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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That's a shame - there are a lot of glitches unfortunately. I'll add that to the list, if CGC Mike manages to get his meeting of the ground. In the meantime, jump on a desktop, Shaz, and have a search about when you next can.
  2. Cor, I'd love to have seen that. We should have bought and kept everything, really, shouldn't we. I've owned a few of them over the years, but this is the only copy I still have now. It has some nice Andru Spidey reprints:
  3. .....and for those that didn't already know, you can access a member's journal from their profile page, like so: https://boards.cgccomics.com/profile/46697-iconic1s/?tab=node_blog_blog https://boards.cgccomics.com/profile/20763-sauce-dog/?tab=node_blog_blog
  4. Hello Further to my 'Galleries' tub thumping thread a while back... https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/455423-galleries-go-looky/#comments ....I thought I'd bang the drum again for the members who are currently making use of the Journals forum. The Journals software is a bit of a clunky disaster, is littered with formatting and configuration issues, and is hidden away from the main forums list. But there is some great content hiding in there. I wasn't surprised to read the other day that one member didn't even know the Journals existed, as he only accessed the boards from his mobile phone and had never scrolled down that far! There are no visible links at the top of the page on a mobile..... ....and you have to scroll about a mile to be presented with any evidence that the journals exist, so it's easy to see why mobile only users might miss them. We can't have that, can we! On a desk top, the Journals are visible / accessible here, via the broken 'My Journals' access link: ...and here, via the tab to the right of the main forum page if you scroll down: If you click on the main Journals access link at the top of the forum page, both of the two available options ('Journals' and 'All Journals') will take you to one of two landing page options as follows. One looks like this.... ...and is a list of the journals in reverse order of creation. You'll see there is no option to filter them to see the latest posts within them. If you select the 'Organize by Author' option as shown below.... ...you are presented with a second, different layout of the same order of journals but this time with some filtering options ('Sort By' and 'Filter By'): Alas, neither of these filter options allows you to actually order the journals in order of the most recent posts. They include options which do not apply, such as 'Rating' but annoyingly no option for latest posts. Consequently, there is no way that I am aware of to access the latest journal entries other than by observing the 'Recent Journal Activity' to the right of the screen in the above screenshots. On a mobile device, that tab is hidden eight miles at the bottom of the page or via the hidden menu tab. I'm trying to get CGC to do something about this as I suspect what it means is that people aren't visiting the journals area as they have no idea they exist or, if they do, no idea how to navigate them. When we view the main comic forums, it's easy to see the latest post in each of them, and decide which you want to click on and read. You just click on each forum and then are presented with all the latest thread posts, in order. There is no such way of doing this with the journals. So the purpose of this thread is to remind everyone that the journals exist in the first instance and, if they have not already done so, encourage them to visit them using the 'Recent Journal Activity' tabs that exist on the right hand side of the main forum landing page (titled just 'Journals').... ...and on the Journals page once selected (Recent Journal Activity): I spent some time this morning reading part of @Hibou's Digital Staples journal entry, and was amazed to see no reactions or comments throughout despite some really interesting thoughts and content! Please, go and have a look at it, and all the other journals that our members have created since the ill-fated migration from standard forum software. There's some really cool content to be found. I'll keep working on CGC to get some greater visibility for the journals - and galleries - in the meantime. Cheers
  5. I'm going to answer 68, Eric Within the UKPV cover date range, 68 of an eligible 150 issues exist in pence: https://boards.cgccomics.com/blogs/entry/4901-dell-comics-uk-price-variants/ Is this about your Looney Tunes Dell quest? Here's my Peter Gun - the first known pence FC - and a rare CGC slab in the collection: Old school "U.K. Edition" labelling (), but Newton Ring free!
  6. And as we know, Daphers, they can contain some rather nice surprises.....
  7. Further to my earlier Skunky post (get your jokes in now)... ...another one of the coverless Century Publications books is Zor The Mighty #2 which is noted on that online image I found above. Here is my copy: The indicia for this one says the book was printed in Canada and published by Century Publications, c1946. No UK distribution reference or cover price this time. The source for this book is the Canadian (Bell Features) Jungle Adventures #10. I don't have a copy of that, but I did find these images on the Bay: (thank you eBay seller) Those internal cover pages look oddly white, don't they. The coverless UK bound Skunky turned out to be a full reprint of the guts of the US Funland #1. This coverless Zor however seems to be a quite different proposition. First up, you can see that the indicia on the coverless version has been removed, but is still partially visible, on the guts of the Jungle Adventures #10 splash page: In a similar vein, the Century Publication circular logo, present on the coverless copy, has been removed from the Jungle Adventures copy, making it look like a second moon: Here are the GCD notes for both comics: Taking everything into account, it looks to me like the coverless guts were printed first. Then, copies of those guts had the logo and indicia removed, and a cover then attached. That indicates that the coverless copy was the starting point. The GCD advises that the coverless copy was made available to the UK, but there is no indicia reference this time (as there was with Skunky) and I have yet to see a copy with a UK price. That makes sense though, as the covered copy is priced 10c, presumably for Canadian distribution, and perhaps all the coverless copies I have seen came from a warehouse find. Funny old to do, isn't it. I wonder if the Jungle Adventures #10 is itself a reprint of an original US book? I'll get searching.... Next up, the Conquerors!
  8. I think I've probably missed it several times Daphers - it's not the easiest to spot, is it I know. The seller likely based it on some of the US eBay for sale prices. My offer was in line with sold prices. That's happened before actually. Sometimes, your first offer is your best offer. I can understand them holding out though.
  9. Suits him though, doesn't it. There are two versions of SAC #57 - here they are on the GCD, a 6d and an 8d: I have the 6d copy and have been trying for ages to find a copy of the 8d version to make an in-hand comparison but it's clear from online images that the two books originated from different sources so the 6d can't be a UKPV of the 8d. According to the indicia on the back page, my 6d copy was printed by Morrison & Gibb Ltd, of Edinburgh, Scotland: Here's the bloke actually printing it, McTavish, I think his name was..... ...and here's a helicopter view of their estate... My 6d copy is markedly shorter than the 8d copy, and has a different back cover and internal splash configuration..... ...to the 8d copy which is much taller and which was printed in Sydney according to the AusReprints website: All good fun
  10. An unexpected new FC UKPV - Yak Yak (FC #1186) brings us up to 222 confirmed Dell UKPVs: It's on the Bay now at an eye watering price. I made a reasonable offer - two pound twenty two - which was of course declined. Given that it's a UKPV, you'd have thought they'd have added the extra u, wouldn't you, on this two two two.... What are you gonna do!
  11. It's so un-Andru like, isn't it Reggie, and I must confess to not liking it, inked or otherwise. As for what needed fixing, my money's on Gwen's oddly separated knockers.
  12. There's enough examples out there to evidence that that was likely going on to some degree. Do you remember if the shop was maybe selling them second hand? My old shop did that, would buy, sell and reprice customer's old comics, but that was the late 1970s.
  13. In the plotting exercise I did, Action at least changed from the second generation 10d stamp to the shilling stamp with the September 1967 issue (with some crossover):
  14. What a wally I am Told you I didn't know anything about Gold! I actually had Australia in my head when I rattled that thought off. Thanks for the correction, Albert.
  15. You, you...you rotter. To get things back on track, I'm going to have to toss my lucky coin: Oh, that's 'Coyne', isn't it.
  16. Yes, they are aren't they. With the journals, you can't quote the opening entry, only the subsequent posts. It's something I was hoping CGC might look at one day, but I've given up on that now. It's this Yorick: Spoiler alert, it's not a UK Price Variant of this 8d copy: But alas, poor Yorick, that's a story for another day.... (Thanks for reading and commenting though )
  17. Barbie Fashion #34 brings us up to 1,338 confirmed Marvel Australian Price Variants: