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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.

    You obviously don't know what the word "Credibility" means. Here is an assignment for you: Look up the definition of Credibility. Next, post that definition in your response. Next, tell us why asking between 2 and 3 times the value of your book does or does not hurt Your credibility and why. And by the way, your answer cannot include the fact that You overpaid for the book in the first place and it cannot include "But I put OBO". If you do this, you MIGHT actually learn something. I won't hold my breath, but stranger things have probably happened. Oh, and by the way, when you are asking 2 to 3 times market price for your book, why would a potential customer Not think that you are trying to rip them off?


    Definition of the word credibility


    the quality of being believable or worthy of trust:



    I was always told by my dad to always ask double and work my way down so if people haggle I'll still get the price I want.


    How much success has he had selling collectibles on the Internet ?


    He doesn't sell collectibles anymore but he used to have his own little booth and selling things he'd find on his trips like coins, antique dolls, furniture, records, gold and silver

  2. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.


    I like to think the questions being asked are comig from a child but I know that it's coming from someone in their mid-20s. So sad...


    I don't think it's sad to ask about something you're not sure about I may not be as smart as you guys but at least I'm trying.


    It's sad how a 27 year old can't figure out how over pricing a book can impact their credibility as a legit seller. You seem very sure of your pricing methods and it makes total sense to you however your prices don't make any sense for the reasons mentioned by the other posters. It seems like you're hoping to sucker a new collector in over paying for your book just like the seller did to you.




    Gabe, the market for that book is going to be very, very difficult.


    Overpriced books can be a big turn off. Being at the high end of GPA is one thing but books that are in the stratosphere, like yours for this mangled, coverless ASM #7 just make legit buyers/collectors laugh or scoff and move on and if you don't think buyers make "mental notes" of sellers, you are wrong. You are showing this inexperience over 8 FB pages too no less. LISTEN TO WHAT GATOR IS TELLING YOU.


    Also, I am not surprised to see that you did not listen to my advice about cleaning up your online presence.


    You still have My Little Pony and far right American political stuff on your FB page. Seriously, you are CANADIAN. WTF? Share if "You Think (Obama) Wants Civil Unrest to Disrupt the Election" - Are you out of your freaking mind? Also, what is with this "Meninist" ? Your rant against Emma Watson was the icing on the cake. She has accomplished more in 15 minutes than you have in your entire life. Get an education. Or, at the very least, understand that excessive posting of social/political views online, generally not a good thing.


    As an employer, if I saw your online postings, your application would be going straight to the garbage.




    I could be wrong, but I don't think people looking for dishwashers are really too concerned with FB.


    Remember, this guy couldn't get hired by KFC and I know their standards are super low...because I worked for them as one of the first jobs I ever had :insane:


    Yeah that was pretty terrible

  3. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.


    I like to think the questions being asked are comig from a child but I know that it's coming from someone in their mid-20s. So sad...


    I don't think it's sad to ask about something you're not sure about I may not be as smart as you guys but at least I'm trying.


    It's sad how a 27 year old can't figure out how over pricing a book can impact their credibility as a legit seller. You seem very sure of your pricing methods and it makes total sense to you however your prices don't make any sense for the reasons mentioned by the other posters. It seems like you're hoping to sucker a new collector in over paying for your book just like the seller did to you.




    Gabe, the market for that book is going to be very, very difficult.


    Overpriced books can be a big turn off. Being at the high end of GPA is one thing but books that are in the stratosphere, like yours for this mangled, coverless ASM #7 just make legit buyers/collectors laugh or scoff and move on and if you don't think buyers make "mental notes" of sellers, you are wrong. You are showing this inexperience over 8 FB pages too no less. LISTEN TO WHAT GATOR IS TELLING YOU.


    Also, I am not surprised to see that you did not listen to my advice about cleaning up your online presence.


    You still have My Little Pony and far right American political stuff on your FB page. Seriously, you are CANADIAN. WTF? Share if "You Think (Obama) Wants Civil Unrest to Disrupt the Election" - Are you out of your freaking mind? Also, what is with this "Meninist" ? Your rant against Emma Watson was the icing on the cake. She has accomplished more in 15 minutes than you have in your entire life. Get an education. Or, at the very least, understand that excessive posting of social/political views online, generally not a good thing.


    As an employer, if I saw your online postings, your application would be going straight to the garbage.




    I don't like her views and feminist logic so I'll leave it at that. I know that the comic book community is small don't get me wrong but I also know that you can ask whatever you want because it's your comic and as you said they'll just scoff and move on, that said it only means I'll be sitting with a overpriced comic and with what gator told me I said that I would change the price after the weekend if I get no bites.

  4. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.

    You obviously don't know what the word "Credibility" means. Here is an assignment for you: Look up the definition of Credibility. Next, post that definition in your response. Next, tell us why asking between 2 and 3 times the value of your book does or does not hurt Your credibility and why. And by the way, your answer cannot include the fact that You overpaid for the book in the first place and it cannot include "But I put OBO". If you do this, you MIGHT actually learn something. I won't hold my breath, but stranger things have probably happened. Oh, and by the way, when you are asking 2 to 3 times market price for your book, why would a potential customer Not think that you are trying to rip them off?


    Definition of the word credibility


    the quality of being believable or worthy of trust:



    I was always told by my dad to always ask double and work my way down so if people haggle I'll still get the price I want.



  5. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.


    I like to think the questions being asked are comig from a child but I know that it's coming from someone in their mid-20s. So sad...


    I don't think it's sad to ask about something you're not sure about I may not be as smart as you guys but at least I'm trying.


    It's sad how a 27 year old can't figure out how over pricing a book can impact their credibility as a legit seller. You seem very sure of your pricing methods and it makes total sense to you however your prices don't make any sense for the reasons mentioned by the other posters. It seems like you're hoping to sucker a new collector in over paying for your book just like the seller did to you.


    I'm actually 23 and as I said before I'm testing the waters and if I don't get a bite then I'll change the price

  6. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.


    I like to think the questions being asked are comig from a child but I know that it's coming from someone in their mid-20s. So sad...


    I don't think it's sad to ask about something you're not sure about I may not be as smart as you guys but at least I'm trying.

  7. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility

    Are you listening to this, Gabe? This is sound advice, for free, from an extremely successful person that has been buying and selling not only high dollar books, but low dollar books as well. If you were the least bit concerned with getting better at buying and selling, you would address this right away. But you won't, because you're more interested in making the big score than in making a small profit on a pile of books one at a time. As to the ASM 7 on fb, where do you come up with an asking price of $150.00 for your coverless and cornerless copy, when a graded, blue label 4.5 can be had for $253.00? No one in their right mind will pay you that price for your book, and even if someone did, who would it be? I'll tell you who, a new collector who has no idea of the true value of the book. So, let's say you sell the book to a person like this, what will you have accomplished? You will have found someone who actually knows less about comics than you, and when that person finds out that he way overpaid for that book, they are going to be suspicious of all other sellers out there, and rightfully so. Ill give you this much, though; you have managed to create a thread that's better than the Jelly of the Month Club, it just keeps on giving year after year.


    I'll wait after this weekend is over and I'll fix the price and it's not something I just randomly came up with I used the sale of 75 dollars for a .5 ASM 7 to get my price .I disagree somewhat with that there are people that aren't new that buy coverless comics because they're cheaper then ones with a cover and yes it's most likely going to be a new collector but that's why the OBO is there. I know I overpaid for coverless comics but it wasn't the first comic that I bought and like I said if no one bites I'll change the price.

  8. Wow you're doing awesome then and I have made good profit with smaller comics before. I have been following Casey's advice for a bit and it's forcing me to buy comics that I'll profit on or just save up. I do also look at various websites to find deals as well. My problems are that I'm stubborn, emotional and have a learning disability. I don't have anything against small books either it's just if I find something it's not worth shipping in most cases. But I'm working on my emotional control with what Casey told me because it's what cost me the 200 that it did.


    When are you going to stop making excuses and using your disability as a crutch?


    Excuses? I'm giving you the reality of things that I deal with and I've mentioned I'm working on each problem


    How many times have you mentioned your various problems, especially your learning disability? Certainly more times than I can count. 95% of the people who are reading and responding in this thread are well versed in your disabilities, and the fact that you continue to bring them up sure looks like your using them as a crutch. Lots of people have learning disabilities, it's not uncommon. The difference between them and you is they see no need to make sure everyone knows about it. Those people learned long ago that they have to work harder to be successful in certain areas and because of that, nobody can tell the disability is there. You seem to bring it up constantly, I'm guessing to fish for sympathy every time you screw something up. I guarantee that a lot of people, some on these very boards have been dealt way worse hands than you, but they overcame because they were willing to work harder, rather than continually offer up excuses, to get to where they want to be. As far as I'm concerned, and I speak for nobody but myself, given the fact that you continue to bring up your problems as an excuse to cover your mistakes, coupled with the fact you won't even work a full time job, my sympathy for you hovers right around zero.


    Maybe it looks like sympathy from where you're looking at but it's not I'm stating what I'm dealing with and yes I haven't been dealt the best hand but I know people have it worse off then myself, I've mentioned quite a bit that I'm working on these problems starting with my emotional impulses you don't seem to mention that. I'm not going to say that I don't want to work towards my goal but I always seem to choose to the hard way of things and in most cases it's ineffective. There's balance between determination, hard work and thinking smarter and that's what I am for or I should say I'm aiming for it. Why do you think I finally listened to James's advice? Because I realize it's a problem I had, it costs me money and time and will help me in the long run if I learn to control it now with something simple like this.

  9. Op is selling a cover less asm 7 on fb for $150 with top left corner of the book chopped off


    Meanwhile, blue cgc 4.5 on eBay for $253 OBO that hasn't been bought yet...



    Might consider different pricing strategy

    With all due respect to the OP I can't imagine that book being worth more than $50-75


    So when you come out with an asking price of likely more than two times fair market value it doesn't do anything to instill or create buyer confidence

    Or assist with seller credibility


    Ok but I don't understand what credibility has to do with this unless they would think I'm trying to rip them off? It's a OBO and right now I'm testing the waters to see if I'll get any offers for it.

  10. Wow you're doing awesome then and I have made good profit with smaller comics before. I have been following Casey's advice for a bit and it's forcing me to buy comics that I'll profit on or just save up. I do also look at various websites to find deals as well. My problems are that I'm stubborn, emotional and have a learning disability. I don't have anything against small books either it's just if I find something it's not worth shipping in most cases. But I'm working on my emotional control with what Casey told me because it's what cost me the 200 that it did.


    When are you going to stop making excuses and using your disability as a crutch?


    Excuses? I'm giving you the reality of things that I deal with and I've mentioned I'm working on each problem

  11. I think what people are trying to tell you, and that you are having trouble grasping is the following:


    With a $1000 'deal', all your eggs are in one basket, and should you make a mistake with pricing, grade etc, you stand to lose on your only deal.


    Should you decide to follow Caseys sage advice, and limit your purchases to $40 - $50 per month, you can find a nice little stack of books on the net, or at auctions, garage sales and sell them for $100 - $150.


    If you screw up one or two, then you have the rest to profit on.


    One $1000 book - one mistake = big % loss, just like the $200 on the ASM


    20 books for $50 - one mistake = maybe $2-3 loss, but still making money on the rest. You will make profit.


    I've told you this before, but I decided a long time ago that I refuse to buy comics out of my salary, and certainly not use a Credit Card.


    So I scour various places, put ads out there and only buy books using the money I make from previous sales.


    As an example, last Thursday I spent $140 AUD on 10 Golden Age Australian comics, plus an unopened Meccano set from 1973-4 that I found in a dog charity shop.


    I hope to recoup $300 - $400.


    That's profit gained by spreading the risk over 11 items, not just one.


    It works, and if you need proof, those profits have allowed me to purchase this year:


    MP #15 CGC 9.6

    Tec #58 CGC 2.0 (in for resub)

    TOS #39 CBCS 6.5

    Sgt Fury #1 CBCS 8.5 (resubbed from 7.0)


    plus all the books I buy at auctions, estate sales in the first place.


    I don't have the astonishing comic knowledge of many people here, but I put the effort in.

    95% of advert replies, auctions and secondhand shop visits are complete busts, but I keep going, and the 5% make it worthwhile.


    It is no co-incidence that the people who find big books in the wild work incredibly hard (see CG thread for recent SA mega key finds).


    Your failure, is that you are not prepared to do that large amount of work that separates a good comic seller, from one that breaks even at best.


    If I can make enough to fully self-fund my 'keeper' books in Australia, then you should be able to do very well indeed in Canada.


    If you won't put in the (literal) legwork, then just give up.

    You are better off working another 20 hrs a week and getting an extra $300 of risk free cash.


    Good Luck




    Wow you're doing awesome then and I have made good profit with smaller comics before. I have been following Casey's advice for a bit and it's forcing me to buy comics that I'll profit on or just save up. I do also look at various websites to find deals as well. My problems are that I'm stubborn, emotional and have a learning disability. I don't have anything against small books either it's just if I find something it's not worth shipping in most cases. But I'm working on my emotional control with what Casey told me because it's what cost me the 200 that it did.

  12. For the last few years I've had ads up that I buy collections. In that time I've talked to 100s of people and have only bought one collection, which had a full run of JLA v1 and some other goodies. I bought my second collection tonight. This guy contacted me a year ago about his father's books he inherited and has stored for like 20+ years. He could never give me good pics but from what I did see it looked to be low grade (GD/VG) copies of ASM from 8 through 130ish, including 129, Fantastic Four 20-30, and Detective Comics 270-300. He said he had around 700 books total, but I never received photos of them.


    His initial asking price? Well since he looked them up on ebay and values them at 26k, he would cut me a deal at 13K. I explained to him that that would never happen, and over the course of a year and many phone calls, we finally came to an agreement tonight on a much more reasonable price. Literally a year of haggling.


    We meet up in a parking lot and all of the books are smashed togethe rin ziploc bags or wrapped in saran wrap. Guy was pretty creative making bags, no boards of any sort of course. Everything is there though and I think I can make a pretty good profit so we do the deal.


    Just got home and nearly fell out of my chair when I uncovered this.




    There's some other great books I uncovered but this one takes the cake. Unfortunately no ASM1, FF1, etc.


    Persistence pays off!


    Best of luck sounds like a great score

  13. You can ship a single slab via Canada post for $19 Canadian and change.


    Homework for you Gabe. Figure out how and report back.


    I will I learned how to save money with bubble mailers and bubble wrap


    Uhmm...I can still ship a slab boxed for that $19 CDN or thereabouts...It is weight and insurance value that will determine your tier options.


    I hope you are not shipping slabs in a bubble mailer????


    How do you not know this already though? Seriously dude. I learned about how to ship and values BEFORE even listing anything on the Bay...


    His greatness can't be contained by your traditions and logic


    I'll be clear then. If I don't know how to ship something I sell it locally

  14. You can ship a single slab via Canada post for $19 Canadian and change.


    Homework for you Gabe. Figure out how and report back.


    I will I learned how to save money with bubble mailers and bubble wrap


    Uhmm...I can still ship a slab boxed for that $19 CDN or thereabouts...It is weight and insurance value that will determine your tier options.


    I hope you are not shipping slabs in a bubble mailer????


    How do you not know this already though? Seriously dude. I learned about how to ship and values BEFORE even listing anything on the Bay...


    No I don't ship slabs in bubble mailer you were assuming again and I just checked how much a slab would cost me to send with tracking and 100 dollars insurance cost 19.20 CAD excluding shipping supplies

  15. but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.


    No, not everyone, not even close.


    That assumption will prevent you from succeeding.


    Perhaps saying everyone wasn't the best idea but it's certainly a trend and I don't see it often here but I see it from time to time.


    "I see it from time to time" ≠ "it's certainly a trend"


    I also didn't mention that I talked with comic book dealers that are my friends or rather they told me because people aren't buying runs as they used to it's always a hot comic more often then naught


    Key books definitely are in bigger demand but that does not mean all other books are dead. I listed about 80 books this week on E-bay and sold 14 of them for a profit with the week. Half I would call minor keys like X-Men 266, FF 25 and the rest were nice standard books (mid grade Ms Marvel 1 and JO 135) so don't just look for the top ten key books when hunting. Probably a bit tougher from Canada but you are the one who thinks you want to sell books from Canada.


    Yeah those comics you mentioned I would buy if the price was right and I have nothing against smaller comics it's just that people have been buying the bigger keys much faster compared to the others and I can see why as shipping is usually about half the cost of the comic or the same so for that I'll offer combined shipping. Another thing I want to point out is about 90% of my buyers are from the states.

  16. Then how is shipping a problem?




    That's it's still about 27usd to ship a slab


    I can see if it is a pricey slab it can cost that much due to insurance such as the ASM #129 8.0 costing near that due to the value of the book and wanting to insure it for the full value


    But how often are you shipping slabs worth $200 or more? I just shipped a $250 USD valued slab for less than that, about $22 USD (and I took $2 off) to make it an even $20 USD. It was just under $30 CDN to ship. Did I "lose" out on a couple of bucks? Sure but it made me as competitively priced as I could be.


    Do you have a digital mailing scale? That might help so you can plug in your values and you will know everything exactly for listing purposes. Also, small business owners can get a card from Canada Post that gives you discount on shipping.


    Actually that's the unfortunate part that's my shipping cost for every slab I sent. I don't have a digital mailing scale but it's something I thought of buying and yes I do have the small business card it saves me 5% on supplies and shipping in most cases.

  17. but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.


    No, not everyone, not even close.


    That assumption will prevent you from succeeding.


    Perhaps saying everyone wasn't the best idea but it's certainly a trend and I don't see it often here but I see it from time to time.


    "I see it from time to time" ≠ "it's certainly a trend"


    Many people are saying its a trend. They're telling me 'hey, it's trend to buy hot comics.' And I buy all the hottest comics. People ask me why they're so hot, they burn my hands, but I buy them anyways. Even the ones I buy by mistake, they're still so hot. That's what everyone tells me.


    I see what you did tthere

  18. but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.


    No, not everyone, not even close.


    That assumption will prevent you from succeeding.


    Perhaps saying everyone wasn't the best idea but it's certainly a trend and I don't see it often here but I see it from time to time.


    "I see it from time to time" ≠ "it's certainly a trend"


    I also didn't mention that I talked with comic book dealers that are my friends or rather they told me because people aren't buying runs as they used to it's always a hot comic more often then naught

  19. The thing with eBay is this: .. every Seller (whether they actually are or not) needs to be seen to be as Professional as possible and make their listings also look as Professional as possible.


    I'm pointing out the obvious to many on here, but Gabe might not see the pitfalls for successful selling on the 'bay.


    Gabe, If you put blurry pics and hardly any notes in the listing .. potential buyers will just walk away. I see it all the time, people are fickle: if it doesn't look good (nevermind if the price is good or not) they will move on to the next listing.


    A typical example is if you have your own website: if it doesn't grab the first-time visitor within 10-15 seconds .. they're gone.


    Make your listings as good as you possibly can .. and also investigate eBay's Templates (they frame the main description). Looks are pretty much everything.



    I didn't think people make judgement calls that quickly if they want to buy something or not I was going to take better pics and I didn't even expect to get as many offers as I did before the listing got taken down.


    They do .. it's called experience that makes me impart that info to you :ohnoez:


    Offers from here, or eBay? .. and no-wonder the list got taken down (as others have posted already) :whatev:


    people don't ALWAYS make quick decisions, but it doesn't take much sloppiness or unprofessionalism to turn away a buyer, unless the price is significantly cheaper. And you're already playing behind, seeing as you're in Canada. You literally have no margin for error, figuratively or financially.


    I agree I'm in tighter situations then most are and one of the biggest problems is shipping as that turns people off that's also something I'm working on.


    Trust me, shipping is NOT one of your "biggest problems". Crappy pics/scans and poor write ups are among a few other things.


    I'm in Canada (as you know) and while I am by no means a big time dealer, I sell a fair bit on eBay and my customers are pretty much 50/50 I would say with regards to being in Canada and USA...I don't think it is shipping that is the problem unless you are overcharging.


    Are you taking the exchange rate into consideration with regards to ship costs? With the current exchange rate, if it is $18 CDN to ship, I charge $15 USD. Or if it is a big book, I might take a tad more off shipping cost to be even more competitive.


    Yup it's one of the things I take into consideration