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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I went cross-eyed looking for these the other week. 79 and 94 start to play tricks on you in the end, and you think you can see the stamp in the brickwork, the Prowler's cloak, your breakfast.....
  2. Someone should etch those credits into the wall one night, see if anyone notices....
  3. I missed this. Nice. What issues are outstanding now? We must be due another recap.
  4. That explains it, why people are always telling me to 'get lost'
  5. I've posted here before that I used to contribute artwork to the fanzine Doctor Who Bulletin which started way back in 1984. I picked up my copy of issue #1 in Forbidden Planet for, as I recall, 45p. I sold my copy for about fifty quid about ten years ago but have always maintained an interest having been a regular contributor. Anyway, a seller listed a copy last month on eBay, which I watched, and it went for a whopping £438 quid Not bad for a photocopied piece of 40 year old fan related bumf. Then, a second seller decides to have a go - possibly influenced by the prior sale but, likely disastrously, fails to add the word 'bulletin' to their listing. It goes for a comparatively paltry £52 (about the same as my copy ten years earlier): There are two morals to this story: Don't sell things ten years too early When you do, always quote the flippin title! Here endeth the lesson. Oh, and there's a proper Doctor on the way. About time.
  6. It's pleasingly firm, ak47po, an observation that all good MJI collectors will understand
  7. I've just received my 'grades in' email response from FTG, and for some reason the emoji he included is prompting me to post this musical interpretation of how I think my contest is going:
  8. I always loved this issue and how the creator credits are etched into the wall on the splash page Thwipp!
  9. Living things aside, is there anything better in the world than a gleamingly bright, high grade Ross Andru Spidey Mark Jewelers Insert copy? I say thee nay!
  10. Another western picture cover, picked up yesterday at the London fair: It's a nice clean copy, and the artist seems to have taken the same approach of copying the same picture of Richard Boone in every second panel, much as I noted in an earlier post about Gene 'Bat Masterson' Bradley: Compared to my other UKPV collecting exploits, the Dell pence collection is growing very slowly but, I'm happy to say, very steadily...
  11. I picked up a second Miller copy of Gunsmoke Western #61 at the fair yesterday: As well as being an upgrade condition-wise, it also had a nice Miller cover price stamp, which my other copy doesn't have: Although I have a full set now of the Miller Marvels, I do like to find a copy with the Miller cover stamp as it 'completes' the picture, so to speak, and sets the issue aside visually from the US regular copies. I have a non-Miller copy too, so it's easy to see that at least one of my copies is a Miller! I also picked up a second Miller copy of Rawhide Kid #22 - here are my two copies, side by side: Not a bad comic to have a duplicate of, is it, regardless of internal Miller variations. I've yet to find a copy of this book with a UK cover price stamp - as well as my two copies, I have multiple Miller examples saved in the files and they all appear to have evaded the stamp. I've speculated on this before, but it does make you wonder how and why they got through unstamped, and how the retailers priced them (if indeed they ever received them). Anyway, two lovely books and always a pleasure to add nice additional copies to the collection
  12. Afternoon I was at the London Comic Fair yesterday and had been mooching around for over an hour and a half when I spotted a box on the floor of a seller in the corner with Spider-Man Comics Weekly #1 sitting at the front. Bear in mind that the fair had been on for over an hour and a half at this point - plenty of time for the book to have been observed multiple times and snaffled. Anyway, my arm starts to move towards it and is promptly beaten by another arm which appears from behind me faster than a fast thing from fast town, fastville. The owner of said arm snaps up #1 and 2 in what looked like very nice condition for - wait for it - a pound each. I muttered something along the lines of "A POUND EACH!" and the seller shrugged and said they'd been there all day. You can't win em all, can you. Anyway, as the gleeful new first issue owner made his lucky escape, I picked up issues 4 & 5 - Jack Lord only knows why he left them behind - for a bit of nostalgic reading. Here they be, both 5p: They're nice, aren't they. I had a big run of SCW back when I was a kid - they were my introduction to Spidey, and I loved them. A lot of people say they don't like the red coloured internal pages: How could you not like that, even with that lousy grainy camerawork from me? One of the good things was the comics were magazine sized, so everything was BIGGER. Again, look at this page and marvel at it (heh, heh): As well as the interspersed alternative UK only covers, you would often get nice little bonuses inside like these: All the power of electricity is his! And look at this back cover - a riot of colour with a u, and the chance to join the UK branch of FOOM!: Fifty pee...... The tokens can be an issue, with the old UK weeklies, often going missing in the same way that the US MVS's would and did: No bother here though - Doc Ock Intackt: And here's a proper full colour back page, none of that red only lark: Thor was boring, wasn't he. In the comics at least. I see thee nay and thrice nay, I hear you cry. Anyway, not the #1 & 2 that another 15 seconds would've secured me, but a fun trip down memory lane all the same - and all for two Alans. See ya
  13. For as much as it pleases the wider participants of this, the 'late fall' grading contest, run most ably by the board member 'frozentundraguy', lower case f, who, incidentally, sports a rather fun board avatar depicting, albeit in a lower resolution than perhaps might be advised for a black and white image on a chat forum in the twenty-first century, a picture of the fictional comedic character 'Inspector Clouseau', the role made famous by the late and much missed 'Peter Sellers' - a performance, one might add, superior in every respect to the shameful attempt by the long since unfunny 'Steve Martin' to replicate that which could not actually be replicated were one to stop and think just for a moment as to what one was doing - I thought it best to follow the long standing board contest tradition - namely, the statement to the wider group that one's grades are 'in' - by doing in fact, just that, and stating through the medium of this 'post', as which they are commonly referred in online parlance, that, after long and careful consideration of the images provided by lower case frozentundraguy, and with all due consideration to my quite frankly lousy position on the post-opening round leaderboard, my grades can be considered by the common considered majority to be, in fact, 'in'.
  14. Sorry, but following her first romantic encounter with the post-op Peter Porker, Cynthia is not yet in a position to be able to sit at the computer to compose a fitting reply. Parker, sorry.
  15. Ha! I rarely estimate against tradition but that equaliser! My thoughts went around it and that was before convention applied to it!