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Everything posted by AndyFish

  1. I just subscribed-- I just only signed up for an official YouTube account but since Google already owns the world it was pretty simple.
  2. I've heard over and over again that the old stuff will die off as new collectors come in. Well, I was a new collector at one point, when I was a kid you could get almost any Silver Age Comic for $1-$100 depending on the grade and when I would buy Batman's from the 1960s (this was probably 1979 or so) the older buyers near me would always laugh and tell me I was throwing money away because that stuff would never be worth anything. When I first saw a Golden Age book in person (coincidently Batman #14 which I still have) I paid the ungodly sum of $50 for it and it's about a 4.5. It opened a flood gate of chasing down Golden Age comics despite them being well before my time. At a con last year I was talking to a twenty something collector who told me he had just discovered and loved Golden Age comics, so I don't think an era ever goes away interest wise. The Spirit is a character many had forgotten about, but those "in the know" would never forget. It's not hard to become a member of the "in the know" club. As for the original question, DC Comics is not going away, there is way too much money in the licensing of these characters for WB. They certainly could license out the characters to other publishers but I think the most likely scenario is that American comics follow the Japanese model; comics are released serialized in digital format and then collected into volumes as print editions. There will still be artists making the art for these books, the fact that many artists are going digital is a factor but the whole blue line print out traditional ink thing seems to be gaining steam. So there will be comic art, it'll just be a little harder to get a penciler's work but I think there will still be a decent amount of inked work, and more and more (and I know this from experience) creators are getting hired and it's assumed you're going to ink your own work.
  3. Trouble is I don’t do Facebook.
  4. I think it’s great that the booths are locked, I simply used the pull down menu to mark an item as sold and then added SOLD- into the title as an extra precaution. The save feature was great and it’s how I went to buy items I was kicking the tires on. Best online con by far, and it’s even high in my book with real world cons. I’m a lifetime premium member now. I wasn’t aware they have regular YouTube events and I’ll be watching now. Bill is there a schedule posted anywhere? My only complaint about CAF is the site is overwhelming when you first jump on.
  5. We did the first show last May and we did this one-- the first one was pretty good for us, and this one was gangbusters, doing about 5x what we did in May. Easily our top #3 show of all time, never mind the fact that it was virtual, this one was right up there with Rose City and C2E2 for sales for us. We sold every sketch we had done for the show, a bunch of pages from some old projects and we filled out commission slots by the end of the day on Saturday. The 24/24 art drop was great. For the first show we did 100% of our sales on Saturday and then nothing on Sunday-- for this show it was probably a 70/30 split. 48 pieces sounds like a lot but as a buyer I loved it. I loved that art is locked in so that a dealer can't change what's in the booth mid show. My only complaint is that there needs to be some kind of message board or announcement section so you can announce markdowns or whatever. I picked up a couple of really great pieces although I was on an extreme spending limit because of some serious expenses we've had, but had a lot of fun. The only panel I watched was Bill's closing remarks which are always interesting which I also watched while I was packaging up the orders Sunday night. I'd third the idea of some sort of social area. It would be kind of neat to have a virtual "bar" or something be it a chat room or something, that's probably my favorite part of doing these shows, besides having dinner in a new restaurant with my wife. Super mega kudos to Bill Cox for putting this on. It's a lot of work for him, and it's a lot of work as a seller but if you put the work into it you'll see a payoff.
  6. No problems with USPS after a rough late Spring.
  7. Try Venmo-- we've been using it more and more and so far so good.
  8. Not an auction -- he talks about an item and then gives a discounted price on it-- you can claim it or make a counter offer. You can do it publicly via the feed or you can text them with a number they provide at the beginning of the show. It's fun every week, it's like being at a show and chatting with Ted and his team.
  9. Tonight's "show" is Halloween themed, I think a lot of monster comics, and it starts at 6pm Eastern Time.
  10. I can't stand all social media but I keep my Instagram account almost solely for this show now.
  11. Superworld Comics has been doing an Instagram Live event on Tuesdays at 5:30 which runs usually until 6:30 or sometimes even a second session due to Instagram's limit to one hour broadcasts. I've picked up some deals during the show but most of all it's a fun time because anyone who knows Ted knows he's an interesting guy to talk to. He unveils a wide variety of stuff for sale at discounted prices and then pulls some other items out of a "treasure box". It's fun and fast paced and it reminds me a lot of some of the more entertaining HSN Comic Events they had in the 90s only this one is actually good stuff. Last week I grabbed a Bound Volume of Marvel's King Kull and the week before I got some great horror stuff. Speaking of which, I'm hearing this week's show on Oct 27th is Halloween themed. Tune in it's worth it. Disclosure: I'm not officially connected to Superworld but Ted is my friend and 50% of his employees are my sons, and some years I help out at the Chicago and Rhode Island shows. I've been buying from Ted for 20 years and he is a standup guy.
  12. I've worked larger and it's actually easier and faster then working small-- counterintuitive but that's what I found. Hardest thing would be getting a scan, but digital camera's and even phones now have a pretty amazing capability to capture detail. The biggest hassle would be storage of originals.
  13. JazzMan love your avatar-- Frank Robbins was a genius. Great books, Ted, Joe, Adam, Jose and Lisa!
  14. Yup, that’s why I mentioned room size. Sounds like you’re good!
  15. Depending on the size of the room a dehumidifier might not be a bad idea.
  16. Buyer is a insufficiently_thoughtful_person Newness is no excuse.
  17. We met Peach some years ago and got her to do the BLACKWOOD Variant-- she is such a sweet person. Both she and her manager are. We had a nice time with them. Glad she's getting the recognition she deserves.
  18. Yup I'm with AOK on this one-- it's not a splash page, it's got no big characters-- it's a great page with some really great art-- Bill Wray is a terrific inker-- I'd say the $200 range if you're not in a hurry to move it.
  19. How many booths will Period Panties have? If you want a real Rosemont Show they have to be at least 10% of the show floor.
  20. Yup cancelled. Reed Pop is going to do a virtual event. I think the SDCC Virtual event was kind of a bust, but maybe some enjoyed it.
  21. As a kid my friends loved Jack Kirby, specifically his 70s stuff— and I just couldn’t see it— the blocky figures and the square fingers bugged me. Now I’m the biggest Kirby fan in the world. Same thing with Frank Robbins— I hated his work as a kid— I’d literally groan if I saw he was drawing the inside of a book— but now? He’s probably my favorite artist of all time— I love his loose inky style. So much energy.
  22. Wizard Chicago cancelled. Can't imagine New York will go on.
  23. Officially cancelled and postponed to June of next year. WIZARD WORLD ROSEMONT Real shame, I always look forward to this show.