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  1. I didn’t say they should have made that Black Widow movie after Endgame. I said after The Winter Soldier. And no, that creative teams “thing” was not Captain America. I think they have a few more things in their creative envelope. And please don’t try to sell “A woman was destined” to do anything or even a man for that matter. How about the best person for the job? (As long as its not an old white dude, right?)
  2. Will see this on Monday afternoon. Waiting for some of the riff raff to clear out.
  3. Man, Disney was the dream growing up. Until I turned 12. What kid didn’t want to go to Disneyland in the 80’s? I took my young daughters some years back and could not believe how expensive it was. If you actually want an experience for one week, you can scrap your plans on buying a used car or remodeling your home.
  4. The real star of that movie was his Airstream which housed his comic book and art collection.
  5. The Russo’s did four Marvel movies? I think. Including my favorite from Marvel, The Winter Soldier. So thats a shame. I’m a broken record but in a perfect world, the Russo’s would have wrote and directed Black Widow as the next movie after Winter Soldier. The timing and tie-in would have given us something special and could have added more impact to her future sacrifice.
  6. Love the double standard to fit their narratives as well. @therealsilvermane posts about Dune being a “massive borefest” after the metacritic reviews are posted. He praises Shang-Chi though which has a lower critical score. As for me, I plan to watch both movies and will hopefully enjoy them both. Then I will post my worthless opinion on what I have actually viewed.
  7. The quality and entertainment value of this show is surpassing most comic book movies I’ve seen in the last few years.
  8. They better not F this up. I’ll be first in line to see it and first online to trash it if Ali don’t own it like Snipes did. Its going to be a hard sell.
  9. Yes, thats what all those reviews just said. You are spot on. But didn’t you say that Dune would save the movie theater industry? I’m pretty sure that was you.
  10. Alien 3 Assembly Cut is great! Even with the unpolished effects. That’s as close as we can come to the directors vision since he refused to participate. The Assembly Cut was put together based on his notes along with the footage not used in the theatrical release. On Predators, I thought it was a fun time in the theater. I rewatched it once or twice at home years later.
  11. I have watched this movie three times on HBOMAX since it was released in March. For me, thats a lot in a short period of time. I watched it in color once and the Gray version twice. Gray is my preferred version now. I have also watched just the single scene of Flash in the finale (you know the scene) probably ten times and wish that I could have seen it in IMAX. I’ve only seen Whedon’s cut once and hated it so much I think it still managed to taint Snyder’s version for me on a small level. There are still several Snyderish scenes I really did not like in his version and some scenes which were fine but did not belong or maybe should have been included at a different point in the movie. All in all, while the movie did not seem long to me at four hours, I could chop 30 minutes of scenes (including that entire 15 minute epilogue scene with Joker followed by Martian Manhunter). The movie should end as the narration says “The time is now” as Clark turns into the alley and opens his shirt. That would be a lean cut for me and near perfect JL movie. I would still want to see those epilogue scenes in the Special Features or extras but they did not belong in the actual film. I believe this movie will stay on HBOMAX indefinitely (correct me if I’m wrong) since its an HBO release and not a WB release. Wouldn’t this be considered an HBO exclusive as they ponied up a lot of the dough? I’m still planning on buying a digital copy on iTunes because I may not keep HBOMAX after my year is up.
  12. I don’t hardly use AppleTV+ at all. And yet I have it. Just because its part of my subscription bundle. My daughters can’t live without Apple Music. They finally got me on board. I have the subscription bundle because I want the two Terabytes of iCloud storage for our photos, videos, back-ups, etc. That’s really all I care about. But my girls enjoy the Music and the Arcade. So I would take those AppleTV subscriber numbers with a grain of salt. No one is subscribing to AppleTV+ for AppleTV+. They are getting it in a bundle which saves over buying individual services. I have seen the list of future programming and I believe AppleTV’s content may be impressive in two more years. Right now, you could watch all the good stuff on it in just a day.
  13. No, thats what Kirk said to trick Maltz into beaming him up in Star Trek III.
  14. I haven't been to the movies in a while, I may go see this today before heavy rains from Ida reaches us tonight. This will probably look pretty good on the big screen. Might turn this into a double feature by adding Candyman.
  15. I rewatched The Wrestler quite a few times. Amazing film.
  16. Agreed. Worst three for me: Iron Man 3, Captain Marvel, Thor: Dark World.
  17. He actually said this is how good MCU films are. Based on some sociopath who sat and watched the same film over and over and over. Can’t argue with that logic. If you do, you’re a hater of Brie Larson. I believe I’ve already stated I’m rooting for her and a good performance under new direction.
  18. Yeah it was super cheese. However, the effects at the time were extremely impressive. We are talking about a movie thats almost twenty years old. God, is it that old already?
  19. Sooo, looks like The Suicide Squad thread got locked because of some guy hanging hog in the movie? I’m sure he would be flattered knowing there was discussion of his junk here. And who was the prude calling it X-rated? Better stay away from beaches in France.
  20. Let’s see, I wasn’t a fan of Arrival but it still came in under two hours. But Blade Runner 2049 was great at a little over two and half hours. Sicario was fantastic. Besides, didn’t you say that Dune would save the movie theater industry?
  21. I won’t be a hypocrite, I’d sell out my artistic vision if my take home pay was going to double. 😞
  22. Why is she so aloof? I was just watching an interview with Nia DaCosta where she talks about how she likes to write her characters focusing on shaping and making them human to the point you can understand or relate to them. As opposed to trying to tell you why you should like or root for them. Great interview and unlike Brie she is very articulate. If she can rein in Larson and bring out some emotion and personality we will have a great film. I noticed Marvel is not using anyone involved with writing the screenplay or story for Captain Marvel in The Marvels so I’m down to go watch this. The directors were to blame for Larsons poor performance in the first.