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Everything posted by wombat

  1. I wasn't expecting 80 new posts NOT about Chip.
  2. Please don't throw me into a crowd of partisan politicians here when it's obvious that I don't have allegiances to anything except for what I believe to be true or fair. You don't know anything about what I would or wouldn't do. My world is not that shallow or two dimensional. And please don't make it personal, if you are able to restrain from it. Aren't you the guy telling everyone how they would react in certain situations? And this isn't personal. Its factual.
  3. Of course Roy will not drop the mental health aspect. Without it how else can he defend Chip? Of course he will say he isn't defending Chip. And he isn't making excuses for him. And then he will promptly defend and make excuses for him while talking about mental illness. Rinse and repeat.
  4. If I had to pick books to get signed that would be in my top 5 easily. Great book.
  5. You just want a thread for someone to post your mystery box of awesomeness.
  6. Really? How would name calling and cuss words go over in a court of law, or on the street? Why should it be different here? I'm starting to think that most people have no idea what Mental Illness is. Mental Illness is far reaching and casts a wide net. It's much better understood today than it used to be even recently but it still is not very well understood by the general public IMO. My wife and I both deal with it in our family life AND in her work so we spend a lot of time learning about it. Understand now THAT I'M NOT SAYING CHIP IS MENTALLY ILL AND THIS IS WHY THIS FIASCO HAPPENED. But I am saying that THIS IS WHY I REACTED THE WAY I DID at the start of the discussion. My business experiences with Chip (which went very well) coupled with what I know about mental illness, I wanted to make sure people weren't attacking someone with mental illness. If someone doesn't like me because of that then I'd just rather err on the side of caution and stay a jerkbutt in people's eyes. Really. I won't tell you how to post and you don't tell me how to post. And you are saying his mental illness is causing this. You say it over and over and over.
  7. I don't think anyone should be trying to dictate how others voice their feelings on the matter. To say the only thing anyone should bring up are the basic facts is only one way to do this. It holds no more weight than anyone else's way of discussing the topic.
  8. Ripping people off makes them emotional. Ripping off your friends makes people emotional.
  9. It's a holiday weekend and I've not taken the time to read all of the posts or the links to Chip's previous behavior. That's why I said he is looking very guilty to me. But I do trust in the decision making of my peers and if he needs to be put in the HOS or PL or both I support them in that. Isn't that the way things generally work around here? Or does everyone need to shout out 'off with his head' to be accepted as a member of this group? You have zero choice but to trust in the decision making of your peers in this case. It's a vote. What exactly would you do if you didn't have that trust? And how exactly are you "supporting" that? You seem to be doing the opposite.
  10. My bold above. The problem is not people trying to "defend what he has done". No single person has posted defending any of his actions. For me, the problem with the discussion of mental illness is that the only source we have for the existence of his alleged mental illness is Chip. Ok. Not "defend what he has done", but make excuses for and try to mitigate what he has done and rebuke and turn down the level of criticism thrown his way. Nobody tried to 'turn down' anything. All I (or anyone else who was willing to be patient and reasonable) wanted was to make sure that we were proceeding on the straight and narrow and acting on facts and not emotions. I shudder at the thought of having a jury decide my future based on the way this thread has taken it's turns. And judging by the PMs I'm getting I'm not the only one. Yes, Chip looks very guilty. Yes some of you were right. No, the way we got there was not very cool. You can't even bring yourself to say he is guilty now.
  11. Lots and lots of great stuff in his thread. I don't like participating in threads I can't think about a purchase for 10 seconds without it being gone. Now if the books are $1 then I'm all for making split decisions but when we are dealing with $200 books then I shy away from those types of threads (unless Foolkiller or October are blowing out books of course) My puzzle was $25. #Winning Was that a good deal?
  12. He's still being disingenuous. Now he's playing the pity poor old me card with extraordinary skill as he has many times in the past. And it still works with some people. Why not stick with it?
  13. That makes my copy look like dog poop. Very nice.
  14. Hope everyone has a Creepy new year!!!!