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Everything posted by Kevin76

  1. Not me, way too expensive. It'll be interesting to see how huge this Sentinel is and at what price, I'm guessing similar to Galactus.
  2. Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old. Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub. Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price. Someone needs to say it. So it might as well be you? Sure, why not? I feel a certain way and I let it be known, im not one to hide that. Im just trying to let you know, it is honestly getting old. I truley appreciate your contributions to the forum, but your egotistical comments about how you KNEW this or that so LONG ago and trying to convey some type of superiority of picking books is laughable at first and then gets really annoying. Im just one person, maybe I'm wrong. I just felt I should say something. If I came across, or still come across as being mean or rude, I appoligize. Im not one to walk on eggshells. 1) I don't care how you feel 2) I'll say what I want and I don't see you contributing anything to the boards, never said the books I pick are going to make everyone rich, really isn't much out there to begin with 3) see #1 You not careing how I feel has no bearing on whether or not I express myself. You can claim what you want, but the fact is, you are spending a lot of time responding for someone who doesnt care. I dont believe people getting rich off your " picks" was ever a complaint I made. I beleive my post was about how unoriginal your picks are, and then claiming " you picked them first" Or " Long ago" Implying you thought of it first, when in fact all ( most?) of your picks are re-treaded, or even so obvious it's absurd. Fact is, you are right, Xmen Vol 2 # 4 is heating up on ebay in 9.8. It's been going for $65-75 and seems to be heading toward the $85-100 average, at least until more 9.8s become available. The problem I have is how you post it: I told you, I knew it, i called it, I picked it.... ages ago... long ago..i'm the man! It's annoying. I wont take away from this thread anymore, ive said all that needs to be said on this subject. Well if it's annoying then I'll keep doing it! People here seem to think what they do and say isn't annoying either? I am not "friends" here with anyone, I don't talk to anyone here, I don't like anyone here. If someone on here knows me, they get my sense of humor. You actually think for one second what I say on the boards is how I am in person? I am here to make everyone on the board miserable cause these boards are pretty useless and it's filled with overly sensitive basement dwellers who buy SS CGC comics so they can stand in line for 6 hours so they can get a head sketch by the artist they put on a pedestal cause he draws big boobs on Mary Jane / Harley Quinn or some other big breasted female character that isn't real that gets them excited. How's that? Am I being really annoying now??? Don't like it? Get off the internet and go cry about it.
  3. Fairly certain it's her only appearance EVER. Yup, interestingly enough she was created by Dan Slott. People think my predictions are laughable
  4. Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old. Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub. Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price. Someone needs to say it. So it might as well be you? Sure, why not? I feel a certain way and I let it be known, im not one to hide that. Im just trying to let you know, it is honestly getting old. I truley appreciate your contributions to the forum, but your egotistical comments about how you KNEW this or that so LONG ago and trying to convey some type of superiority of picking books is laughable at first and then gets really annoying. Im just one person, maybe I'm wrong. I just felt I should say something. If I came across, or still come across as being mean or rude, I appoligize. Im not one to walk on eggshells. 1) I don't care how you feel 2) I'll say what I want and I don't see you contributing anything to the boards, never said the books I pick are going to make everyone rich, really isn't much out there to begin with 3) see #1
  5. Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old. Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub. Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price. Someone needs to say it. So it might as well be you?
  6. Your " I'm nostradamus" attitude towards every comic that gets hot is getting quite old. Almost every single book that you talk about was hot sometime in the past. This book was hot the day it was published for the same reason its getting hot today, its a first appearance. Big whoop. " I saw this coming" Yeah me too buddy, thats why I bought 10 copies the day they were released.... 20 freaking years ago.... You're a little late bub. Considering there are what.. about a million copies of this book out there, if it continues this pricing in 9.8 it will go down after mass submissions and stabalize around $75. Simply too many copies out there in high grade. Supply in 9.8 is currently lower than it should be, that explains the price. Tell me how you really feel Sorry for trying to help..I promise it won't happen again If you were so smart, you should have bought 100 copies
  7. I saw this one coming ages ago. http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-MEN-4-CGC-9-8-WP-1st-app-Omega-Red-1992-Marvel-/231235716416?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item35d6b90540&nma=true&si=mybcoIrprA2jY0qXOIFjnWJVKo8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  8. I just grabbed these three issues aside from the Lobo mini series today at a show. It was a buck, and I put it down! But I was already over my limit of what I was buying, and I had already cleaned up like a criminal! And I know the seller well, so I'm sure I can grab lots of semi copper keys from him including the Lobos. Would you grab issues 2-4 on the cheap as well? Same question for cloak and dagger.... Sure, What are you risking, a $1? Yessir! What do you guys think on the second prints on key coppers, like NM 87? I've grabbed a few of these for a buck a piece, I think having a much lower print run than the first print we could see some movement on them down the road. I have a bunch of them, they don't sell that well even as slabbed 9.8's only going for around $40, I'd wait until the X-Force movie gets closer.
  9. I just grabbed these three issues aside from the Lobo mini series today at a show. It was a buck, and I put it down! But I was already over my limit of what I was buying, and I had already cleaned up like a criminal! And I know the seller well, so I'm sure I can grab lots of semi copper keys from him including the Lobos. Would you grab issues 2-4 on the cheap as well? Same question for cloak and dagger.... Sure, What are you risking, a $1?
  10. Because most of us saw what happened last time the speculators moved in and things got completely out of hand. I'm happy to sell my extra stuff as always, but what happens later? Who cares what happens later? I'm gonna ride this gravy train till it crashes!
  11. Let speculators speculate, they are the ones buying this stuff. If you have a bunch of comics, you'll complain you can't sell them cause it's all junk, then when something out of nowhere sky rockets in price, you still complain that people are paying crazy prices for the stuff you have a lot of....that's what comic guys do...complain.
  12. There is another from one of these DC animated series comics that is being overlooked....
  13. Just grab every 2nd or 3rd print from the early 90's.
  14. X-Factor 4 and most any early appearances of Apocalypse on the cover should do well. Cloak And Dagger 1 Tales Of The Teen Titans 51, 52 Tales Of The Teen Titans 54 (Deathstroke Cover) Lobo 1 Mini Series (Laugh all you want, if Lobo was to ever make a TV or Movie appearance, expect people to look for this.) Doom Patrol 7 Mystery X-Men book from the 2nd series Ok, That's enough
  15. I want to see them do Darkseid and the rest of the JLA and Batman villains, I'm sure they will, but they might be too busy making more star wars paraphernalia instead
  16. That Lobo looks great, It's by the same guy who did the Apocalypse and Joker statues, which are amazing. I'll have to pass on Lobo though, too many other statues I want before him.
  17. Already had that on my list written down, good pick (thumbs u
  18. I see your point but let's talk about the 1500 9.8's of NM 98, This why I say print runs don't really matter much as long as the demand is there. ASM 300, Hulk 181, NM98 all have big print runs but can't seem to be enough to put a copy in everyone's hand who wants one. Bats 497 won't see that kind of demand but it could "heat up" a bit in a few years. Ask yourself, what was popular back in the early 90's? ASM 361, Gen13 1, Valiant books, Spawn, Youngblood, Death Of Superman, Batman Knightfall
  19. Never said anyone was going to get rich off of these and in fact, I'm willing to bet the entire Knightfall run will heat up in a few years. That 25 year mark is coming up, along with the Death Of Superman. Look at how many Batman 428's are out there? I've seen crazier things happen in comics. Even if Batman 497 only hits $80 in a 9.8, it's still worth it. After ebay fees, Paypal fees, if you can make say $40 a book and sell 200 of them, you're doing alright, How'd you like 200 people to put $40 in your hand? I figured as much. People still buy Spawn 1's for $70-100 each in 9.8's and that had a much bigger print run than the 497 did. Settle down, spaz. "Appears" doesn't mean definitive. And by your typical defensiveness, it APPEARS you have a lot of money invested in this issue, and want to convince yourself that it was a good decision to buy multiples of it. To be 300% honest with you, I don't own this book. I don't see you stepping up to the plate or anyone else making bold predictions. Its just a prediction, I didn't say "Man you guys better stock up, I know for a fact this will take off!!
  20. Never said anyone was going to get rich off of these and in fact, I'm willing to bet the entire Knightfall run will heat up in a few years. That 25 year mark is coming up, along with the Death Of Superman. Look at how many Batman 428's are out there? I've seen crazier things happen in comics. Even if Batman 497 only hits $80 in a 9.8, it's still worth it. After ebay fees, Paypal fees, if you can make say $40 a book and sell 200 of them, you're doing alright, How'd you like 200 people to put $40 in your hand? I figured as much. People still buy Spawn 1's for $70-100 each in 9.8's and that had a much bigger print run than the 497 did.
  21. I tried to tell people print runs don't matter much, as long as people want the book. I just get told i'm stupid but the proof is in the sales
  22. Probably because they keep making them, so they actually have 10 bazillion to sell. That, and because people are suckers. You definitely know some interesting dealers. I have never met a dealer who thinks ONE inquiry = "High demand! Big money! Raise the price!" Actually... maybe one ... Apple makes and sells 10 zillion iphones not because people are suckers, it's because people want them!
  23. I Pre-Ordered Catwoman Exclusive this morning, What was I waiting for? Waiting for it to sell out? I still need Superman, Green Poison Ivy and Green Lantern. Then I'll work on the Marvel stuff I want.