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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I wouldn't be shocked if someone on the boards voted no for them. Hell, we could have put Manson up for an HOS vote and there would be at least 3 people that would vote "NO" and cite that he's a "family man". I bet I know who one of the three would be It does seem to shift with each situation though. Lots of different voices and perspectives around this joint. Indeed. Looking back through the Probation discussions, I found this interesting comment made by someone when a PL case was being discussed regarding someone not following through with proposed time payments on a book. And then added this to the discussion a little later: If the PL is week and meaningless, then by extension, the HOS should follow. This anonymous boardie would seem then like someone who probably thought this whole HOS vote was probably a waste of time, no? As was said, there are different voices and perspectives -- sometimes, even from the same person, depending on the circumstances. As they say, to each their own. In a perfect world people would respect a no vote as much a yes vote. In the new world way of doing things, no votes must be shills or mistakes. It's the new tyranny. If someone disagrees with you, they must be wrong as you are obviously right. Everyone wants world peace and for the world to be a better place but without the tribalism and self gratifying ego done away with for good it's never going to happen. Sanctimonious? No. Just wishing that the world was a different place. 11 people either disagreed with the majority or disagreed with the way the HOS is set up. Their votes was just as important as the majority vote. For the record, in case anyone cares I did not vote no.
  2. He looks like Roy. I don't think Roy means what you think it means.
  3. Neither are correct. I arrived in New Orleans the day I typed it and I have only been online from time to time since.
  4. @ joeypost and comicdonna - Can I ask why it's relevant? So I answered the question but I still haven't received an answer as to why it was relevant to the conversation? I asked because it would clear up in my mind if you were in Chips corner because he still had some of your inventory, or you were in Chips corner because you wanted to help Chip. Yeah, that's what I thought you meant. Whether my inventory was held by someone or not would make no difference on my stance but it's nice to know that some people think of me that way. If it wasn't clear that I wanted to help Chip after all I've posted about our relationship in the past 6 months then I have no words left. Mike, did you feel the same way?
  5. @ joeypost and comicdonna - Can I ask why it's relevant? So I answered the question but I still haven't received an answer as to why it was relevant to the conversation?
  6. I hate discussing it too as it's a very gray and unsettling topic. If Chip is not mentally well that will come out. If I'm wrong that will come out too. The point is not to be right or wrong, though. It's to do the best we can. After all these pages, this post made my day. I know it was asked earlier in the thread, and don't remember a reply, but does Chip still hold any of your inventory? Good question. If he does Vintage should denote that on any books in future sales threads. Folks should know that buying from Vintage might mean getting a book shipped(or not) by Chip. The only books Chip shipped for me were the ones he auctioned on eBay for me. The only 1 single exception was the one book that was returned and shipped to sacentaur. Other than that, Chip doesn't ship for me. I actually resent that sort of talk as except for a few books that were shipped slowly by me over the last 13 years because real life gets in the way and the 1 incident with Chip nobody has ever had an issue with me. As much as I've disagreed with you on this particular issue, I think the bolded item above is out of line/over the top. I'm not so sure. If people demand full disclosure about the pressing of a book, then surely they would want full disclosure about a dealer having ties/association with a proven fraudster? Who wouldn't want to know that before throwing big bucks at something? If a person is going to throw support behind someone like this Chip character, then they have to expect some flak, not act all affronted like their character is being questioned. You bathe in mud, you're gonna get dirty. I think that's absurd . That's getting into witch hunt territory. I mean... what...because Chip's hands touched them they're now tainted books? Do they have cooties? That's kind of the implication with comparing it to pressing, since pressing is something that has been done to a book, then Chip having them in his possession is something "done to a book" as well. If books for sale were still in Chip's possession, then MAYBE I could see that being something that should be disclosed since the buyer should be aware that someone with a history of not shipping books in a timely manner is the one responsible for shipping the books they're buying. But that's not the case. So it's a moot point You've completely missed the point of what I was getting at. Re-read it again carefully, and if the penny doesn't drop, by all means come back to me, and I will explain it to you. Both of your positions are unreasonable and I agree that it's starting to look like a witch hunt. Everyone is starting to get tunnel vision here. I would never put my reputation at risk or do anything that might prevent an otder to be filled, and completed. The one single problem I had with Chip was after Chip's personal issues began and it was 1 mis-shipped book by Chip out of probably 1000 that were shipped in a Timely manner. If anyone is following along, besides being a few days late the mis-shipment happened because of an honest mistake. He chose the wrong shipping address, which was finally corrected. Yes, it was a *spoon* up but it was literally 1 book out of nearly 1000. 2nd, I don't use Chip for selling books any longer. It was only an interim thing and my primary decision to use Chip (because I considered using Heritage, etc) was to help him last June. Finally, anyone who has done business with me knows they can trust me. I have an impeccable reputation, and even some of my detractors in this thread have publicly stated they'd buy [raw books] from me sight unseen. I've done multiple 6 and 7 figure deals on a handshake with no issues. I also think it needs to be pointed out that just because I believe someone may be struggling with Mental Health does not mean I am asking people to deal with them. Can we relax a little with the speculation?
  7. I hate discussing it too as it's a very gray and unsettling topic. If Chip is not mentally well that will come out. If I'm wrong that will come out too. The point is not to be right or wrong, though. It's to do the best we can. After all these pages, this post made my day. I know it was asked earlier in the thread, and don't remember a reply, but does Chip still hold any of your inventory? Good question. If he does Vintage should denote that on any books in future sales threads. Folks should know that buying from Vintage might mean getting a book shipped(or not) by Chip. The only books Chip shipped for me were the ones he auctioned on eBay for me. The only 1 single exception was the one book that was returned and shipped to sacentaur. Other than that, Chip doesn't ship for me. I actually resent that sort of talk as except for a few books that were shipped slowly by me over the last 13 years because real life gets in the way and the 1 incident with Chip nobody has ever had an issue with me.
  8. Sorry, I missed it. He holds a few books of mine but nothing of any real value. A few returns from all the books he's auctioned for me. He's been waiting on me to give him a shipping address to return them to me since last summer. I'd forgotten about them until I spoke to him earlier this week when the thread got rolling about him and he's still waiting on a shipping address for me. @ joeypost and comicdonna - Can I ask why it's relevant?
  9. I hate discussing it too as it's a very gray and unsettling topic. If Chip is not mentally well that will come out. If I'm wrong that will come out too. The point is not to be right or wrong, though. It's to do the best we can. After all these pages, this post made my day.
  10. Please don't throw me into a crowd of partisan politicians here when it's obvious that I don't have allegiances to anything except for what I believe to be true or fair. You don't know anything about what I would or wouldn't do. My world is not that shallow or two dimensional. And please don't make it personal, if you are able to restrain from it.
  11. If you use a credit card you are spending money you don't have. If you use time payments with a dealer, you are spending money you don't have. If you are allowing someone time to pay you are allowing them to spend money they don't have. See how simple it is to spend money you don't have? I agree, people get in over their heads all the time. I haven't had a credit card or a line of credit in over 10 years. You don't have to worry about me spending money I don't have.
  12. Hey JAM, Thanks for not kicking me in the nads! I'm out....until they pull me back in! Time for some dinner in New Orleans.
  13. You find my stance insulting but you don't find it insulting that people call someone names when there is discussion of mental illness but they don't actually know whether they are mentally ill or not? That's what you should be insulted by. Lots of people function just fine when things go smoothly and break down when they don't. That's exactly the point. I called after the police arrived and Chip didn't pick up. I did get a call from the hospital the next day explaining Chip was being checked in and held for evaluation. And I speak to Chip from time to time about things other than comics, as do other board members who have dealt with Chip through the years.
  14. I may have missed it but nobody disagrees that it was poor form. You missed the part where you and others tried to explain how the fake CL ad didn't mean anything, because it was a such a good deal? And how when you were in a bad spot financially, you would look to flip whatever you could? Okee dokee You're taking my words out of context. And if Brock was genuinely interested in helping people out he could have just as easily gotten in touch with me to get in touch with Chip. Goodness knows he used to reach out to me for more trivial things and he knows that I know Chip. Instead, he did something that would make him look good at someone else's expense.
  15. That is surprising. Nick has run several sales threads over the years. I'm thinking they yanked it with all the angst going on. regardless, my fault for not being up to date with board's policy. I didn't state a return policy in the sale thread. Nick, don't take it personally. That's the new way of doing things around here by many people. Welcome back!
  16. Whether he was buying for personal use or to kick start his business is an important distinction to me. Doug Schmell was removing funds that were entrusted to be held safely. They were not his and he buying personal books with other people's money. When you are self employed or running a small business (like you and I do) you have accounts payable and accounts receivable and there is an overlap. Your accounts payable account can be late and yet you can still have money in accounts receivable to reinvest in the business. It's the nature of small business. It's why many bills can and are payable 30 / 60 / 90 days out. It allows businesses stay liquid while floating in the middle. The intent with the Star Wars figures is an important distinction IMO because people who work for themselves think differently than collectors. That is where I was going with my point. And yes, Chip belongs in the HOS, and yes it wasn't OK that he didn't answer anyone until Brock's CL post, and yes it's not OK that he didn't ship packages out. And I'm not sleeping in a Holiday Inn Express tonight.
  17. I may have missed it but nobody disagrees that it was poor form.
  18. My post about education wasn't directed at you specifically as I qualified it for those who don't know much about it and I know that you've been through a few things. I have as well, but nothing personally traumatic like that. I want to clarify that while I believe Chip is suffering from it in some way based on my dealings with him and what I know about him, I'm not trying to convince everyone that he is mentally ill. Only to keep their responses civil because they don't actually know for certain that he isn't. Something echoed by several board members. I'm really sorry if it offended you and I wish you the best with your health.
  19. Actually, last night. How did you know that?
  20. I know. It's not only boring, it's becoming belligerent now. He can't accept that people will not take his opinion as gospel, so he's determined to ram it down our throats. It's becoming farcical. I'm not ramming anything down anyone's throat. Please don't say something that isn't true. If that's the way you feel you can just stop responding and ignore me. This is the internet, and this is a discussion on the internet. I'm handling myself with the proper rules of engagement. I'm being civil, polite and sticking to what I know or feel to be true. You're as free to share your opinions as I am or just ignore me.
  21. You know, I read a post from the bottom up and if I think it's Casey I play a little game and bet myself that it is. So far I'm batting pretty strong. It's not about what a person is capable of. It is about how people react in desperation. But thanks for the post and missing the point of mine! Which is? Being desperate changes the rules for a person? No, the point was that there were a few forum members who accused Chip of buying the Star Wars figures for himself right after Brock posted the entrapment news, but the FB quote by Chip, made 2 minutes after emailing Brock makes it pretty clear that he regularly looks for collectibles to flip. And even though it basically proves that people's posts and perceptions on that point were incorrect you didn't hear anyone recant. That was the point.
  22. Actually, I won't drop it. It's my opinion that while people currently have or have had family or friends with mental health issues, they may not be abreast of how broad a scope mental health can cover under the latest views on mental health by the medical industry. And it's my opinion that those who do not interact directly with mental health either through work or related people (average Joe Public), may have even less of an idea of how broad a scope mental health can cover. And based on what I've read on this forum over the last few days, it seems that some people truly have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to mental health issues because if they did they wouldn't post the nasty things they did. The spectrum can cover mild traits that nobody ever notices publicly, do debilitating issues that require constant supervision and care. From what I have gathered, this is an epidemic that is just started to be understood by the medical profession after years of stigma and ignoring all but the most extreme cases. If you have no experience in it and / or don't believe me, don't take my word for it just go ask your doctor the next time you're in or do some reading.
  23. There was no misunderstanding. But let's not leave a discussion without making a personal attack with someone who disagrees with you when all else fails. Because, you know, that's what this is all about.
  24. Are you sure about that? Several board members have chosen to tread carefully in case it was real. They're just voting him into the HOS without any drama. So we agree? Because that is exactly what I've been saying all along. I've already separated them: Consequences for actions. Choosing words carefully and remedies for potential illness. Are you sure everyone else is not having trouble separating the two because from what I'm reading that's how it looks.
  25. Sorry, I misread it. The HOS is not a joke. It's decided by a member's peers and what makes the world go round is that everyone sees things differently. That collective opinion is what it's all about. It's way better than just having a few people decide it.