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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I might not be online much over the next week or so, so just wanted to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our little pence loving brethren. Have a good one boys!
  2. Don't worry about it. There's two confirmed copies out there. Maybe I'll get lucky one day if there's a third There was, and I did: I've got all 11 now
  3. I did a write up on these books for Ben's Rare Comics blog the other month, if anyone's at a loose end for something exciting to read: https://rarecomics.wordpress.com/2022/11/07/charlton-canadian-price-variants-cpvs/ I say exciting of course.....
  4. I'm going to answer 68, Eric Within the UKPV cover date range, 68 of an eligible 150 issues exist in pence: Eric, that figure has recently gone up to 69, as I somehow neglected to add this book to my spreadsheet / files: I've been aware of it since the start, breezing past it often on eBay, and was just waiting for a decent copy to turn up for my collection. When it arrived, I spotted that I'd left it out of the confirmed number list all these years! What a wally. Anyway, it was a nice surprise, and we're now up to 223 confirmed Dell UK Price Variants overall I've updated the journal page here.
  5. There's a nice copy of RK #17 on eBay currently, listed by the chap who started the ball rolling all those years ago: I love the 6d cover stamp which isn't present on either of my own two 9d copies: Miller was a bit hit and miss when it came to stamping. A bit rich for me this copy, but a cracking book for someone to grab at some point.
  6. Nice. Not much to report on the AUS front lately. I haven't spotted any new ones for a long time now. Maybe we're getting near the end of the 'what exists' list....?* *That normally gets a new one to pop up pretty quick
  7. @CGC Mike Quick update from the UK jury, Mike. I logged in early this morning and everything was so slow to load that I gave up. I tried again around midday - same story, slow loading and 504 errors. I tried again this evening and had very slow loading then a series of 504s and 503s and a 20m outage (see final image below) slap bang in the middle of an attempted PM dialogue with @Yorick. Thankfully, the PM I was halfway through was restored when the system came back online. Others weren't so lucky - here's an extract from an external communication with a friend who was battling with the site yesterday: "The post it deleted was pretty much all the stuff I posted last night, so you can imagine how pissed off I was to lose all that. It took me this long to find the time (and the will to live) to gird up my loins to do it all again." Mike, it looks like the problems aren't anything to do with attempts to load updates as you said the IT team had shelved them until next year and yet today has been awful. So it looks like this might be the norm until they do those updates, or find an alternative solution to whatever the problem is. Either way, the site was pretty much unusable for me again today and it has been that way for most of the last 2-3 weeks. Hope this helps and I hope the tech team find a cure soon Desktop: Mobile: No posts for 22 minutes just now, indicating that the site was likely down for all users:
  8. Back to newsagents and the like, I only recall buying my comics as a kid from my local corner shop (the UK weeklies) and then second hand from Rodneys, a toy shop in Barking where I lived. That became a proper comic shop so I graduated on from there. Everything else was from comic shops and fairs in town - I don't ever recall buying Marvel comics - original or UK reprints - from Woolworths, WH Smiths or anywhere like that. And never from an actual newsstand. Too young to have caught the likes of these:
  9. Here we go: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/471133-the-distribution-of-us-published-comics-in-the-uk-1959~1982/?do=findComment&comment=11736984 https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/320610-list-of-comic-books-seen-in-movies-and-television-shows/?do=findComment&comment=11722688 I can't remember what we concluded now!
  10. We pulled it to pieces a while back - either in this thread, or somewhere - to see how the books matched UK arrival expectations.
  11. "Mum! I'm just popping down to Gays" "OK Dear" We called them sweetshops in my day
  12. Who would you have to have been priced out of to consider paying up for Liefeld?
  13. Have you tried pulling their hair Mike? Or calling them names? Rotter, maybe. Or smeldo? Was it the attempts to put the update in that was causing the outage issues, or was the update trying to fix them?
  14. Ah, that will be better, if you're right. I thought the update was needed to fix the issues but maybe I got that wrong. You lose track after a while, don't you. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to remind people how important the place is to some of us every now and again does it. Here's to a 504 error message / buffering free Christmas!