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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. Seems like you're constantly getting scammed by people. How much money have you actually lost due to scams and what were the books? Were most of these transactions on FB?


    Yeah it does look like that and one of the transactions was on fb and the other off fb


    So it total I got scammed 1340.98


    The comics were


    HOS 92 CGC 7.0

    ASM 40 7.0



    and GSX 1 6.5/7.0


    These are the books you were supposed to receive but what were the ones that you sent and not get anything in return?


    The deal with the hos 92 and asm 40 I sent my IG # 1 X5 9.8 and x2 9.6

  2. Seems like you're constantly getting scammed by people. How much money have you actually lost due to scams and what were the books? Were most of these transactions on FB?


    Yeah it does look like that and one of the transactions was on fb and the other off fb


    So it total I got scammed 1340.98


    The comics were


    HOS 92 CGC 7.0

    ASM 40 7.0



    and GSX 1 6.5/7.0


  3. The thing with eBay is this: .. every Seller (whether they actually are or not) needs to be seen to be as Professional as possible and make their listings also look as Professional as possible.


    I'm pointing out the obvious to many on here, but Gabe might not see the pitfalls for successful selling on the 'bay.


    Gabe, If you put blurry pics and hardly any notes in the listing .. potential buyers will just walk away. I see it all the time, people are fickle: if it doesn't look good (nevermind if the price is good or not) they will move on to the next listing.


    A typical example is if you have your own website: if it doesn't grab the first-time visitor within 10-15 seconds .. they're gone.


    Make your listings as good as you possibly can .. and also investigate eBay's Templates (they frame the main description). Looks are pretty much everything.



    I didn't think people make judgement calls that quickly if they want to buy something or not I was going to take better pics and I didn't even expect to get as many offers as I did before the listing got taken down.


    They do .. it's called experience that makes me impart that info to you :ohnoez:


    Offers from here, or eBay? .. and no-wonder the list got taken down (as others have posted already) :whatev:


    people don't ALWAYS make quick decisions, but it doesn't take much sloppiness or unprofessionalism to turn away a buyer, unless the price is significantly cheaper. And you're already playing behind, seeing as you're in Canada. You literally have no margin for error, figuratively or financially.


    He must have a better margin for error than we were led to believe. He's got what...$900+ in those Infinity Gauntlet slabs? He can obviously afford to sit on those (shrug)


    985.60 and it's not something I'm sitting on it's something I got scammed on

  4. The thing with eBay is this: .. every Seller (whether they actually are or not) needs to be seen to be as Professional as possible and make their listings also look as Professional as possible.


    I'm pointing out the obvious to many on here, but Gabe might not see the pitfalls for successful selling on the 'bay.


    Gabe, If you put blurry pics and hardly any notes in the listing .. potential buyers will just walk away. I see it all the time, people are fickle: if it doesn't look good (nevermind if the price is good or not) they will move on to the next listing.


    A typical example is if you have your own website: if it doesn't grab the first-time visitor within 10-15 seconds .. they're gone.


    Make your listings as good as you possibly can .. and also investigate eBay's Templates (they frame the main description). Looks are pretty much everything.



    I didn't think people make judgement calls that quickly if they want to buy something or not I was going to take better pics and I didn't even expect to get as many offers as I did before the listing got taken down.


    They do .. it's called experience that makes me impart that info to you :ohnoez:


    Offers from here, or eBay? .. and no-wonder the list got taken down (as others have posted already) :whatev:


    people don't ALWAYS make quick decisions, but it doesn't take much sloppiness or unprofessionalism to turn away a buyer, unless the price is significantly cheaper. And you're already playing behind, seeing as you're in Canada. You literally have no margin for error, figuratively or financially.


    I agree I'm in tighter situations then most are and one of the biggest problems is shipping as that turns people off that's also something I'm working on.

  5. The thing with eBay is this: .. every Seller (whether they actually are or not) needs to be seen to be as Professional as possible and make their listings also look as Professional as possible.


    I'm pointing out the obvious to many on here, but Gabe might not see the pitfalls for successful selling on the 'bay.


    Gabe, If you put blurry pics and hardly any notes in the listing .. potential buyers will just walk away. I see it all the time, people are fickle: if it doesn't look good (nevermind if the price is good or not) they will move on to the next listing.


    A typical example is if you have your own website: if it doesn't grab the first-time visitor within 10-15 seconds .. they're gone.


    Make your listings as good as you possibly can .. and also investigate eBay's Templates (they frame the main description). Looks are pretty much everything.



    I didn't think people make judgement calls that quickly if they want to buy something or not I was going to take better pics and I didn't even expect to get as many offers as I did before the listing got taken down.


    They do .. it's called experience that makes me impart that info to you :ohnoez:


    Offers from here, or eBay? .. and no-wonder the list got taken down (as others have posted already) :whatev:


    On both ebay and here and the exact reason it got taken down was that exact sentence boardies warned me about.

  6. but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.


    No, not everyone, not even close.


    That assumption will prevent you from succeeding.


    Yeah. That's what it is. It's that assumption.


    To be fair, I didn't say that assumption alone would prevent him from succeeding.


    Clearly, that's just the tipy-tip of the iceberg.


    Yes I know point taken

  7. The thing with eBay is this: .. every Seller (whether they actually are or not) needs to be seen to be as Professional as possible and make their listings also look as Professional as possible.


    I'm pointing out the obvious to many on here, but Gabe might not see the pitfalls for successful selling on the 'bay.


    Gabe, If you put blurry pics and hardly any notes in the listing .. potential buyers will just walk away. I see it all the time, people are fickle: if it doesn't look good (nevermind if the price is good or not) they will move on to the next listing.


    A typical example is if you have your own website: if it doesn't grab the first-time visitor within 10-15 seconds .. they're gone.


    Make your listings as good as you possibly can .. and also investigate eBay's Templates (they frame the main description). Looks are pretty much everything.



    I didn't think people make judgement calls that quickly if they want to buy something or not I was going to take better pics and I didn't even expect to get as many offers as I did before the listing got taken down.

  8. but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.


    No, not everyone, not even close.


    That assumption will prevent you from succeeding.


    although if one assumed that everyone was chasing after hot comics...what on earth would make you think you could do it better (or even the same) as anyone (let alone EVERYONE) else??????


    Are you better at math? Do you have a better memory? Do you have more comic knowledge? More business skills? More capital to buy in bigger lots or take bigger risks or hedge your losses (do you know what 'hedge' means?)? Better comic connections for buying or selling? Any sort of geographical advantage? Better organization skills? Can you process information faster? A better pulse of the current market in order to speculate on comics before they get hot? Local access to untapped supplies? Better at grading? Better at spotting restoration?


    I don't remember ever saying that I'm better then anyone much less everyone and to all those questions below my answer is no except for a geographical advantage I have a big one


    I live walking distance away from a convention

    2 thrift shops

    5 pawn shops

    2 church sales

    and finally

    2 comic book shops

  9. [For the description can you give a example of a better one?


    Seriously? It's Amazing Spider-Man 129


    Here you go.


    Amazing Spider-Man 129 CGC 8.0

    (insert page quality)

    First appearance of the Punisher


    THAT's IT! This is not rocket science. You don't need to talk about movie news or the story. Buyers of the book already know what it is. You're not trying to sell sand in the dessert.


    That's basically what I put on my listing but something must be missing if boardies are mentioning it.


    You might want to put a bit more than that.


    Title, issue number, publisher, grade, page quality, serial number if it's 3rd party graded (that doesn't always show up well even in scans), key elements such as 1st appearances, etc.


    Some would argue that creator credits - writer, artist, cover artist - is redundant and unnecessary but it could help lend the impression that you are at least marginally knowledgable about comics. And there are still - shockingly - some buyers who will purchase a book because a particular creator worked on it.


    Also, it's good to list your method of shipping, a bit of a description on how you pack (without going into excessive detail), whether you'll combine purchases to save on shipping, and what your return policy is.


    So I see I have quite a bit of things to add and I do describe how I ship the comic and people but comics from their favorite artists and others because they like that person and it's not that uncommon but everyone now is chasing after hot comics.

  10. [For the description can you give a example of a better one?


    Seriously? It's Amazing Spider-Man 129


    Here you go.


    Amazing Spider-Man 129 CGC 8.0

    (insert page quality)

    First appearance of the Punisher


    THAT's IT! This is not rocket science. You don't need to talk about movie news or the story. Buyers of the book already know what it is. You're not trying to sell sand in the dessert.


    That's basically what I put on my listing but something must be missing if boardies are mentioning it.

  11. Gabe, I'll give you $800 shipped. No fee to you. I'm in the US. Offer is good until 9:30 PM eastern tonight.

    I'm in the US.





    He should take the money and run.



    But I know he won't.





    I wouldn't be so sure of that ;) [/quot


    I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move.


    Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being.


    I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash.


    You need to buy more comics like I need a bullet in my head.


    You don't know enough about the market to buy books.


    Bro, you don't even have the ability to market the books that you have.


    A blurry picture + stating a case has scratches etc makes buyers think something is wrong with the book.As in the inner holder may or may not be cracked, requiring re-grading...or best case, reholdering.


    When asked about that, you respond with something like "you think so?".


    That is only one example.I could spend a week reading this thread, composing a 100 page essay with a point by counterpoint breakdown on 99% of your posts...


    You should sell all the books that you have before you spend a single dollar on books.


    Organize your boxes and do conventions.Post books on eBay.Use this forum for market research.


    Get a haircut, a job, an apartment and date girls.Or date dudes, whatever floats your boat.


    Get some life experience before you spend money on comics.


    Do the above for a year, than when you have a better handle on things....take some of the money you have earned and buy books.



    I'll talk about your points then, I buy comics and I sell them and I do market them I say that their scratched because I'm afraid of getting a negative for it being not as described. I also answered "You think so?" because I'm not sure which is why I asked as Adam knows more then I do.


    With selling my comics that's exactly what I'm doing I'm selling the more expensive ones, holding some and that leaves me with a bunch of dollar comics.


    My comics are organized somewhat and as for going to conventions I see merit in it I'll do it and I already post comics on ebay.


    I already have a job but still live with my parents could care less about dating.


    I assume by life experience you mean me knowing the market and making better choices.


    Don't forget about:

    1. Learn how to take clear, high quality pictures.

    2. Write a clear, concise description of the item for sale.

    Both of these skills are not difficult to master, but for an experienced comic dealer/flipper like you, your pictures and descriptions look like they were taken and written by an 80 year old person whose last use of a camera was a Polaroid instamatic and the descriptions are written by the same 80 year old who just found a comic book in his attic from his childhood. He knows it's a comic and that's about it.


    The pictures were just there temporarily because if I would have added better pictures the day after as artificial lighting messes up my song bloggie which is what I take pics with.


    For the description can you give a example of a better one? I assume that people know what this is so I just give a description of the grade and what the comic is so that people would be able to find it on ebay easier


    How come you always do this? Why can't you just go on eBay and look at how other people put descriptions for their books. I understand you have a learning disability, but you should be able to at least search eBay listings yourself and not have it spoonfed to you. I'm not trying to be mean, but I see you do this constantly.


    I do this because you know better then I do and I went over 30 listings that were cgc and this is what I noticed


    Page Quality

    Description of the story

    1st appearance


    Movie rumor news


    Is that what you mean? To make it more appealing to buyers?

  12. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Hopefully not but if it happens I can at least say I tried


    You tried what? To cheat someone? For a guy who has been scammed as many times as you have and professes to not feel good about it, you don't seem to have any problem doing it to someone else. eBay is a business, and they deserve to be paid for the service that they offer. How do you justify listing your book and then saying in your auction to basically contact you to conduct the sale off eBay, thereby using ebays service to advertise your book, but then depriving them of their rightful fees by selling the book off eBay to a buyer who most likely would never have known about your book without eBay. If you're not happy with ebays fees, then don't list your book on there, but if you do use their service, they deserve to be compensated for the service they provide. It's not their fault that you overpaid for a book that's as common as a dishonest politician. But, professing on one hand to be upset about getting scammed yourself and then turning around and trying to do it to someone else (eBay) isn't cool at all. Have you ever heard the phrase "he's talking out of both sides of his mouth"? If not, look it up, because that's exactly what your doing.



    Tried to cheat someone? That's not it at all I use ebay and everywhere else I can think of to sell what I have it's nothing personal if it sells on ebay I'll rightly give them their fees. No it's my fault I overpaid for the comic and I realize that and it's no one's fault but my own. I've had a few problems where I needed their help and I lost money because of it how do you think that made me feel? So I'll say it again just to be clear if it sells on ebay I give them the fees if doesn't then I sell it where I can I've had many listings where they just sit unless I try fb or something and if it gets sold elsewhere I cancel my listing it's as simple as that. I don't deprive anyone of anything.



    Might want go read your user agreement..... you are not allowed to advertise on their page - then offer to do a deal elsewhere for less. Why would they? This is unethical at the very least - and you would be cheating ebay. Not a person, but a very large entity that could pretty quickly shut you out of one of the best "lower end" marketplaces out there at the moment,.


    Having it listed in multiple places - as long as it does not violate the rules of the location - go for it.


    But using one site to advertise sales for another site or transaction type? Seriously - this is the kind of activity you should know NOT to do.



    You make a point so this time I ended some video games listings on ebay and posted them on fb since I've seen them sell quicker there


  13. Gabe, I'll give you $800 shipped. No fee to you. I'm in the US. Offer is good until 9:30 PM eastern tonight.

    I'm in the US.





    He should take the money and run.



    But I know he won't.





    I wouldn't be so sure of that ;) [/quot


    I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move.


    Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being.


    I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash.


    You need to buy more comics like I need a bullet in my head.


    You don't know enough about the market to buy books.


    Bro, you don't even have the ability to market the books that you have.


    A blurry picture + stating a case has scratches etc makes buyers think something is wrong with the book.As in the inner holder may or may not be cracked, requiring re-grading...or best case, reholdering.


    When asked about that, you respond with something like "you think so?".


    That is only one example.I could spend a week reading this thread, composing a 100 page essay with a point by counterpoint breakdown on 99% of your posts...


    You should sell all the books that you have before you spend a single dollar on books.


    Organize your boxes and do conventions.Post books on eBay.Use this forum for market research.


    Get a haircut, a job, an apartment and date girls.Or date dudes, whatever floats your boat.


    Get some life experience before you spend money on comics.


    Do the above for a year, than when you have a better handle on things....take some of the money you have earned and buy books.



    I'll talk about your points then, I buy comics and I sell them and I do market them I say that their scratched because I'm afraid of getting a negative for it being not as described. I also answered "You think so?" because I'm not sure which is why I asked as Adam knows more then I do.


    With selling my comics that's exactly what I'm doing I'm selling the more expensive ones, holding some and that leaves me with a bunch of dollar comics.


    My comics are organized somewhat and as for going to conventions I see merit in it I'll do it and I already post comics on ebay.


    I already have a job but still live with my parents could care less about dating.


    I assume by life experience you mean me knowing the market and making better choices.


    Don't forget about:

    1. Learn how to take clear, high quality pictures.

    2. Write a clear, concise description of the item for sale.

    Both of these skills are not difficult to master, but for an experienced comic dealer/flipper like you, your pictures and descriptions look like they were taken and written by an 80 year old person whose last use of a camera was a Polaroid instamatic and the descriptions are written by the same 80 year old who just found a comic book in his attic from his childhood. He knows it's a comic and that's about it.


    I'd actually recommend you get a used scanner (that can handle slabs) if you plan on selling $800 - $900 slabs or pretty much any higher end books. Photos are fine for $50 items but at that price a scan is typically desired.


    I do have a scanner but one that one fits scans raw comics I did try to scan a slab but it didn't work.

  14. Gabe, I'll give you $800 shipped. No fee to you. I'm in the US. Offer is good until 9:30 PM eastern tonight.

    I'm in the US.





    He should take the money and run.



    But I know he won't.





    I wouldn't be so sure of that ;) [/quot


    I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move.


    Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being.


    I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash.


    You need to buy more comics like I need a bullet in my head.


    You don't know enough about the market to buy books.


    Bro, you don't even have the ability to market the books that you have.


    A blurry picture + stating a case has scratches etc makes buyers think something is wrong with the book.As in the inner holder may or may not be cracked, requiring re-grading...or best case, reholdering.


    When asked about that, you respond with something like "you think so?".


    That is only one example.I could spend a week reading this thread, composing a 100 page essay with a point by counterpoint breakdown on 99% of your posts...


    You should sell all the books that you have before you spend a single dollar on books.


    Organize your boxes and do conventions.Post books on eBay.Use this forum for market research.


    Get a haircut, a job, an apartment and date girls.Or date dudes, whatever floats your boat.


    Get some life experience before you spend money on comics.


    Do the above for a year, than when you have a better handle on things....take some of the money you have earned and buy books.



    I'll talk about your points then, I buy comics and I sell them and I do market them I say that their scratched because I'm afraid of getting a negative for it being not as described. I also answered "You think so?" because I'm not sure which is why I asked as Adam knows more then I do.


    With selling my comics that's exactly what I'm doing I'm selling the more expensive ones, holding some and that leaves me with a bunch of dollar comics.


    My comics are organized somewhat and as for going to conventions I see merit in it I'll do it and I already post comics on ebay.


    I already have a job but still live with my parents could care less about dating.


    I assume by life experience you mean me knowing the market and making better choices.


    Don't forget about:

    1. Learn how to take clear, high quality pictures.

    2. Write a clear, concise description of the item for sale.

    Both of these skills are not difficult to master, but for an experienced comic dealer/flipper like you, your pictures and descriptions look like they were taken and written by an 80 year old person whose last use of a camera was a Polaroid instamatic and the descriptions are written by the same 80 year old who just found a comic book in his attic from his childhood. He knows it's a comic and that's about it.


    The pictures were just there temporarily because if I would have added better pictures the day after as artificial lighting messes up my song bloggie which is what I take pics with.


    For the description can you give a example of a better one? I assume that people know what this is so I just give a description of the grade and what the comic is so that people would be able to find it on ebay easier

  15. Gabe, I'll give you $800 shipped. No fee to you. I'm in the US. Offer is good until 9:30 PM eastern tonight.

    I'm in the US.





    He should take the money and run.



    But I know he won't.





    I wouldn't be so sure of that ;)


    I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move.


    Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being.


    I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash.


    You need to buy more comics like I need a bullet in my head.


    You don't know enough about the market to buy books.


    Bro, you don't even have the ability to market the books that you have.


    A blurry picture + stating a case has scratches etc makes buyers think something is wrong with the book.As in the inner holder may or may not be cracked, requiring re-grading...or best case, reholdering.


    When asked about that, you respond with something like "you think so?".


    That is only one example.I could spend a week reading this thread, composing a 100 page essay with a point by counterpoint breakdown on 99% of your posts...


    You should sell all the books that you have before you spend a single dollar on books.


    Organize your boxes and do conventions.Post books on eBay.Use this forum for market research.


    Get a haircut, a job, an apartment and date girls.Or date dudes, whatever floats your boat.


    Get some life experience before you spend money on comics.


    Do the above for a year, than when you have a better handle on things....take some of the money you have earned and buy books.



    I'll talk about your points then, I buy comics and I sell them and I do market them I say that their scratched because I'm afraid of getting a negative for it being not as described. I also answered "You think so?" because I'm not sure which is why I asked as Adam knows more then I do.


    With selling my comics that's exactly what I'm doing I'm selling the more expensive ones, holding some and that leaves me with a bunch of dollar comics.


    My comics are organized somewhat and as for going to conventions I see merit in it I'll do it and I already post comics on ebay.


    I already have a job but still live with my parents could care less about dating.


    I assume by life experience you mean me knowing the market and making better choices.

  16. Gabe, I'll give you $800 shipped. No fee to you. I'm in the US. Offer is good until 9:30 PM eastern tonight.

    I'm in the US.





    He should take the money and run.



    But I know he won't.





    I wouldn't be so sure of that ;)


    I'm happy you proved me wrong, I think this was a good move.


    Is the money going right into savings or are you going to buy more books with it? I only ask because you said you were going to do the $11 a week budget for the time being.


    I'm going to buy more comics as soon as it clears but I'm still following the budget James told me because I haven't gone overboard with any of my spending. I'm thinking I might make a sales thread to raise some cash.

  17. Not to pile on, but you should really add a back cover scan, GET RID OF the sentence about the 11% off thing (eBay won't like that), and I would clarify what you mean by "the case has some scuffs and scratches" -- if it's something minor, then say that, but the way you have it now, I could see someone taking an additional $50 off of their offer if they think they will need to ship it to/from CGC for reholdering -- you already have so many things working against this sale with it being out of the country, a common book, etc. -- you are just making a sale less and less likely.


    Yeah I'll fix that sentence and I tried adding a back cover scan but it said it went against their policy, What I mean but scuffs and scratches it exactly as is sounds it's not something that requires re casing but something I put for all my slabs just in case.


    It's a really minor detail and not a big deal, but just to give you my perspective as a potential buyer -- from reading your sentence about it having some scuffs and scratches (and a blurry fc scan with no bc scan), I'm instantly thinking "I guess I'm going to have to pay to get this thing re-holdered, wait months for CGC to get it back to me, etc." I get that it's just to cover yourself with a picky buyer, but I would consider just leaving that one line out of future listings unless there really is a noteworthy scratch or scuff.


    I see it's just that I had some friends get negative feedback over it so I thought I'd protect myself so you really think no one will really mind?

  18. I'm done. You honestly do not deserve the advice you are getting. And I hope everyone else stops giving you advice as well.


    I don't deserve advice? Red I'm a stubborn person but if push comes to shove I follow what I believe will help me.


    Which is why you're in your situation. What you believe will help you has gotten you further into your mess. You should stop listening to yourself because you're giving yourself horrible advice.


    I do give myself terrible advice but that's not I was getting at, what I was getting at is when I get stuck I look to my journal and pick what I think will help me out of the situation.


    Huh??? You look to your journal and YOU pick what you think will help you? I guess you've made some horrible decisions so I suggest you roll a dice next time. You'll probably have better luck.


    Yes that would be correct I do pick what I think will help me out and I don't want to rely on luck I want to make the right choices myself because luck will only take you so far.

  19. Yay! Now he has $800 that he can away! Rinse and repeat!

    I'm sorry, but buying his book was enabling him.


    No it didn't


    Uh huh!



    Him giving me the 800 didn't enable me in any way I'm not happy about it but the offer was fair so I took it and that's all that matters Dave deals quickly so I had to act just as quickly


    "A person who facilitates the self-destructive behavior of another is referred to as an enabler." - Merriam-Webster Dictionary


    If you want the truth I'm also my own enabler as you say because I'm my own destruction I realize that and I'm working on it you thought I wouldn't take James advice or KPR's deal, I won't be able to change overnight but it's something I'm fixing.