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Everything posted by IntoAnother

  1. This is as about as close as it comes to how I walked away from the movie. Yet I'd give it an 8.0, possibly an 8.5 after seeing it again without the hype and expectations built up in my head. I think you are spot on with your feedback about Waller, Deadshot, and El Diablo. I really got into El Diablo as a character in the film, from the past they shared and how well he emotionally nailed the role he may have been my favorite character. Will Smith was a pleasant surprise to not overshadow other actors as he can do in other films. Waller was just exceptional, she played that part to perfection. Kudos to whoever cast her! Boomerang was fun character to watch and he played the part well. Cara as Enchantress/June was a good performance (yet I may be bias as I'm a fan of hers)...until the scene that felt like a part from an Indiana Jones film. That part just felt a bit messy. Croc was cool, I'd have liked a bit more from him as well but I'm sure that will come. Rick Flagg was great, I've liked him as an actor quit a bit since The Killing and had hoped he did as well as he did. Margot as Harley was a little bit of a let down for me. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I just felt like she just didn't bring the crazy or intensity of acting that I was expecting to see throughout the film, at times I just felt I was seeing her just being just too sane for me. Leto as Joker is something I'm still trying to process, and I agree the style they chose was most likely the best one for the time/movie. Yet I felt he was either nailing it in darkness or missing the mark completely. I know the levels of insanity must differentiate but some scenes he was in felt like even he knew he was missing something. Perhaps it was under the direction of the director of the writing but I really wanted to see a more hauntingly intense Joker than I did. I walked away happy. I felt it was a great intro film to the masses who most likely have no idea who the majority of these characters were. I'm definitely looking forward to more.
  2. I need this book! Meeeeee Tooooooo!!!!!!!!! Hey IntoAnother, did you ever try contacting Silver Wolf Comics to see if they'll sell you their copy? It's just been made aware to me to whom you were referring to in regards to Silver Wolf Comics. I wasn't aware of the connection but that copy is not for sale, I inquired about it a while back and definitely respect his decision to hold onto it. Now, the real question is what the Silver Wolf Comics shop owner in Burbank thought of my rambling voicemail about a Tick Ashcan!
  3. I need this book! Meeeeee Tooooooo!!!!!!!!! Hey IntoAnother, did you ever try contacting Silver Wolf Comics to see if they'll sell you their copy? Well, I didn't know they had a copy but I just left them a voicemail about it!
  4. That was another one of the books Ben was rather nostalgic to see come across the table. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to sign it next year at SDCC. I'd be happy to help you get it signed if you are unable to attend. I know I have quite a few more books id like Ben to sign. The items he was most thrilled to see and sign were New England Comics Newsletters #14 & #15. He kindly asked if I minded if he flipped through them and as he did he was talking through the panels and telling me and Griffin Newman "Arthur" of the beginning of the Tick. As nervous as I was watching the newsletters being flipped through that paled in comparison to how awesome it was to hear Ben talk with such a joy in his voice as he told the tale of the beginning of The Tick.
  5. Very well said Junk. As soon as I heard Leto was in the movie for like seven minutes I was baffled. Yet when you think about it that was probably the best decision they could have made. Anything more and his performance would have lacked intrigue and build up for future films. Leto's performance also would have been greatly compared to the most recent outstanding Joker performance by Heath Ledger, and I imagine they wanted to avoid that.
  6. Offhand I wouldn't be able to tell you, yet it is The Tick and New England Comics so I wouldn't bank on any very concrete findings . Issue #12 has these editions. (Not including the standard released issue) #12 Special Edition (Same back cover as Tick Society) #12 Capital City Edition #12 Diamond Comics Edition #12 Convention Edition #12 Tick Society Edition (Same back cover as Special Edition I believe MetalPSI has the most up to date registry with pics for you be able to see the different back covers.
  7. Thanks for the info! How do I know which of the #12 variants I have of the 4? The Omnibus is banged up but does have a Tick sketch inside; very cool. Do you have a scan of the back? Or can you describe it? That's how you'll be able to tell.
  8. This could be an error on Diamond's end. Similar to the many mishaps that occured when they were shipping out issuesof Enormous at different times. I'm based in Texas and my LCS got them in. I'm not familiar to how Diamond distributes it's shipments but that may be it.
  9. Send me a PM tomorrow afternoon Doug. I'll see if/how many my LCS can spare. Typically they don't order heavy on independents like these but they did order quite a few of issue #1, most likely due to it being a Powell book.
  10. Here is a pic I took during the The Tick panel at SDCC... From left to right: Griffin Newman (New Arthur for Amazon series), Cosplay Arthur, Ben Edlund, Cosplay Tick, Townsend Coleman (Voice of Tick from animated series), and Bob Polio.
  11. I got to go to The Tick panel and speak with both Ben and Griffin (Arthur) for quite a bit throughout SDCC and they were both very excited for it. Not in a way that was an attempt to sell me on it either, as they already knew I was a fan. Griffin is such a great pick for Arthur after getting a sense of who he is personally. Ben stated they will be focusing quite a bit on Arthur's past and what lead him to be the way he is. They plan to do the same with other characters as well, except The Tick. They (and I agree) felt that the bulk of his history is best left a mystery. Due to it being a pilot they did say they were forced to work with a budget that was much less than they would have if its voted in by Amazon Prime members to continue with a full season. So they felt they did the best they could do with what they had to work with. I'm really excited for it. As far as Ticks suit, I was a bit weary of it as well but perhaps it will play a bit better with the darker version they are aiming to go for rather than one comical and similar to Warburton's suit.
  12. Here are the sketches I was so completely honored to have done by Ben... The one on the lower left has a small Arthur sketch that was done by the new Arthur being played by Griffin Newman which is below a Tick sketch by Ben. All of the rest were done by Ben and what made it even better was had a such a laugh when he had to look up a reference when I asked for a Fishboy sketch because he said it's been so long. It was an absolute blast talking with Ben, Bob, and Griffin. I got to ask as many questions as I had about the history of The Tick, the direction the show is going (I'm ecstatic) and share with Ben just how important The Tick is to so many of us and why he is to me. Ben was as humble as one can be and was so genuinely touched by what I shared with him. It was a trip I will never forget.
  13. I just asked my wife and she said I can definitely go as long as she gets to go as well and I drive the 15 and half hours each way.
  14. might need to book a trip for next weekend What's a 861 mile drive on a nice sunny day.
  15. Awesome find dude! I sent mine to CGC but they said they couldn't do it. With Ben Edlund and Bob Polio both being there, did you try getting CGC to witness yours? I did make an attempt at it with CGC but knew what the answer would be. I even asked if Bob and Ben verified it themselves if they'd slab it and they said no. I understand because that wouldn't be the case for every one subbed. They had two and I wound up picking up both and had Ben sign both. I'm so happy to finally have them in my collection now. Dude, either way, you SCORED!!! Only a handful of people have those on this planet, most of them distributors. Consider yourself lucky and blessed! Good job mah man! p.s. did you get anyone to photo op you with those guys and your book? Just thinking. I didn't take any pictures with the ashcan and the guys but I did get a few pictures I'll share in a bit.
  16. Awesome find dude! I sent mine to CGC but they said they couldn't do it. With Ben Edlund and Bob Polio both being there, did you try getting CGC to witness yours? I did make an attempt at it with CGC but knew what the answer would be. I even asked if Bob and Ben verified it themselves if they'd slab it and they said no. I understand because that wouldn't be the case for every one subbed. They had two and I wound up picking up both and had Ben sign both. I'm so happy to finally have them in my collection now.
  17. Here is one of a few books that Ben was absolutely delighted to see...
  18. ? How did the signing go? The signing went absolutely perfect! All of our books are complete and went without a hitch. I even went ahead as we talked about and got the NEC Newsletters #14, #15 , and The Independent Comic Book Sampler #2 all signed for Signature Series! The panel was an absolute blast! Congrats, was there a trailer or any footage at the panel? Enjoy SDCC! No footage but they did show a few really impressive stills. It was lead by Ben and also has Tick voice actor Townsend Coleman, the new Arthur who is being played by Griffin Newman, and art director Bob Polio. It was a really entertaining journey through the history of the Tick as well as a sneak at what's to come in the show. Griffin was awesome and has such a perfect personality for the role. Ben did a quick Tick sketch on a blank and Griffin did a little Arthur sketch on it as well, it's really awesome. I'll post some pics of a few of the goodies I picked up soon. Ben was super nice and extremely kind to sign the rather large stack of books I had. He really enjoyed seeing a few of the earlier ones. Now I can't wait for the show and to hopefully get a few more sketches done!