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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. There are a few. Many MJI copies have a small star shaped cover stamp. And pulled out staples could indicate removal. Staple location itself is a factor too - some MJI copies are in a different location on the spine: Not sure about incomplete inserts though (insert present but part of it is missing). Logic says Green label, but I don't know what CGC would do.
  2. I've had these printing discussions in a few threads now - here's a recent example of a related scenario, where a price is in colour due to a likely accidental absence of black: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/513170-an-unusual-batman-4-any-explanation/?do=findComment&comment=12527295 I'd post a bit more on the subject, but I'm away at the moment. Look up my King Comics thread for more ghostly examples, if you can find it.
  3. I haven't been down that alley myself, but @vaillant is based in Italy, I believe - he may know.
  4. Morning Despite searching for Archie UK Price Variants for nearly five years I've only just received confirmation that Archie #109 exists as a 9d price variant. I suppose this serves to illustrate just how scarce the books are. Five years of looking, one inconclusive near miss (see earlier in the thread), and then one solitary copy finally lands at Marwood Towers. That's not to say it has any particular monetary value of course, as I do seem to be the only one actively pursuing the Archie UKPV set and seeking to establish what exists. Anyway, here it is: One interesting thing I spotted is that the 9d price appears to be printed over the original US 10c price which is still faintly visible as a ghost outline: I've seen this before, on King Comics and others, but this is the only example within the Archie UKPV run that I've found. I like to see things like this, the little printing quirks which betray the origins of the book and which, in this case, seem to underline that the book came from the same original print run. I've got 25 of the 26 known Archie UKPVs now, but I do expect that there are a few more out there. I likely look closer, and more often, than anyone else alive for these books, and it's taken me five years to find this one. So my old mantra of "if you spend years and years looking, and find nothing, then...." takes a well deserved rap on the knuckles today. Quite right.
  5. By the printers presumably, as there are multiple copies of issue #40 out there showing the same thing.
  6. Have a look on the GCD Robot - the copies look like they are mostly one shilling with only a few 1'3's dotted about: https://www.comics.org/issue/913640/cover/4/
  7. Good spot! Here's a shilling copy: Our old friend the 6d sale stamp: Similar pricing scenario with this Totem: And the shilling Gold Tokens: Ethel just couldn't leave it alone...
  8. Definitely a Tee and Pee, and it's a fairly regularly occurrence to find an already shilling priced book with a wholly pointless additional shilling stamp. I've a few stamped Top Three examples in the files as it goes. Let's face it, Ethel would stamp the Daily Mail if her Manager left his morning copy on her desk whilst stopping to tie his shoe laces. There's probably a T&P stamped cheese sandwich out there somewhere...
  9. Some of their books were distributed in the UK, often with a 6d price vs an 8d price where a home copy also existed. Example here:
  10. Cheers Frisco. I posted it in the Marvel UKPV thread and got nothing. They must've thought it was a stamped cents copy!
  11. Look at this one boys - a fabulous 10d Thorpe & Porter price stamp and a stamped out printed 9d price. Yee-har!
  12. Not the best images, but you can just about make out the stamp on both copies, top right:
  13. With everything said, I do give CGC some credit for at least attempting to slab non-US published books. Whilst I disagree profoundly with their strategy, I do believe their intentions to showcase the books are genuine. It's just a shame that the strategy clouds all the good intentions. It can't be easy dealing with all the different languages though, can it, as the varying spelling attempts here illustrate:. I'm fairly useless at geography and languages myself, but Google tells me that they speak Portuguese in Brasil/Brazil. According to one helpful site, the translation of Os Justiceiros, which CGC label as Brave and the Bold (well, issue #12 anyway), is as follows: As if it wasn't all confusing enough...
  14. So, two new things learned today. First, if you submit a copy of Os Justiceiros #12, and want it slabbed as that, CGC will override your wish and label it as Brave and the Bold #28: Ditto, presumably, any other non-US / international publication which meets their 'Foreign Edition' criteria. That seems a very counter-productive approach to me - dictating how a book will be labelled, especially when the labelling strategy itself is non-factually based and therefore liable to annoy a segment of the market. My reading of the situation is that there are more collectors who disagree with the strategy than are comfortable or indifferent to it. It's a reasonable assumption therefore that CGC's approach will actually put collectors off submitting. The second learning point, for those interested, is that the census will be adapted at some point to "reflect both US titles and Foreign titles". Currently, I can only find a graded issue of Os Justiceiros in the census by searching the US book title that it shares a cover with. If I search Os Justiceiros, I get the following: If I then search for Brave and the Bold... ...I get a list which includes the publisher of Os Justiceiros (Editora Brasil-America): Here is the single entry against it: There will be other entries against the US titles of any other issues of Os Justiceiros which meet the 'Foreign Edition' criteria - Justice League of America #1 for example - but for the time being, searching these books will be difficult. It will be interesting to see what changes CGC make to the census to allow the books to be amalgamated in title groups, and searchable by the non-US titles. And will the exercise be back-dated, I wonder? When that update will come is anyone's guess. The strategy has been live for coming up to two years now and even the announcement, which was delayed many times, is now six months old. I guess we'll just have to watch this space....
  15. I found an image of TGK #75 with a 10d T&P stamp finally: Excluding the non-UKPV bearing Millies and Patsys, RK #43 and TTA #62 are now the only two books in the first UKPV hiatus window for which we have yet to find a T&P stamped copy: