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Posts posted by ygogolak

  1. I think LOW is a good Image title and the art is amazing. Still won't see SAGA numbers, so I'll put it in the pile with WSoG and Paper Girls...


    I completely forgot about that comic. I read the first issue and liked it and didn't pick another one up.

    I also like East of West. There are a lot of #1's out there for an Image title and I don't think it's as easy of a read and comprehension as Saga. Deadly Class I liked and could easily see that coming to TV or a movie.


    Develop your own viewpoints on books and actually read them.




    This says it all.


    This specific thread is about value speculation. I think we can say that many books don't fall into the "I've read that" category. There are plenty of threads praising comics and stories that people like, gasp... just for the story.



    If you can spot quality, you may easily be able to pick up books cheaply while the fan base develops. Reading the books is an important part to any speculative approach.


    This is reason many people smart people were buying Saga #1 when it was $20 raw or $100 in CGC 9.8.


    Yes, and the same with We Can Never Go Home. How about Manifest Destiny, Rat Queens, etc...

    I guess I was thinking of this thread as more of a, "this is going to heat up in a week" type of speculation. As I said, there are plenty of great stories, but that doesn't mean they will hold value. Saga gained value because after a while it became more widely known that it was a great story AND supply outweighed demand. It doesn't hurt that the art is great as well, at least IMO, and she wasn't know nearly as well as she is now.


    So what I'm saying, is that it's easy to cherry pick Saga as a value increase due to only story, but what about something like We Stand on Guard, or Paper Girls, can't miss, right? but people say it coming and were hoping for another Saga.


    I still think the 2014 Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight series's were both classics for their own reasons. Not sure they will increase much at this point though.

  3. Cheapest I can find the Silk #3 Campbell Variant is $69.99 at a local store.


    So whoever said there will be a flood, and these will be cheaper aren't paying attention to them selling over $100 on eBay and every other place sold out before release date.


    Who said the market would be flooded? It was said in multiple places that it was not announced in the Previews who the artist was until later and was assumed most retailers did not know this.


    As I said before, you're trying to buy at the worst time. Sellers love buyers like this.


    Fair opinion, but I think it is the best time to get it before it becomes too hard to find in high grade.

    J.Scott Campbell covers have that $ Memory like New Mutants 98 does. Once they start selling for a certain price, they hardly let up. If you think this book in particular will cool off and prices come down, it may take a few years, not the few months if at all. I haven't seen a scramble this hard for a Campbell cover, even more than Renew your Vows #1 1:50!.


    I usually never have this much trouble finding a book at a decent price, but none of the smaller local shops had enough ordered to even get the 1:25, and the larger stores price gouge because of the eBay pre-sales.


    A majority of the JSC covers from the last two years have decreased in value compared to their pre-sale and week-of-release sale price. He does a lot more cover than he used to.

  4. Is there a reason why this book shot up this much? Apologies if it was already covered:



    All-New X-Men #25 variant


    100% cover driven


    Actually, someone on google+ ordered one for $50.00, and when it arrived he almost tore the cover off taking out the book, and shared his self destroyed copy, creating a run up on the book that is slightly genuine, only because 1 copy is now........un-9.8'able.



    No, that's not what happened at all.

  5. Cheapest I can find the Silk #3 Campbell Variant is $69.99 at a local store.


    So whoever said there will be a flood, and these will be cheaper aren't paying attention to them selling over $100 on eBay and every other place sold out before release date.


    Who said the market would be flooded? It was said in multiple places that it was not announced in the Previews who the artist was until later and was assumed most retailers did not know this.


    As I said before, you're trying to buy at the worst time. Sellers love buyers like this.

  6. Hey guys I haven't read this one but looks interesting, my question is, is this currently ongoing or is this planned to end at like issue 30, or 40 or something?




    I think its set to run about 50 issues. Its almost half way.


    I doubt any tv network or streaming service could give this story what it deserves in live action form. Big budget film is the only way to go but i dont want to see it get ruined so i will enjoy my books. Animated would work but the colors and art are so great in the book it feels like animation to me already (plus i dont want a voice actor to ruin what death, baloon and the "beast" sound like to me in my head lol)


    Agreed, they could possibly do an animated version that could catch on, like Clone Wars, but it's probably to adult for that.

  7. Too early to speculate on Onslaught?

    This guy didnt think so

    I've grabbing copies whenever I can find them, but never ever paying that much. Maybe he or she knows something we don't know.

    Really not even the right book to speculate on ? #53 would be the KEY.


    Why not pick up both? I been plucking both of these books in bargain bins for years whenever I see them. I have a strong feeling this will end up the same as Man of Steel 17/18 where X-Man #15 may get a stronger price boost simply because the print run is far lower than X-Men #53.

    Booth are good. but x-man #15 is just a shadow cameo.


    Sure, but his name is right in the cover. So it's not an instance of shadow (unnamed) vs. named first appearance.

  8. Too early to speculate on Onslaught?

    This guy didnt think so

    I've grabbing copies whenever I can find them, but never ever paying that much. Maybe he or she knows something we don't know.

    Really not even the right book to speculate on ? #53 would be the KEY.


    According to CGC, but the X-Man issue came out a month earlier and is listed on his wikia.




    My LCS is in my garage . . . :grin:


    ...and bedroom in your parents basement.


  9. Tough sledding here in Ottawa... two ads on Kijiji (craigslist) in two days for stacks of low grade Silver. I answered the first 45 minutes after it was posted, and got an email 4 hours later that they were sold. I didn't catch last night's ad until 3 hours after it was posted, and the ad is already gone this morning.


    Anyone care to share the notification software they use? :foryou:


    PC or mobile and which platform?

    Just search CraigsList Alert. I have used a couple and some work better than others.

  10. The guy who played Js partner for 3 minutes in MIB II and Elaine's boyfriend for a few episodes in Seinfeld has the right look for CM/Shazam, but he is not leading man material. of course, he's 10-15 years older now, so that's another issue.

    He was The Tick, too. :grin:


    oh yeah, forgot about that.


    him as CM/Shazam I guess is not a novel idea:





    How about Joe Manganiello? He's got the size plus he's married to Sofia Vergara. No other actor can say that.


    If you've seen Trainwreck it's obvious... John Cena


    What tier did you use for grading? You were going to send them in on the 22nd and you have a pic on the 4th. 7 business days to ship, grade and have them shipped back?




    Especially as the verification tool on the main site shows the book was graded on the 22nd. Lightning!



    Must have been on-site, correct?


    Time is of the essence when you're dealing with manufactured collectibles. :grin:


    Hmm, thought all comics were "manufactured". Learn something new everyday!