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Everything posted by ▫️

  1. I would say Marvel did learn from Captain Marvel. That breaking a billion was due to timing and placement before the finale. Everyone was going to watch the movie before Endgame no matter what it was. That was a smart move. A Pepper Potts movie before Endgame would have broke the bank. Now that Captain Marvel has to fend for herself, Marvel is going to give her some help. Again, smart move. They are not taking any chances. If they believed in Brie and thought Captain Marvel could be a flagship property, there would have been a Captain Marvel 2. Followed by The Marvels tv series on Disney+.
  2. I’m pretty much an Amazon Prime member for life so I’m excited that Prime Video’s library will expand.
  3. When they revealed it was Colin Farrell under the Penguin makeup, Wright was like, “OOOOH… who’s Colin Farrell?”
  4. How many are they planning on crashing? 😞
  5. Pattinson is not my first choice or even my 32nd choice but I hope he pulls it off. I think he has really grown as an actor and proven his range. And Batman is a franchise where I don’t want the same portrayal over and over. Loved Burtons Batman as he created the best Gotham City ever put to film. Loved Nolans Batman as he brought our hero into the real world and gave us what is arguably the best comic book movie ever made in The Dark Knight. Snyder hasn’t given us a solo Batman movie unfortunately but if that warehouse fight scene in BVS is any indicator of what could be on the table, sign me up. As much as I tried to appreciate BVS, I only end up appreciating parts of it but never the whole. ZS Justice League made me a believer again. Snyder almost gave me Frank Millers Dark Knight. Not quite as old or jaded. So now we go from these huge spectacles to something new. I say bring this down to earth on a small scale within Gotham City and give us a crime noir detective thriller. I’m on board with that. I wish the execs had enough faith in this new iteration to green-light a trilogy because the only negative I’m seeing (besides Pattisons heavy makeup) is introducing too many characters at once. The Riddler should be fleshed out solo here while the Penguin takes the sequel. I want to see Paul Dano flex his ability here. Any actor playing a Batman villain should be thinking they better own it like Ledger did. And I don’t want to see a great actor like Jeffrey Wright not play a significant role in this. I want Gordon on the trail. Okay, I’ve said enough. This is why I can’t be on Twitter.
  6. My bad joke based on how long this film has been complete and sitting on the shelf.
  7. It looks like we will be getting a new trailer for this in 2022.
  8. Godzilla V Kong arrived on HBO after Justice League and has been on sale in the US iTunes and Amazon stores. Meanwhile, after Warner Bros distribution of ZSJL in North Korea, Somalia and Antarctica, it should be dropping in the United States soon after.
  9. I have to agree and it was a huge surprise seeing it since it’s omission is so bewildering. Another huge cut on this level was the world ending tidal wave in The Abyss Special Edition and the subsequent events that gives us a meaningful ending instead of an ambiguous one.
  10. I was also thinking, how awesome would this have been if James Gunn wrote the screenplay while Snyder directed? The Dawn of the Dead crew should have stayed together for Army. Missed opportunity.
  11. I was a cheerleader for this for a long time. I’m disappointed. There was some greatness to be had but the ball was dropped. The story has issues. It was a big fun action movie with lots of potential but some big dumb moments pulled me out of it. Also the side quest of finding the mom was just bad filler. No character development and no reason to care about her. I also heard all this praise for the chopper pilot and I thought she was ok. Just fine. I was expecting more from the hype. The heist aspect of the movie was also rushed. Didn’t feel like a heist movie. And the usage of the term zombie felt weird and overused as opposed to it never being said in Dawn of the Dead. That’s an unwritten rule. You can only say zombie in a comedy. Like Zombieland. Ok, good stuff: apocalyptic Vegas was awesome. Just incredible. Not quite at the level where it becomes a character like Tim Burton’s Gotham City though. I wish there were more exterior shots/scenes. Bautista showed he has potential. Hardwick did a great job as well. 2004’s Dawn of the Dead was much better. But Army was a spectacle. I’ll still buy it. But man I wish the story was fleshed out better.
  12. Honestly, I would have preferred the spotlight on just Captain Marvel with a focus on her story (a better story I mean) under new direction. The origin is out of the way now so let’s get right into the heavy stuff. Marvels sounds like it should be a Disney+ TV series and not a movie.
  13. I wouldn’t know about the current gen. I would like to return to console gaming though.
  14. It’s as petty as Apple vs Android and Xbox vs PS. Grown men acting like children because the internet gave them a platform. I have trashed both DC and Marvel movies here because I don’t have blind brand allegiance. I love comic book movies, starting with Superman 1 in the theater to Blade to Batman to Iron Man.
  15. Kim Coates is underrated, I’ll check it out.
  16. I’ve got high hopes for this one. This could work for me because I wanted something different than Nolan and Snyder. Nolan is still the bar with a real world hero while Snyder gave us the comic book hero. What no one has given us is the worlds greatest detective. The only negative I see is introducing too many characters that each deserve a solo shared story/spotlight with Batman. This one would have been fine with just Batman tracking The Riddler as a serial killer in a Gotham that’s portrayed well enough to be a main character.
  17. 😮 Is that an egg? And if I were on your nuts, you would know it.
  18. Glad you are defending that butt, Brie would hold you in high regard.
  19. The acting and conversation between the soldiers driving was syfi-channel lame. I loved the serious grim nature of the opening to Dawn of the Dead. But when the credits and song hits, that worked. Worked perfectly. Loved every second after that.
  20. Oh ok, I get it. I don’t see how people can hate on Zack Snyder. Even if you don’t like his movies, he seems to be a genuinely nice guy. Went through a personal tragedy and donated quite a bit and raised even more for suicide prevention. One of the few guys in Hollywood I’d like to meet and have a beer with. Gary Sinise is another.