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Posts posted by uchiha101

  1. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Wait...you're saying that his eBay listing makes mention of doing a deal off of eBay?







    No I'm just said if the want a better deal they can speak to me about it I didn't mention anything else


    So, what would a buyer have to do to get 11% off?


    Contact me either here, or FB and the discount would also be decided by what they offer


    I'm not interested in buying it. I just wanted you to state what it would take to get the 11% off.


    Using ebay to advertise your wares and then taking the sale off ebay to avoid ebay fees is unethical and a violation of ebay rules.


    Well right now I can't take off the listing because it's stuck

  2. Yay! Now he has $800 that he can away! Rinse and repeat!

    I'm sorry, but buying his book was enabling him.


    No it didn't


    Uh huh!



    Him giving me the 800 didn't enable me in any way I'm not happy about it but the offer was fair so I took it and that's all that matters Dave deals quickly so I had to act just as quickly


    Isn't letting your emotions get to you one of your biggest challenges? You've made purchasing decisions and selling decisions based on emotions and a false sense of urgency.


    I realize that but this was one of the few times acting quickly benefited me I also realized I can't completely kill my emotions but I can control them to make the right choices this is one example so far.

  3. I'm done. You honestly do not deserve the advice you are getting. And I hope everyone else stops giving you advice as well.


    I don't deserve advice? Red I'm a stubborn person but if push comes to shove I follow what I believe will help me.


    Which is why you're in your situation. What you believe will help you has gotten you further into your mess. You should stop listening to yourself because you're giving yourself horrible advice.

    You're 100 percent right, however, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the next "sure fire money making book" that he comes up with. We all know it's coming, so let the anticipation begin!


    No idea but first things first the comic needs to get to KPR

  4. I'm done. You honestly do not deserve the advice you are getting. And I hope everyone else stops giving you advice as well.


    I don't deserve advice? Red I'm a stubborn person but if push comes to shove I follow what I believe will help me.


    Which is why you're in your situation. What you believe will help you has gotten you further into your mess. You should stop listening to yourself because you're giving yourself horrible advice.


    I do give myself terrible advice but that's not I was getting at, what I was getting at is when I get stuck I look to my journal and pick what I think will help me out of the situation.

  5. Yay! Now he has $800 that he can away! Rinse and repeat!

    I'm sorry, but buying his book was enabling him.


    No it didn't


    Taking the $800 was a smart move considering the current FMV of the book. Learn any lessons from the ASM 129 you want to share with us.




    I overpaid for the comic

    I let my emotions take control

    I should have paid more attention to what I was buying

  6. Yay! Now he has $800 that he can away! Rinse and repeat!

    I'm sorry, but buying his book was enabling him.


    No it didn't


    Uh huh!



    Him giving me the 800 didn't enable me in any way I'm not happy about it but the offer was fair so I took it and that's all that matters Dave deals quickly so I had to act just as quickly

  7. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Hopefully not but if it happens I can at least say I tried


    You tried what? To cheat someone? For a guy who has been scammed as many times as you have and professes to not feel good about it, you don't seem to have any problem doing it to someone else. eBay is a business, and they deserve to be paid for the service that they offer. How do you justify listing your book and then saying in your auction to basically contact you to conduct the sale off eBay, thereby using ebays service to advertise your book, but then depriving them of their rightful fees by selling the book off eBay to a buyer who most likely would never have known about your book without eBay. If you're not happy with ebays fees, then don't list your book on there, but if you do use their service, they deserve to be compensated for the service they provide. It's not their fault that you overpaid for a book that's as common as a dishonest politician. But, professing on one hand to be upset about getting scammed yourself and then turning around and trying to do it to someone else (eBay) isn't cool at all. Have you ever heard the phrase "he's talking out of both sides of his mouth"? If not, look it up, because that's exactly what your doing.


    Tried to cheat someone? That's not it at all I use ebay and everywhere else I can think of to sell what I have it's nothing personal if it sells on ebay I'll rightly give them their fees. No it's my fault I overpaid for the comic and I realize that and it's no one's fault but my own. I've had a few problems where I needed their help and I lost money because of it how do you think that made me feel? So I'll say it again just to be clear if it sells on ebay I give them the fees if doesn't then I sell it where I can I've had many listings where they just sit unless I try fb or something and if it gets sold elsewhere I cancel my listing it's as simple as that. I don't deprive anyone of anything.

  8. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Wait...you're saying that his eBay listing makes mention of doing a deal off of eBay?







    No I'm just said if the want a better deal they can speak to me about it I didn't mention anything else


    So, what would a buyer have to do to get 11% off?


    Contact me either here, or FB and the discount would also be decided by what they offer

  9. Not to pile on, but you should really add a back cover scan, GET RID OF the sentence about the 11% off thing (eBay won't like that), and I would clarify what you mean by "the case has some scuffs and scratches" -- if it's something minor, then say that, but the way you have it now, I could see someone taking an additional $50 off of their offer if they think they will need to ship it to/from CGC for reholdering -- you already have so many things working against this sale with it being out of the country, a common book, etc. -- you are just making a sale less and less likely.


    Gabe, yes, quit using the low res image you just copied from the auction site you bought it from, take a good clear pic so that folks can zoom, check it out well. Back cover can't hurt either.


    That was one of my problems it wouldn't accept the back cover scan for some reason

  10. Not to pile on, but you should really add a back cover scan, GET RID OF the sentence about the 11% off thing (eBay won't like that), and I would clarify what you mean by "the case has some scuffs and scratches" -- if it's something minor, then say that, but the way you have it now, I could see someone taking an additional $50 off of their offer if they think they will need to ship it to/from CGC for reholdering -- you already have so many things working against this sale with it being out of the country, a common book, etc. -- you are just making a sale less and less likely.


    Yeah I'll fix that sentence and I tried adding a back cover scan but it said it went against their policy, What I mean but scuffs and scratches it exactly as is sounds it's not something that requires re casing but something I put for all my slabs just in case.

  11. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Wait...you're saying that his eBay listing makes mention of doing a deal off of eBay?







    No I'm just said if the want a better deal they can speak to me about it I didn't mention anything else

  12. Why not put it on the bay at the same time?



    I can if it wasn't on fb as well because the majority of the groups I'm on wouldn't allow it and would delete the posts.


    FB is fine for a few days but E-Bay has a audience of millions where as a group on FB maybe a couple hundred. For a book like ASM 129 CGC 8.0 having it up on E-Bay is your best bet in my opinion.


    I agree I'm only keeping it up for this weekend and off to ebay it goes as for a cgc 8.0 asm 129 people don't have too many choices when buying so that gives me the advantage.


    True - right now there doesn't look to be a lot of copies floating around. There is one on E-Bay that could probably be had for $900 - $950 with a best offer but the seller has it at $1,100 right now. No similar copies were in the Comic Link auction so hard to tell what the going rate really is right now. I'd suggest putting it up on E-Bay at $1,000 with a Best Offer option and hopefully you will get it sold quickly for $925 - $950.



    That would be a good idea but I also have to calculate that I'm going to have also put it higher since I have have to deal with a 14.5% commission on top of that unless I can say to contact me for a better deal and do it on the boards or FB and I can give them 10% discount



    ebay kind of frowns on that sort of thing......




    You need to decide what to do with the book.


    If you do not care when it sells - put whatever price you want for it and place is on ebay - you can then let it sit until the market catches up with you price.


    If you want to move it right away - you need to listen.


    1cool gave you some great advice - and you used your incorrect logic to say why you needed to list it for more. He is much more knowledgeable than you with respect to ebay pricing and what books actually sell for there. Yes - everyone wants to maximize their sales price - but you have to know what a realistic number will be for sales - THEN calculate backward after the sale to see what the profit or loss will be.









    How was my logic wrong? I said that I would need to price that comic higher to make up for fees and I can offer a discount if they were interested in doing that. Unless I'll wait till the market catches up there's no way that I will make a profit or break even on this comic so that leaves me with taking a loss. So using the two numbers 1cool gave me I'll show you how I would calculate things


    Calculation 1


    925 x 14.5% = 134.13

    925-134.13 = 790.87

    966-790.87= -175.13 loss


    Calculation 2


    950 x 14.5%= 137.75

    950-137.75 = 812.25

    966-812.25=153.75 Loss


    I think that's what you wanted right?










    Here's a clue for you. YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE A LOSS ON THE BOOK! As soon as you figure that out you will sell it. When you severely overpay for a very common book you don't get to make a profit or even break even. Be an adult and sell it for a loss. This is just plain silly watching you rationalize how you're going to make a buck on this disaster.


    I know that I won't make a profit on it but I'm trying to minimize the loss and I also have more then one option in selling this comic but one of them would require me to wait and hope that I would break even.

  13. ASM 129 Update 6


    The comic is now up on ebay since you guys managed to convince me :)

    I just looked at your auction. As soon as eBay finds out about your offer of a "better deal" they will more than likely pull your auction. All it's going to take is one person to notify them, or they may find it themselves, and your auction is probably going to get poofed.


    Hopefully not but if it happens I can at least say I tried

  14. By listing it "high" like that you are not "undercutting"...You are already pricing it HIGH hoping you will sell it for more than it previously has.


    Question: How long do you want to be "out" that $956 USD? Do you want to be out of that for 2 months? 3 months? How long are you willing to let it sit in the hopes of either a) making a couple of bucks or b) breaking even?


    At what point does taking a small loss (say $100) become an option?


    Another thing to consider...There is an 8.5 on there RIGHT NOW and someone is asking 1,199.99 USD - Only a couple hundred more than yours and the book has a perfect wrap and no staple tear as far as I can see - You are not just competing against other 8.0's - You are going to be competing against nice 7.0/7.5's, other 8.0's and as proven, 8.5's...


    I don't want to be out that 956 usd a long time because I can't afford to hold it that long. I can take a loss but again I'm trying to minimize it as much as I can and I took a look at those comics and they are nicer then mine but the thing is the 7.0/7.5 are also lower in grade, I do have competition I can't deny that but I have a pretty good chance if I do what 1cool says.

  15. Why not put it on the bay at the same time?



    I can if it wasn't on fb as well because the majority of the groups I'm on wouldn't allow it and would delete the posts.


    FB is fine for a few days but E-Bay has a audience of millions where as a group on FB maybe a couple hundred. For a book like ASM 129 CGC 8.0 having it up on E-Bay is your best bet in my opinion.


    I agree I'm only keeping it up for this weekend and off to ebay it goes as for a cgc 8.0 asm 129 people don't have too many choices when buying so that gives me the advantage.


    True - right now there doesn't look to be a lot of copies floating around. There is one on E-Bay that could probably be had for $900 - $950 with a best offer but the seller has it at $1,100 right now. No similar copies were in the Comic Link auction so hard to tell what the going rate really is right now. I'd suggest putting it up on E-Bay at $1,000 with a Best Offer option and hopefully you will get it sold quickly for $925 - $950.



    That would be a good idea but I also have to calculate that I'm going to have also put it higher since I have have to deal with a 14.5% commission on top of that unless I can say to contact me for a better deal and do it on the boards or FB and I can give them 10% discount



    ebay kind of frowns on that sort of thing......




    You need to decide what to do with the book.


    If you do not care when it sells - put whatever price you want for it and place is on ebay - you can then let it sit until the market catches up with you price.


    If you want to move it right away - you need to listen.


    1cool gave you some great advice - and you used your incorrect logic to say why you needed to list it for more. He is much more knowledgeable than you with respect to ebay pricing and what books actually sell for there. Yes - everyone wants to maximize their sales price - but you have to know what a realistic number will be for sales - THEN calculate backward after the sale to see what the profit or loss will be.









    How was my logic wrong? I said that I would need to price that comic higher to make up for fees and I can offer a discount if they were interested in doing that. Unless I'll wait till the market catches up there's no way that I will make a profit or break even on this comic so that leaves me with taking a loss. So using the two numbers 1cool gave me I'll show you how I would calculate things


    Calculation 1


    925 x 14.5% = 134.13

    925-134.13 = 790.87

    966-790.87= -175.13 loss


    Calculation 2


    950 x 14.5%= 137.75

    950-137.75 = 812.25

    966-812.25=153.75 Loss


    I think that's what you wanted right?