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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Some rocket surgeon posted this on ebay as a picture of the back cover. Guess this one.
  2. To me this was a huge mistake by the buyer. He should have made sure this was spelled out specifically.
  3. I have offered him books to buy to help me recoup the cost, ive offered that he can send me partial payment in cash and books. Nothing has been accepted. I believe you are going to have to share the specific details of these offers. It needs to be recognized EXACTLY what will constitute resolution.
  4. Cash, partial cash + books, books or he buys books from me to help balance this trade. Nothing has come to fruition. You are going to have to put a dollar value on your resolution. Otherwise it will be impossible to know if a solution will ever be acceptable.
  5. right, but now we are here online and you are looking to be made whole. So you have to ask directly what it takes to make you whole. If he declines, as it appears he has with $2800, then we all see and judge for ourselves. Or you can wait for him to make an offer I guess. But in the end it is your call what you will accept, so eventually that needs to be known. I believe in order to put someone on the PL list it has to be known up front how they would get off of the list. So yeah, presenting vagueness on what your acceptable resolution would be seems like it would actually prevent being added to the list in the first place.
  6. Part of the problem I see at this point is proving it wasn't damaged after it was received by the buyer. I doubt anyone would hold a seller's guarantee to a grade if it turned out the book was damaged later on.
  7. Possiby a 7.0, I knew it wasn't a 9.0 but I had his reassurance didn't I? That he would make it right, that he would fix this. It's all documented. You lose me right here. You should have initiated a return right here. At the very least you should have agreed up front what the compensation would be for a lower grade.
  8. I did nothing of the sort. I asked Roger multiple time to confirm the grade before it was ever shipped. And then reality happens. You saw the book. Your presser saw the book. What did you assess the grade at?
  9. There was some concern yes, even before they were sent I was concerned which is why I asked for and got reassurance. If you had the book in hand and still had concerns it seems like that was the point where specifics should have been discussed or you should have agreed to return the book at that point. I'm not absolving the seller of possibly misrepresenting the grade, but at some point you also have to protect yourself.
  10. Just seems like a horrible way to do a deal to be honest. Trying to guarantee grades and not having spelled out very specifically what the resolution would be if the grades were not as expected before hand. The book that graded 6.0. What did it look like in hand? Were you concerned before you sent it in?
  11. As long as we are showing off our Sigourney sigs.
  12. Doesn't sound any different than facebook live sales.
  13. Was there ever fast track for magazines? I don't see any listed.
  14. You could have done fast track. Costs more of course. Scratch that. I don't even see fast track listed for magazines. I think you used to be able to.
  15. And you are also right that turn around times almost across the board are much longer for magazines than comics. I'm not sure there has ever been an official CGC response to this, but a common theory is that the same encapsulation machines are used for both comics and magazines and they have to update the machines so they don't do it that often. Or something like that. Modern Comic 125 days Modern Magazine 225 days Economy Comic 212 days Economy Magazine 217 days Standard Comic 46 days Standard Magazine 83 days
  16. You could have done fast track. Costs more of course.
  17. I have a feeling that make an offer is going to get some action.
  18. Doing this on an expensive book seems like a good way to get caught for insurance fraud. Seems like an amateur sleuth could figure that one out.
  19. I just put the mailing label directly on the comic and stick it in the mail.
  20. They don't have enough resources for one facility. This would probably actually makes things worse.
  21. Another one that seems like someone got a really good deal. https://www.ebay.com/itm/154894354022?hash=item24106c4666%3Ag%3AzsQAAOSwCUtiK6zx&nma=true&si=SnjdZ8Dh54XZ%2BIdyi2aqzjJRSxs%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  22. This book was only graded 2 months ago. I would love CGC to tell us this book went through any QC at all. That a human actually looked at this book prior to shipping. @CGC Mike This is insane. Out of all the things someone could possibly dream up an excuse for, this isn't one of them. I don't really expect an answer on this, but can CGC confirm if all books actually go through any QC process or is it more of a random selection?