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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Get your facts straight, sport. I never said this movie would "tank". I cited tracking that turned out to be spot on- $65MM opening North American- the WORST of any DCEU movie BY FAR. Some may call that "tanking". Scott Mendelson of Forbes, resident DC fanboy and perennial apologist called its opening weekend multiplier "frankly lousy". But if it helps YOU to sleep at night believing a movie with an ASM 2 style budget and marketing making ASM 2 level money (so far) is a success, be my guest. We all saw how that turned out. -J.
  2. With the numbers you've just estimated, this movie loses money, based on it's stupid budget of $200MM and another reported $150MM in marketing. Even at $850MM (China- $265MM × .25= $66MM, North America- $235MM × .50= $117.5MM, rest of world- $350MM x ~.40= $140MM, Grand total to WB- $323MM) this movie loses money theatrically. FWIW, I still don't think this movie has another $400MM left in the tank at all. I mean really, the movie has already been out three weeks now, and has basically been released everywhere it is going to. Unlike recent years past where there was mostly one big tentpole playing, this year we have THREE, four if you count Mary Poppins. Blame the studios for cramming all these movies in at the end of the year (a move obviously done because there is no star wars this year). Given that this is a character that really nobody was clamoring to see in a solo movie, WB would have been far more intelligent to go with a SMALLER, more focused movie, with a SMALLER budget, instead of the asinine, throw-everything-at-the-wall Amazing Spider-Man 2 route, which itself made seemingly a boatload of money on paper, but still killed the franchise because of dumb budgeting. To their potential credit, it looks like they're going more that direction with Shazam. -J.
  3. For Aquaman, I guess that's kind of, sort of all right. Would be better if the budget wasn't so ridiculously stupid (I'm starting to get vibes of ASM 2 a little here). But actually, Gatsby, that $67.4MM includes $2.9MM from the Amazon preview (but not the Wednesday post-preview-pre-Thursday-preview-preview). The real Thursday to-Sunday tally is $64.5MM (), which is literally right in line with what tracking was for weeks. -J.
  4. Good call on that. I pretty much agree with your assertions too by the way. Saw it late last night to about a half full theater (or half empty, depending on how you view things in life lol). Lots of people laughing when they weren't supposed to, and not laughing when they were. I will also add that when neither of your leads can act for spit and have absolutely ZERO chemistr together, and when your "hero" is way too overpowered, thus eliminating any and all stakes and tension (I had this problem with Wonder Woman too, and a couple marvel movies) all you really can do at that point is have garish, cartoony CGI and repetitive fight scenes that all lead to nothing. I actually liked Justice League better. 2.0 out of 5.0 for me -J.
  5. You just can't help yourself, can you bud. Is this what they call "apples and oranges"? Again, Aquaman has already shot its biggest BO wad in China (where, as you stated, it is currently trailing Venom, and if I'm not mistaken Venom got an extended theatrical run there), so the "20% ahead of Venom" worldwide stat you mentioned is a meaningless analogy. You're also mixing comparisons, throwing in JL (a boba fide flop) to rationalize how much "better" Aquaman is doing in the other territories (and again, I'm not sure if $75MM opening weekend in all those other countries combined really is considered "good" as a standalone figure). -J.
  6. That is nice. They were sold out at the one near me. -J.
  7. These numbers strike me as ludicrous primarily for the reason I said earlier- this movie is already going into its third week of release, but it's already shot its biggest wad in China and is winding down there. $205MM of it's current ~$280MM total worldwide haul is from China, with its crappy studio split and this movie's absurd $200MM production budget (twice that of Venom), and I don't know is $75MM combined in those 13 other countries it opened in last week a good showing ? And with the scorching competition on North America (I actually think Mary Poppins will end up exceeding most industry forecasts, no I will not be seeing it lol) literally three comic book movies out simultaneously (is spider verse going to get obliterated in its second week?), it will almost certainly take North Anerica at this point to get Aquaman to the same worldwide as Venom for its (Aquaman) 2X budget. I don't agree with rolling this movie out in China and other territories first, while it may give the "illusion" of being a hit, in reality it's actually still deep in the red, and will likely need an extraordinary and leggy North America to cement it as a bona fide financial success. And I don't see that happening. There is just too much competition, particularly Mary Poppins and even with its softer initial opening weekend, most industry forecasts have it being the film with the best chance at the longest legs. (And hey we are all just spitballing here so no need for personal attacks, oblique or otherwise). -J.
  8. Is that supposed to be a passive aggressive swipe at me? You do realize that my statements are almost always based on the most recent industry articles, which I almost always provide a link to, right? Perhaps we should revisit some of your early Venom box office projections, bub. Anyway, I don't know where you're getting your info from, but Hollywood Reporter still has Mary Poppins strong in the Christmas frame, and still has Aquman at ~$60MM in the Friday-Sunday frame (we will see if it actually can top $100MM through Christmas, but even if it does it will still have the lowest Fri-Sun opening ever for any DCEU film). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/news/box-office-preview-aquaman-mary-poppins-returns-lead-1170308 -J.
  9. Speaking of Tec 880.... a copy sold for $900 a couple days ago. That was a new all time high. -J.
  10. That's a real nice presentation. Well done. -J.
  11. Granted. But I was mostly being colloquial to characterise what was generally considered soft results across the board in that auction. Congrats on your sale and profit margin. -J.
  12. Alas, even TMNT 1 was not immune to the horrid results that generally plagued that last comiclink auction. -J.
  13. The Chinese market is sizable but the stingy cut to studios still make it largely gravy to studios after the film's domestic and other international market releases that usually yield a much larger cut. Venom has made $250MM+ there but the studio only see, what, about $60MM of that? Venom didn't need China to make it a hit, though that huge BO there certainly superficially bloats its worldwide totals, even if the studio take is barely half of the production budget. I'm not convinced this movie shooting its China wad ahead of the North America release is necessarily a positive as there will be nothing to superficially redeem it should the North American totals come in as they are expected to (all time DCEU lows). -J.
  14. That's a mighty fine 3.0. Big time congrats! -J.
  15. I know. But $40MM on Mon and Tues? Nah. You have Bumblebee and Spider-verse competing for the identical audience and Mary Poppins will own Christmas and Christmas Eve. -J.
  16. Everything I'm seeing is still in the ~$60MM range. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.syfy.com/syfywire/warner-bros-reportedly-in-talks-for-aquaman-sequel%3famp And that's still not good. Despite all the hype to try to make it seem good. -J.
  17. Wow fantastic slabs and welcome to the boards! That virgin ASM 800 is especially -J.
  18. While obviously technically competent, this movie continues to do NOTHING for me. The storyline looks far too boilerplate, the actress is miscast and has absolutely ZERO charisma (which is why they are seemingly relying on Sam Jackson to do most of the heavy lifting in that department), and the film looks entirely gratuitous and expendable. Guess even Marvel can't bat .1000. -J.
  19. Agreed. Perfect centering and deep colours. -J.
  20. Very nice! I say.... remove those staples, get the colour touch removed (it couldn't impact the grade any more, right?), and get that sucker into a blue slab. -J.
  21. Based on your boardie name I can see why you would like these. Nice pick ups! -J.
  22. Considering what the last couple copies have gone for, that was a pretty weak result for that 9.8 on comiclink at $30k. Although to be fair, there were LOTS of weak results in this auction across all Ages of comics. -J.