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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. Nope. You're talking to someone who changes their Facebook picture twice a decade. I could erase my account today and it wouldn't matter. Why?
  2. One of the major problems with society is that we are taught to act out of fear of punishment. Many current members of society were not taught to act out of want but out of need. I know I wasn't raised to think that way. "Wear your seat belt or the cops will write a ticket" "If you work it just right, you can scam your insurance company for this much" "Pay your taxes or the taxman will come after you" "Wait til your father comes home" How about we teach kids that paying taxes is a good thing because it pays for all the awesome liberties we have? Society is until this changes.
  3. I pulled a piece of wallpaper and decided to stop. Next year!
  4. Sharon, thank you. I thought I was the only one that was gong to have to say it. Coming from a family that has a history of mental illness, ( 1 suicide, 2 attempted suicides (all from separate people) and multiple deaths due to mental health complications AND ongoing daily struggles due to mental health issues) I find the current narrative offensive, short sighted and immature. You want to talk about how you didn't get your books or movies, fine. I'm all for that. In fact I'll join you on it. But if you want to circle jerk each other and bash someone who has health issues that is a different ball of wax. Chip continues to get treatment for depression from what I understand. He loves his daughter, who is his whole world right now but has trouble providing even for her. So if you want to continue to talk about how awesome you all are and Chip isn't, just keep the above in mind when you do. And for someone who has 86,000 posts I have nothing else to add.
  5. You're a total finger wagging, know it all, jerk off sometimes. In cases like this it's better to just not say anything than show everyone how right you can be. Its funny that you take this "holier than thou" attitude. I'm SOOO sorry that someone you befriended on the internet has turned out to be a lazy loser. Yup....said it point blank: Chip is a loser. No other way around it. He preys on others using his self-inflicted poor choices and when people, out of the kindness of their hearts decide to help them, he continues to be his worst enemy. How long do you throw good money at bad problems? How many people does he continue to deceive until people actually get it?! And for the record, you can kiss my ! You think you're so much better b/c you fail to call a spade a spade....or that you'll "help out a fellow man." Well I have the balls to say exactly how it is. And it's not one time, or two times...its YEARS... YEARS of Chip cheating and manipulating people. Theft....yes, it is theft. When you buy something and hold the items for weeks/months/years in some cases...then yeah, that's theft. So you keep on walking the straight and narrow. You keep on thinking you're better. You're not better than anyone.....and yeah, I'll continue to rail on your Facebook friend.... B/c at the end of the day, he's nothing more than a leech who's admitted on more than one occasion that he's too lazy and unmotivated to MAN up and do what's necessary. It has nothing to do with better or worse. It has nothing to do with Facebook friends and it has nothing to do with tribalism. Didn't I just post that people need to deal with Chip at their own discretion? It has everyting to do with maturity. "I told you so' and self righteousness is for immature people. Let's hope your children don't grow up to be 'losers', because quite honestly nobody knows how they or their offspring are going to turn out but if they do let's hope someone gives them a soft place to fall once in a while.
  6. Bob, I may have missed other posts and my reply wasn't meant to be personal or to single you out for any particular reason other than I was replying to your post. I think it's safe to say we sort of understand each other. Still friends?
  7. Roy, my only point was to say, IMO, the books from this collection were pressed. Period. I never claimed the books were 'damaged' as you alleged. I never showed any pics of a Cole Shave book for comparison. I only used the template, which IMO, is a template for the way today's pressed comics generally look. This is a very desirable collection, unlike the Cole Shave freak show. The question whether these books were pressed or not was raised and I gave my opinion. Please quit trying to make me look like a person with an agenda. If you'd simply said "the books were likely pressed" I'd have agreed with you and there wouldn't be 3 pages of discussion, but that isn't what you did. You posted the shrunken cover template. Why? I have no idea. So what we're disagreeing on is how you said they were pressed. In my opinion, the shrunken cover template had no business in this thread in relation to the new Pedigree as it did nothing but mar the collection to the general public with unfounded opinions. That's why I started my side of the discussion. Now that it's been cleared up there's nothing to argue about. Although if anyone wants to know if the books were actually pressed I suppose they can ask Comiclink.
  8. To people calling Chip a thief, If Chip was a cold blooded thief he would have done well to steal money from me. We did enough in business over the past year that he could have taken the money and ran and started fresh somewhere, but he didn't. I personally don't think he's manufacturing his situation. Some people just can't seem to get organized. As I said, people should just deal with Chip accordingly moving forward.
  9. Goes to pattern of conduct. I'll allow it. I remember that thread. Talk about savage rage monkey.... The odd thing is, it wasn't just one board, or one type of collectible, or one personal problem, or one bad transaction. It's all over the place over decades at this point. Enter, immerse, enter into commerce, defecate, exit, lathe, rinse, repeat. Savage Rage Monkeys at every whistle stop on Chip's Tour of the Internet. I have great empathy for people with personal problems. Actual personal problems. Not the kind of personal problems that conveniently exculpate or shield someone from scrutiny for -poor business practices. There is a pattern of behavior that looks to reflect a lack of self management. I feel bad for Chip but people are totally in the right for wanting to receive what they paid for.
  10. You're a total finger wagging, know it all, jerk off sometimes. In cases like this it's better to just not say anything than show everyone how right you can be. To everyone else, for what it's worth, I haven't kept in touch much with Chip since our last dealings earlier this year but I am Facebook friends with him and I've seen postings of how things are for him. I have had extensive dealings with Chip over the past year and had zero issues financially so I don't think he's trying to rip anyone off. Most of you know that Chip has been in a rough patch for some time now and I'd suggest keeping that in mind when dealing with him. Many of you know that he's dealing with depression and he's also been evicted out of his place, lost a job and had a split up with his partner who he shares a daughter with - all within the last two years or so. There have been other people who have fallen on hard times in this place and the forum has stepped up to help them without dragging them through the mud. You're free to respond however you feel you need to but I thought the above was worth posting.
  11. When I posted yesterday, I had basically decided that I would move forward with the transaction, and I will. I wanted a little more time before publicly eating crow. I received an envelope from William today, and I assume that it contains his check. The way William's message about shipping was worded didn't sit right with me, and it's what made me feel I was free to back out of the deal, which I've never done before. I felt like he had continued trying to negotiate after we had a deal, and I'm not used to people doing that. Like someone said, I should have replied, "Look at the terms. I'm good with cancelling. You?" I understand that others will refuse to buy from me now. (This is my fifth sale on the boards in about as many years.) .... now that's the jimbo 707 that I know GOD BLESS.... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) Yep. All we need is just a little patience. Glad it's working out. I too thought this is the way it was going to turn out.
  12. Just in my own defense, and so people don't think I'm being a total dufus, when this template was originally posted Bob posted a pic of the ASM #10 CGC 9.8 In my opinion the #10 just looked like a regular SA Marvel and not representative of the shrunken cover books, hence my response. -------------------------------------- In addition, these were the other books posted early on in the thread. IMO. none of them (except for the ASM #2) look even remotely similar to the template of the shrunken cover books. If any books were pressed, IMO it would be the ultra high grades and yet they don't seem to have shrunken covers - hence my response. -------------------------------------- Finally, the ASM #1 shows up and becomes the poster boy for the shrunken covers template and everyone says "I told you so!" What I am noticing is that the earliest books (the ASM #1 and #2) seem to have shorter covers than any of the later books, but I also believe (and have mentioned this before in other areas of the forum) that mid way through 1963 Marvel changed it's publishing techniques (different paper, inks or both) so that early books (1961 to mid 1963) were made with one type of material and then mid 1963 or so and later, they were changed. And so the earliest books may age differently than the later books which may account for the differences. Or you can just assume the ASM #1 and #2 were pressed and shrunken and the other books weren't, but that's not likely. Since we have the majority of books shown so far not really displaying shrunken cover syndrome, it's unfair IMO to cherry pick certain books to suit your point, especially when it's possible that there are other possible reasons for the differences.
  13. Just a question: Does the first sentence here sound like it's for a book that was accurately priced? That's irrelevant. If ComCav had overpaid by $200 would you be calling for him to be allowed out of the deal? Where is the personal responsibility. Why can't people start acting like adults? This is something that has always bothered me. People only force a point through when it's in their favor. We're a 'me first' generation. Whether you're a buyer or a seller, following through is most important. It sounds silly but everyone wants 'big picture' world peace but often people don't want to put the work in at home and do the right thin in all the small things. It's the small things that make the big things.
  14. When the presses are moving quickly you can have a ton of books go through with a defect before someone notices, stops, reloads and restarts. I'm guessing that missing one staple wasn't too big of a deal for a 'throw away' mag as technically it was still readable with one staple. If it was missing both staples they'd probably run them through the run again to have the covers attached.
  15. I've already stated that I think Cav should get the book. But a little patience also goes a long way. I'm sure Jimbo read my posts so there's no need to repeat them.
  16. Actually, I'm not sure this has been proven. I'd asked early in the thread if someone posted something to the effect of 'I'll take it if he passes' but nobody replied. It's just a theory, unless someone knows differently.
  17. That is still speculation at this point. Jimbo said he had not sold the book, and it was still with him. It's all moot. He's taking days to weigh his integrity against a couple hundred dollars. I know I will never deal with the guy. I assume others are on the same page. I speculate that he sees himself as a man of integrity. (What person doesn't? - Don't answer that, Billy!) In which case he could be struggling to accept that he has made a mistake, especially such an egregious one. We are all experts at self-deception - trust me, I know! Or to put it another way - the rock on which we stand is also the one on which we founder. Yep. What is apparent to others is not always apparent to yourself. We are all complicated. But Billy is a special snowflake.
  18. That's definitely something to be weighed. And as I stated yesterday, he's acknowledged everyone's posts and said he's going to think about it. Reiterating the same things over and over just starts to become a 'feel good' session for observers rather than be productive. If I were him, there's nothing really new stated and I'd probably not read the thread anymore until I've made a decision. I know it looks black and white to the casual outside observer (and it is, in all honesty) but the truth is that people are complex and some people need time to work through situations. It can be an internal struggle and only the person knows how to get through it. And I'm OK with that too. After that, the I'd say everyone is free to take a side. That's my
  19. Sorry, you're right. I did jump the gun a little and shortened the discussion down to the word 'damaged' because a) namisgr often points out what he thinks are defects that were introduced into books that were pressed (which sometimes are and sometimes are not) a) people are pointing out the Cole Shave shrunken cover are lumping these books with the Cole Shave books which did have shrunken covers. My point still stands (and it's a pet peeve of mine - sorry, everybody has them) that people who have no vested interest in the sale of a book have a lot of conjecture about something may or may not be true but could turn off bidders. I find it irresponsible. That the shrunken cover template doesn't really apply to the book you posted. If you were honest about it you'd have admitted it rather than just making it about me. I'll drop it as I've made my point .
  20. Sure, resort to sarcasm in an effort to discredit me rather than just stick to the discussion. I didn't say the books were not pressed. In all likelihood they are. But the ASM #10 CGC 9.8 actually didn't have fanning that was that bad compared to other books I've seen or the template you showed. The fact that you have to make this personal is unfortunate.
  21. I've notice Roy generally suppress any negative commentary about pressing, market valuations, CGC's shortfall, etc. Honestly, it's become pavlonian and any time I see any negative commentary about some aspect of the hobby it's become pavlonian for me to expect Roy to chime in defending the slight to the hobby. You might have missed whenever I defend a book being degraded by an arm chair critic or someone is unfairly piled up on in a conversation on the chat forum. I'm an equal opportunity anti-bullying defender. Once again, my comments nothing to do with pressing. The books are likely pressed. But most people who have singled me out in this thread is someone who either still is or was at one point anti pressing. Do you see a pattern? Maybe your perception is Pavlovian. All I'm saying is that comments made by random strangers on the internet about damaged books coming up for sale when they don't actually know if they are damaged or not is unfair to a seller. If it were my books and they were talking about something that they didn't know was actually true I wouldn't like it. And if they were your books coming up for sale. you wouldn't like it either. Now if someone can document or has proof that the books were damaged then I'm all for commenting about damage and would not have anything to say about it.
  22. Yes, it's been said many times before, but nearly always by you ! Is that supposed to mean that pages don't change shape and normally fan out on SA Marvels or are you just trying to discredit me with a personal attack? Is that all you did? This is your quote below in the spoiler tags: You compared these books to the Cole Shave books when in fact the ASM #10 9.8 example you posted is nowhere close to the template you posted. Are you following the conversation? Why would I be defensive about books being pressed? Like I said, pressing is as common as cheerios. I'm merely pointing out how those who don't like pressing keep pointing at characteristics about the books calling them damage when it's just conjecture.