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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. I think this is a great idea, although I am guessing most people who have books restored (and I am NOT one of them), especially if they intend to resell the book, do not want to show the prospective buyer what it looked like before the restoration. Although I believe this is the best and fairest way to do business, I tend to think people who restore books might disagree. Showing before and after photos does not seem to be the norm in the world of comic collecting, even though it is very common in other forms of collecting (such as with antique vehicles).
  2. Thank you for your response. This brings up an interesting question. I am not a big buyer of restored books, so please help me to understand. You say that you prefer "no trimming", however, you are ok with other restoration. Are you then ok with pieces being added? If so, how big a piece? To me, I think I would rather have a book that had been trimmed, BUT is all original, rather THAN a full size book where pieces have been added. To me, at least the trimmed book is original. Maybe I am way off base here, as you are NOT the first person I have heard say that trimming is a deal breaker.
  3. Thank you for taking the time to vote. I think when large pieces of the cover are replaced, that these really should be labeled as something like "incomplete with large piece reproduced" or some such language.
  4. Not that my opinion counts for much, however, I think that is a great looking book! Congrats. That cover is awesome in its simplicity.
  5. I think trying to please everyone is both challenging and frustrating and the fact that you are even trying to do so, shows how patient and understanding you are. Great work! Thanks for all the work you are doing!
  6. my personal feeling is that some of the early actions went a little under what i would have thought. Call it auction fatigue, or seasonal dampening, or market softening, I saw the same thing with several high profile detectives last night Regrettably, the market was not softening and no buyer fatigue had set in on what I was bidding on.
  7. Rick, What are your thoughts on the recent prices realized on the early Actions in the CC auction? Did #2 @ around $25K seem right to you? (CGC 8.0 conserved) What about #7 @ around $40K? (CGC 7.0 conserved)
  8. Thanks for sharing this photo. I wish I could have made it to the show. I did not know about it until a few days ago and I had to be at the Army / Navy game today. How was the "show"???
  9. I have done so many conventions over the past few years that I've actually sold more books than I really want to...and my time has been limited to be able to ship books. .however , I don't think I'm doing a con till April of next year so I've considered running one February. We shall see
  10. I'm actually not upset, just trying to understand what happened. As stated, having not seen these threads by Batman13, it's difficult to ascertain what happened. However, I see a lot of annoying sales tactics going on here. Selling before the books are in hand, starting threads to pimp books, charging 10% extra to see a pic, etc. Anything seems to be okay. Very disconcerting. Did someone actually do this; charge 10% extra for a picture? I am not sure if I am supposed to laugh or if this is seriously what someone did Please enlighten me. I know I did see someone with a thread once who was selling books that he said were coming back from CGC and you could buy them now (sight unseen) or pay more once they were in hand.
  11. I am just giving this a bump as I think it is a good tool.
  12. I have read a few page of this thread, but not the whole 126 pages. I am looking to get a wireless scanner/printer. Would love it to be able to scan CGC books (even though that is not the focus of my collection - I do have some and it stinks not being able to scan them on my current equipment). I am not looking to spend a small fortune as 99% of what I do is simply print black and white documents. It would still be nice, however, to occasionally print a photo. I am 100% NOT a tech geek, so this might be a struggle deciding on the right one. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Although I have left feedback for Rick before, I feel compelled to leave feedback again today (after receiving another book from him). I contacted Rick regarding a book he owned. It was not on his sales thread, however, I told him I was interested in it and would make him an offer (if he was interested). He asked me for an offer. I made an offer and he accepted. There was no haggling over every last dime. The transaction was quick and simple. Rick's communication was great and he shipped the book quickly. If there is one negative thing about Rick, however, it is that he packages his books so well that it takes me an hour (ok maybe not quite that long) to tear through all the packaging and get to the goodness that is inside. Great job, Rick. As always a pleasure.
  14. id ask her to pop them while I was out of the room A true gentleman. As Clint Eastwood said in 1973, "A man's got to know his limitations."
  15. Chuck sent his newest newsletter today; offering another sale, which this time includes comics. He writes..... I will close this very short newsletter by mentioning that this new 30% off sale is based on the website prices that we already lowered for you by 50%-70% back in early October. Quite frankly, had we not have had such amazing success in purchasing wonderful collections of back issue over the past few months, I could never before have envisioned offering you a codeword sale on top of those already rock-bottom prices. I am curious as to the definition of "rock-bottom prices". I will say that his selection of silver-age DC seems to have improved recently. Maybe due to the new purchases he keeps speaking of.
  16. how about a test that evaluates whether theres sufficient data? if YES display the results. If No, display a simple "insufficient data" with maybe a SHOW ANYWAY choice? and then display the data greyed out or a different color. I like this idea.
  17. Apparently he has the "buy low; sell high" principle down to a science.
  18. First I want to thank you for creating this helpful tool to help collectors I appreciate you taking the time and effort to do this. I do not have a GPA account, so I have nothing to compare your site to. I did, however, find some "issues". I decided to check on single digit Actions. 1) As soon as I clicked on Action, there were 10 "recent sales" that scrolled across the scene. One said Action Comics #8 in 2.0 (signature series) for $643. This surprised me. When I clicked on AC8, however, I found the recent 2.0 sale to be $3,750. That seemed a little more likely. 2) When I clicked on the AC5, I saw a 10.0. When I clicked on the 10.0, however, it took me to a FF #49 in 9.2. 3) I am curious as to how the "recent demand" function works. I looked at the "recent demand" for Actions from 1 - 10. Here are the results. AC1 - 55 AC2 - 0 AC3 - 50 AC4 - 0 AC5 - 0 AC6 - 0 AC7 - 50 AC8 - 100 AC9 - 65 AC10 - 65 I am NOT claiming to be an expert on the demand of every Action, however, it is "difficult" for me to believe the demand for Action Comics #2, #4, #5, and #6 is ZERO. I may be mistaken, but I think there are at least one or two board members who wouldn't mind getting their hands on one of these rare treats. I sort of WISH demand was ZERO as that would cause the law of supply and demand to kick in and the prices of these books to plummet (and I would be able to buy them up cheap). In fact if anyone has one of these and no longer wants it, they should let me know. I found a somewhat similar problem with the "current market supply' indicator, although this was perhaps not as significant. Again, I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to set this site up and offer it free to everyone. Although it has some issues, this is still a very helpful site. One question. Are all the listed data related to third party graded books? If so, I would be interested in a separate tab that would allow me to view recent sales data on raw books (and what their owners claimed their grades to be). Thanks again!
  19. Well, I recieved an email from Chuck today announcing his BIG "Black Friday" sale. Of course his BIG sale does NOT include ANY comic books.
  20. They say there are no friends in auctions. Everyone gets over not winning or over paying. Next... You're missing the boat drawer. Rick was kind enough after beating me out of a boards book, to offer to sell it to me for just what he paid even though I said I'd pay more. There are still a few gentlemen left in the comic biz... +1 Rick is awesome. He offered to sell me a book at cost, that he knew I wanted. I think Rick is one of the few good guys who is more interested in enjoying the hobby with other collectors, than he is in making an extra dollar. I am often frustrated that I am not online when he has his great sales threads and thus I miss out on a lot of nice books at fair prices.
  21. Mike, Thank you for the kind words regarding the sig line. That means a lot to me, coming from a board legend like yourself. Also thank you for your well wishes that I one day find an AC1. I hope it happens, however, I have come to accept the fact that it may not be in the cards for me. When it comes to the AC1, I would not hesitate at all, due to restoration. Just to have any copy would be awesome.
  22. I understand where you are coming from, Mike, and I appreciate you taking the time to vote. i think I have only knowingly purchased 3 restored books and they were all duplicates of books i already own unrestored copies of. For example, i recently purchased an Action in restored CGC 9.2 (highest restored copy), even though i already own the CGC 9.0 (single highest universal copy). Since, I already have an unrestored copy, it did not bother me to buy the restored. This is probably not logical, but a collector's rational is not always logical. Mike,I will say that given the scope of the Action collection you once had, it is impressive that you stayed away from restored so well.
  23. Just wanted to give this a Veteran's Day bump and see if we can get a few more votes.