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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Okay now I'm just confused. The entire premise of at least your first two posts on the book, not including the screen shot you posted of your message to the seller, was about how "rare" this book will be and how it could be the "rarest" ASM ever (while simultaneously, and ironically, naysaying the 667 multiple times, a book that actually is rare, 34 slabs in seven years). If I didn't know better, I would say that bababooey what spot on with his analysis of why you even brought this book up (in the wrong thread on the wrong boards, I might add)- something that would is very unlikely to happen given how everything with even the least bit potential is speculated on TO DEATH weeks and months before they even come out. How will you feel about this book when 25-50 slabs of it hit eBay the day it comes out ? Cool sketch by the way. -J.
  2. I generally agree with this. But careful, or some phony baloney wannabe self-righteous white knight will say you're being "libelous". -J.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Venomverse-1-CBCS-9-8-Clayton-Crain-ULTIMATE-EDITION-VENOM-66-250-/292572306958?hash=item441eab1e0e%3Ag%3AJKsAAOSwf5BbAiyN&redirect=mobile&nma=true&si=iFZRySQ5y%2FIXXG0HfR%2Fz791DLhQ%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&redirect=mobile -J.
  4. Beautiful, congratulations on owning it! This was an original panini cover for DER UNGLAUBLICHE HULK (GERMAN EDITION) (2003) # 5. -J.
  5. By "warehouse" you mean this guy's closet? Lol Actually, the slab on the left (graded 10/11) looks to be the slab Polirer sold 3-4 months ago, that is now paired with the slab on the right (graded 9/16). A super, mini hoard of sorts. Definitely worthy of one of these- -J.
  6. Two more sales since this thread was started: 9.9- $12k+ http://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3DWalking%2Bdead%2B1%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1246158&id=1246158&itemType=0 9.8- $2800+ http://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3DWalking%2Bdead%2B1%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1252386&id=1252386&itemType=0 -J.
  7. Fact- They are insolvent ("asset sale" from bankruptcy, or to avert one?). Fact- They never achieved significant or meaningful market penetration. Fact- Their con presence over the last 18 months or so has been slight to non-existent. Fact- Turn times have been embarrassingly bad (layoffs?). Fact- No Twitter updates in over six months (was previously used to announce con appearances and new services). Fact- They essentially went out of business. Fact- Beckett has taken over (the true circumstances of which are not fully known but reasonable conclusions can be drawn). Fact- The new version of the company is moving to Texas to "improve its services". Fact- The new company is being sued for breach of contract. Fact- The new company has been accused of fraud by one of the biggest dealers in the hobby. Facts. -J.
  8. Ah yes okay. Maybe you're right. Companies normally come in and pay top dollar ("asset sale", remember?) for smaller companies that have barely existed for any significant period of time, are prone to getting sued for fraud, and never were able to achieve an average market penetration of ~5% sell through (about what PGX achieved at their height) Got it. -J.
  9. Where did I say you did ? And what part is the "mis- truth"? That Voldy failed ? Is insolvent? Is being sued for fraud ? Is being accused of breach of contract by one of the biggest dealers in the hobby? Do tell, what part of any of this isn't happening? Let the rationalizations, denials , and personal attacks continue. I can do this all day. -J.
  10. The public facts I'm looking at are that this company failed, is insolvent and is being sued for breach of contract and fraud. I don't care if you disagree or agree with my statements, but getting personal is inappropriate and bush league. The depths to which some of these people have sunk in their attacks is shocking and that kind of defensiveness I can only assume is because they have a vested interest and are genuinely nervous about what this all means. And I know for a fact that many if not most of the people going off the rails do in fact sell or collect Voldy slabs. It is a reasonable inference based on their very unreasonable behavior. If you have additional "facts" to share, post it a long with supporting documentation. Otherwise your deliberately cryptic and vague comments are no more or less reliable or credible than if you said Donald Duck whispered super top secret secrets in your ear while you slept. -J.
  11. Pot meet kettle. Or maybe 1Cool could have just addressed his post to the class acts who've been engaging in the personal attacks in the first place. -J.
  12. All signs point to this (Beckett taking over Voldy) not being a full arm's length transaction, so what Mitch describes is not outside the realm of possibility. -J.
  13. I'm at a loss to figure out how you got any of this from what I posted. -J.
  14. No. First of all, no one has "hit" me anywhere. Calling someone names is simply bush league and well beneath the supposedly professional, educated collectors and businessmen some if these people all so clearly want us to believe they are. I have never called myself a "victim", and there are numerous classy, professional, respectful boardies on these boards that know exactly who I am personally that I have done many amazing deals with. What you actually have here is a small, dedicated group of Voldy investors/collectors/apologists who do not like or want ANY-thing that could be construed as even a mild critique of the defunct company to be said, and then practically immediately descend into the personal, vulgar, tacky and obscene if they are called out on it. And if you consider any of that to be "fair play" in an honest debate, then, quite frankly, you are no better than they are. Big difference between quibbling with someone over their debate style and attacking somene personally, name calling, and the other sort of similar bottom feeding tactics that a few people have been doing in this thread. -J.
  15. With all due respect both Micth and I (and a couple others, including you to a certain extent) have laid out plenty of circumstantial evidence throughout this thread which support our conclusion as to the unfortunate fate of this company. And again, being a smart, altruistic comic book enthusiast does not necessarily equate to smart, capable management of a (successful) business. Maybe Beckett will do better. Maybe they won't. Not getting immediately sued by one of the biggest dealers in the hobby certainly would have been a better start. -J.
  16. What ? Oh spare me. You (and one or two others) have done absolutely nothing in this thread but (feebly attempt to) engage in similar politics of destruction. You've name called, thinly masked vulgarities, openly belittled people and even cheer-led VintageComics as he repeatedly hounded me for my own personal information (no doubt in order to do something similar to what BlowuptheMoon just pulled with Mitch). This style of, *ahem*, debate, only appeals to the lowest common denominator, is typically the final tactic of someone who already knows they've lost, and needless to say the usual suspects have lapped it up with glee as if anything you say will somehow redeem the credibility of your favourite failed company or stop them from feeling worried about all those Voldy slabs in their collection or inventory from potentially losing even more value compared to CGC books. What's even more shocking is the post count or the amount of time some of you posting here have been on these boards. And seriously, this is the best that you can do when someone disagrees with you ? I mean, really ? -J.
  17. When I haven't either simply bought an already slabbed book or used a pre screen service i find that I'm usually getting books in the 9.2-9.6 range. So if you're someone who is so anal that you simply must have every modern you in be a 9.8, that service is definitely worth it. The boardie BeachBum also has that down to a science. -J.
  18. I don't believe Comcast does have the money to spend. They would need to take a loan from a bank and that's not something the shareholders would even necessarily approve. Then of course they would be on the hook for the $2B+ penalty for Fox breaking off talks with Disney as well. Disney and Fox are far too far along in the process now. This really just looks like a cheap ploy to get Disney to pony up a little more money to cinch the deal. Something that is not difficult for them to do if they need to. -J.
  19. Disney is far too rich and they need the characters Fox owns to continue doing what they're doing. I would say there's probably less than a 5% chance they allow Fox to slip through their fingers to the likes of Comcast. -J.
  20. It doesn't matter how "aggressive" an offer Comcast comes up with, Disney's will always be better. Comcast knows they are out of their league and will never be anything more than a mild spoiler/agitator that simply forces Disney to raise their offer. -J.
  21. Seriously this might be a new record for a shockingly tone deaf post even for you. And that's saying something . I love it when "faceless shadows" on the internet call other people on the internet "faceless shadows", and other derogatory names, simply because someone else dares to disagree with them. By your accounting we should be considering the people who started Voldy for a Nobel Prize. Nevermind the fact that, like most businesses, it was started for the sole and only purpose of making money, and as much as possible, off from the very hobby that you believe they have done so much for. Hmmmm... And here's another shocking concept for you, Junior- "honorable people" can be incompetent, clueless business people who neither know how to run or maintain a business successfully. And by Voldy's well documented (short) history of one administrative and policy blunder after another- and there were MANY- compromising the integrity and market perception of the company very early- they were lead to where they are now- oblivion. Can Beckett do anything at this point to establish credibility so that "the market" might deign to give them a second chance? Maybe. But, as I said, they're going to need a name change and re-brand to at least have a chance of getting that pesky stink of failure of the original iteration of the prior company off from them first. And they need to make things right with Metro if that lawsuit has merit. If nothing else that lawsuit is like an anchor around their neck. It directly bridges the prior failed company with what they want to do now. And yep, that's a problem. Nothing will be served by any of this if the new management team starts off on the wrong foot by making yet another mis-step to cost them even more credibility right from the get -go. And have I mentioned what a great spin doctor you are ? Really, Beckett should hire you. But you should really try showing just a little bit of class and take your relentless suction cupping of Voldy off from the dedcated CGC boards and over to Voldy's chat boards or something, where the other 20 or so people who use them congregate. They could certainly use you over there. And maybe you could even manage to sell a few of those cut-rate Voldy slabs of yours that you have sitting in your back stock of inventory that causes you to almost literally have a panic attack every single time I or anyone else who is telling it like it is, happens to post in this thread. -J.
  22. Professional butt hurt detector. -J.
  23. Since that would be the best case scenario, you should certainly hope so . -J.
  24. You may be on to something. I was just thinking the same thing. It is very possible that Beckett was already an early investor in them and came in to clean up the mess and protect its own initial outlay (as opposed to acquiring them through an actual bankruptcy proceedings or something like that). -J.