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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I didn't know what pederasty mean until this thread, dagnabbit!
  2. After meeting Janet several times, I agree she looks more like a Hector but it's their prerogative as to what they call themselves. Dagnabbit, somebody found it funny. Thank you! I'm done now. It's no longer funny as you followed up with dagnabbit. Dagnabbit! BTW, has anyone concerned notified CAK about this discussion?
  3. After meeting Janet several times, I agree she looks more like a Hector but it's their prerogative as to what they call themselves. Dagnabbit, somebody found it funny. Thank you! I'm done now.
  4. And media mail seems to still be a much-debated and much-misunderstood topic, even in this day and age, which is why I figured you took the effort to clarify.
  5. After meeting Janet several times, I agree she looks more like a Hector but it's their prerogative as to what they call themselves. I'm only Janet when I'm wearing lipstick and heels I wasn't going to go into detail about how we met.
  6. After meeting Janet several times, I agree she looks more like a Hector but it's their prerogative as to what they call themselves.
  7. If you're worried that someone unscrupulous might use it as a smoke screen to deflect, I agree. But I'm with Janet. I agree with both points.
  8. I understand that. However, legitimizing any aspect of CAK's actions on this point, or debating the minutiae of any perceived technical allowance of media mail for comic sales, serve only to dilute the discussion of CAK's unreasonable delay in shipping and his subsequent weakest of weak sauce attempts to rectify that already unreasonable delay by shipping the item in the slowest, cheapest, least secure manner. CAK's actions are the forest. Seeking to discuss the quality of the length of a branch on one of the trees distracts from the view in totality. It's very possible to debate another point without allowing it to dilute the main point, which is that customer service is very important and the bigger the screw up the greater the customer service effort should be.
  9. Brilliant. This has custom title all over it. If you're saying the word brilliant belongs in my custom title then I agree.
  10. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you. It's actually funny you say that. I often see a disparity between your board persona and local rumours. If you ever wondered where my comments come from, that is it. (thumbs u A disparity, you say? Yes, which tends to be one of my pet peeves. Well, now that we've PM'd about this, it seems that the main root of JD's pet peeve was just another misunderstanding. JD was visiting my local comic store a while back and saw me introduce the owner as 'my friend' to someone and when I walked away, he the owner said that he 'wasn't actually my friend'. Only he's one of my best friends in the entire world AND also happens to have a very dry sense of humor. There you have folks, another juicy Roy tidbit exposed, cremated and buried. Transplant, sorry to disappoint you. Your apology is accepted.
  11. I didn't say you were avoiding a question, you kept deflecting the conversation and moving the goal posts. Maybe it was unintentional, maybe it wasn't. The point is that some comments just don't belong in a public transaction. And for what it's worth, I agree with CBT that there could be merit in the debate itself but I don't think there is any merit in posting 'man, that went for a steal' in a public sales thread, much in the way it wouldn't be prudent to do it at someone's con booth right as a sale is consummated. Anyhow, this debate seems to be a dead horse now. Let's talk about me.
  12. I'll disagree with that. How many times have we seen each other in person? At least 10-12? Something like that, maybe more. You are one of the people that's actually the same out there as I perceive you to be in here. You speak the same way, say the same things. Maybe others don't have in depth conversations with you. The only difference is your hair has turned from Black to White over the time we've known each other. I have not seen him as often, but I'll agree he's the same...just a little taller than he is on here;) When you post nearly 80,000 posts on a chat forum and then spend your entire year interacting with those same people when you're not on here it's tough to be any different. Last week I counted the cities I've been to this year. I've been to 41 cities (that's 41 cities in 9 1/2 months) and met and interacted with board members in nearly every one of them. I think Comicdonna just saw me in NYC when I was hung over and extrapolated on my persona. I'm definitely not quiet.
  13. Many through 3rd parties. We've "met" half a dozen times or so. The discrepancy is greatest between the boards and the 3rd parties. Not as much in our dealings. OK, so I probably know you by face but not by your Branget / JD board ID. Sometimes it's hard to keep faces associated with board names unless I interact with them regularly - I'm sure you can understand that. So just to be clear, you don't have a problem with me directly, you just have a problem with what someone else may have said about me. Well that's unfortunate.
  14. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you. It's actually funny you say that. I often see a disparity between your board persona and local rumours. If you ever wondered where my comments come from, that is it. (thumbs u A disparity, you say? Yes, which tends to be one of my pet peeves. I think you and I met once at a Toronto show, right? Sorry, if I don't recall it exactly. Have we ever had any dealings?
  15. Proving once again the necessity for villains to keep the cosmic balance. It is one of the laws of nature. Opposition needs to exist to know and appreciate the good.
  16. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you. It's actually funny you say that. I often see a disparity between your board persona and local rumours. If you ever wondered where my comments come from, that is it. (thumbs u I actually have no idea what you're talking about. Anybody that knows me in person reasonably well knows that I'm pretty much the same on here as I am out there. If there is a disparity, they're free to talk to me about it - much like you are - rather than bring up some cryptic post about what colour my shadow is, but that doesn't increase post count or make anything productive. BTW, that's another deflection you just posted.
  17. JD, you keep sidestepping the actually points in an effort to stay right. Can you actually see the silver bells and cockle shells from your window? Do you find it hard to trust in general? I find trust is an achievement, to be earned, and not a gift, to be given away. And it is this philosophical difference that keeps us at odds. If Chris finds trust an achievement to be earned and you are philosophically at odds with him, then that means you don't think trust needs to be earned. If trust doesn't need to be earned that means you trust innately. If you trust innately, then the question of why you don't ship your books before a buyer pays is a fair question. It's logical. But you keep sidestepping because you know that you don't actually trust everyone. Nobody reasonable person does. And the reason you won't admit that you don't trust everyone is because that means you'd be on the wrong side of the entire discussion of implicitly trusting everyone's 'oh, that was steal' comments. You did the same thing a few years ago when we had a discussion in the Watercooler. You deflected, moved the goal posts, insulted me and then have been playing the 'pad your post count' card with me ever since. Which is why I rarely reply to you. I don't dislike you, I just think you continue to move the goal posts when you are discussing a topic.
  18. I make the same points whether it's in public or on a chat forum. What I find is that it's others that don't. I'm not sure if you have a beef with me. I certainly don't have one with you.
  19. Can you actually see the silver bells and cockle shells from your window? Do you find it hard to trust in general? I find trust is an achievement, to be earned, and not a gift, to be given away. And it is this philosophical difference that keeps us at odds. Wait, so you implicitly trust everyone first? Yes. Until there is a reason not to trust them. Then your rules applies, for me. Trust is different than respect. C4Fun is making his point so I'll leave him to it, but if you trusted everyone 1st you'd be shipping before they pay.
  20. Can you actually see the silver bells and cockle shells from your window? Do you find it hard to trust in general? He's former law enforcement and a lawyer. I'm not but I still agree that after seeing things happen in life that the comments serve no real practical purpose. Even if the people making the comments are not trying to undermine the deal the only other purpose they can serve is to make a buyer feel bad about the sale. There is nothing WRONG with that. (thumbs u But that isn't the point of the discussion.