, they don't want more of the same. I see the same comments on different forums and news comments sections about another PP Spiderman movie reboot. It's Spider-Man fatigue setting in. Miles would change it up and I think that is where they want to go after Peter is in the MCU. People are sick of sub par Spider-Man movies, not Spider-Man or Peter Parker. Are you familiar with the comic book sales numbers? Did you know the last movie still did $700M+ globally? Marvel isn't dumb they're not going to gamble a $150M movie budget on a character that just popped on the scene a couple years ago and can't even carry a $2 a month comic book title, let alone a multi billion dollar movie franchise. Marvel just got their biggest toy soldier back, they are going to be playing with him for a long time. And the next movies are not going to be reboots. They're going to jump right into the action. Marvel is reportedly not doing origin stories in any of their movies anymore. -J.
  13. Yes I agree some of those off-shoot titles and different iterations of the character can be fun (most especially and famously, Venom). But at the end of the day it all started with Peter Parker. And one way or another, it will always come back around to him. (thumbs u -J.
  14. I generally agree with you. But the rub lies with the fact that that this is now the *second* time Marvel is dissing Peter Parker in order to force this character into the mainstream. First they killed him in the Ultimate title (only to bring him back when sales subsequently tanked), and now they are needlessly canceling his top selling book so that Spider fans will essentially be forced to buy the Morales title. I don't like that. -J. Did you like superior spiderman Yep. (thumbs u Apples and oranges though as that was basically just one weird story arc that still involved PP. Many fans were hoping that the SS storyline would eventually just be folded into the ASM run with the original numbering resumed. Though I will say I don't think Miles will last much longer than a story arc or two either. Just because Marvel says "this is Spider-man now because we said so" like they did with Thor may (probably) prove to be a mis-step because Thor ain't no Peter Parker and they scrapped their top regular (non- Star Wars related) title to replace it with not even an unknown commodity, but an already failed one. I don't know, maybe that was the only way they could get out of Slott's contract. People seem to like the "idea" of Miles Morales more than the actual character, who doesn't seem to stand for much more other than being "the not white 'Spider-man'". As if that matters. At the end of the day, Peter Parker provides the context, motivation, inspiration, etc for Miles Morales. Peter Parker was (is) still selling a million+ books a year after more than 50 years. They won't let sales get too terrible before they bring Peter back off the bench. Just as they did in the Ultimate title. Marvel may be in an experimental mood again, but it should be pretty obvious by now that they know which character butters their bread. My 2 cents. -J.
  15. I generally agree with you. But the rub lies with the fact that that this is now the *second* time Marvel is dissing Peter Parker in order to force this character into the mainstream. First they killed him in the Ultimate title (only to bring him back when sales subsequently tanked), and now they are needlessly canceling his top selling book so that Spider fans will essentially be forced to buy the Morales title. I don't like that. -J.
  16. DC are so undervalued in my book even this one! +1 Especially considering GL was/is one of the top 2 reboots to come out of the SA for DC that is still pretty much the same character we know today (just like the Flash). -J.
  17. Everyone better get their showcase 22's while they're still "cheap". If ever a book was primed for a hulk 1/showcase 4-style price spike it is that one. -J.
  18. I don't concern myself with what other people collect. I am simply reporting what is easily observed by anyone in the general marketplace. (thumbs u -J.
  19. Yup. Are any foreign printings of comics worth as much as the original American versions? -J. No, because they're reprints. They're not technically reprints but they are foreign and they were released after the original american copies. Most collectors don't want them in their collection regardless of how steep the discount. That will likely always keep them at around 50-60% FMV of the American copies. -J. They're absolutely NOT reprints. Much research has gone into this... they were printed at the same time, on the same presses, and some thoeries even suggest before the USA versions! They are "original editions with UK price variants" And probably 50-100x rarer than the corresponding cents copies! It's the same principle as the famous 30 & 35 cent variants... just imagine Britain being one of the states where the variants were distributed However, I can understand the market but it's slowly changing - certainly massively in the last 20 years. <3 As true as all that may be, most collectors simply don't want foreign books mixed in with their original American runs. They're interesting as a novelty or for those who specifically pursue or want them however. -J.
  20. Yup. Are any foreign printings of comics worth as much as the original American versions? -J. No, because they're reprints. They're not technically reprints but they are foreign and they were released after the original american copies. Most collectors don't want them in their collection regardless of how steep the discount. That will likely always keep them at around 50-60% FMV of the American copies. -J.
  21. Yup. Are any foreign printings of comics worth as much as the original American versions? -J.
  22. WHO says she's not? I'm sure the press release is telling fans everything months in advance. I see massive fan support, in shop, online & at shows. I'm "all in" This ones a "no brainer" It says right in the article the creative is returning to Earth 65. And there she shall surely remain. -J. And Bendis said the Ultimate Universe would NEVER be part of the 616... And there Miles would surely remain. ....Point being, post secret wars, the character is still in her own "universe". (thumbs u -J.