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Everything posted by wombat

  1. At that price it might even depend on how badly it smells of cat pee.
  2. It was $5. As long as it doesn't smell like cat pee I'm OK with it.
  3. I thought we were talking about Creepy #29. 🤣 Bad typing. It was a Creepy 29.
  4. Five DOLLARS? You cant just say that and NOT give us the story....🤭 I saw your post. Googled Eerie 29 for sale and the rest is history. Ended up getting 15 books for about $50 all together.
  5. I don't necessarily disagree. But as a buyer it would certainly feel like I was paying more than I should. Of course every situation is different and each person can judge the offer how they want.
  6. Sorry this happened to you. For everyone who thinks these problems are caused by the submitter making a mistake, here you go.
  7. If I trust the seller I don't think they're engaged in shill bidding. Whether established means trusted is up to you. But I'll echo @jsilverjanet this has happened to me in the past as a seller. I didn't shill bid anyone up; buyer flakes out and I made an offer to the 2d highest bidder. If they take it, great. If not, whatever. I also rarely auction anything on Ebay anymore anyway. To me its not even an issue of shill bidding or not. Its just the fact that the bid was increased multiple times from a bidder who ultimately was a non bidder. Shilling. Couldn't afford to pay. Cat made the bid by accident. It all equates to the same thing at the end of the day.
  8. Unless there are just no other books available I'm going to pass. You basically got bid up by a non bidder. While perhaps not intentional no different from shill bidding in my opinion.
  9. I wonder if they ramped up customer service when volume increased.
  10. Its a question I thought of myself. If you are willing to give up 40% as a fee you can probably get close to that just selling them outright and be done with it.
  11. Even for a comic book forum this has reached some pretty impressive nerd levels.
  12. Nonsense. A circle has a specific definition--"a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center)." It is therefore impossible for a circle to have corners. I'm not in here to get into this but if one took calculus, one would know that what @JC25427N is saying is precisely correct. And so also is your definition of a circle. Both things are true.
  13. I have no idea what this means.
  14. I don't think anyone is arguing employees aren't missing things. But that doesn't equate to it being the employees fault depending on circumstances. And I don't really think anyone was making up scenarios for the sake of it. Just trying to figure out what may be happening and why. As far as your air traffic controller example I would certainly hope that they have a maximum amount of planes one controller could adequately handle and being "very busy" still wouldn't put him over that limit.
  15. I believe there is Lehigh Valley facility that is also well known for being a black hole.
  16. Yep. Very cool sculpt. Kind of shocked it wasn't a sorc as the other one. If I had a really long list Unraveler would not be on it.
  17. I mean its been a month. Something is clearly not good.
  18. Barbarian and Diablo are the other two. Haven't seen a complete one of either for under $75 shipped. The Unraveler certainly seems like a bit of an oddball choice.
  19. So the number of errors go up, according to your scenario, not the error rate as Gaard explained. That is what you are saying. I understand that, and agree it's likely in some lines of work, but the responsibility falls on the employee making the errors. That is all I am saying. I think they both go up. Imagine Kav's scenario where your time gets cut in half, but you still have the same amount of items to examine. Because you only have half the time more errors slip through. If its the same amount of items my error rate is going to increase.
  20. Seller. He’s already agreed to a full refund if it doesn’t resurface soon. No complaints about him, just the #%&! USPS. Sucks all around. There have been plenty of stories of books showing up out of the blue a long time after they were considered lost for good. So there is always hope.
  21. Is it covered by insurance and who is on the hook if it never shows up?
  22. If only I would have found this when it was going for $2. But yeah, this could give someone a jump to their morning.