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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. It's present on other copies, just some movement of the plates during printing, so no:
  2. Indeed. Add to that that the OP stated that CGC "even made my page tear look better when they re-slabbed it by placing the white part behind the other portion". If that is true: CGC missed the tear the first time and graded the book a 9.6 They then sent it out with a large, visible piece of plastic in the case On return, they removed the plastic, reset the tear to look better, and then sent it out again, still as a 9.6. I of course understand why Mike would want to protect the QA Manager from the possibility of having a difficult time here, were he to come forward with an update on his progress. But that is the guy's job, it's what he's paid for. I would've thought he would welcome the chance to communicate with us, if not directly about this case then in general to tell us what steps he had taken to improve matters since his appointment six months ago. Most of us here are adults, will cut CGC a lot of slack and show understanding of the position they are in operationally as they struggle with volumes. But avoiding responsibility and high handed communication doesn't help matters.
  3. What a depressing read this thread is, when you stray into it. I don't submit to CGC, so try to stay out of commenting here. But as a regular poster on the forum, you can't help but look at these examples from time to time, and want to say something. I do have some books that I would like to submit one day, but this thread doesn't half put you off. @CGC Mike Mike, back in May you announced that CGC had recruited Michael Saucerman as Quality Assurance Manager. I may have missed it, but I don't recall him ever posting on this site. Stan Lee once coined the phrase "With great power, comes great responsibility". Would it be unreasonable to ask you to invite Mr Saucerman to come onto the forum and explain this one example to us and, crucially, what steps he might be taking to ensure it doesn't happen again? We can be reasonable people, and accept that mistakes happen. But this example appears to indicate a willingness to consciously do the wrong thing, i.e. reslabbing a book as a 9.6 when a pre-existing tear was noted on the return viewing, as evidenced by Circuitryusa's comment that it was tucked in to stop the white part showing. Or is he making that part up? Either way, some general commentary from the QA Manager might be nice to see here, if indeed not the minimum one might expect, now that he has been in place for six months.
  4. That's a cracking freebie, Mec, and quite a tough issue to find in pence. I love the slight miscut showing at the bottom
  5. Very irresponsible, wasn't it. Someone ought to have told him that with great power, comes.... hey, hang on a minute...
  6. It's been mentioned once or thrice.... https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/411880-marvel-uk-price-variants/?do=findComment&comment=10521388
  7. Biddi-biddi-biddi! It's funny when you get something wrong as a kid isn't it, and then discover it later in life. There are so many songs I will always sing wrong, whether I know it or not.
  8. Thanks Lion. I feel I have a lot more to say on this, and follow up questions about your reply, but I don't submit to CGC so I'll leave it to others to challenge the merits of the policy - if indeed there are any!
  9. And yet we can't ask them not to slab the comic below as 'Brave and the Bold #28' (and as the '1st appearance of the JL'!) : This is CGC all over, isn't it. Clear as mud, and inconsistent.
  10. So if I've got an otherwise 9.4 looking book, with 3 hole punch holes in it, I can ask CGC to either: Grade it as a Qualified 9.4 Grade it as a Universal 9.4 less whatever points they think the damage equates to (6.0 or something) Is that right?
  11. You actually bought one? So in the book, what specific policy determines whether a hole-punched book will be a Universal Blue or a Qualified Green? What does @THE_BEYONDER mean when he says "You can request a blue label for the missing stamp I believe, the same as you can with the 3 hole punchers."?
  12. I've seen the shilling one on Gold Keys a few times - and Dells, I think - but I don't think I've a copy with that 10d saved anywhere.
  13. For fun, would you raise a question in the 'Ask CGC' forum, to clarify what their position is, Lion? They tend to delete mine.
  14. I just updated the 20p missing cover month work I did in that post above (three years ago - doesn't time fly!) to include the subsequent 20p UKPV finds. The revised numbers are to the right of the table extract below (cover month no longer shown from September 1981 issues, all in red):
  15. Afternoon In a change from our usual programming, I bring you a book from Alan's personal collection which isn't an Alan Class book at all, but a copy of Charlton's Space Adventures #55, a lovely colourful comic, complete with COA and 'cover proof': I'm not sure what the cover proof is all about as I don't believe Alan stuck this cover onto any of his reprints. The interior content was reproduced, according to the GCD, but not, it seems, the cover. And it's a proof of the Charlton book anyway, not an AC mock up (which would've been cool, wouldn't it, if was never used or something). Nice though, isn't it
  16. Dagnabit! If I could only start these things as strongly as I finish them - one point in that last round! Well done @Funnybooks. Stop reading them, will you, and give the rest of us a chance Huge thanks to FTG for a really enjoyable contest @frozentundraguy - a great diversion from all the carp in the world, and thanks also to @flashlites for the tables. And to @Cushing Fan for graciously finishing below me, and making me feel better about my grading skills. See you next time gang!
  17. Thanks Albert, that all seems to fit the theory. You seem to have bought them around 7-8 months later than they would likely have arrived naturally in the UK, were they produced as UKPVs. The out of step DD #29 was on sale in April in the US, so if we take a 3 month window for UK arrival, then it makes sense that the DD #29 would arrive in July/Aug in the UK, along with the 'late' UKPV hiatus copies. I think! Might have to map that out to be sure. Possibly Goldstar made the request around April, having noted the Oct-Dec UKPV gaps, and 3 months shipping later they all arrived. The fact that you purchased them in batches also supports the theory that Goldstar had them sent over in one order, with all those other stragglers. I'll double chcek the latest cover date on the other publishers later today, to see if that theory still holds. Where did you buy them, specifically, can you recall? The same outlets as you would have the UKPVs / T&P stamped copies? Also, if you bought them oop North, all at 10d, that also supports the theory that the shillings maybe went down south to the richer folk?
  18. Guys, what do we think was going on here then with these UKPV gap issues? The fact that all the second UKPV hiatus issues can be found in multiples with the 10d oblong / circular shilling stamp present is a clear indication that someone noted the UKPV absence and filled it. The distinct absence of other issues seems to indicate that the primary focus was just to fill that gap. The additional issues that we've found dotted about indicate that the stamps were applied to other issues around the main UKPV gap, but not in sufficient numbers to indicate anything systematic. As for the little gaggle of Daredevil #29s, and the apparent absence of stamped copies for the issues in between it and the hiatus issues of 21/22, do they not indicate that the hiatus filler issues must have come to the UK very late? Why would someone go to the trouble of importing the missing Daredevil UKPV issues in a timely date manner, and then waiting six months to do it again just for issue #29? That makes no sense. What makes sense to me is that someone noted the UKPV Oct/Nov/Dec 1966 gaps and arranged to fill them in one hit some time after the date that the books, as UKPVs, would've landed in the UK. That's why we see DD #29 as well, and the other books. Maybe the deal was struck six months or so after the natural arrival date, and the missing UKPV issues were sent over along with 'some other stuff' as a sweetener or whatever. If I'm right, to the UK collector, those UKPV gaps would have stayed gaps for half a year and then one day the missing issues would suddenly pop up (where, we do not know). Goldstar must've been very confident that they would sell. And why have two stamp types, one 10d and one shilling concurrently? North/South divide pricing, perhaps? Or could they have done it in two waves? Whaddyathink?